How can ‘false assumptions’ prevent maturity? Include how ‘personal, social, and cultural events or forces’ can create changes in adult behavior more than just our chronological age. There are murderers, a drug addicts and many selfish people. There are people who have a pure heart, donator and many altruism people. There are many different types of people and they are living in same area. In one world, people are living in one world and it is like soft drink and oil and water are mixed in a same bottle. They can’t be mixed unless they change so people are changing to be mixed and this cause different in environment because what people need to change is all different. What people saw, what people felt and how did people act were different. The different experiences caused these kinds of things. Some people are saying that genetic is important but I don’t agree. Genetic effects little bit because if genetic is important, the son should get as same job as his mother and father. I believe that mainly, experience makes who you are. The reason why false assumption happens is all because of the environment in childhood. There is saying “old habits die hard” and there was a research from the brain researcher to find out and explain why old habits die hard. The article is just some part appeared in MIT Teach Talk on November 9 2005. While I was reading this article, I found out some quotes that strongly related to why false assumption happens. One quote is “It is as though somehow, the brain retains a memory of the habit context, and this pattern can be triggered if the right habit cues come back.” Brain retains a memory of the habit context. It means brain doesn’t forget things that people usually do and people usually think because it will retain in a brain. And the reason why it is hard to change false assumption related to this is quote is because, people will be brainwashed by what they are believe in so it is really hard to recognize false assumption and even people realize that what he thought was a false assumption it is harder to change their beliefs. Some ideas, we can figure it out if it is false assumption but there are some ideas that we can’t figure it out if it is false assumption or not. Here are two examples of some obvious false assumption that many people can’t recognize. First false assumption many people think about is murderers are not nearby us. This is false assumption because murderers can be anywhere. If we know murderers are not around us is a false assumption, we can prepare for the murderers such as set a security or prepare a handgun. 0.005% of people are killed by murderers every year. They are killed because they didn’t prepare and it is because they didn’t recognize the murders are not nearby is a false assumption. If they prepare like what they should do and how should they act they could prevent the murder killing them. Second false assumption is people thinking that they will never die. For most people, death is really scary things to face. Maybe our unconscious prevents people from facing the death. But important things are everyone dies. So people should prepare the death and should die happily with no regret. I can relate this false assumption with Steve Job’s quote. In Steve Job’s speech on Stanford University, there was really awesome quote. “The death is very likely the single best invention of life” This quote is saying that when people face the death, they will get the answer of what they should do. And this quote is also telling people to don’t just avoid the death in another world, even it is too scary, people must see a fact then they can get free from the assumption. Here are two examples of my experience. When I was 14, I thought that I am a happiest person in the world. I am not sure if that is false assumption or not because I was really happy at that time. And also, I think all people are evil and this is somewhat true because people are selfish. They kill animals, destroy nature and also destroying lands and these are facts. Some ideas, people can’t decide if it is false assumption or not. I should decide if it is false assumption or not. What people are saying about false assumption can effects your opinion but it can’t be the answer. People should rely on a fact and also need to think outside of the box to avoid the brainwashed thinking and to be objective. Only we, ourselves can decide if it is false or true assumption. In the article it is talking about how false assumption can effect on people. In this article, it gives us an example of an old woman and saying that she got illness because of her false assumption. I can relate this article with the book I read, “The dreaming Attic”. The main point of this book is when I think vividly, it will come true. It has a strong relationship with how false assumption effects on people. People false assumption is in somewhere deep in their mind so it will be really easy to think vividly and false assumption became true. In my opinion, forever fact does not exist in the world. Everything can change. It all depends on how people accept and think. For example, sea is blue, earth is rectangle, moon is shining by is self, people are not animal was a fact few hundred years ago. Of course it is lie now. May be math are hard, homework is boring, men are strong can be false assumption as well. And later on, maybe 1000yeras later, people can live forever by development to medicine. Nothing remains as fact forever. It is all depends on how people think. People can’t recognize false assumption because something really happened. They experienced false assumption because they had false assumption like the woman in the article. After read this article, I had a question about myself. I thought what I am thinking now might be all false assumption but I will try to distinguish the false assumption and fact according to my experience and that is best way I can do. Maybe best way I can do is a false assumption so I will keep in my mind that everything can be false assumption and I will always try to find better way. How can ‘false assumption’ prevent maturity? This is actually easy question for me. False Assumption always makes people dependent. People think that they can’t do it because of this because of that and they think other can do it because they are smarter and they have something special. This false assumption makes people dependent because they have false assumption that they can’t do it by their own and think that they need always help. This prevents people from maturity. Because they have a false assumption that they can’t do, they will get help all the time and if they get help all the time, they won’t improve so this prevent people from maturity. Personal events are something that you are doing personally. It can be studying, eating, sleeping and so on. Personal events can effects on adult behavior more than just our chronological age because when people are doing personal events, they are doing it because they wanted to and this makes people independent. If people are independent, they will learn how to survive in this world by themselves and this will change the adult behavior. Who knows how to survive in this world so they will have a good relationship with others and to have a good relationship with others, people must change their behavior really nicely. Social events effects on people’s behavior because when we get along with people in our society, people have to change to fit in the society and also have to think about others otherwise they will get kicked from the social group. Thinking about others make people altruism and altruism people behave good for the others. Cultural events are the events that held in a area traditionally. There are many different cultural events and cultural events held quite often, maybe once a year or more. I still remember my experience from my age 16 watching cultural event. The name of event was “Worker cultural art contest” which has exist for 35 years. I didn’t recognize how did that event effects me but actually sometimes I think that my dream becoming a musician started from there. People who was in contest were not special people. They were just normal people and by watch8ing normal people doing awesome, I had confidence that I can do that as well. Cultural events will effect on people’s adult hood’s behavior because cultural events make people get along with together because the purpose of the cultural events are have some fun and continue the traditional things from the past. Forces are will change adult behavior for sure but not in good way. When people are doing something by force, they lost their freedom and also the efficiency of the work will reduce really hardly. It happens to many kids nowadays. Most parents want their kids to be something special and they keep giving a pressure to their kid and many people in my home country actually suicide because of that. And also people who get force all the time will be independent. They won’t know what to do until someone tell them what to do. And also, who get forced to do something has more possibility to give a same pressure to others.