Name __________________________ Block ____________ Date _____________
Please use your notes to GUIDE you through your study guide.
When water vapor changes to liquid water
__ Condensation ___________________
When liquid water changes to water vapor
__ Evaporation ___________________
What is the chemical formula for water?
__ H
O ___________________
Water molecules are polar, which mean they act like
__ Magnets ___________________
What happens to water molecules when they freeze? They Expand or Shrink
When you put ice into water, it __ Floats ______________________
What elements make up one molecule of water?_
2 Hydrogen __________ and _ 1 Oxygen ___________________.
The positive end of a water molecule is found near
__ Hydrogen __________________
The negative end of a water molecule is found near the
___ Oxygen ______________
Water can dissolve many substances so it is called the __ Universal
Solvent ___
What causes surface tension?
The top layer of a body of water behaves as if it was an elastic or stretch skin. This is surface tension. Surface tension is caused by the attraction of water molecules to other water molecules. Example: When a bug is able to land on top of the water without sinking.
Paper clips were able to float on water due to Surface Tension .
What does it mean when we say that water is a Polar molecule?
Water has a negative side and a positive side. The hydrogen end is positive and the oxygen end is negative.
Compare the movement (speed) of the molecules in 3 temperatures of water-
Hot – Fast
Warm- Medium
Cold- Slow
Use the space below to draw a model of a water molecule. Be sure to label each part of your mode including the + and - ends.
+ charge
2 Hydrogen molecules
Oxygen molecule – charge
Define Cohesion-(include an example):
Cohesion is the attraction of water molecules to other water molecules.
This caused by the water molecule’s polarity. The hydrogen end is positive and the oxygen end is negative. Each molecule behaves like a little magnet. The hydrogen end of one water molecule is attracted to the oxygen end of another water molecule. Example: Drops on a penny experiment- the drops continued to grow in size.
Define Surface Tension-(include an example):
The top layer of a body of water behaves as if it was an elastic or stretch skin. This is surface tension.
Surface tension is caused by the attraction of water molecules to other water molecules. Example: When a bug is able to land on top of the water without sinking.
To the right is surface tension in action.
Explain what is happening.
The weight of the paper clip is being supported by the water’s surface tension. The top layer of a body of water behaves as if it was an elastic or stretchy skin. This is surface tension. Surface tension is caused by the attraction of water molecules to other water molecules.
Define Adhesion (include an example):
Adhesion is the attraction of water molecules to other materials. Example:
When you dip your hand into water, the water sticks to your skin, making it wet.
Capillary action is what allows redwood trees to be able to receive water all the way to the top of its branches. What characteristics allow this to happen?
Water’s cohesion and adhesion allows water to travel up against gravity.
Why is water the universal solvent? What property of water allows it to dissolve so many things?
Water can dissolve almost all substances. This is possible because water is a polar molecule.
For each property of water, give one example of how it help nature or living things.
CohesionMakes rain drops get bigger
Capillary actionPlants get the water from soil
Universal SolventDissolves vitamins and minerals for plants
Ice FloatingFish survive under the ice
In the boxes provided, draw pictures of the arrangement of water molecules as a liquid, solid, and gas. Circle the box where the molecules are moving the fastest.
Solid Liquid Gas
Match characteristics with the correct phase of water.
Choices: Liquid Water, Ice, Water Vapor
Takes the shape of the container.
The water molecules are moving the
Liquid Water, Water Vapor
Ice (solid phase) slowest.
The molecules can move freely and bounce off each other.
Water molecules are moving the
Liquid water
Water Vapor (gas phase) fastest.
Water molecules have the largest temperature range in this phase. (0-
100 o C)
Liquid Water
25. How can fish and other aquatic organisms live in a frozen pond?
What characteristics allow this to happen?
Ice (solid water) is LESS DENSE than liquid water. This causes water to freeze from the top down. Fish extract oxygen from the water below the ice with their gills. So they never have to come to the surface. Also, when the water is cold, their metabolism slows down and they need less oxygen, so there is enough in the lake or pond to last them through winter.
26. Fill in the blanks below for the states of matter in which H
O can be found, and the word describing the change of state (transition):
Starting state Transition Word
A. solid(ice) melting
Ending State liquid
B. liquid vaporization gas
C. gas condensation liquid
D. liquid
E. solid freezing sublimation solid gas
F. gas deposition solid
Use words from the word bank to fill in the blanks: SLO 6.5b
Solid, Liquid, Gas, Evaporation, Energy, Pressure, Molecules, Matter, Vapor,
Physical Change, Surface Tension
27. In order for matter to change state, it must go through a Physical Change .
28. Solid, liquid, and gas are the three most common states of Matter .
29. By adding or removing Energy , we can change the state of matter.
30. We can determine the state of matter by observing how closely its
Molecules are connected.
31. The reason it hurts when you do a belly flop into a swimming pool is because
of Surface Tension .