BSC 443 Microbial Genetics Instructor – Dr. Gary Schultz Phone: Cell: 696-7057 919-724-8397 Classroom: S374 Fall 2008 Office: S309 email: Time: MWF 11-11:50 Office Hours: Tues and Thurs 9-11, Mon 2-4 Course Description - Microbial Genetics (BSC 443/543) covers the essential functions of DNA replication and gene expression in prokaryotic cells. The course includes molecular genetics of bacteria and phages, and discussion of laboratory techniques. Suggested text. Molecular Genetics of Bacteria - Snyder and Champness (3rd edition) Grading and Course Requirements: Undergraduates - Grades for undergraduate students will be determined as follows: 1. Lecture Exams (4 exams @ 50 points each) = 2. Journal Presentation = 3. Participation in Journal Discussions = Total Graduate/Honor Students – Grades for graduate students will be determined as follows: 1. Lecture Exams (4 exams @ 50 points each) = Depth of Knowledge Exam Questions (4 exams @ 15 points each) = 2. Journal Presentation = 3. Participation in Journal Discussions = Total 200 points 30 points 20 points 250 points 200 points 60 points 30 points 20 points 310 points Grading. A = 90 - 100% of total, B = 80 - 89% of total, C = 70 - 79% of total, D = 60 - 69% of total, F < 60% of total 1. Lecture exams will include questions based on lecture and reading materials. Exams (with the exception of the final) are held during the regularly scheduled lecture period (see class schedule). Graduate and honors students will also complete essay questions during each lecture exam period. The essay questions are designed to test for the depth of knowledge appropriate for an advanced student. 2. Journal Presentation. The class will be divided into groups of two students. Each group will lead a class discussion on an assigned journal paper once during the semester. A paper will be discussed every Friday (except for exam days). Students not presenting will be expected to read the paper and participate in the class discussion. 1 BSC 443 Microbial Genetics Fall 2008 Schedule: The following is an estimated class schedule. Exam dates are firm, but the dates that specific lecture topics will be covered may vary. Class # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Date 8/25/08 8/27/08 8/29/08 9/1/08 9/3/08 9/5/08 9/8/08 9/10/08 9/12/08 9/15/08 9/17/08 9/19/08 9/22/08 9/24/08 9/26/08 9/29/08 10/1/08 10/3/08 10/6/08 10/8/08 10/10/08 10/13/08 10/15/08 10/17/08 10/20/08 10/22/08 10/24/08 10/27/08 10/29/08 10/31/08 11/3/08 11/5/08 11/7/08 11/10/08 11/12/08 11/14/08 11/17/08 11/19/08 11/21/08 Day M W F M W F M W F M W F M W F M W F M W F M W F M W F M W F M W F M W F M W F Topic Syllabus/Intro Nucleic Acids How to read a paper Labor Day – No Class Nucleic Acids Nucleic Acids Replication Replication Paper 1 Transcription Transcription Exam 1 Translation Translation Paper 2 Gene Expression Gene Expression Paper 3 DNA Repair and Mutagenesis DNA Repair and Mutagenesis Paper 4 DNA Repair and Mutagenesis Exam 2 Phage Biology Phage Biology Plasmids Paper 5 Mobile Genetic Elements Mobile Genetic Elements Paper 6/Last Day to Drop Conjugation Conjugation Paper 7 Transformation Transformation Exam 3 Bioinformatics Bioinformatics Paper 8 2 BSC 443 39 40 41 42 Microbial Genetics 11/24/08 11/26/08 11/28/08 12/1/08 12/3/08 12/5/08 12/8/08 M W F M W F M Fall 2008 No Class No Class No Class DNA Cloning DNA Cloning DNA Cloning DNA Cloning/LAST DAY OF CLASS Exam 4 (FINAL) 3 BSC 443 Microbial Genetics Fall 2008 Attendance. Required. You are responsible for all material presented in class. If you miss an exam or a journal presentation, you will receive a score of zero for that exam or presentation. Written excuses for legitimate absences must be obtained. Make-up exams will be given in essay format. Missed journal presentations will be made up as a short answer or essay exam regarding the paper presented. Students with Disabilities. The Marshall University H.E.L.P. Program is committed to providing assistance through individual tutoring, mentoring and support, as well as fair and legal access to educational opportunities for students diagnosed with Learning Disabilities (LD) and related disorders such as ADD/ADHD. If you have, or believe you may have, a handicap or learning disability that will make it difficult for you to complete this course as structured, please contact the H.E.L.P. office in Myers Hall at 696-6252 ( The H.E.L.P. program will assess your situation and provide information designed to help me meet your educational needs. Policy on Academic Dishonesty. Any student suspected of cheating will be dropped from the course immediately. Appeals can be filed through the BSC Chairperson’s office. Honors Designation for a 400-level Course - It is possible to earn an honors (H) designation on your transcript for certain 400-level BSC courses that are also offered as 500-level courses. In order to enroll in the honors option, you must have a minimum overall GPA of 3.3. Let me know if you are interested in exploring this option. We will discuss the additional work that will be required to earn the honors designation, and will complete a contract to be approved by the University honors program. This can still be done early in the semester. You can get more information about honors programs by contacting the Center for Academic Excellence in Old Main 230 (696-5421). Responsibility. This is a senior/graduate level class. At this point in your education you should no longer be “tape recorders” that are capable of taking up information and repeating it back verbatim. You should also strive to be more than “computers” that are capable of recovering the proper information only if someone taps on the correct keys. It is time to start critically examining the information that you encounter, and incorporating it into the context of your knowledge base. It requires effort on your part. More importantly, it requires that you take full responsibility for your learning experience. The amount that you get out of this course will depend upon the amount of work you are willing to put into it. Dropping the Course – I hope every student who enrolls in BSC 443/543 will complete the course. However, I know that may not always be the case. So, be aware that October 31st is the last day to drop a full-semester course. Make sure you know your standing in the class at that point so that you can make an informed decision. Electronic Devices. Please turn off all cell phones, pagers, and other electronic devices when you enter the classroom. No electronic devices will be needed, and none will be permitted, during exams. The use 4 BSC 443 Microbial Genetics Fall 2008 or access of an electronic device during an exam will be considered evidence of academic dishonesty. I reserve the right to answer all cell phones that ring in my class. Office Hours. Drop by at any time during posted office hours. People who call ahead for an appointment will be given priority. I’m happy to meet with you outside of posted office hours, but please make an appointment. 5 BSC 443 Microbial Genetics Fall 2008 Marshall University, Division of Student Affairs Absence from Class Policy Excerpted from the 2005-2007 Undergraduate Catalog, pages 127-129 It is Marshall University’s policy that each instructor evaluates the importance of student class attendance. In the course syllabus, the instructor provides his/her policy on class attendance, missed work, and related matters. Excused absences fall into five categories: (1) university sponsored activities; (2) student illness or critical illness/death in the immediate family; (3) short-term military obligations, (4) jury duty or subpoena for court appearances, or (5) religious holidays. For excused absences, the student should not be penalized. This means that any benefit or academic choice that accrues to students who are in class will not be denied to students with excused absences. 1. University-Sponsored Activities a. Academic activities including, but not limited to, performing arts, debate and individual events, honors classes, ROTC, and departmental functions. These absences are to be excused by the academic dean within whose unit the activity is sponsored. The academic dean must pre-approve any notice that is sent to faculty regarding absences of this type. b. Athletics. These absences are to be excused by the Dean of Enrollment Management, who must preapprove any notice sent to faculty. c. Other university activities, including student government and student organizations. These activities are to be approved by the Dean of Student Affairs and excused by the Office of Academic Affairs prior to any notice being sent to faculty. 2. Illness or Death in the Family. All requests under this category are submitted to the Dean of Student Affairs. a. Illness or injury of student: The student who seeks an excused absence must submit written confirmation of treatment by a medical practitioner. This documentation should be presented as soon as the student returns to class. Documentation must include the inclusive dates. b. Death or critical illness in the Immediate Family: “Immediate Family” is defined as spouse, child, parent, legal guardian, sibling, and grandparent. The student who seeks an excused absence for this purpose must submit one of the following to verify the relationship to the deceased: an obituary with the student named as a relative; a funeral program with the student named as a relative; a verification of the death and the relationship issued by a clergy person or funeral home personnel (must be on letterhead stationery). The documentation should be submitted to the Dean of Student Affairs on the day the student returns to class. c. Illness of Family Member. Students seeking excused absences for the critical illness of a family member must provide documentation of the circumstances. 3. Short-Term Military Obligation To be excused by the Dean of the student’s college. 4. Jury Duty or Subpoena for Court Appearance Student must submit subpoena or notification of jury duty to the Dean of the student’s college. 5. Religious Holidays To be excused by the Dean of Student Affairs. 6