Mobile Commons Mobile Commons is changing the way that organizations build communities and communicate with consumers. Mobile Commons transforms your outreach and offers companies, health organizations, non-profits, and government agencies simple tools to reach people on the device they use most – their mobile phones. The company runs text messaging-based campaigns that integrate seamlessly into your existing communications outreach, with an easy-to-use web platform. Its Software as a Service (SaaS) works right from your browser to let you run all your communications from a single dashboard: text messaging, telephone calls and the mobile web. Mobile Commons’ platform provides powerful data analysis tools that track every text, click and call, for far-ranging insights about your audience that makes every message a call to action. With Mobile Commons technology, it’s easy to reach everyone, everywhere – and inspire them to take action. The immediacy of mobile prompts amazing response rates and a strong sense of audience engagement. With the company’s tools, everyone you reach feels like part of the conversation. Mobile Commons’ customers are some of the biggest brands and cause-related organizations in the world — including MasterCard, Simon & Schuster, AARP, Capital One, The Humane Society of the United States, and cities like New York and San Francisco. Describe your innovative technology and how it solves a real world problem: Mobile Commons has created a world-class communication platform that blends together the best of text messaging, telephone calls, and the web. Mobile Commons can help you acquire new customers, build relationships and increase your revenues, making it easy to create a text message “conversation” with your target audience. Send organizational communications and breaking news, offer coupons, deliver urgent health information, and much, much more. Mobile Commons’ powerful message targeting allows you to personalize your communications, whether you’re reaching out to a country or a classroom. One way of thinking about Mobile Commons is like Facebook – except instead of friends, you have phones. On Facebook, you can communicate with thousands of friends from one easy web interface. Mobile Commons lets you use its web platform to message and engage millions (or billions) of mobile phone users. Every one of your “users” has a unique profile, and you can keep track of every single way you’ve engaged with them in the past. Sending a message is easy: you just type your message and select what kind of information you want to receive as a response. You can send text messages to your entire mobile list, to select groups within your list, or to a single person. Target your outreach based on demographic data, location, past interactions, or anything else. Send a message just to people who love dogs or only women over the age of 35 who prefer strawberry ice cream. Mobile Commons lets you segment your users and target your messages based on any criteria – demographic data, location, historical behavior, or an infinite number of custom fields. By refining your outreach, you can create more personal relationships with your user base and more powerful calls to action. The real power of text-based communications is not that you can send messages out to your users – it’s that you can ask your users to write back. For news organizations, that can mean getting input and updates from citizen-journalists around the country. But for most other groups, that means learning a lot more about the people you most want to reach. The ASPCA asks its users if they’re “dog people” or “cat people.” finds out what areas of activism its teen audience cares about most. Those groups can message those users around their areas of interest, to better engage them and inspire them to action. Once you know more about your users, you can start to personalize your messaging. The ASPCA can send dog-related messages just to their dog-lover audience. sends activist opportunities that will most engage its members. In addition, Mobile Commons tracks every text, click, or call through its platform. With custom data fields, you can choose the kind of information you want to learn, so there are no limits to what you can find out about your users. A Mobile Commons campaign can build personalized relationships through text messages; it can launch websites on the mobile web; and it can generate millions of targeted phone calls. 99 percent of Mobile Commons’ messages are read – 83 percent of them within 15 minutes. A call to action using SMS can have a 325 percent higher response rate than the same call to action in email. Your messages get through – and the responses are immediate.