Basic Qualification Requirements

Basic Qualification Requirements
Students should review the following to ensure that all necessary coursework is completed to meet qualification
requirements before receiving academic degree.
(0404) BIOLOGICAL SCIENCE TECHNICIAN: Positions that involve professional work in fisheries, wildlife, plants, soils and insects.
QUALIFICATION REQUIREMENTS: Successful completion of a full 4-year course of study leading to a bachelor’s degree with major study or
at least 24 semester hours in any combination of courses such as biology, chemistry, statistics, entomology, animal husbandry, botany,
physics, agriculture, or mathematics. At least 6 semester hours of courses must have been directly related to the position to be filled or an
appropriate combination of education & experience. Qualifying experience includes; research activity or control program work, nursery
work that required the growing & maintenance of plants in a controlled environment, work comparable to that with a large dairy farm
where production records, animal envinonment, & sanitary conditions were kept in accordance with modern dairy practice.
(0486) WILDLIFE BIOLOGIST: Positions that require professional knowledge & competence in the science of wildlife biology to perform
work involving: (a) the conservation, propagation, management, protection, & administration of wildlife species; or (b) the determination,
establishment, & application of biological facts, principles, methods, techniques, & procedures necessary for the conservation &
management of wildlife resources & habitats.
QUALIFICATION REQUIREMENTS: Successful completion of a full four-year course of study in an accredited college or university leading to
a bachelor’s or higher degree in biological science which included at least 12 semester hours in zoology, in such subjects as general zoology,
invertebrate or vertebrate zoology, entomology, ecology, parasitology, physiology, comparative anatomy, genetics, cellular biology, or
research courses in such subjects. (excess coursework in wildlife biology may be used to meet the zoology requirements where
appropriate) 9 semester hours in botany or related plant disciplines; or an appropriate combination of education & experience.
(0482) FISHERY BIOLOGIST: This series includes positions that require professional knowledge & competence in the science of fishery
biology to perform work: (a) developing, conserving, managing, & administering fishery resources; & (b) evaluating the impact of
construction projects & other socioeconomic activities that present potential or actual adverse effects on fishery resources & their habitat.
QUALIFICATION REQUIREMENTS: Successful completion of a full four-year course of study in an accredited college or university leading to
a bachelor’s or higher degree with a major in biological science which included at least 6 semester hours in aquatic subjects such as
limnology, ichthyology, fishery biology, aquatic botany, aquatic fauna, oceanography, fish culture, or related courses in the field of fishery
biology; 12 semester hours in animal science in such subjects as general zoology, vertebrate zoology, comparative anatomy, physiology,
entomology parasitology, ecology, cellular biology, genetics, or an appropriate combination of education and experience.
(0401) FISH & WILDLIFE BIOLOGIST: Positions that involve professional work in biology, agriculture, or related natural resource
QUALIFICATION REQUIREMENTS: Successful completion of a full four-year course of study in an accredited college or university leading to
a bachelor’s or higher degree, which included a major field (24 semester hours) of study in biological sciences, agriculture, natural resource
management, chemistry, or related disciplines appropriate to this position or an appropriate combination in education & experience.
(0455) RANGE TECHNICIAN: This position requires professional knowledge and competence in conservation, regulation, & use of public or
federally controlled lands for grazing. Work related to the operation of a livestock ranch or in assisting in the management or preservation
of lands comparable to the public range. Range research activities. Range or forest fire control, prevention, or suppression work.
QUALIFICATION REQUIREMENTS: Successful completion of a full 4-year course of study leading to a bachelor’s degree (a) with major study
in forestry, range management, agriculture, or a subject-matter field directly related to the position, or an appropriate combination of
education & experience.
(0485) WILDLIFE REFUGE MANAGEMENT: Positions that requrie professional knowledge and competence in the management,
administration, & scientific operation of public lands & waters designated as National Wildlife Refuges. The work involves a variety of
activities in land, water, & habitat management, land planning, resource identification & allocation, administration, public relations,
supervision, & other activities involving wildlife resource utilization, protection, inventory & evaluation, & maintenance of grasslands,
marshes, & soils.
QUALIFICATION REQUIREMENTS: Successful completion of a full four-year course of study in an accredited college or university leadinig to
a bachelor’s or higher degree in zoology, wildlife management or an appropriate field of biology which included at least 9 semester hours in
zoology; 6 semester hours in such wildlife courses as mammalogy, ornithology, animal ecology, or wildlife management; & 3 semester
hours in conservation biology or an appropriate combination of education & experience.
(0025) PARK RANGER: Positions that require knowledge of the principles and techniques of biology, forestry, conservation, environment, &
natural resource management, in order to effectively convey biological subject matter to the public. Those positions with law enforcement
duties would also require knowledge of applicable Federal, State, and local laws & regulations governing the use of refuge lands, facilities,
& resources to determine violations.
QUALIFICATION REQUIREMENTS: Successful completion of a full four-year course of study with 24 semester hours of related course work
in the field of natural resource management, natural sciences, earth sciences, history, archeology, anthropology, park & recreation
management, law enforcement/police science, social sciences, museum science, business administration, public administration, behavior
sciences, sociology or other closely related subjects pertinent to the management & protection of natural and cultural resources. Course
work in fields other than those specified may be accepted if it clearly provides applicants with the background of knowledge & skills
necessary for successful job performance in the position to be filled or one year of specialized experience equivalent to the GS-4 level that
demonstrates the knowledge, skills, & abilities to perform the duties. Such experience may have been gained as a park guide or tour leader,
in law enforcement or investigative work, in archeological or historical preservation work, in forestry or fire management work or in work
involving developing & implementing policy related to protection conservation, or management of park areas or similar operations.
(1801) WILDLIFE INSPECTOR: These positions are located in the Office of Senior Resident Agent at Ports of Entry. Positions perform the full
range of inspection and compliance duties involving the enforcement & administration of laws & regulations governing the importation,
exportation, & interstate commerce of wildlife & wildlife products. (1801 Land Management LE Officer – see special requirements)
QUALIFICATION REQUIREMENTS: Successful completion of a full four-year course leading to a bachelor’s degree or 3 years of general
experience, one of which was equivalent to the GS-4 level that demonstrated the ability to analyze problems, plan & organize work, &
communicate effectively orally & in writing. (Special 1801 LM/LE must have completed 16/18 week Fed academy course and 10 week follow on internship)
(0808) ARCHITECT: This position requires professional knowledge in engineering services related to all levels of the FWS, and is responsible
for the planning, design, construction, and rehabilitation/repair of Service facilities & for management of Architect-Engineer & construction
contracts as they relate to the planning, design, & construction of Service facilities.
QUALIFICATION REQUIREMENTS: Degree; architecture or related field that included 60 semester hours of course work in architecture or
related disciplines of which at least (1) 30 semester hours were in architectural design, & (2) 6 semester hours were in each of the
following: structural technology, properties of materials & methods of construction, & environmental control systems, or combination of
education & experience.
(1171) APPRAISER: Prepares complete narrative market value reports of real estate under purchase consideration by the U.S. in various
states. Prepares realty feasibility studies or proposed acquisition; prepares appraisal reports of revenue sharing for FWS managed real
estate; & may prepare appraisal report of residential rentals of government quarters.
QUALIFICATION REQUIREMENTS: Successful completion of a full four-year course of study leading to a bachelor’s degree or 3 years of
general experience, one of which was equivalent to the GS-4 that demonstrates the ability to analyze problems, plan & organize work, &
communicate effectively orally & in writing.
Visit us at go to JOBS or call Vince Meyer at 303-236-4589 or email