Literacy Interventions

Reading Interventions
* Note the assessment for each of the literacy skills, determine the area that student has not met benchmark
Examples of Research Based Interventions
(All blue underlined text is hyperlinked to the appropriate website by pressing control and clicking on the link.)
Phonological Awareness:
*AIMSweb - PSF
 Phonemic Awareness in Young Children (Source for Reading Foundations Activities; available at the Watauga Reading
 FCRR Activities ( )
 Sortegories: Sound Count
Free Reading ( )
 Letterland Activities:
*Kindergarten: Volume 1
Small Group Intervention pages 192-218
Volume 2
Next Steps: Small Group Intervention pages 222-235
*1st Grade:
Small Group Intervention
pages 241-258
Phonics and Decoding (for Reading and Spelling):
*ERSI - Phonemic Awareness, Alphabet
*Spelling Assessment
*IRI/QRI – Word Rec., Accuracy Criteria
*TRC – Accuracy Criteria
 FCRR Activities ( )
 Letterland Activities:
*Kindergarten: Volume 1
Small Group Intervention pages 192-218
Volume 2
Next Steps: Small Group Intervention pages 222-235
*1st Grade:
Small Group Intervention
pages 241-258
 Letter-Sound Drill: Practice in two-directions (sound to letter, letter to sound)
Quick Dash & Guess Who
*Fundations: Drill Sounds & Echo Find
*Reading Foundations materials
 Sortegories: Sort It  Cues for b/d reversals (e.g. make a “bed” with your fists, Letterland characters)
 Intervention Central: Word Supply, Sentence Repeat, Word Attack Hierarchy, Error Word Drill
Word sorts (Words Their Way, Letterland)
 Multi-sensory strategies for irregular words (Fundations, Letterland, trace on a card, look at the word, say the
letters, say the word, close eyes and air write while visualizing, writing letters on textured surface)
Free Reading ( )
Expert Reader
Fluency (Accuracy, Automaticity, & Prosody):
*AIMSweb - All Probes
*DIBELS Next- All Probes
*ERSI – Alphabet, Word Rec. (Basal & Decodable), Concept Of Word
*IRI/QRI –Word Rec., Accuracy & Rate Criteria
*TRC – Accuracy Criteria
 FCRR Activities ( )
 Letterland Activities: Quick Dash, Reading Robot Racers, Tractors Trains Planes & Helicopters
 Fundations Fluency pack
 Language! E reader
 Sortegories: Sort It-Timed
 Repeated readings
 Intervention Central: Listening Passage Preview, Paired Reading, Peer Tutoring Tape assisted reading
 Oral reading with immediate corrective feedback
 Choral Reading
 Reader’s Theatre: Aaron Shepherd’s RT page ; Reader’s Theaters Scripts; The Reading Lady
 Echo Reading
 Mumble Reading
 Quick Reads (Available at the Watauga Reading Center)
 Rapid Word Recognition Generator ( )
Free Reading ( )
The Café Menu ( )
Vocabulary and Comprehension:
*AIMSweb - Maze
*DIBELS Next- Retell
*IRI/QRI – Comprehension
*TRC – Oral and Written Comprehension & Retelling
 FCRR Activities
 Language! E Reader
 Vocabulary Maps, Semantic Feature Analysis, Biemiller Plan, Text Talk (Reading Foundations materials)
 Intervention Central: Advanced Story Maps, Click or Clunk, Main Idea Maps, Question Generation, Reciprocal
 TELLS procedure: Title, Examine, Look, Look, Setting
 SQ3R: Survey, Question, Read, Recite, Restate
 Silly Cats Are OK
Text Mapping ( )
Free Reading ( )
The Café Menu ( )
For Older Students:
 Muskingham College
 Adolescent Literacy (aka Strategy Library
 Cars & Stars
 Just Read Now! (
6 Minute Solutions (Available at the Watauga Reading Center)
Keys to Literacy Comprehension ( )
 ( )