CGWH_Issue 9_Newsletter_May 2014


Center for Global Women's Health Newsletter

University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing

Volume 4, Issue 9, May 2014

Greetings, everyone! I’m sure you are looking forward to a wonderful summer of play, work, and family time. We topped off a strong year this year with our Spring Symposium focusing on the Many Faces of Homelessness. We had an attendance of about 40 people from around the campus and city and are particularly grateful to our Planning

Committee (Drs. Eun-Ok Im, Patricia D’Antonio, and Linda Maldonado and Center Fellows, Elliane Irani and Tim

Sowicz). A huge thank you to our Center Administrator, Ms. Deborah Tiller for her organizational skills and overall support.

We have many exciting events coming up next academic year. Center fellows have asked us to invite back our speakers from three years ago to do another session on Unconscious Bias, and I am working to try to schedule that session in the fall. We need to schedule another retreat during the winter because the landscape of the Center is changing now that our wonderful donors have endowed the Center in honor of Dean Meleis. Thank you, donors and

Dean Meleis!! We’d like your ideas on the topic for next year’s Spring Symposium as well, so please send those ideas to Debbie Tiller at

We will see you in September, ready to go to the next level for the Center.

Best, Lynn

Focus on our Fellows:

Congratulations to Center Fellows Lisa Hilmi and Tim Sowicz on receiving a Jonas Leader Scholarship. Each award provides $10,000 in funding from the Jonas Center for Nursing and Veteran’s Healthcare to use to support their research during 2014 and 2015. Matching funds will be provided by the School of Nursing as part of the usual tuition/stipend funding. They will also attend the Jonas Leadership Conference in Washington, D.C. in 2015 and the

School of Nursing will cover travel and hotel expenses. This is a prestigious award!!! They will have the opportunity to network with Jonas Scholars from around the country

McDonald, C.C., Sommers, M.S., & Fargo, J.D. Risky driving, mental health, and health-compromising behaviors:

Risk clustering in late adolescents and adults. Injury Prevention, epub ahead of print May 9, 2014, doi:10.1136/injuryprev-2014-041150.

Center Fellow Jessica Rearden defended her doctoral dissertation entitled “Examining opportunity for cancer clinical trial participation among under-represented groups”, May 16, 2014. Jessica received her Ph.D. and was hooded by her dissertation chair and mentor Dr. Marilyn (Lynn) Sommers at the School of Nursing graduation May

19, 2014.

Fellow Grant Awards:

Center Fellow Su Kim received a grant from Xi Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau in the amount of $1,000 for her dissertation proposal “Domestic violence and community activism in a Korean American Community”.

Faculty News


Congratulations to Dr. Eun-Ok Im (PI) on receiving the Honorary President’s Grant (ZZRPF3C0011), Chang

Gung University of Science and Technology, Taiwan, “Web-based Physical Activity Promotion Program.” The grant award is $40,000.

Congratulations to Dr. Marilyn S. Sommers (PI) on receiving grant funding for the Ruth L. Kirschstein National

Research Service Award (NRSA) Institutional Research Training Grants (Parent T32) Project Title: Research on

Vulnerable Women, Children and Families; Project Period 05/01/1998-06/30/2019; Awarded for 5 Pre Docs and 4

Post Doc positions. The award is for $2,366,910.

This application is a competitive continuation application, Vulnerable Women, Children, and Families (T32NR007100

Program Director, Marilyn S. Sommers): Scholars Training in Interdisciplinary Methods, Analytic Techniques, and

Technologies (STIMULATE). The overall goal of the application at the University of Pennsylvania (Penn) School of

Nursing is to eliminate health disparities or differences in prevalence, mortality and impact of health problems that occur by gender, race or ethnicity, education or income, disability, geographic location, or sexual orientation. Or primary objective is to prepare scientists to promote health invulnerable women, children, and families through the

"meaningful use" of technology. Trainees develop knowledge and skills in interdisciplinary research methods apply existing and emerging technologies, integrate biological measures, and apply advanced analyses techniques.

Faculty Presentations:

Bradway, C. (2014). Obesity and Continence. National Association of Bariatric Nurses Spring Conference,

Greenville, NC. May 2, 2014.

Bradway, C. (2014). The Morbidly Obese Patient Moving from Hospital to Home or Nursing Home: What are the

Problems? National Association of Bariatric Nurses Spring Conference, Greenville, NC. May 2, 2014.

Chee, E., Chee, W., Lee, Y., & Im, E. O. (2014) The 35th Annual Meeting & Scientific Sessions of the Society of

Behavioral Medicine, “A Web-Based Physical Activity Promotion Program for Korean American Midlife

Women,” Poster Presentation, Philadelphia, PA.

Ham, O. K., Kang, Y., & Im, E. O. (2014) The American Heart Association (AHA) Epidemiology and

Prevention/Nutrition, Physical Activity and Metabolism 2014 Scientific Sessions, “Behavioral Characteristics

Associated with Biomarkers of Metabolic Syndrome Among Overweight/Obese Children in Korea” Poster Presentation,

San Francisco, CA, March 2014

Kang, Y., Han, Y., Chang, S., Chee, W., & Im, E. O. (2014) The Eastern Nursing Research Society 2014 Annual

Conference, “The Midlife Women’s Symptom Index: A Psychometric Test,” Poster Presentation, Philadelphia, PA. (the

2nd winning poster award)

Lee, Y., Teng, H., Ham, O., Kang, Y., & Im, E. O. (2014) The Western Institute of Nursing 2014 Annual Conference,

“Asian American Midlife Women’s Sleep Related Symptoms and Physical Activity,” Symposium Presentation, Seattle,


Lee, Y. & Im, E. O. (2014) The Western Institute of Nursing 2014 Annual Conference, “Development of a Conceptual

Framework for Women’s Experience of Chronic Pelvic Pain,” Poster Presentation, Seattle, WA.

Lee, Y., Chang, S., Chee, W., Chee, E., Mao, J., & Im, E. O. (2014) The Western Institute of Nursing 2014 Annual

Conference, “Depressive Symptoms in Immigrants: Hispanic and Asian Women in the U.S.,” Poster Presentation,

Seattle, WA

Teng, H., Lee, Y., Ham, O. K., Kang, Y., & Im, E. O. (2014) The Eastern Nursing Research Society 2014 Annual

Conference, “Ethnic-Specific Predictors of Sleep Related Symptoms in Midlife Women,” Poster Presentation,

Philadelphia, PA.

Wall, B.M. (2014) Nursing Research in Disasters: The Possibilities and Promises. 2014 Launch of Health and

Emergency Disaster Nursing Journal, Sponsored by the Disaster Nursing Global Leader Degree Program. February

16, 2014, Kobe, Japan. {Invited keynote}

Wall, B.M. (2014) “Historical Roots of Holistic Nursing”, Helen Erickson Endowed Lecture, University of Texas, April

23, 2014. Austin, TX. {Invited Keynote}

Wall, B.M. (2014) The Inaugural Bernard Behrend, MD, Lecture, “Women in the Civil War: Nursing-Professional &

Otherwise”, College of Physicians, April 30, 2014, Philadelphia, PA. {Invited Keynote}

Faculty Publications:

Chang, S. J., & Im, E. O. (in press). Development of a situation-specific theory for explaining health-related quality of life among older South Korean adults with type 2 diabetes. Research and Theory for Nursing Practice.

*Chang, S. J., Chee, W., & Im, E. O. (2014). Effects of the body-mass index on menopausal symptoms among Asian

American midlife women using two different classifications. Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, & Neonatal Nursing,

43(1):84-96. doi: 10.1111/1552-6909.12261

*Chang, S. J. & Im, E. O. (2014). A path analysis of Internet health information seeking behaviors in South Korean older adults. Geriatric Nursing, 35(2):137-41. doi: 10.1016/j.gerinurse.2013.11.005.

Im, E. O. (in press). The status quo of situation specific theories. Research and Theory for Nursing Practice.

Im, E. O. (2014). Situation specific theories from the middle range transitions theory. Advances in Nursing Science,

37(1):19-31. doi: 10.1097/ANS.0000000000000014

Im, E. O. (2014). Diversities and complexities in the health of Asian women. Journal of Obstetric, Gynecological, and

Neonatal Nursing, 43(1):82-3. doi: 10.1111/1552-6909.12264

Im, E. O., Chang, S. J., Chee, W., Chee, E., & Mao, J. (in press). Immigration transition and depressive symptoms:

Four major ethnic groups of midlife women in the U.S. Health Care for Women International.

Im, E O., Ham, O. K., Chee, E., & Chee, W. (in press). Physical activity and depressive symptoms in Four Major

Ethnic Groups of Midlife Women in the U.S. Western Journal of Nursing Research.

*Im, E. O., Ko, Y., & Chee, W. (2014). Ethnic differences in the clusters of menopausal symptoms. Health Care for

Women International, 35(5), 549-565. doi: 10.1080/07399332.2013.815752

Im, E. O., Teng, H., Lee, Y., Kang, Y., Ham, O. K., Chee, E., & Chee, W. (in press). Physical activity and sleep related symptoms in four major racial/ethnic groups of midlife women. Family and Community Health.

Ulrich, C. (2014) Doctors, Hospitals and Dollars. The Opinion Pages. The New York Times

Wall, B.M. (2014). Editorial: Nursing research in disasters: the possibilities and the promises.

Health Emergency and Disaster Nursing, 1, 1-5.

Wall, B.M. (2014). Special contribution: Highlights from the launch celebration seminar of Health

Emergency and Disaster Nursing: Nursing research in disasters, the possibilities and promises. Health Emergency and Disaster Nursing, 1, 6-10.

Wall, B.M. (March 2014). [Review of Across God’s Frontiers: Catholic Sisters in the American West, 1850-1920, by

Anne M. Butler, Journal of the Civil War Era, 4 (1), 139-141.


Dr. Eun-Ok Im was selected to serve as a grant reviewer at the American Heart Association’s Behavioral Science-

Clinical 2 Committee, 2014 Spring Peer Review.


1). Penn Nursing – Center for Global Women’s Health 2014 Spring Symposium. The Faces of Homelessness: A

National Crisis, May 21, 2014, 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Fagin Hall, room 213. Keynote Speaker: Dr. Jamison Fargo,

Associate Professor of Psychology, Utah State University.

Co-sponsored by Dr. Jeanne Ann (JA) Grisso, Penn Nursing & Perelman School of Medicine.

2). 25 th International Nursing Research Congress. Engaging Colleagues: Improving Global Health Outcomes. Hong

Kong, July 24-28, 2014. The Honor Society of Nursing, Sigma Theta Tau International’s research priorities are advancing healthy communities through health promotion; preventing disease and recognizing social, economic, and political determinants; implementing evidence-based practice; targeting the needs of vulnerable populations such as the chronically ill and poor; and developing nurses’ capacity for research. For more information, please email or call 888/634-7575 (U.S./Canada toll free 317/634-8171 (International)

3). The Council for the Advancement of Nursing Science (CANS) - 2014 State of the Science Congress on Nursing

Research, September 18-20, 2014, Washington Hilton Hotel, Washington, D.C. Call for abstracts e-mail due by

March 31, 2014, 11:59 p.m.


4). 7 th Annual Pediatric Global Health Conference. “Exploring the Health Gap: Global Gender Disparities and the

Impact on Girls.” November 3-4, 2014. Colket Translational Research Building, at the Children’s Hospital of

Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA.

5.) International Council on Women’s Health (ICOWHI) Beyond 2015: What will it take? Please note that abstract submission for ICOWHI is available at Deadline for abstract submission is April

15, 2014. The conference will be held at the CapeTown International Convention Centre. Capetown, South Africa,

November 9 - 12, 2014.

6). The International Council of Nurses is pleased to send you the link to the Call for Abstracts for the ICN

Conference to be held in Seoul, Republic of Korea, June 19 – 23, 2015. With the theme “Global Citizen, Global

Nursing”, the ICN 2015 Conference will provide a global platform for the dissemination of nursing knowledge and leadership across specialities, cultures and countries.

The extensive ICN 2015 Conference scientific programme will feature keynote and main session invited speakers as well as a wide range of concurrent sessions including dynamic papers accepted through our highly competitive abstract selection process. To share your ideas, research and expertise on how to provide quality care, improve populations’ equity and access to health care or contribute to further advance nursing knowledge and practice, you are invited to submit an abstract.

The Call for Abstracts provides you with all necessary information to enable you to actively contribute to the scientific and educational content of the ICN 2013 Congress by submitting an abstract on-line at We look forward to receiving your abstract and to seeing you in Seoul in June 2015.
