Instructional Plan for Photo editing Bryanna Quade and Jennifer Leahy Grade Level – 8 Content Area – Spanish Goals : Explore a Spanish-speaking country and learn about the culture of that country Create a travel poster by using photo editing in Adobe Photoshop Activities: Day 1 1. Decide on a Spanish-speaking country to explore using the internet 2. Explore different aspects of the culture including cuisine, currency, music, traditions, population, government system and general way of life. Take notes and make sure you have at least 5 facts about the country you chose. Day 2 3. Find several photos containing aspects of the culture and save them to the desktop 4. Choose a photo of yourself to place in poster and save it on the desktop 5. Open photo in Adobe Photoshop: a. Go to Image:Image size. In the "width" box under Document size, change the size to something less than 2 inches. Then do the same in the "height" box. b. Go to Filter and scroll down to the categories with arrows. Choose a filter to add to your photo, i.e. under distort choose "diffuse glow", or under Artistic choose "colored pencil." 6. Save your photo to your desktop 7. Decide into which of your cultural photos you would like to incorporate your picture. Open this photo in Adobe Photoshop. Make sure the picture you choose is larger than the photo you chose of yourself. If you are not sure, go to Image, image size, and make sure the height and width under document size are greater than 3 inches. 8. Click back on your own photo and then click on the clone stamp tool. While holding down the option key, drag your mouse over as much of your picture as you would like to clone. Keep in mind that this will be the same amount that you put into your cultural picture. 9. Click back to the cultural picture tab. Pick an area of the picture and holding the mouse button down, drag it across the picture until the amount of your picture that you want has been pasted into your cultural picture. 10. Go to file, save as, and save the picture under a new name on your desktop. If you have time, feel free to edit other photos for your poster. Day 3 11. Open a Powerpoint presentation. Go to file and save as, and save your document to your desktop right away under a name that you choose. 12. Decide how you want to organize your pictures and text on a single slide. Drag your photos from the desktop onto the slide and arrange them as you would like. One of the photos used must be your edited cultural photo with your picture on it. You should have at least 5 photos depicting different aspects of the culture. 13. Once you have your photos arranged (make sure they are small enough to leave room for text to the poster), click on text box and draw text boxes on the poster. Go up to file and save. 14. Type in facts about the country you have chosen. You should have at least 5 text boxes with facts about the country. Photos and text boxes can be arranged however you like. 15. Do a final save on the poster and you're done! Wisconsin Content Standards Addressed D.3. Beliefs and attitudes: Students will identify some common beliefs and attitudes within the cultures studied such as social etiquette or the role of the family E.4. Geography: Students will identify countries, regions, and geographic features where the target language is spoken I.1. Cultural variations: Students will discuss the meaning of perspectives, products, and practices in different cultures K.1. Media: Students will use various media in the language studied for study, work, or pleasure Tech Standards Addressed Creativity and Innovation Students demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge, and develop innovative products and processes using technology. Students: a. apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas, products, or processes. b. create original works as a means of personal or group expression. c. use models and simulations to explore complex systems and issues. d. identify trends and forecast possibilities. Research and Information fluency Students apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and use information. Students: a. plan strategies to guide inquiry. b. locate, organize, analyze, evaluate, synthesize, and ethically use information from a variety of sources and media. c. evaluate and select information sources and digital tools based on the appropriateness to specific tasks. d. process data and report results. Digital Citizenship Students understand human, cultural, and societal issues related to technology and practice legal and ethical behavior. Students: a. advocate and practice safe, legal, and responsible use of information and technology. b. exhibit a positive attitude toward using technology that supports collaboration, learning, and productivity. c. demonstrate personal responsibility for lifelong learning. d. exhibit leadership for digital citizenship. Technology and Operations Concepts Students demonstrate a sound understanding of technology concepts, systems, and operations. Students: a. understand and use technology systems. b. select and use applications effectively and productively. c. troubleshoot systems and applications. d. transfer current knowledge to learning of new technologies. Evaluation Process 1. Did student choose a Spanish-speaking country? 2. Did student have at least 5 pictures and 5 facts about their country? 3. Did the student accurately edit their picture into a cultural picture? 4. Did the student finish the project in a timely manner? Resources Images: at_should_of_been_prespain_i.html Sample