Grant Application

Austin Creative Classroom Fund (ACCF) Application for Funds
2013-2014 Funding Cycle
DUE Friday, March 22, 2013
Thank you for applying to the Austin Creative Classroom (ACCF) Fund.
The ACCF Fund exists to support the development of arts-rich schools in the Austin Independent
School District and to expand creative learning opportunities for students.
For the 2013-2014 funding cycle, all AISD campuses are eligible to apply, however priority
weighting will be given to applications from:
 Austin ISD elementary schools with an enrollment of more than 60 percent students who are
qualified for the federal free and reduced program;
 Schools officially designated as a Fine Arts Academy (e.g. McCallum Fine Arts Academy, Lamar
 Teachers may also form partnerships with community arts organizations to apply for funding
(but the grant application must be submitted by the school);
 Priority campuses may also form partnerships with other campuses.
Any teacher making an application must obtain an authorizing signature from his or her principal.
Funding Categories (Please check one.)
By offering supplemental resources to targeted campuses, the fund offers schools three ways to expand
creative learning on their campus (please refer to guidelines for examples and funding restrictions):
Targeted Project Grants (typically $500 - $10,000): Strategic grants funding targeted outcomes
usually modest in scope and scale, often impacting one or more grade levels, subject areas or a specific
subset of the school’s population. These grants are the easiest to apply for and receive with simple postproject reporting requirements.
Creative Catalyst Grants (typically $10,000 – $30,000): Medium scale grants designed to catalyze a
program or an initiative that results in a significant impact for the campus. Typically these grants will
provide the resources to take an existing program to the next level or start an important new initiative.
Successful Creative Catalyst grants will consider sustainability of the project after this grant cycle and be
subject to higher post-project reporting requirements. Typically, only a few Creative Catalyst grants will
be awarded, therefore this will be a very competitive category.
Transformational Grants (typically $30,000 – $100,000): Large scale grants that have the potential
to transform a campus through creative learning. This funding category supports innovative approaches
that have the capacity to improve quality of creative learning for all students at a campus. Successful
Transformational Grants will consider sustainability of the project after the grant cycle and be subject to
the strictest post-project reporting requirements. Only one or two of these grants will be awarded,
making this the most competitive category.
If you have any questions, refer to the guidelines and FAQ posted on
or contact Brent Hasty at
Good luck!
Revised January 27, 2013
Austin Creative Classroom Fund (ACCF) Application for Funds
2013-2014 Funding Cycle
Grant Application
School Information
Requesting Teacher Name:____________________E-mail___________________________/Phone____________
Requesting Principal Name:___________________ E-mail___________________________/Phone____________
(Please provide both email and phone number.)
Project or Program Information
A. Project or Program Title:_____________________________________________________________________
Partnering Arts Organization Name (if applicable): ________________________________________________
Partner Contact (if applicable):__________________________ E-mail________________________________
Proposed Dates and Times (if known): ______________________________________________________________
# of Classes_____________________________
Total # of Students_________________________
Grade Level(s)_____________________________________________________________________________
B. Creative Classroom Goal (please check the most relevant goal for your project):
Increases access and equity to sequential fine arts instruction in music, theater, dance, visual arts or media.
Promotes the use of arts across the curriculum.
Promotes partnerships with community arts organizations and artists.
Promotes quality instruction through professional development or assessment.
Builds community among students, faculty, staff, or community through the arts.
Creates a direct pathway for students to college and career (internships, etc.).
Improves the school’s operations or facilities to support creative learning.
Provides replication and/or sustainability.
C. Type of Grant (Please check one):
Targeted Project Grants (typically $500 - $10,000)
Creative Catalyst Grants (typically $10,000 – $30,000)
Transformational Grants (typically $30,000 – $100,000)
D. BRIEF PROJECT DESCRIPTION (approximately 250 words): Describe the project and how it will help you meet your
instructional or school goals. Please include how this project meets the goals of the Austin Creative Fund in Section B.
E. PROJECT ACTIVITY OUTLINE List the major activities of your proposed project with approximate target dates (if known).
Revised January 27, 2013
Austin Creative Classroom Fund (ACCF) Application for Funds
2013-2014 Funding Cycle
(Example: September 2013 Planning Meeting with Arts Organization
October 2013 Begin 10 day acting workshop with 5th grade students)
F. EXPECTED RESULTS: List the products, student outcomes, or changes that will result from your work. Then describe the
criteria you would like us to use to know this project has been successful.
Revised January 27, 2013
Austin Creative Classroom Fund (ACCF) Application for Funds
2013-2014 Funding Cycle
Proposed Budget and Additional Financial Support (Please fill out all information).
****Add Lines as Needed*****
Description of Budget Items
Partner/Vendor (e. g. Arts Partner,
AISD, Supply Company, etc.)
Contract Service
(Example: Journey Into the Story
Creative Action
$ XXX)
Extra Duty Pay (e. g. for Professional Development)
Materials/Equipment Cost
Transportation Cost
Other Cost
Total Request Amount:
If this project is part of a larger project, please list the other funding sources:
School Contribution:
Other Source of Contribution $___________
Austin Creative Fund Request:
TOTAL Program Cost:
Price Per Child:
$___________/ child
B. SUSTAINABILITY AND FUNDING DIVERSIFICATION List any other funding sources you have identified to fund this
Amount of Request
Funding Status (Will Apply, Applied, Approved, Declined)
Revised January 27, 2013
Austin Creative Classroom Fund (ACCF) Application for Funds
2013-2014 Funding Cycle
You may be asked to supply additional information. Successful Catalyst and Transformational
Grant Applications may be asked to submit a more detailed proposal after initial review.
Final report (including reflection, accounting, etc.) will be due 30 days after the project
Requesting Teacher:___________________________________E-mail___________________________
Requesting Teacher Signature:_______________________________ Date_______________________
Principal Signature______________________________________Date____________________________
Thank you for applying for an Austin Creative Classroom Fund Grant.
The 2013-2014 grant awards will be announced in April 2013.
Successful Catalyst and Transformational Grant Applications may be asked to
submit more detailed information after initial review.
Revised January 27, 2013
Austin Creative Classroom Fund (ACCF) Application for Funds
2013-2014 Funding Cycle
The Austin Creative Education Fund Review Criteria
Application Review
Grants will be reviewed and evaluated on the following criteria. The grants will be evaluated on their
Contribution, Quality, Capacity and Priority:
1. The Contribution of the project, which includes:
The potential Impact of the project on student learning
How well the project meets the Needs of Students
How well the project meets one or more of the Goals of the Austin Creative Education Fund
How well the project meets the Goals of the Department, Program or Strand
How well the project meets one of more of the Goals of the School
The potential for the project to be Replicable and/or Sustainable
2. The Creative Quality of the project, which includes:
The Artistic merit of the project
The Educational merit of the project
The Creative merit of the project
3. The Capacity to successfully implement the project, which includes:
Adequacy of Funding and other Resources
The capabilities of the Lead Faculty and Staff Involved
The strength of collaboration, if appropriate.
4. Schools designated by the donor for Priority consideration:
 Austin ISD elementary schools with an enrollment of more than 60 percent students who are
qualified for the federal free and reduced program
Schools officially designated as AISD Fine Arts Academies (such as McCallum HS, Lamar MS).
Items Ineligible for Funding
The Austin Creative Education Fund will typically not pay for:
Activities designed to replace or supplant your current arts funding
Non-project related staff time or staff time associated with regular and normal duties.
Appreciation Events
Incentives such as gift cards
Travel for concerts, competitions, etc. (We encourage you to seek other funding sources for these
Revised January 27, 2013