Key to Supplementary Data File 2 Supplementary Data File 2 is an

Key to Supplementary Data File 2
Supplementary Data File 2 is an Excel file that contains the structure-by-structure
archaeological data used in the analysis, as well as some data that were excluded from
analysis. Bibliographic references pertaining to the data are provided below.
Field name
Archaeological site name
Archaeological site number (often Smithsonian trinomial, but other designations also
as used by original reporters of data)
County and state (two letter abbreviation) location of site
Identification number or description given by original reporter of data
Archaeological time period as used in analysis
“?” indicates that attribution of time period was not certain
“X” indicates that structure was excluded from quantitative analysis
General architectural type of structure
Specific kind of structure, if applicable
“D” indicates that structure was interpreted as a domestic structure, assumed to be
for a single family
Linear form of walls; “Mixed R/C” means structure had both rectilinear and
curvilinear wall segments
“Closed” structures appear to have enclosed a measurable floor area
Estimated floor area in square meters
Estimated number of occupants (based on estimated floor area)
Unique numerical identifier assigned to each structure
Figure in manuscript that depicts site location
Identifier in figure showing site location
Bibliographic references to source(s) of data (see below).
Bibliographic References
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