Bryophytes collected by Jim Shevock – Jasper Ridge

Bryophytes collected by Jim Shevock – Jasper Ridge (page numbers refer to page number in Moss
02/07/2010 and 02/15/2010
Site 1 – Road C (east and west side of road) before bridge over San Francisquito Creek
Homalothecium arenaria (pg 273); collected on a rock; spreads out like a star or fingers out on rock (a
lot of it at this location) photo with Didymodon vinealis (Homalothecium is to the left)
Grimmia pulvinata (pg 67); leaf long hyaline tip; on chert in opening of Quercus & Umbellaria
Didymodon vinearlis (capsules hanging down) recorder 33-36 Shevock 340353
Alsia californica (pg 311) - stems tip upward Site 1 Shevock 34058
Isothecium - on chert
Pterogonium gracile (pg. 305); on fallen log; Site 1 - Shevock 34059
spreading tips and yellowish aspect
Site 2 – Road C north of Bridge over San Francisquito Creek west side of road
Dendroalsia abietina (pg. 224) - on Quercus agrifolia Site 2 photo 377
Pterogonium gracile (pg. 294) - (birds foot when it dries up it hangs down) on Quercus agrifolia Site 2
Shevock 34060 - Site 2
Orthotrichum species (start on pg. 203) on Quercus agrifolia Site 2; Shevock 34062
Site 3 – Trail 1 near first rock outcrop
Bestia longipes (pg 312) very common on our sandstone boulders; Site 3 Shevock 34064
Alsia californica (pg. 322) sweeping up; this one on Umbellularia (this photo not associated with
collection site.
Site 4 – Trail 1 – starts at bracken fern and continues toward trail 5 all collected from soil and trail
Sphaeropcarpus species - not a moss
Fissidens curvatus
Funaria hygrometrica
Scleropodium obtusifolium in splash zone along San Francisquido Creek on large rock Site 4
Orthotrichum species
Dichodontium flavescens
Fissidens crispus on soil where Umbellularia roots are sticking out - Shevock 34071
Brachythecium albicans (pg 259) on soil and trail bank Site 4 Shevock 34072
Rosulabryum species (pg. 175 some); rosette form; on litter and soil of trail embankment; Site 4;
Shevock 34073
Site 5 – Lower Trail 5
Leucolepis acanthoneura (pg 177) - upright, palm-like, stipe (stem below leaves) with white bracts; one
of the 3 dendroid California mosses - Site 5 Shevock 34075
Scleropodium touretti
Site 6 – lost serpentine (upper trail 5)
Entosthodon species (pg 46) - lost serpentine (upper trail 5); Site 6 Shevock 34077
Site 7 - top of Rattlesnake Rocks south side walking up the electrical towers
Orthotricum species (pg 203 start) Site 7; Shevock 34078
Didymodon brachyphyllus (pg 124) Site 7; Shevock 34080
Isothecium cristatum (pg 313) Site 7; Shevock 34081
Pseudobraunia californica (pg 218) Site 7; Shevock 34082
Site 8 - Trail 6 and “b”
Timmiella crassinervis (no page start pg. 150) Trail 6; Site 8; Shevock 34086 no photo see:
Riccia nigrella (Liverwort); Trail 6; Site 8; Shevock 34087 - possible photo
Didymodon vinealis (pg 127) Trail 6 (not collected by Shevock); on base of Q. douglasii trunk - possible
Bryum species (pg 166) Trail b; Site 8; on compacted clayey soils along trail - possible photo
Syntrichia species at Site 8, Trail b
Site 9 - rocky area at serpentine seep
Didymodon tophaceus (pg 126); Site 9 - rocky area at serpentine seep
Bryum species
Collections made Feb. 7, 2010; photos taken same day
Near Escobar Gate (does this site have a number?
Scleropodium julaceum (pg 272 some) - in compacted soil near Escobar gate may have better
collection in Site near pogogyne collection 34097 also see below at pogogyne site.
Homalothecium arenarium (pg 263) collected on a rock; spreads out like a star or fingers out on rock (a
lot of it at this location); Shevock 34098; photo with Didymodon vinealis (Homalothecium is to the right)
Scleropodium julaceum - in compacted soil near Escobar gate (02/07/2010) - not a collection site;
Shevock 34097
Didymodon vinealis (pg. 127) - on rock with (Homalothecium arenarium pg. 263) Didymonon not
collected here
Porella - liverwort on way to Site 11 leaves whorled; mosses are in 2 or 4’s - no collection just photo
Site 10, Trail 4 - on Quercus douglasii trunk
Syntrichia princeps - Site 10, Trail 4 - on Quercus douglasii trunk - photo
Homalothecium species - Site 10, Trail 4 - on Quercus douglasii trunk - possible photo
Bryum torquescens - Site 10, Trail 4 - on Quercus douglasii trunk - no photo
Site 11 - Road F south side upslope of serpentine in blue oak woodland
Syntrichia species (begin pg.145) - on trunk of Quercus douglasii in grassland and oak woodland; Site
11; Shevock 34099
No site no collections just photos 02/07/2010
Bryum species (pg. 166 beginning) (no collection) on rock Road F serpentine - photo 391 not collected
Timmiella species (pg 150 beginning) photo 391 (not collected) (p150) in dirt at edge of chaparral
where Pogogyne occurs
Scloropodium gelacium (pg 272 beginning) photo 390; Road F Edge of chaparral going up road before
Trail 15 collected 34097?
Didymodon tophaceus (pg. 126) mentioned on tape - no photo or collection just mentioned in this area
Site 12 - Road F on south side just before Trail 15 in oak and horsechestnut woodland
Dicranoweisia cirrata (pg 102) - on rotten hardwood Quercus log in grassland and oak woodland with
poison oak; (possibly also here is Isothecium sp. and Orthotrichum sp.) Site 12; Shevock 34100
No site no collection just photos Trail 15
Porella (liverwort) on live oaks (not collected but photographed) along Trail 15 - there are three species
at JR photo 380
Pterogonium gracile (pg 305) - only species in CA. Not collected but photographed along Trail 15;
photo 377. Birds foot one
Riccia - thallus liverwort soil (not collected but photographed) of trail just west of Vestal's exclosure
Fossombronia liverwort, Trail 15 on (wrinkeled; need capsules) rock photo 371
Entosthodon species (pg 382 beginning) - not collected, photographed; black tip with capsules just
starting - in Mimulus douglasii site near Trail 15 serpentine edge, peak of cap long, black tipped; not
mature enough to collect. Also seen previous day on serpentine.
Site 13 - Trail 15 serpentine soil and boulders in serpentine grassland with leather oak
as on tape:
Grimmia trichophilla (pg 72) Trail 15; (Shevock on tape: rarely gets capsules); leaf tip tapering to
hyaline point; capsules wrinkeled; ours on serpentine boulders in serpentine grassland with leather
oak. Site 13; Shevock 34101
Asterella species (thallus verwort). Trail 15 eastside, site 13; on soil around serpentine boulders in
serpentine grassland with leather oak. Shevock 34102)
Grimmia pulvinata (pg. 67) Trail 15 eastside, site 13; not collected but photographed; capsule swan
necked; leaf tip hyaline, pointed
Phaeoceros species (hornwort) (Shevock 34103) sporophytes basal off thallus look like cucumbers;
hornworts look different that liverworts because hornworts are deep green and greasy when wet (many
in this area). Site 13; Shevock
Fissidens curvatus (pg. 83 beginning) - small capsules - not collected but photographed; only moss
species in CA with this leaf arrangement where the leaf sits in a pouch. - Trail 15, Site 13 not collected
but photographed
On the way to Site 14:
Sphaerocarpus species (liverwort) - the beaded flask - on the way to Site 14 found day before
Bryum species one of many (pg. 166 beginning) (one of many) - nodding (all species) capsules; on the
way to Site 14; not collected but photographed
Didymodon species (pg. 122 beginning) - not collected but photographed in serpentine seeps; photo
342 photo; also Grimmia.
Site 14 - East of Road F on animal trail in sandstone rock in grassland in sun
Note from Shevock - Bryum aggenticum (?) common after fires turns the ground orange
Alonia ambigua (pg. 114); Site 14, East of Road F on animal trail; on compacted soil over exposed
sandstone rock in grassland. In sun. Shevock 34104 – first time recorded in SM county
Pleuridium subulatum (pg. 93); Site 14, East of Road F on animal trail; on compacted soil over
exposed sandstone rock in grassland. One of two species with capsules imbedded in leaves and turn
chestnut brown when mature. In sun. Shevock 34106
Acaulon rufescens (pg. 113); Site 14, East of Road F on animal trail; on compacted soil over exposed
sandstone rock in grassland. In sun. Shevock 34105
Site 15 - along upper Trail 3 Orthotrichium species. (pg 203 beginning) - Site 15, Trail 3; on trunk of Quercus agrifolia in filtered
light. Shevock 34107
Porella species (liverwort) - Site 15, Trail 3; on trunk of Quercus agrifolia in filtered light. Shevock
Site 16 - Trail 3 heading down slope toward San Francisquito Creek.
Claopodium whippleanum (pg 250) - Site 15, Trail 3; on clayey and loamy soil of trail bank in filtered
light. Shevock 34109
Scleropodium touretii (pg 275).- Site 15, Trail 3; on clayey and loamy soil of trail bank in filtered light.
Shevock 34110
Atrichum selwynii (pg 31) - Site 15, Trail 3; on clayey and loamy soil of trail bank in filtered light.
Shevock 34111
Site 17 - Along Trail 2, adjacent to San Francisquito Creek
Porotrichum bigelovii (pg 309) - Site 17, along Trail 2, adjacent to San Francisquito Creek; in redwood
stand, on soil over rock and on exposed roots in intermittent stream channel in filtered light to partial
shade. I did not visit the site and have no photos. Shevock 34112
Site 18 - Along Trail 2 near Zoology cabin site, adjacent to San Francisquito Creek
Porella cordaeana (liverwort) - Site 18 - Along Trail 2 near Zoology cabin site, adjacent to San
Francisquito Creek, redwood stand with Umbellaria. On sandstone rock wall in filtered light. Shevock
Bestia longipes (pg. 312) - Site 18 - Along Trail 2 near Zoology cabin site, adjacent to San Francisquito
Creek, redwood stand with Umbellaria. On sandstone rock wall in filtered light. Shevock 34114
Site 19 - Along Trail 1 at north face of “Rattlesnake rock, slope overlooking San Francisquito
Amphidium californicum (pg 96) - Site 19 - Along Trail 2 at north face of “Rattlesnake rock, slope
overlooking San Francisquito Creek, redwood stand with Umbellularia. On vertical sandstone rock wall
with seasonal seep in filtered light. Shevock 34115
Site 20 - Less than 200 meters from the Research Station toward outlet of Searsville Lake
Eucladium verticillatum (pg 129) cave near Searsville damn and slope facing spillway; Site 20
Polytrichum piliferum (pg 39) - Site 20 - on litter over chert rock in opening of Quercus and
Umbellularia woodland. In sun. Less than 200 meters from the Research Station toward outlet of
Searsville Lake. Shevock 34116
Homalothecium - (pg 129) - Site 20 - On wall of tunnel in opening of Quercus and Umbellularia
woodland. In partial shade. Less than 200 meters from the Research Station toward outlet of Searsville
Lake. Shevock 34117
Site 21 - Road B - SLAC Corridor Road
Antitrichia californica (pg. 303) Site 21 - Road B - Slac Corridor Road B, on large fallen trunk possible
photo. Shevock 34118
Orthotrichum lyellii (pg. 209) Site 21, Site 21 - Road B - Slac Corridor Road B, on large fallen trunk no
photo. Shevock 34119
web pages:
Liverwort - leaves are whorled
Mosses - in 2’s or 4’s
Hornworts - greasy look, deep green especially when wet
BRYOFLORA of JASPER RIDGE: held at JRBP as of 29 November 2011
Acaulon rufescens Pottiaceae
Alsia californica Leucodontaceae
Amphidium californicum Orthotrichaceae
Anacolia menziesii Bartramiaceae
Antitrichia californica Leucodontaceae
Asterella californica Aytoniaceae
Atrichum selwynii Polytrichaceae
Bestia longipes Brachytheciaceae
Brachythecium albicans Brachytheciaceae
Bryum argenteum Bryaceae
Claopodium whippleanum Leskeaceae
Dendroalsia abietina Leucodontaceae
Dicranoweisia cirrata Dicranaceae
Didymodon nicholsonii Pottiaceae
Didymodon. tophaceus Pottiaceae
Didymodon vinealis Pottiaceae
Eucladium verticillatum Pottiaceae
Fissidens crispus Fissidentaceae
Fissidens curvatus Fissidentaceae
Funaria hygrometrica Funariaceae
Grimmia lisae Grimmiaceae
Grimmia pulvinata Grimmiaceae
Grimmia trichophylla Grimmiaceae
Isothecium cristatum Brachytheciaceae
Isothecium myosuroides Brachytheciaceae
Homalothecium arenarium Brachytheciaceae
Homalothecium nuttallii Brachytheciaceae
Homalothecium pinnatifidum Brachytheciaceae
Homalothecium pinnatifidum Brachytheciaceae
Leucolepis acanthoneura Mniaceae
Orthotrichum bolanderi Orthotrichaceae
Orthotrichum cylindrocarpum Orthotrichaceae
Orthotrichum lyellii Orthotrichaceae
Orthotrichum rivulare Orthotrichaceae
Polytrichum juniperinum Polytrichaceae
Porella cordaeana Porellaceae
Porotrichum bigelovii Thamnobryaceae
Pterogonium gracile Leucodontaceae
Pseudobraunia californica Hedwigiaceae
Rosulabryum torquescens Bryaceae
Scleropodium julaceum Brachytheciaceae
Scleropodium obtusifolium Brachytheciaceae
Scleropodium touretii Brachytheciaceae
Syntrichia princeps Pottiaceae
Timmiella crassinervis Pottiaceae
Tortula atrovirens Pottiaceae
Alsia californica (p.311)
Anacolia menziesii (p.194). Tufts of branched, yellow green stems with dense reddish rhizoids. Roadbanks and seasonally
moist rock walls.
Bestia longipes (p. 12). Like Dendroalsia but on sandstone boulders at JRBP in shaded riparian drainages, and capsules
are usually lacking. See comments for Dendroalsia. Bestia often grows near by Pterogonium but tends to occupy moister
and more shaded parts of same boulder face.
Brachythecium albicans (p.259). Pale yellow green mats of creeping stems, more or less julaceous. Soil, leaf litter, and thin
soil over shaded rock. This moss can be confused at arms length with both Homalothecium arenarium and Scleropodium
touretii, and all are members of the same family.
Bryum argentium (p.166). Whitish or silvery green tufts of erect shoots. Soil rock or gravel esp disturded sites.
Dendroalsia abietina (p.302). The dry plants curve down in a distinctive manner when dry (the branches curve and fold
downward concealing the capsules -- p.9), and when wet they appear flat like a feather. Paraphylla leaf-like structures cloak
the branches under the true leaves are common, but are lacking in both Bestia and Pterogonium.
Didymodon vinealis (p.127). Common. Turfs or cushions of erect, sparsely branched stems. Lvs oval-lanceolate or more
commonly long lanceolate, twisted when dry; generally with a reddish cast. On soil or rock. Often on boulders in serpentine.
Fissidens crispus (p.84; key p.317 "lvs in 2, 3 or 5 ranks"). Seasonally moist clayey soils along trails and roadbanks. One of
only two genera likely to be found at JRBP with 2-ranked leaves. The second Bryolawtonia hasn't yet been found. JS refers
to the Iris-like lvs but this is confusing and sometimes only apparent for lowest leaves.
Grimmia V-shaped lvs in cross-section; lf tip with a long hyaline hair point.
Homalothecium spp. (p.263). Dirty yellow-green shag-carpet when dry. Creeping (irregularly branched) stems flat to
substrate at edges of its mossy mass.
H. arenarium on soil and litter.
H. nuttallii on logs, tree trunks and boulders.
H. pinnatifidum on tree trunks
Leucolepsis acanthoneura (p.177). Little palm trees (dendroid) with white (actually hyaline, i.e., transparent) scales on
shoots below leaves.
Pterogonium gracile. (p.305). Birds-foot appearance when dry. See comments for Bestia.
Scleropodium obtusifolium (p.274). Mats or tufts of irregularly branched stems on boulders and rock wallls of streams or
intermittent streamlets; sometimes on exposed tree roots. On serpentine boulders along and in SF Creek, Trail 1. Has the
gestalt when hydrated of Homalothecium but the stems are julaceous (lvs crowded and appressed against the stem and
overlapping each other.
Scleropodium touretii (p. 275). Common on soil and rock away from streams (e.g., along Trail 5 bank). Less julaceous and
lighter green color than above.