WileySD Digital-Only Styles This document is intended to help clarify the proper interpretation of WileySD styles that contain content that is not intended for print, but instead for digital versions of a product. Digital Links Digital Links will consist of at least two parts in WileySD. The character style DigitalLinkAnchorText indicates the exact text that should be linked. The character style DigitalLinkDestination will include in brackets a destination, preceded by the text “LINK:”. The link itself may be: (1) a hyperlink, which will be a URL (2) an internal link (within the chapter or to another chapter within the project), which will be a unique ID such as #Abelac07.8.1.332. In this case, the exact ID can be found elsewhere in the project, and a hyperlink should be created to that location. In print pages, the DigitalLinkAnchorText should be set as regular text unless otherwise instructed. The DigitalLinkDestination should not appear in the print pages. 1) hyperlink to URL Word Manuscript: “that services the building (see the wiki on building code[LINK: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Building_code]). WileyML 2.1- use <url>: <p>…that services the building (see the wiki on <url xlink:href=” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Building_code“>building code</url>).</p> WileyML 3G- use <url>: <p>…that services the building (see the wiki on <url href=” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Building_code“>building code</url>).</p> In Print (do not print link): “that services the building (see the wiki on building code).” ePub use <inlineurl>: <p class =”para”>…that services the building (see the wiki on <span class="inlineurl"><a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Building_code“>building code</a></span>).</p> WileySD Digital-Only Styles updated May 21, 2012 Page 1 2) hyperlink within a chapter Word Manuscript: “In an earlier project[LINK: #Abelac07.8.1.332 ] you created your storyline on a series of S.Co.R.E. cards.” WileyML 2.1 - use <xref>: <p>In <xref target="abela6598c07-fig-0001">an earlier project</xref> you created your storyline on a series of S.Co.R.E. cards.</p> WileyML 3G - use <link>: <p>In <link href="urn:x-wiley:9780470546598:xml-component:w9780470546598c07:c07-fig0001”>an earlier project</link> you created your storyline on a series of S.Co.R.E. cards.</p> In Print (do not print link): “In an earlier project you created your storyline on a series of S.Co.R.E. cards.” ePub - use digitalLinktextanchor and <a>: <p class=”para”>In <span class="digitalLinktextanchor"><a href="chapter01.xhtml#anchorc01_1”>an earlier project</a></span> you created your storyline on a series of S.Co.R.E. cards.</p> (Note: Wiley’s EPUB guidelines do not provide a scheme for creating IDs or URIs. This is an example.) 3) hyperlink to another chapter Word Manuscript: “In an earlier chapter[LINK: #Abelac07.8.1.332 ] you created your storyline on a series of S.Co.R.E. cards.” WileyML 2.1- use <anchor>: <p>In <anchor id="abela6598c07-anc-0001">an earlier chapter</anchor> you created your storyline on a series of S.Co.R.E. cards.</p> WileyML 3G- use <link>: <p>In <link href="urn:x-wiley:9780470546598:xml-component:w9780470546598c07:c07-sec0003”>an earlier chapter</link> you created your storyline on a series of S.Co.R.E. cards.</p> In Print (do not print link): “In an earlier project you created your storyline on a series of S.Co.R.E. cards.” ePub: <p class=”para”>In <span class="digitalLinktextanchor"><a href="chapter07.xhtml#anchorc07_01”>an earlier chapter</a></span> you created your storyline on a series of S.Co.R.E. cards.</p> WileySD Digital-Only Styles updated May 21, 2012 Page 2 (Note: Wiley’s EPUB guidelines do not provide a scheme for creating IDs or URIs. This is an example.) TwitterLink TwitterLinks are references to an individual’s Twitter account that provide a link to that person’s twitter address. They appear as distinguished text with a dashed underline in the manuscript, and should be converted to hyperlinks in digital products. Word Manuscript: “You can find the author on Twitter: @WileyAuthor.” WileyML 2.1: <p>…You can find the author on Twitter: <url xlink:href="http://twitter.com/#!/WileyAuthor">@WileyAuthor</url></p>. WileyML 3G: <p>…You can find the author on Twitter: <url href="http://twitter.com/#!/WileyAuthor">@WileyAuthor</url></p>. In Print (no formatting unless otherwise instructed): “You can find the author on Twitter: @WileyAuthor.” ePub - use inlineURL: <p class=”para”>…You can find the author on Twitter: <span class="inlineurl"><a href="http://twitter.com/#!/WileyAuthor">@WileyAuthor</a></span></p>. PrintOnlyText and DigitalOnlyText Note - Text that is styled PrintOnlyText should appear only in the printed version of the book. Text that is styled DigitalOnlyText should appear only in the digital versions of the text (i.e., ebook and XML). Word Manuscript: “For information on vertical distribution and electrical closets, see page 226click here.” WileyML 2.1: <p>For information on vertical distribution and electrical closets<alternativeText type="print">see page 226</alternativeText><alternativeText type="digital"><xref target="abela6598c07-fig-0001">click here</xref></alternativeText>.</p> WileyML 3G: <p>For information on vertical distribution and electrical closets, <span onlyChannels="print">see page 226</span><span onlyChannels="online"><link href="urn:xwiley:9780470546598:xml-component:w9780470546598c07:c07-fig-0001”>click here</link></span>.</p> WileySD Digital-Only Styles updated May 21, 2012 Page 3 In Print (display only the print portion): “For information on vertical distribution and electrical closets, see page 226.” ePub: include only DigitalOnly/Online content. Exclude the PrintOnly/print content: <p class=”para”>For information on vertical distribution and electrical closets<span class="digitalLinktextanchor"><a id="figureanchor7-1" href="#figure7-1">click here</a></span>.</p> Callouts Callouts may sometimes occur in WileySD manuscript, although it is not a requirement. Text with the character style Callout indicates a text reference to a display element in the book, which could be a graphic, a feature, an equation, etc. Unless otherwise instructed, Callout text should be styled as regular text. 1) hyperlink within a chapter Word Manuscript: “If I captured these thoughts graphically, it might start to look like Figure 2.” WileyML 2.1 - use <xref>: <p>If I captured these thoughts graphically, it might start to look like <xref target="abela6598c07-fig-0002"/>.</p> WileyML 3G - use <link>: <p>If I captured these thoughts graphically, it might start to look like <link href="urn:xwiley:9780470546598:xml-component:w9780470546598c07:c07-fig-0002”/>.</p> In Print (no formatting unless otherwise instructed): “If I captured these thoughts graphically, it might start to look like Figure 2.” ePub - use <a>: <p class=”para”>If I captured these thoughts graphically, it might start to look like <a id="figureanchor7-2" href="#figure7-2">.</p> 2) hyperlink to another chapter Word Manuscript: “For more discussion on this topic, see Chapter 8.” WileyML 2.1- use <anchor>: <p>For more discussion on this topic, see <anchor id="abela6598c08-anc-0001"/>.</p> WileyML 3G- use <link>: <p>For more discussion on this topic, see <link href="urn:x-wiley:9780470546598:xmlcomponent:w9780470546598c08”/>.</p> WileySD Digital-Only Styles updated May 21, 2012 Page 4 In Print (no formatting unless otherwise instructed): “For more discussion on this topic, see Chapter 8.” ePub: This is not part of Wiley’s standard specifications for EPUB. If it is requested, use the following: <p class=”para”>For more discussion on this topic, see <a href="chapter08.xhtml#anchorc08_1”/>.</p> (Note: Wiley’s EPUB guidelines do not provide a scheme for creating IDs or URIs. This is an example.) KeyTerm and KeyTermDefinition A KeyTerm may appear with or without a corresponding KeyTermDefinition. The character style KeyTerm indicates a term that should usually be formatted a special way in the text. (Note: though the WileySD style uses italic, that may not be the desired final output. Please check the design with your production contact.) KeyTerm may also indicate text that should link to a definition in electronic versions. The character style KeyTermDefinition will include in brackets a definition, preceded by the text “TERMDEF:” This indicates a definition to the term styled by KeyTerm. The definition text should not be set in print. However, it should be captured in XML and the ebook. Word Manuscript: In the visual arts, style[TERM-DEF: a distinctive manner which permits the grouping of works into related categories or any distinctive, and therefore recognizable, way in which an act is performed or an artifact made or ought to be performed and made.] refers to the visual appearance of a work of art that relates it to other works by the same artist or one from the same period, training, location, "school" or art movement. WileyML 2.1: <p>In the visual arts, <term def="c02-tdef-0001"> style<term> <termDef id="c02-tdef0001" hidden="yes">a distinctive manner which permits the grouping of works into related categories or any distinctive, and therefore recognizable, way in which an act is performed or an artifact made or ought to be performed and made.</termDef> refers to the visual appearance of a work of art that relates it to other works by the same artist or one from the same period, training, location, &ldquo;school&rdquo; or art movement. WileyML 3G: <p>In the visual arts, <term definitionRef="#c02-tdef-0003"> style<term> <termDefinition xml:id="c02-tdef-0003" hidden="yes">a distinctive manner which permits the grouping of works into related categories or any distinctive, and therefore recognizable, way in WileySD Digital-Only Styles updated May 21, 2012 Page 5 which an act is performed or an artifact made or ought to be performed and made.</termDefinition> refers to the visual appearance of a work of art that relates it to other works by the same artist or one from the same period, training, location, &ldquo;school&rdquo; or art movement. In Print (do not print definition): In the visual arts, style refers to the visual appearance of a work of art that relates it to other works by the same artist or one from the same period, training, location, "school" or art movement. ePub: This is not defined in Wiley’s EPUB specifications. Speak to Production Manager to create customized EPUB. Digital Placement Slug A Digital Placement slug would appear when an alternative version/placement of an image should be used in digital versions of the text. For example, if a color insert contained color images for a print version that were referenced in body text, but for the digital version, those images should just be placed directly into the body text. Word Manuscript: DIGITAL VERSIONS ONLY: Insert Plate [c01f001c.tif] WileyML 2.1 - note that link may be identical for print and for digital images, so ensure correct image is used: <figure id="a9781118175446c01-fig-0001"> <graphic xlink:href="file://image_a/afg001.eps" copyright="John Wiley &amp; Sons, Inc." eRights="yes" pRights="yes"/> <caption><p> Model to compare a white noise process to a random walk </p></caption> </figure> WileyML 3G - note that link may be identical for print and for digital images, so ensure correct image is used: <figure xml:id="c01-fig-0001"> <mediaResource href="urn:x-wiley:9781118175446:media:w9781118175446c01:c01f001c" alt="image"/> <caption>Model to compare a white noise process to a random walk</caption></figure> In Print (color image should not appear) WileySD Digital-Only Styles updated May 21, 2012 Page 6 ePub: use figure and caption <div class="figure"> <p class="figurecaption"><span class="bold"><a id="figure1-1" href="#figureanchor1-1">Figure 1-1:</a></span>Model to compare a white noise process to a random walk</p> <img src="images/f0101.png" alt="image description"/> </div> WileySD Digital-Only Styles updated May 21, 2012 Page 7