Majoring in English - University of New Brunswick

2014-2015 Calendar Proof
Department of English
General Information
Major, Honours and Minor
Option in English Language and Linguistics of English (ELLE)
General Office:
Carleton Hall, Room 247
Department of English
The University of New Brunswick
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 4400
Fredericton, NB
Canada E3B 5A3
(506) 453-4676
(506) 453-5069
Andrews, Jennifer, BA (McG), MA, PhD (Tor), Prof & Chair - 1999
Austin, Diana, BA (UNB), MA (Qu), DPhil (Oxon), Prof - 1983
Ball, John C., BA, MA, PhD (Tor), Prof & Acting Dean of Arts - 1995
Canitz, A. E. Christa, BA, MA (Birmingham), PhD (UBC), Prof - 1993
Cockburn, Robert Hood, BA, MA (UNB), Prof Emeritus - 2004
Davies, Gwendolyn, BA (Dal-King's), Ed Cert, MA, (Tor), PhD (York), DCL (DalKing’s), FRSC, Emerita Prof & Dean - 2008
Doerksen, Daniel W., BA (Winn), BEd (Manit), MA, PhD (Wis), Hon Res Prof - 1998
Falkenstein, Len, BA, MA (Sask), PhD (Alta), Prof - 1999
Finlay, Tatrina, BA (Mt Allison), MA (UNB), Asst Prof - 2008
Gibbs, Robert J., BA (UNB), BA (Cantab.), MA, PhD (UNB), Prof Emeritus - 1989
Gray, Robert W., BA (UVic), MA (Manitoba), PhD (Alberta), Assoc Prof - 2008
Jarman, Mark, BA (UVic), MFA (Iowa), Prof - 1999
Klinck, Anne L., BA, MA (Oxon), MA (UBC), MA (McG), PhD (UBC), Prof Emerita 2010
Leckie, Ross, BA (McG), PD/AD (Educ) (Alta), MA (C'dia), PhD (Tor), Prof - 1997
Martin, Randall, BA (Tor), MA (Birmingham), DPhil (Oxon), Prof - 1994
Ploude, Roger J., BA (St. Thomas), MA (Dal), PhD (Qu), Prof Emeritus - 2010
Rimmer, Mary P., BA (C'dia), AM, PhD (Harv), Prof - 1991
Robbins, Wendy J., BA (Bishop's), MA, PhD (Qu), Prof - 1984
2014-2015 Calendar Proof
Schryer, Stephen, BA (McMaster), MA (UWO), PhD (California, Irvine), Assoc Prof 2009
Snook, Edith, BA, MA (Alta), PhD (UWO), Prof - 2001
Tryphonopoulos, Demetres, BA, MA, PhD (UWO), Prof & A/Dean, School of Graduate
Studies - 1990
General Information
Students should note that changes are sometimes made after the compilation of the Calendar. For
the most up-to-date information on offerings and regulations students should obtain a copy of the
Department's Undergraduate Handbook issued in spring each year.
Students in all courses in English are required to write original essays on assigned topics. The
policy of the Department is that marks awarded for these essays are reckoned in determining
standing in each course, and any student who fails to complete the essays will be denied credit
for the course.
The Department of English affirms the crucial importance of the classroom experience in all its
courses designed for classroom delivery. Since students must be in class in order to have that
experience, no student can pass any classroom ENGL course without attending at least half of
the classes in that course. Individual ENGL courses may require students to attend a higher
percentage of classes, and there are specific attendance policies for 1000- and 2000-level courses
as well as for Honours seminars. It is expected that no student will miss more than four class
hours per term without good reason.
Students who withdraw from a course must inform the Registrar's Office to avoid receiving a
failing grade. The deadlines for withdrawing from courses without academic penalty are stated in
the academic Calendar.
Students should acquire a good dictionary, the revised Form and Format, a recent handbook of
literary terms, and the Undergraduate Handbook with course descriptions issued annually by the
In consultation with an advisor, students may take courses in English at St. Thomas University in
lieu of those listed in this Calendar, provided the regulations concerning transfer credits are met.
Introductory and Intermediate-Level Programs: General Regulations and Information
The introductory and intermediate-level programs are designed to give students a fuller
appreciation of major works of literature and to improve their ability to write effective English.
The programs offer a range of courses intended to be of value both to students who will
specialize in English and to students in Arts and other Faculties who have a general interest in
Course Numbering
2014-2015 Calendar Proof
Courses beginning with the digit 1 are introductory; those beginning with 2 are intermediate.
Advanced-level courses begin with 3, 4, or 5. Students above the first-year level who have taken
a previous university English course must elect intermediate-level courses, except for ENGL
1000 , which may be elected with departmental permission, and ENGL 1103 and ENGL 1104 .
Students above the first-year level who have not taken a previous university English course may
elect either introductory or intermediate courses except ENGL 2901 and ENGL 2902 .
Apart from the initial numeral indicating the year in which a course is normally taken, the
numbering of courses is merely a means of identification and does not indicate that one course is
more or less advanced than another. Students must have taken 6 ch at the introductory or
intermediate level before enrolling in a course at the advanced level. Any student intending to
major or honour in English should take ENGL 2901 and 2902 ; to enter these courses a grade of
C or better in ENGL 1000 or equivalent is required. First-year students in Faculties other than
Arts must elect introductory courses.
Second-year students may not take more than 12 ch of English courses, normally at the
intermediate level. Students may not take an intermediate-level course in any subject area in
which they have already had an advanced-level course.
Please see the Director of First- and Second-Year for more information.
Major, Honours, and Minor
Majors and Honours students must complete ENGL 1000 (or equivalent), ENGL 2901 , and
ENGL 2902 . Students should note that any courses compulsory for other programs may not be
counted towards an English Major, Honours, or Minor program.
Majoring in English
Students who wish to major in English should discuss their next year's program with one of the
Co-Directors of Majors and Honours in the spring or at fall registration. Students are encouraged
to register in the program as early as possible. One of the Co-Directors of Majors and Honours
should be consulted about any changes in a student's program.
Single-Major students must complete a minimum of 30 ch of advanced-level English courses,
including at least 6 ch in pre-1660 literature in English and at least 6 ch in literature in English,
1660-1900. For a Double Major the requirements are the same except that the minimum is 24 ch.
No course may be counted toward the fulfillment of the minimum Majors requirement unless it
is passed with a grade of C or better.
In order to give a recognizable coherence to the regular Majors program, there are regulations
regarding the minimum 30 ch (Single Major) or 24 ch (Double Major) of advanced-level
courses. No more than a total of 9 ch of upper-level courses from the following categories may
be included in these minimum requirements: Film Studies, Writing (Creative, Expository, or
Screen), and Drama Production.
2014-2015 Calendar Proof
Optional Major Program: English (Drama)
The Department offers to students wishing to concentrate in drama the following Majors option:
English (Drama). The requirements for this program are that a student complete:
1. ENGL 1000 (or equivalent), ENGL 2170, 2901, 2902.
2. at least 30 ch in English literature courses at the advanced level, including ENGL 3170,
at least 6 ch in pre-1600 literature in English, at least 6 ch in literature in English, 16001900, and at least 12 ch courses in dramatic literature.
Students wishing to enroll in this program should consult one of the Co-Directors of Majors and
A Minor in Drama is also offered, which can be combined with other Majors or Honours
programs. For details, see the Drama Program.
Optional Major Program: English (Creative Writing)
The Department offers students wishing to concentrate in Creative Writing the following Majors
option: English (Creative Writing). The requirements for this program are that a student
complete the normal English Majors requirements as explained under "Majoring in English,"
along with courses from relevant creative writing areas, as follows:
1. both of ENGL 2195, 2196.
2. at least two of the following course options: ENGL 3123, 3143, 3163, and either 3183 or
Any student who is interested in this program should consult the Director of Creative Writing.
Honours Program
Students enter the Honours program in their third year but may declare their intention of
pursuing Honours during their second year. Only in exceptional circumstances will students be
admitted in their fourth year. ENGL 1000 (or equivalent) is required of those who wish to enroll
in Honours. Students should complete ENGL 2901 and ENGL 2902 by the end of the second
year and must have met this requirement by the end of the third year. The student must have
achieved an average of 3.3 (B+) in these or other English literature courses. An average of 3.3 in
English courses and of 2.5 in non-English courses must be maintained if the student is to retain
Honours standing.
Students taking Single Honours must take a four-year total of at least 60 ch in English; at least 30
ch of the total must be in advanced-level courses other than Honours seminars. Students in Joint
Honours must take a four-year total of 39 ch in English; at least 27 ch of this total must be in
advanced-level courses, including Honours seminars. Whether taking Single or Joint Honours,
the student must complete at least 6 ch of advanced-level courses in pre-1660 literature in
English and at least 6ch in literature in English, 1660-1900, as well as ENGL 3083 .
2014-2015 Calendar Proof
During their third and fourth years, students in Single Honours must complete 18 ch of Honours
seminars. Students in Joint Honours must complete at least 12 ch of Honours seminars.
Honours students may count only 9 ch total of upper-level courses drawn from the following
group: Film Studies, Writing (Creative, Expository, or Screen), Drama Production. Students are
required to consult with one of the Co-Directors of Majors and Honours in choosing their
courses so as to ensure that they follow a well-balanced program.
Students interested in Honours English are encouraged to discuss the program with one of the
Co-Directors of Majors and Honours.
Optional Honours Program: English (Creative Writing)
The Department offers students wishing to concentrate in creative writing the following Honours
option: English (Creative Writing). The requirements for this program are that a student
complete the normal English Honours requirements as explained under “Honours Program,”
along with courses from the relevant writing areas, as follows:
1. both of ENGL 2195, 2196.
2. at least two of the following course options: ENGL 3123, 3143, 3163, and either 3183 or
Any student wishing to enroll in this program should consult the Director of Creative Writing.
Minor Program
The Minor in English consists of at least 24 ch in ENGL completed with a grade of C or better,
at least 12 ch of these from advanced-level (third- and fourth-year) courses. The courses for the
Minor must be approved by one of the Co-Directors of Majors and Honours, and must form a
"coherent set or sequence of courses" as called for by the general university regulations for the
Minor. Students should note that any courses compulsory for their programs may not be counted
toward a Minor.
Students pursuing an ENGL Minor are strongly advised to take ENGL 1000 (or a combination of
courses such as ENGL 1144 or ENGL 1145 and ENGL 2263 , ENGL 2603 , ENGL 2608 ,
ENGL 2703, or ENGL 2903 ) and ENGL 2901 and ENGL 2902 as a lower-level foundation.
Students transferring credits from another university should note that at least half the credits
counted towards a UNB Minor in English must be from courses taken at the University of New
Option in English Language and the Linguistics of English (ELLE)
This program is not accepting any new admissions at this time.
2014-2015 Calendar Proof
The Department offers to students who wish to concentrate in English a Major and an Honours
option in English Language and the Linguistics of English.
Students may enter the ELLE option at the beginning of the third year; prospective students
should have taken ENGL 1000 (or equivalent) and ENGL 2901 and ENGL 2902 , as part of the
overall Major program. Students should discuss their next year's program with the ELLE
Program Director in the spring or at registration in the fall.
Major in ELLE
Students in the ELLE program must take at least 30 ch of advanced-level English courses (24 ch
for the Double Major), of which at least 18 ch must be drawn from the following:
ENGL 3003 Old English I
ENGL 3004 Old English II
LING 3006 Linguistic Introduction to Canadian English
ENGL 3010 History of the English Language
ENGL 3040 Chaucer & Co.
LING 3411 Phonetics and Phonemics
LING 3422 Morphology & Syntax
The three LING courses above may be counted as English courses in an ELLE program.
The 30 ch of advanced-level English courses (24 ch for Double Majors) must also satisfy the
normal English Major requirements as explained above under "Majoring in English."
Honours in ELLE
Single Honours students must take at least 21 ch, Joint Honours students at least 18 ch of the
above courses. In addition, all students must take 12 ch of Honours seminars, including 6 ch
from among ENGL 5000 , ENGL 5004 , ENGL 5005 . Single Honours students must have a
further 12 ch, Joint Honours students a further 6 ch, of advanced-level English courses.
Total requirements: 60 ch of courses for Single, 42 ch for Joint Honours. Single-Honours
students may make up their remaining requirements in ELLE-related subjects other than English.
Students are not permitted to take a Double Major or Joint Honours in both English Literature
and ELLE.
Minor in ELLE
The Minor in ELLE consists of at least 24ch of English courses, of which at least 12ch must be
ELLE courses (see list above). Students cannot combine a Minor in ELLE with a Major or
Honours in ENGL.