Term 4: GCSE

Programmes of Study
Year 7
Term 1: Introduction to RE
What pupils already know about RE
What a belief is and what they believe
SMSC- Creative/design task
Christian Creation stories (7 Days of Creation and Adam and Eve and The Fall with comparison).
Scientific Creation (Big Bang and Evolution)
Big Myth task (or creation stories from around the world/other religions)
Term 2: Festivals
Chinese New Year
Create your own festivals Challenge
Term 3: Judaism
Moses (His life, 10 commandments)
Kosher Foods
Bar Mitzvah
Term 4: Jesus & Easter
Who is Jesus (picturing Jesus, the Bible)
Was Jesus a Hero?
Eater (Holy Week – attitudes of the disciples, Jesus’ death and resurrection)
Was Jesus human or divine?
Term 5: Sikhism
Guru Nanak and the beginning of Sikhism
10 Gurus
Guru Gobind Singh
The 5 Ks
Guru Granth Sahib
Gurdwara (including the langar- also naming ceremony if time)
Term 6: Charity
Charities helping people (raising money for groups, diseases, research, children, homeless, etc. based in the
Animal Charities (worldwide – including conservation, animal testing, sanctuaries (maybe visit Turbary
Woods or Martin Mere?)
Global Charities (Aid charities, sponsoring children, Amnesty Interbational, etc.)
Create their own charity (from one of the above groups) and present their charity to the class.
Year 8
Term1: Prejudice and discrimination
What are prejudice and discrimination?
Stereotypes and misconceptions
Martin Luther King
Term 2: Hinduism
Gods (Blind men and the elephant, trimurti, symbolism)
Arjuna and Krishna
Term 3: Christianity
Church and church
Old Testament stories (Noah, David and Goliath, Daniel, etc,)
Parables of Jesus
Term 4: Wealth and Poverty
What are wealth and poverty?
North South divide
Case studies
Term 5: Mysteries
Strange but true
The difference between fact and belief
Term 6: Buddhism
Life of Siddhartha
4 Noble Truths
Eightfold Path
5 Precepts
Life after death (reincarnation and wheel of life)
Year 9
Term 1: Crime
Types of crime (hate crime, terrorism, war crimes)
Laws (Countries and religious)
Theories of punishment (retribution, reform, protection, deterrent)
Capital Punishment
Evil – Nature v. Nurture (investigation lesson)
Term 2: Islam
The 5 Pillars of Islam
Life of Muhammad (pbuh)
Muhammad as the ‘perfect’ Muslim
Shari’ah law
The Ummah
Term 3: Life after death
What is life after death (Heaven Hell, Reincarnation, spirit world, nihilation)
Ghosts, mediums, spiritualism
Heaven and Hell
Reincarnation and rebirth
Term 4: GCSE
Community Cohesion
Women’s rights
What it means to be British
Multi-ethnic society
Term 5: GCSE
Multi-faith society
Religious freedom
Religious pluralism
Term 6: GCSE
Asylum seekers
Year 10: Religion and Life based on a study of Christianity
Unit 1: Believing in God
Religious experience
Evil and suffering
Religion and Science
Unit 2: Matters of Life and Death
Life after Death
Unit 3: Marriage and Family
Changing attitudes to family life
Marriage and divorce
Year 11: Religion and Society based on a study of Christianity and Islam
Unit 1: Rights and Responsibilities
Making moral decisions
The legal system in the UK
Genetic Engineering
Unit 2: Environment and Medical issues
The dangers of pollution
Transplant surgery
Infertility treatments
Unit 3: Peace and Conflict
The role of the UN
Pacifism and the Just war theory
Unit 4: Crime and Punishment
The need for laws and justice
Capital punishment
Social and health problems caused by illegal drugs and alcohol
Further information is available at