University of Missouri-Columbia
Department of Psychiatry
321B Missouri University Psychiatric Center
1 Hospital Drive
Columbia, Missouri 65212
, AB, MS, P
Business Phone: (573) 882-8913
Business Fax: (573) 884-1070
E-Mail: BeckN@health.missouri.edu
Psychology (A.B.)
St. Louis
Psychology (M.S.)
Illinois University
Clinical Psychology (Ph.D.)
St. Louis
Internship in Clinical 1973-74
Psychology Tulsa
Psychiatric Foundation
Traineeship in Child Clinical
Psychology Cardinal
Glennon Memorial
Hospital for Children
2009-Present Professor and Vice Chair, Department of Psychiatry, University of
Missouri Medical School
1996-Present Chief Psychologist, University of Missouri-Columbia Health Sciences
2008-2009 Interim Chair, Department of Psychiatry, University of Missouri Medical
1986-Present Sports Medicine Staff, University of Missouri-Columbia Department of
Intercollegiate Athletics
1993-Present Professor of Psychiatry
1986-l993 Associate Professor of Psychiatry
Adjunct Associate Professor of Psychology
University of Missouri-Columbia
1983-1986 Director, Program Evaluation and Applied Research, Mid-Missouri
Mental Health Center
Associate Professor of Psychiatry (non-regular)
Adjunct Assistant Professor of Psychology
Clinical Assistant Professor of Nursing
University of Missouri-Columbia
1980-1982 Director, Program
Evaluation and
Research, Mid-Missouri Mental Health Center
Assistant Professor of Psychiatry (non-regular)
Adjunct Assistant Professor of Psychology
Clinical Assistant Professor of Nursing
University of Missouri-Columbia
President, Missouri Program Evaluators' Society
1978-1980 Director, Program Evaluation and Applied Research, Mid-Missouri
Mental Health Center
Clinical Assistant Professor of Psychiatry (non-regular), University of
Instructor of Psychiatry (non-regular)
University of Missouri-Columbia
Inpatient Psychologist,
Acute Care Psychiatric Unit
Mid-Missouri Mental Health Center
Clinical Instructor of Psychiatry (non-regular)
University of Missouri-Columbia
Inpatient Psychologist,
Acute Care Psychiatric Unit
Mid-Missouri Mental Health Center
1974-1975 Staff Psychologist and Trainee,
Child Development Unit
St. Louis University Hospitals
(Cardinal Glennon Memorial)
1973-1974 Psychology Intern,
Tulsa Psychiatric Foundation, Tulsa, Oklahoma
Psychology Trainee,
Jefferson Barracks Veterans' Hospital
Psychiatric Aide, D.P. Wohl Memorial Mental Health Institute, St.
Louis University Hospital and Clinics
American Psychological Association
Missouri Psychology License 00091
Certified Health Care Provider
Martens, M. P., Kilmer, J. R., Beck, N. C., & Zamboanga, B. L. (2010). The
Efficacy of a Targeted Personalized Feedback intervention among intercollegiate athletes: A randomized controlled trial. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 24,
660-669. doi:10.1037/a0020299 . PMID: 20822189.
Hammer, J. H., Springer, J., Beck, N., Menditto, A., & Coleman, J. (2011)
The relationship between seclusion and restraint use and childhood abuse among psychiatric inpatients. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 26 (3), 567-579.
Martens, M.P., Dams-O’Connor, K., & Beck, N.C. (2006) A systematic review of college student athlete drinking: Prevalence rates, sport-related explanations, and interventions. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 31, 305-316. doi:10.1016/j.jsat.2006.05.004
. PMID: 16996393.
Beck, M., Beck, N., Smith, B., Davidson, M., Petroski, G. Investigating the
Justice System Response to Domestic Violence in Missouri, Missouri Bar Journal
63 Missouri Bar Journal 222 (Sept-Oct 2007).
Lauriello, J, Beck, N. Recently approved long-acting antipsychotic injections: paliperidone LAI and olanzapine LAI. Antipsychotic Long-Acting Injections.
Edited by Haddad, P; Lambert, T. Oxford University Press, Oxford, New York
June, 2010.
Newbill, WA; Marth, D; Coleman, JC; Menditto, AA; Carson, SJ; Beck NC.
Direct Observational Coding of Staff Who Are the Victims of Assault.
Psychological Services, 2010; Vol. 7, No. 3, 177-189.
Woolsey, C; Waigandt, A; Beck, Niels C. Athletes and Energy Drinks:
Reported Risk-Taking and Consequences from the Combined Use of
Alcohol and Energy Drinks. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 22: 1, 65-71,
January-March 2010.
Martens, M.P, Kilmer, J.R., Beck, N.C. Alcohol and Drug Use Among College
Athletes. Counseling and Psychological Services for College Student-Athletes
(Etzel, E., Ed.) 2009, 16, 451-475.
Beck, NC, Durrett, C, Stinson, J, Colman, J, Stuve, P and Menditto,
A.Trajectories of Seclusion and Restraint Use at a State Psychiatric Hospital.
Psychiatric Serv 59:1027-1032, 2008.
Stinson, J.D., Coleman, J.C., Beck, N.C., & Menditto, A.A. Data-driven decision-making in clinical settings: Applications to unique populations. In:
E.P. Blakely (Ed), Psychology of decision making in health care, p 227-244,
2007. Nova Science Publishers.
Menditto, AA, Linhorst, DM, Coleman, JC, Beck, NC. The Use of Logistic
Regression to Enhance Risk Assessment and Decision Making by Mental Health
Administrators. Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research. 2007, 33,
Ward, D. G., Sandstedt, S. D., Cox, R. H., & Beck, N. C. Essential athletecounseling competencies for sport psychologists and psychologists working with athletes: A U.S.-based study, The Sport Psychologist , 19 (3), 318-334, 2005.
Hinton, P.S. and Beck, N.C. Nutrient intakes of men and women collegiate athletes with disordered eating . J Sports Sci Med 4:253-262, 2005.
Sanford, T.C., Davidson, M.M., Yakushoko, O.F, Martens, M.P., Hinton, P.S. and
Beck, N.C. Clinical and subclinical eating disorders: an examination of
collegiate athletes. J Appl Sport Psych 17:79-86, 2005.
Martens MP, Watson JC, Royland EM, Beck, NC. Development of the athlete drinking scale. Psychol Addict Behav. 2005; 19(2):158-64.
Hinton, P.S., Sanford, T.C., Davidson, M.M., Yakushoko, O.F. and Beck, N.C.
Nutrient intakes and dietary behaviors of male and female collegiate athletes. Int
J Sport Nutr Ex Metab 14:389-405, 2004.
Martens MP, Cox RH, Beck, NC. Negative consequences of intercollegiate athlete drinking: the role of drinking motives. J Stud Alcohol. 2003
Martens MP, Cox RH, Beck NC, Heppner PP. Measuring motivations for
intercollegiate athlete alcohol use: a confirmatory factor analysis of the drinking
motives measure. Psychol Asses. 2003 Jun;15(2):235-9.
Menditto A.A., Beck, N.C., & Stuve, P. A social-learning approach to reducing
aggressive behavior among chronically hospitalized psychiatric patients. In M.
Crowner and L. Burney (Eds.), Understanding and Treating Aggressive
Psychiatric Patients. Washington, D.C., American Psychiatric Press, 2000
Beck, N.C., Greenfield, S.E., Gotham, H., Menditto, A.A., & Hemme, C.A.
Risperidone in the management of violent, treatment-resistant schizophrenics
hospitalized in a maximum security forensic facility. Journal of the American
Academy of Psychiatry and the Law. 25(4), 1997
Allan, W.D., Kashani, J.H., Dahlmeier, J.M., Beck, N.C. and Reid, J.C. Anxious
sucidality: a new subtype of childhood suicide ideation? Suicide and Life-
Threatening Behavior, 28(3): 251, 1998.
Eppright, T., Sanfacon, J., Beck, N., & Bradley, S. Sports psychiatry in youth and
adolescents: A review. Child Psychiatry and Human Development, 1997, 28, 71-
Menditto, A.A., Beck, N.C., Stuve, P., Fisher, J.A., Stacy, A., Logue, M.B.,
Baldwin, L.J. Combined effectiveness of clozapine and a social learning program for severely disabled psychiatric inpatients. Psychiatric Services. 47(1)46-51,
Hagglund, K.J. Clay, D.L., Frank, R.G., Beck, N.C., Kashani, J.H., Hewett, Jr.,
Johnson, J., Goldstein, D.E., Cassidy, J.T. Assessing anger expression in
children and adolescents. Journal of Pediatric Psychology. 19(3):291-304, 1994.
Beitman, Bernard D; Beck, Niels C; Deuser, William E; Carter, Cameron S;
Davidson, Jonathan RT; Maddock, Richard J. Patient stage of change predicts
outcome in a panic disorder medication trial . Anxiety. 1:64-69, 1994.
Menditto, A.A., Valdez, L. & Beck, N.C. Implementing a comprehensive social
learning program within the forensic psychiatric service of Fulton State Hospital.
In Corrigan, P.W. & Liberman, R. (Eds.) Behavior Therapy in Psychiatric
Hospitals. Springer, New York, 1994.
Baumstark, K.E., Buckelew, S.P., Sher, K.J., Beck, N.C.; et al. Pain predictors among fibromyalgia patients. Pain 55(3): 1993.
Clay, D.L., Cassidy, J.T., Beck, N.C., Hagglund, K.H.,& Frank R.G., Functional
status, socioeconomic status, and parental psychological distress in children with
juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. Arthritis and Rheumatism, 33:9 (Suppl), S190,
Hagglund, K.J., Clay, D.L., Frank, R.G., Beck, N.C. & Cassidy, J.T.
Relationships of anger expression styles and disease activity among children with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. Journal of Developmental and Behavioral
Pediatrics, 13:304, 1992.
Baldwin, L.J., Menditto, A.A., Beck, N.C. and Smith, S. Factors influencing length of stay in patients found NGRI. Journal of Psychiatry and Law, Summer,
257-267, 1992.
Baldwin, LJ, Menditto, A.A., Beck, N.C., Arms, T. and Cormier, J. Decreasing
Excessive Water Drinking Behavior in Chronically Mentally Ill Forensic
Patients, Hospital and Community Psychiatry, 43:507-509, 1992.
Frank, R.G., Chaney, J.M., Shutty, M.S., Clay, D.L., Beck, N.C., Kay, D.R.,
Elliott, T.R., and Gambling, S. Dysphoria: A major symptom factor in persons with disability or chronic illness. Psychiatry Research, 43:231-241, 1992.
Beck, N.C., Geden, E.A. and Durham, R.J. Techniques of labor preparation. In
Sciarra, J.J. (Ed.) Gynecology and Obstetrics, Hagerstown, Md. Harper and Row,
Volume VI, Chapter 78, 1992, (revision of a chapter published in an earlier
version of this text).
Hagglund, K.J., Clay, D.L., Frank, R.G., Beck, N.C., Parker, J.c. & Kay, D.R.
Measurement of pain in rheumatoid arthritis. Archives of Physical Medicine and
Rehabilitation, 72:820, 1991.
Menditto, A.A., Baldwin, L.J., O'Neal, L.G. and Beck, N.C. Social Learning
procedures for increasing attention and improving basic skills to severely
regressed institutionalized patients, Journal of Behavior Therapy and
Experimental Psychiatry, 22(4):265-269, 1991.
Beck, N.C., Menditto, A.A., Baldwin, L., Angelone, E. and Maddox, M.
Decreasing the frequency of aggressive behavior in chronically mentally ill forensic patients. Hospital and Community Psychiatry, 1991, 42, 750-752.
Parker, J., Buckelew, S., Smarr, K., Buescher, K., Beck, N., Frank, R., Anderson,
S. and Walker, S. Psychological screening in rheumatoid arthritis. Journal of
Rheumatology, 17, 1016-1021, 1990.
Kushner, M.G., Beitman, B.D. and Beck, N.C. Factors predictive of panic disorder in cardiology patients with chest pain and no evidence of coronary artery disease: A Cross-Validation. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 33, (2), 207-
215, 1989. Abstracted by Psychiatry Digest, 1990, 3, 6-7.
Geden, E.A., Lower, M., Beattie, S. and Beck, N.C. The effects of music and
imagery on physiologic and self-report of analogued labor pain. Nursing
Research, 1989, 38, 37-41.
Rhodes, V.A., Watson, P.M., Johnson, M.H., Madsen, R.W. and Beck, N.C.
Post-chemotherapy nausea and vomiting. In Key Aspects of Comfort:
Management of Pain, Fatigue and Nausea. 248-258, Funk, S.G., Tornquist, E.M.,
Champagne, M.T., Copp, L.A. and Weiss, R.A. (Eds.), Springer, NY, 1989.
Parker, J., Smarr, K., Buescher, K., Phillips, L., Beck, N., Frank, R., Anderson, S. and Walker, S. Pain Control and Rational Thinking: Implications for
Rheumatoid Arthritis, Arthritis and Rheumatism, 1989, 32, 984-990.
Beck, N.C., Parker, J.C., Frank, R.G., Geden, E.A., Kay, D., Gamache, M.,
Shivvers, N., Smith, E. and Anderson, S. Rheumatoid arthritis patients at high risk to be noncompliant with salicylate treatment regimens. Journal of
Rheumatology, 988, 15, 1081-1084. Abstracted by Orthopedics (Rheumatology
Digest), 1989, 3, 19-20.
Harry, B. and Beck, N.C. Psychiatric consultation to a parole board. Mental
Health Services to the Criminal Justice System (Volume 5) by Rosner, R. and
Harmon, R.B. (Eds.), 1989.
Beck, N.C., Tucker, D., Frank, R., Parker, J., Lake, R., Thomas, S., Lichty, W.,
Horwitz, E., Horwitz, B. and Merritt, F. The latent factor structure of the WAIS-
R: a factor analysis of individual item responses. Journal of Clinical
Psychology, 1989, 45, 2, 281-293.
Beck, N.C., McRae, C., Henrichs, T., Sneider, L., Horwitz, B., Rennier, G.,
Thomas, S. and Hedlund, J. Replicated Item Level factor structure of the MMPI: racial and sexual differences, Journal of Clinical Psychology, 1989, 45, 553-560.
Frank. R.G., Kashani, J.H., Parker, J.C., Beck, N.C., Brownlee-Duffeck, M.,
Elliott, T.R., Haute, A.E. Atwood, C., Smith, E., and Kay, D.R. Antidepressant
analgesia in rheumatoid arthritis. Journal of Rheumatology, 1988, 15 (11), 1632-
Seidenberg, M., Beck, N., Geisser, M., O'Leary, D.S., Giordani, B., Berent, S.,
Sackellares, C., Dreifuss, F.E. and Boll, T.J. Neuropsychological Correlates of
Academic Achievement of Children with Epilepsy. Journal of Epilepsy, 1988,
Parker, J., McRae, C., Smarr, K., Beck, N., Frank, R., Anderson, S. and Walker,
S. Coping strategies in rheumatoid arthritis, Journal of Rheumatology, 1988, 15,
Parker, J.C., Frank, R.G., Beck, N.C., Smarr, K.L., Buescher, K.L., Phillips, L.R.,
Smith, E.I., Anderson, S.K. and Walker, S.E. Pain management in rheumatoid
arthritis: a cognitive-behavioral approach. Arthritis and Rheumatism 1988, 31,
Parker, J., Frank, R., Beck, N., Finan, M., Walker, S., Hewett, J., Broster, C.,
Smarr, K. Smith, E., and Kay, D. (1988). Pain in rheumatoid arthritis:
Relationship to demographic, medical, and psychological factors. Journal of
Rheumatology, 1988, 15, 433-437.
Frank, R.G., Beck, N.C., Parker, J.C., Kashani, J.H., Elliot, T.R., Haut, A.E.,
Smith, E., Atwood, C., Brownlee-Duffeck, M. and Kay, D. Depression in rheumatoid arthritis. Journal of Rheumatology, 1988, 15, 920-925.
Rhodes, V.A., Watson, P.M., Johnson, M.H., Madsen, R.W. and Beck, N.C.
Patterns of nausea, vomiting, and distress in patients receiving antineoplastic drug
protocols, Oncology Nursing Forum, 1987, 14 (4), 35-44.
Kashani, J.H., Rosenberg, T., Beck, N.C., Reid, J.C. and Battle, E.F.
Characteristics of well adjusted adolescents, Canadian Journal of Psychiatry,
1987, 32, 418-422.
Kashani, J.H., Hoeper, E.W., Beck, N.C., Cocoran, C.M., Fallahi, C., McAllister,
J., Rosenberg, T.K. and Reid, J.C. Personality, psychiatric disorders and parental
attitudes among a community sample of adolescents. Journal of the American
Academy of Child Psychiatry, 1987, 26, 879-885.
Kashani, J., Carlson, G.A., Beck, N.C., Hoeper, E.W., Corcoran, C.M.,
McAllister, J.A., Fallahi, C., Rosenberg, T.K. and Reid, J.C. Depression, depressive symptomatology and depressed mood among a community sample of
adolescents. American Journal of Psychiatry, 1987, 144 (7), 931-934.
Kashani, J.H., Beck, N.C., Hoeper, E.W., Fallahi, C., McAlester, J., Corcoran,
C.M., Rosenberg, T. and Reid, J.C. Psychiatric disorders in a community sample of adolescents. American Journal of Psychiatry, 1987, 144 (5), 584-589.
Kashani, J.H., Beck, N.C. and Burk, J.P. Predictors of psychopathology in children of patients with major affective disorders. Canadian Journal of
Psychiatry, 1987, (32), 287-290.
Beck, N.C., Lamberti, J., Gamache, M., Lake, E.A., Fraps, C.L., McReynolds,
W.T., Reaven, N., Heisler, G.H. and Dunn, J. Situational factors and behavioral self-predictions in the identification of clients at high risk to drop out of
psychotherapy. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 1987, 43, 511-520.
Beck, N.C., Geden, E.A., Brouder, G., Andersen, J. and Kennish, M. Techniques of labor preparation. In Sciarra, J. J. (Ed) Gynecology and Obstetrics.
Hagerstown, MD.: Harper and Row, Vol. VI, Chapter 78, 1987, 1-10 (revision of a chapter published in an earlier edition of this text).
Kashani, J., Shekim, W.O., Burk, J.P., Beck, N.C. Abuse as a predictor of
psychopathology in children and adolescents. Journal of Clinical Child
Psychology, 1987, 16(1), 43-50.
Geden, E.A., Beck, N.C., Anderson, J., Kennish, M. Effects of cognitive and
pharmacologic strategies on analog labor pain, Nursing Research, 1986, 35, 301-
Shekim, W.O., Cantwell, D.D., Kashani, J., Beck, N.C., Martin, J., and
Rosenberg, J. Dimensional and categorical approaches to the diagnosis of attention deficit disorders in children. Journal of the American Academy of
Child Psychiatry, 1986, 25, 653-658.
Seidenberg, M., Beck, N., Geisser, M., Giordani, B., Sackellares, J.C., Berent, S.,
Dreifuss, F.E. and Boll, T.J. Academic achievement of children with epilepsy.
Epilepsia, 1986, 27(6), 753-759.
Shekim, W.O., Kashani, J., Beck, N.C., Cantwell, D.D., Martin, J., Rosenberg, J.,
Costello, A.J. The prevalence of attention deficit disorders in a rural midwestern
community sample of 9 year old children. Journal of the American Academy of
Child Psychiatry, 1985, 24, 765-770.
Beck, N.C., Horwitz, E., Seidenberg, M., Parker, J. and Frank, R. WAIS-R factor
structure in psychiatric and general medical patients. Journal of Consulting and
Clinical Psychology, 1985, 53, 402-405.
Geden, E.A., Beck, N.C., Brouder, G., Glaister, J., Pohlman, S. Self-report and
psychophysiological effects of Lamaze preparation: An analogue of labor pain.
Research in Nursing and Health, 1985, 2, 155-166.
Wheeler, G.L., Beck, N.C., Manderino, M. Prediction of potential againstmedical-advice discharges in psychiatric settings. Issues in Mental Health
Nursing, 1984, 6, 163-172.
Daniel, A., Beck, N., Herath, A., Schmitz, M. and Menninger, K. Factors correlated with psychiatric recommendations of incompetency and insanity.
Journal of Psychiatry and the Law, Winter 1984, 527-544.
Geden, E.A., Beck, N.C., Hauge, G. and Pohlman, S. Self-report and
psychophysiological effects of five pain coping strategies. Nursing Research,
1984, 33, 260-265.
Beck, N.C., Hogue, L.R., Fraps, C.L., Perry, C. and Fenstemaker, L. Patient
diagnostic, behavioral and demographic variables associated with changes in
civil commitment procedures. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 1984, 40, 364-
Seidenberg, M., Gamache, M., Beck, N., Smith, M., Giordani, B., Berent, B.,
Sackellares, J. and Boll, T. Subject variables and performance on the Halstead
Neuropsychological Test Battery: A multivariate analysis. Journal of Consulting
and Clinical Psychology, 1984, 52, 658-662.
Miller, D.J., Beck, N.C. and Fraps, C. Predicting rehospitalization at a community mental health center: a "double-crossed" validation. Journal of
Clinical Psychology, 1984, 40, 35-39.
Geden, E.A., Beck, N.C., Brouder, G. and O'Connell, E. Identifying procedural
components for analogue research on labor pain. Nursing Research, 1983, 32,
Beck, N.C. and Geden, E.A., and Brouder, G.T. Techniques of labor preparation:
In: Sciarra, J.J. (Ed.) Gynecology and Obstetrics. Hagerstown, MD: Harper and
Row, 1983, Vol. VI, Chap. 78, pp. 1-8.
Hagan, L.C., Beck, N.C., Kunce, J.T. and Heisler, G.H. Facilitating psychiatric
patient follow-up: A study of transfer attrition. Journal of Clinical Psychology,
1983, 39, 494-498.
Beck, N.C., Shekim, W.O., Gilbert, F. and Fraps, C. The prediction of AMA
discharges at a community mental health center: a cross-validation. Hospital and
Community Psychiatry, 1983, 34, 69-71.
Beck, N.C., Shekim, W.O., Fraps, C.L., Borgmeyer, A., and Witt, A. Prediction of AMA discharges from an alcohol and drug abuse treatment program. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 1983, 44, 171-180.
Miller, D.J., Stone, M., Beck, N.C., Fraps, C. and Shekim, W.O. Predicting
AWOL discharge at a community mental health center: a "split-half" validation.
American Journal of Psychiatry, 1983, 140, 479-482.
Beck, N.C., Ray, J.S., Seidenberg, M. and Young, T.R. Development and cross-
validation of a short form for the WISC-R. Journal of Consulting and Clinical
Psychology, 1983, 51, 864-869.
Kucera-Bozarth, K., Beck, N.C. and Lyss, L. Compliance with lithium regimens.
Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health Sciences, 1982, 20, 11-15.
Heisler, G.H., Beck, N.C., Fraps, C. and McReynolds, W.T. Therapist ratings as
predictors of therapy attendance. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 1982, 38, 754-
Fraps, C.L., McReynolds, W.T., Beck, N.C. and Heisler, G.H. Predicting client
attrition from psychotherapy through behavioral assessment procedures and a
critical response approach. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 1982, 38, 759-764.
Beck, N.C. Husband participation as a component of labor preparation. In:
Lederman, R. (Ed.) Perinatal Parental Behavior: Nursing Research and
Implications for Newborn Health. New York: A.R. Liss, 1981, pp. 172-178.
Beck, N.C. and Siegel, L. Preparation for labor and contemporary research on pain, anxiety and stress reduction. Psychosomatic Medicine, 1980, 42, 429-447.
Beck, N.C., Siegel, L., Davidson, N., Kormeier, S., Breitenstein, A. and Hall, D.
The prediction of pregnancy outcome: Maternal preparation, anxiety and attitudinal sets. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 1980, 24, 343-351.
Beck, N.C., Siegel, L., Brouder, G. and Geden, E. Preparation for labor and
behavioral medicine. International Journal of Mental Health, 1980, 9, 149-163.
Beck, N.C., Geden, E.A. and Brouder, G. Preparation for labor: A historical
perspective. Psychosomatic Medicine, 1979, 41, 243-258.
Beck, N.C. and Hall, D. Natural Childbirth: A review and analysis: Obstetrics and Gynecology, 1978, 52, 371-379.
Martens, M.P., Kilmer, J.R., Beck, N.C., and Zamboanga, B.L. The efficacy of a targeted personalized drinking feedback intervention among intercollegiate athletes: A randomized controlled trial. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors,
2010, 24(4),660-669.
Beck, NC. Trajectories of Seclusion and Restraint use at a Public Forensic
Hospital 2010 American Psychology-Law Society Conference March 18-20,
2010 Vancouver, Canada
Beck, N. C. Prediction of Seclusion/Restraint Use in a Forensic Psychiatric
Facility. (p.67) 31st International Congress on Law and Mental Health; June 28-
July 3, 2009, New York University Law School, New York
Martens, MP, Watson, JC, Beck, NC. Does Alcohol Consumption Among
Intercollegiate Athletes Differ by Sport Type? (p.51) Association for the
Advancement of Applied Sport Psychology Annual Meeting, Sept 2004
Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Beck, NC. Training Sport Psychology Students to Conduct Alcohol-Related
Interventions with Student-Athletes. (p.23) Association for the Advancement of
Applied Sport Psychology Annual Meeting, Sept 2003, Philadelphia,
Brannan, ME, Hinton, PS, Beck, NC. An Examination of Eating Behaviors of
Collegiate Athletes. (p.108) Association for the Advancement of Applied Sport
Psychology Annual Meeting, Sept 2003, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Martens, MP, Sandstedt, SD, Beck, NC, Portenga, S. Alcohol Interventions for
College Athletes: Why to do it and How to do it. (p.22) Association for the
Advancement of Applied Sport Psychology Annual Meeting, Sept 2003,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Manzo, LG, Beck, NC. Addressing and Reducing Alcohol Use among Athletes:
A Psycho-educational Approach Focusing on Facilitating Peak Performance.
(p.109) Association for the Advancement of Applied Sport Psychology Annual
Meeting, Sept 2001, Orlando, Florida.
Martens, MP, Beck, NC, Webber, SN. Academic Preparation Required to be a
Counseling or Clinical Psychologist. (p.18) Association for the Advancement of
Applied Sport Psychology Annual Meeting, Sept 2001, Orlando, Florida.
Martens, MP, Cox, RH, Beck, NC. Reliability and Validity of the Drinking
Motives Measure with Collegiate Athletes. (p.44) Association for the
Advancement of Applied Sport Psychology Annual Meeting, Sept 2001, Orlando,
Ward, DG, Sandstedt, SD, Beck, NC. The Legal and Ethical Implications of the
Title ‘Sport Psychologist’. (p.19) Association for the Advancement of Applied
Sport Psychology Annual Meeting, Sept 2001, Orlando, Florida.
Martens, MP, Cox, RH, Beck, NC. Negative Consequences of Heavy Drinking in
Student-Athletes: The Role of Drinking Motives. (p.86) Association for the
Advancement of Applied Sport Psychology Annual Meeting, Sept, 2000.
Nashville, Tennessee.
Cox, RH, McGuire, RT, Beck, NC, Webber, SN, Martens, M. Symposium: The
MU Scientist/Practitioner Model for Preparing Licensed and AAASP Certified
Counseling Sport Psychologists. (p.7) Association for the Advancement of
Applied Sport Psychology Annual Meeting, Sept, 1999, Banff, Alberta, Canada.
Cassidy, J.T., Frank, R.G., Beck, N.C., Clay, D.L., Smith, E., Chaney, J.M.,
Peterson, J.S., Kashani, J.H. Relationship of measures of disease activity in JRA and RA. Journal of Rheumatology 19(33 Supplement):118, 1992.
Baumstark, K., Buckelew, S.P., Sher, K.J. and Beck, N.C. (l99l). Predictors of pain behaviors in fibromyalgia syndrome patients. American Pain Society
Abstracts, Tenth Annual Meeting (p47).
Parker, J., Frank, R., Beck, N., Smarr, K., Buescher, K., Phillips, L., Smith, E.,
Anderson, S., and Walker, S. (1989). Pain management in rheumatoid arthritis patients: A cognitive-behavioral approach. Orthopedics/Rheumatology Digest, 1,
Parker, J., Frank, R., Beck, N., Smarr, K., Buescher, K., Phillips, L., Smith, E.,
Anderson, S., and Walker, S. (1989). Pain management in rheumatoid arthritis patients. Orthopedics/Rheumatology Digest, 1, 18-19.
Fuentes, R.T., Valle, G., Beck, N., Logue, M., Frank, R. and Holmes, R.
Induction Techniques in Panic Attacks and Head Trauma Patients Studied with Tc
99m d, 1-HMPAO, Proceedings of the Society of Nuclear Medicine, 1989.
Buckelew, S., Parker, J., Smarr, K., Buescher, K., Beck, N., Frank, R., Anderson,
S., and Walker, S. (1988). Disease severity and psychological distress among RA patients. Proceedings from Canadian and American Pain Society Joint Meeting,
Weiss, J.M.A. and Beck, N.C. Diagnostic criteria for psychopathy. Proceedings of the World Psychiatric Association Regional Symposium, 1988.
Weiss, J.M.A.; and Beck, N.C. Transcultural factors in psychopathy.
Proceedings of the Royal College of Psychiatrists, 1988.
Weiss, J.M.A.; Beck, N.C., and Sahasi, G. Psychopathology in India and
America. In: Proceedings of the First Asian American Conference on Psychiatric
Disorders. AIIMS, New Delhi (India), 1988.
Weiss, J.M.A. and Beck, N.C. Factor analysis of the Missouri Psychopathy Scale.
ASCAP Newsletter, 1988, 1 (10), 3-5.
Weiss, J. M. A.; Beck, N.C., and Sahasi, G. Psychopathology in India and
America. In: Proceedings of the First Asian-American Conference on Psychiatric
Disorders. AIIMS, New Delhi (India), 1988.
Smarr, K., Buescher, K., Phillips, L., Frank, R., Beck, N., Anderson, S., Walker,
S., and Parker, J. Pain control and rational thinking: Analysis of a coping strategy. Arthritis and Rheumatism, 1988, 31, S157.
Frank, R.G., Kashani, J.H., Parker, J.C., Beck, N.C., and Kay, D.R.
Antidepressant analgesia in rheumatoid arthritis: A preliminary report. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 1987, 68(9), S640.
Parker, J.C., Smarr, K.L., Frank, R.G., Beck, N.C., McRae, C.A., Buescher, K.L.,
Phillips, L.R., Anderson, S.P., Meyer, A.A., Smith, E.I. and Walker, S.E. Pain
Management in rheumatoid arthritis: 12-Month outcome. Arthritis and
Rheumatism 1987, 30, S195.
Frank, R.G., Kashani, J.H., Parker, J.C., Beck, N.C., Atwood, C., Finan, D. and
Kay, D.R. Antidepressant analgesia in RA: A preliminary report. Arthritis and
Rheumatism 1987, 30, S520.
Beck, N.C., Parker, J.C., Frank, R.G., Geden, E.A., Kay, D.R. and Shivvers, N.
Rheumatoid arthritis and compliance with salicylate treatment regimens. Arthritis and Rheumatism, 1987, 30, S196.
Frank, R.G., Kashani, J.H., Parker, J.C., Beck, N.C., Eliot, T.R., Smith, E. and
Kay, D.R. Analgesic effects of antidepressants in R.A.: Preliminary results.
Proceedings of the Sixth General Meeting of the American Pain Society,
Washington, D.C., 1986, p. 72.
McCracken, J., Shekim, W., Kashani, J., Beck, N.C., Martin, J., Rosenberg, J. and
Costello, A. The epidemiology of childhood depressive disorders. Proceedings of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 1986, p. 24.
Parker, J.C., Frank, R.G., Beck, N.C., Finan, M.J., Walker, S.E., Smarr, K.L. and
Smith, E.I. Pain in rheumatoid arthritis: A descriptive analysis. Arthritis and
Rheumatism, 1986, 29(4): S148.
Frank, R.G., Beck, N.C., Parker, J.C., Kashani, J.H., Elliott, T.R., and Kay, D.R.
Depression in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients. Arthritis and Rheumatism,
1986, 29 (4):S82.
Woolsey, C, Kensinger, WS, Jacobson, B, & Beck NC (2009). Energy Drink
Consumption and High-Risk Drinking Behaviors among College Students.
Online study at OSU and University of Missouri. Faculty Development and
Research Committee (FDRC). Amount: $2,375 (see publications in progress).
OSU Instrument link: http://frontpage.okstate.edu/coe/30day/
Woolsey, C, Kensinger, WS, Jacobson, B, & Beck NC (2009). Are Energy
Drinks the Next Gateway Drug? Online Study at OSU and University of
Missouri. OSU College of Education (FDRC). Amount: $1,000. (Study in progress.)
Beck, NC; Coleman, J. Prediction of Aggressive Behavior in Psychiatric
Inpatients. Research Grant/Contract awarded by the Missouri Department of
Mental Health for the period of December 2009-October 2010 for a total cost of
Martens, M, Beck, NC. The Effects of Personalized Drinking Feedback Programs
Among Intercollegiate Athletes. Research Grant Awarded by Alcohol Beverage
Referral Foundation for the period of June 2007-June 2008 for a total cost of
Beck, M. & Beck, N.C. Missouri Domestic Violence Report Card. Research
Grant Awarded by Missouri Department of Pubic Safety S.T.O.P. Violence
Against Women Act Program for the period of January 2006-December 2006 for a total cost of $48,235.41.
Beck, N.C. Clinical Benefits and side Effects of Aripiprazole in a Forensic State
Hospital. Research Grant Awarded by Bristol-Myers Squibb for the period of
June 2005-June 2006 for a total cost of $60,000.
Beck, M. & Beck, N.C. Missouri Domestic Violence Report Card. Research
Grant Awarded by Missouri Department of Public Safety S.T.O.P. Violence
Against Women Act Program for the period of January 2005-December 2005 for a total cost of $49,680.
Beck, N.C. Predicting Length of Stay in Acute Care Psychiatric Units. Research
Grant Awarded by National Association of State Mental Health Program
Directions for the period of June 2004-June 2005 for a total cost of $40,000.
Beck, M. & Beck, N.C. Missouri Domestic Violence Report Card. Research
Grant Awarded by Missouri Department of Public Safety S.T.O.P. Violence
Against Women Act Program for the period of January 2004-December 2004 for a total cost of $49,680.
Beitman, B.B., Beck, N.C. & Stuve, P. A double-blind, placebo controlled doseresponse comparison of the safety and efficacy of these doses of Sertindole and three doses of Haldol in Schizophrenic patients. Research Grant Awarded by
Abbott Labortories, Inc. for the period January 1994-January 1995 for a total cost of $57,317.
Frank, R.G., Kashani, J., Hoffman, R., Beck, N.C., Goldstein, D., Parker, J. and
Smith, E. Psychological response to juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. Research grant awarded by NIH, National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research for the period September, 1988 to August, 1993 with a total direct cost of $385,000.
Beck, N.C., Geden, E.A. (co-principal investigators), Shelton, B.J. and Peterson-
Homer, L. Effects of cognitive strategies on recovery from Cesarean delivery.
Research grant awarded by NIH, PHS, Division of Nursing Research for the period December 1987-November 1991 with a total direct cost of $338,279.
Parker, J., Frank, R., Beck, N., and Walker, S. Life Stress and Coping Strategies in Arthritis: Biomedical Correlates. Research grant awarded by VA Medical
Research, April 1986-April 1989, $118,000.
Kashani, J.H., Silva, P.A., McGee, R.O., Beck, N.C. and Reid,J.C. A longitudinal study of childhood depression. Research grant awarded by NIMH, Child
Epidemiology Section for the period Fall, 1985 to Summer, 1988 for a total direct cost of $162,984.
Beck, N., Geden, E. (co-principal investigators), Smith, E. and Kay, D.R.
Compliance with analgesic drugs in the treatment of arthritis. Research grant awarded by NIH, National Institute of Arthritis, Diabetes and Digestive and
Kidney Diseases for the period September, 1984 - August, 1987 for a total direct cost of $111,000.
Beck, N.C., Geden, E.A., Brouder, G. (co-principal investigators), Waters, W. and
McConnel, E. Preparation for labor: A Nursing Research Proposal. Research grant awarded by NIH, PHS, Division of Nursing Research, for period March,
1980 - February, 1984,with a total direct cost of $260,000.
Rhodes, V.A., Watson, P.M., Beck, N.C., Johnson, M.H. and Hewett, J.E.
Nausea, Vomiting and Anxiety in Cancer Patients. Research grant awarded by
NIH, PHS Division of Nursing Research for the period of June, 1984 - May,
1986, with a total direct cost of $204,360.
Frank, R., Kashani, J., Beck, N., Parker, J., Kay, D. and Smith, E. Pain, depression and antidepressive therapy in arthritis. Research grant awarded by
NIH, National Institute of Arthritis, Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Disease for the period September, 1984 - August, 1987 for a total direct cost of $116,000.
Beck, N.C., Hall, D. (co-principal investigators), Siegel, L., Kormeier, S. and
Trumbower, W. Natural childbirth: An experimental analysis: Research grant awarded by NIH, PHS, Division of Maternal and Child Health, for the period
January, 1978 - August, 1979 with a total cost of $29,301.
Shekim, W.O., Beck, N.C., Smith, B. and Hoeper, E. Oxaprotiline
Hydrochloride: A Comparative Efficacy and Tolerability Study in Patients with
Major Depressive Episode with Melancholia. Research grant awarded by Ciba-
Giegy Corporation for the period October, 1982 - September, 1984 with a total direct cost of $73,000.
Seidenberg, M. and Beck, N.C. (co-principal investigators), Academic
Achievement in Children with epilepsy. Research grant awarded by the Epilepsy
Foundation of America for the period March 1980 - February, 1981 with a total direct cost of $10,000.
Husain, A., Shekim, W.O., Kashani, J. and Beck, N.C. Children of Manic-
Depressive Psychotics. Research grant awarded by the Missouri Institute of
Psychiatry Research Fund, University of Missouri Medical School, for the period
March, 1978 - February, 1979 with a total direct cost of $2,000.
Thelen, M., Chassin, L., Frank, R., Beck, N., Henrichs, T., Presson, C., Parker, J.,
Peterson-Homer, L., Richards, S., and Sher, K. Institutional grant for Specialized
Training in Psychology (Behavioral Medicine). Training grant funded by NIMH
Clinical Training/Manpower Development Program, for the period September, 1983 -
August, 1986 for a total cost of $170,449.
Woolsey, C; Martens, M; Beck, NC. Understanding Athlete Brain Chemistry and
Addiction. Presented at the 2009 Annual Meeting of the Central States Chapter of the American College of Sports Medicine
Beck, NC. Predicting Trajectories of Seclusion/Restraint Use at a State
Psychiatric Facility. Presented to the XXXIst International Congress on Law and
Mental Health, New York University Law School, June and July 2009.
Beck, M. Beck, NC & Collins, K. Domestic Violence Rates in Missouri
Counties. Presented to the Missouri Judicial College in St. Louis and Kansas
City, Missouri. August and October 2006.
Martens, M. P., Watson, J. C., & Beck, N. C. (2004, September). Does alcohol consumption among intercollegiate athletes differ by sport type? Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for the Advancement of Applied Sport
Psychology, Minneapolis, MN.
Hinton, P.S. and Beck, N.C. Nutrient intakes of male and female collegiate athletes with disordered eating. Nutrition Emphasis Week, Dept. of Nutritional
Sciences, Univ. of Missouri, Columbia, MO, 2003.
Martens, M. P., Cox, R. H., & Beck, N. C. (2002, October). Negative consequences of heavy drinking in student-athletes: The role of drinking motives. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Association for the Advancement of Applied Sport
Psychology, Tucson, AZ.
Martens, M. P., Beck, N. C., & Webber, S. N. (2001, October). Academic preparation required to become a counseling or clinical psychologist. In R. H. Cox
(Chair), Reconceptualizing the sport psychology certification process within
Symposium conducted at the annual meeting of the Association for the
Advancement of Applied Sport Psychology, Orlando, FL.
Martens, M. P., Cox, R. H., & Beck, N. C. (2001, October). Reliability and validity of the Drinking Motives Measure with collegiate athletes. Paper presented
at the annual meeting of the Association for the Advancement of Applied Sport
Psychology, Orlando, FL.
Martens, M. P., Cox, R. H., & Beck, N. C. (2001, August). A motivational model of college student alcohol use. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the
American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA.
Menditto, A.A. & Beck, N.C. Implementing a social-learning program in a maximum-security setting. Plenary presentation at the fourteenth annual State
Mental Health Forensic Directors Annual Conference, St. Louis, 1993.
Clay, D.L., Cassidy, J.T., Beck, N.C., Hagglund, K.J., and Frank R.G. Functional status, socioeconomic status and parental distress in children with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. Poster presented at the 56 th
Annual Scientific Meeting of the
American College of Rheumatology, Atlanta, George, October 1992.
Hagglund, K.J., Clay, D.L., Frank, R.G., Beck, N.C., Cassidy, J.T. & Kashani,
J.H. Relationship of anger expression styles among family members. Presented at the 100 th
Meting of the American Psychological Association, Washington,
D.C., August, 1992
Menditto, A.A., Beck, N.C., Valdez, L. Implementing a Social Learning Program
Symposium, American Academy of Psychiatry and Law, Orlando, Florida, l99l.
Baumstark, K., Bucklew, S.P., Sher, K.J., and Beck, N.C. Predictors of pain behavior in fibromyalgia syndrome patients. Presented at the l0th Annual
Meeting of the American Pain Society in New Orleans, LA, November l99l.
Hagglund, K.J., Clay, D.L., Frank, R.G., Beck, N.C., and Parker, J.C.
Measurement of Pain in Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA). American Congress of
Rehabilitation Medicine, Washington, D.C., October 27-November 1, 1991.
Weiss, J.M.A., Beck, N.C. Transcultural validity of research instruments:
Diagnosis-specific measures. International Federation of Psychiatric
Epidemiology, Montreal, 1990.
Weiss, J.M.A. and Beck, N.C. Civilization and its malcontents: the psychopaths among us. World Congress of Social Psychiatry, Washington, D.C., 1990.
Frank, R..G., Shutty, M.S., Chaney, J.M., Clay, D.L., Beck, N.C., Kay, D.R.,
Elliott, T.R., and Grambling, S. Dysphoria: A Major Factor of Depression in
Persons with a Disability or Chronic Illness. American Psychological
Association, Boston, 1990.
Beck, N.C., Menditto, A.A., Angelone, E. and Baldwin, L. Decreasing the frequency of aggressive behavior in chronically mentally ill forensic patients.
Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, San Francisco, California,
Fuentes, R.T., Valle, G., Beck, N., Logue, M., Frank, R. and Holmes, R.
Techniques in Panic Attacks and Head Trauma Patients Studied with Tc 99m d, 1
HMPAO. Society of Nuclear Medicine, St. Louis, 1989.
Weiss, James M. A., and Beck, N.C. Class and Culture in Psychopathy-Age
Relationships. Society for the Study of Psychiatry and Culture, Surrey, England,
October 1989.
Weiss, J. M. A.; Beck, N.C., and Sahasi, G. Psychopathology in India and
America. Asian-American Conference on Psychiatric Disorders. AIIMS, New
Delhi (India), 1988.
Buckelew, S.P., Parker, J., Smarr, K., Buescher, K., Beck, N., Frank, R.G.,
Anderson, S., and Walker, S.E. Disease Severity and Psychological Distress
Among RA Patients. Joint Meeting of the Canadian and American Pain Societies,
Toronto, Canada, November, 1988.
Smarr, K. Buescher, K., Phillips, L., Frank, R., Beck, N., Anderson, S., Walker,
S., and Parker, J. (1988, May). Pain control and rational thinking: Analysis of a coping strategy. Arthritis Health Professions Association, Houston, Texas, 1988.
Weiss, J.M.A. and Beck, N.C. Transcultural comparison of problem drinking personality patterns. Symposium at the Pacific Rim College of Psychiatrists,
Hong Kong, 1988.
Weiss, J.M.A. and Beck, N.C. Diagnostic criteria for psychopathology. World
Psychiatric Association Regional Symposium, Washington, D.C., 1988.
Baumstark, K.E., and Beck, N.C. A cognitive-behavioral treatment package for the management of post operative cesarean section pain. Society of Behavioral
Medicine, Boston, Ma, 1988.
Beck, N.C., Parker, J.C., Frank, R.G., Geden, E.A., Kay, D.R. and Shivvers, N.
Rheumatoid Arthritis and Compliance with Salicylate Treatment Regimens.
Arthritis Health Professionals Association, Washington, D.C., 1987.
Frank, R.G., Scott, M.A., Brownlee-Duffeck, M., and Beck, N.C. The Selective
Reminding Test in relation to other measures of memory and intellectual
functioning. National Head Injury Foundation Symposium, San Diego,
California, 1987.
Weiss, J.M.A. and Beck, N.C. Transcultural factors in psychopathy. Invited paper presentation at the Royal College of Psychiatrists, London, 1987.
Frank, R.G., Kashani, J.H., Parker, J.C., Beck, N.C. and Kay, D.R.
Antidepressant analgesia in R.A.: A preliminary report. American Academy of
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Orlando, Fla., 1987.
Frank, R.G., Kashani, J.H., Parker, J.C., Beck, N.C., Brownlee-Duffeck, M.,
Elliott, T.R., Atwood, C., Smith, E., and Kay, D.R. Antidepressant analgesia in rheumatoid arthritis. Paper presented in the symposium: Recent developments in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis pain. Symposium chaired by Frank, R.G.
American Psychological Association, New York, New York, August 28-
September 1, 1987.
Parker, J.C., Smarr, K.L., Frank, R.G., Beck, N.C., McFae, C.A., Buescher, K.L.,
Phillips, L.R., Anderson, S.P., Meyer, A.A., Smith, E.I. and Walker, S.E. Pain
Management in Rheumatoid Arthritis: 12-Month Outcome. Arthritis Health
Professionals Association, Washington, D.C., 1987.
Beck, N.C., Parker, J.C., Frank, R.G., Geden, E.A., Kay, D.R. and Shivvers, N.
Rheumatoid Arthritis and Compliance with Salicylate Treatment Regimens.
Arthritis Health Professionals Association, Washington, D.C., 1987.
Frank, R., Kashani, J., Parker, J., Beck, N., Atwood, C., Finan, D., and Kay, D.
Antidepressant analgesia in RA: preliminary report. American Rheumatism
Association, Chicago, October, 1986.
Parker, J.C., Frank, R.G., Beck, N.C., Uveges, J.M., Bernard, C.B., Smarr, K.L.,
Broster, C.L., Finan, M.J., and Walker, S.E. Pain management in rheumatoid arthritis: A preliminary analysis. American Psychological Association:
Washington, D.C., 1986.
Frank, R.G., Beck, N.C., Parker, J.C., Eliott, T.R., and Kay, D.R. Relationship of depression, pain, and disease course in rheumatoid arthritis. American
Psychological Association, Washington, D.C., 1986.
Frank, R.G., Kashani, J.H., Parker, J.C., Beck, N.C., Eliott, T.R., Smith, E. and
Kay, D.R. Analgesic effects of antidepressants in R.A.: Preliminary results.
American Pain Society, Washington, D.C., 1986.
Parker, J.C., Frank, R.G., Beck, N.C., Finan, M.J., Walker, S.E., Smarr, K.L., and
Smith, E.I. Pain in rheumatoid arthritis: a descriptive analysis. Arthritis Health
Professions Association, New Orleans, LA, 1986.
Frank, R.G., Beck, N.C., Parker, J.C., Eliott, T.R., and Kay, D.R. Depression in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients. American Rheumatism Association, New
Orleans, LA, 1986.
Parker, J.C., Smarr, K.L., Bernard, C.B., Uveges, J.M., Beck, N.C., Frank, R.G.,
Ginan, M.J., Hillenberg, J.B., Broster, C.L., and Walker, S.E. Coping with rheumatoid arthritis pain: cognitive-behavioral dimensions. American
Psychological Association Convention, Los Angeles, California, 1985.
Seidenberg, M., Beck, N.C., Geisser, M., Berent, S., Giordani, B., Dreifuss, F.E.,
Sackellares, J.C. and Boll, T.J. Academic achievement of children with epilepsy.
American Epilepsy Society. New York, New York, 1985.
Seidenberg, M., Beck, N.C., Geisser, M., Berent, S., Giordani, B., Dreifuss, F.E.,
Sackellares, J.C. and Boll, T.J. Neuropsychological and clinical correlates of academic functioning. American Epilepsy Society, New York, New York, 1985.
Seidenberg, M., Beck, N.C., Geisser, M., Berent, S., Giordani, B., Dreifuss, F.E.,
Sackellares, J.C. and Boll, T.J. Sex differences and academic achievement of children with epilepsy. National Academy of Neuropsychology, Philadelphia,
PA., 1985.
Shekim, W.O., Kashani, J.K., Beck, N.C., Martin, J., Rosenberg, J., and Costello,
A.J. Attention Deficit Disorder in a community sample of nine-year old children.
American Academy of Child Psychiatry, Toronto, Canada, 1984.
Daniel, A.E., Beck, N.C., Herath, A., Schmitz, M. and Menninger, K. Factors correlated with psychiatric recommendations of incompetency and insanity.
Paper presented at the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law. Nassau,
Bahamas, 1984.
Gamache, M.D., Seidenberg, M., Beck, N.C., Smith, M., Giordani, B., Berent, S. and Boll, T.J. Subject variables and performance on the Halstead-Reitan
Neuropsychology Battery. American Psychological Association Convention.
Anaheim, Cal., 1983.
Hoeper, E.W., Hewett, J.E., Madsen, R.W. and Beck, N.C. Increased utilization of medical services in women with mental disorders. American Public Health
Association, Dallas, Tx., 1983.
Beck, N.C. Psychological factors associated with the perception of pain during labor and delivery. Workshop delivered for the Wesson Memorial Women's
Hospital, Bay State Medical Center, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology,
Springfield, Mass., 1982.
Beck, N.C. Cognitive-behavioral methods of pain reduction. A series of 4 workshops delivered in association with the American Society for
Psychoprophylaxis in Obstetrics in Orlando, Florida, Memphis, Tennessee,
Baltimore, Maryland and Raleigh, North Carolina, 1981-1982.
Heisler, G.H., Fraps, C.L., Beck, N.C. and McReynolds, W.T. Predicting consumer attrition from psychotherapy. American Psychological Association
Convention, Los Angeles, California, 1981.
Beck, N.C. Preparation for labor. Association for the Advancement of Behavior
Therapy, Toronto, Canada, 1981.
Beck, N.C. Some contemporary pain and anxiety reduction methods applied to childbirth. American Society for Psychoproplylaxis in Obstetrics Annual
Convention, Waterville, N.H., 1980.
Beck, N.C. Husband participation as a component of labor preparation. March of
Dimes Conference on Perinatal Parental Development, Ann Arbor, Michigan,
Beck, N.C. The effects of systematic desensitization on response to labor.
Society for Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynecology, Toronto, Canada, 1980.
Beck, N.C., Siegel, L. and Hall, D. Preparation for labor: A multidisciplinary approach to pain and anxiety reduction. Academy of Psychosomatic Medicine,
San Francisco, California, 1979.
Beck, N.C. Cost-effectiveness analyses in mental health services research.
Missouri Coalition of Mental Health Centers Conference. St. Louis, Missouri,
Reviewer for Obstetrics and Gynecology, the official Journal of the American College of
Obstetrics and Gynecology (published by Harper and Row).
Reviewer for the Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology (published by the
American Psychological Association).
Reviewer for Multivariate Behavioral Research (published by the Society for
Multivariate Experimental Psychology).
Reviewer for Research in Nursing and Health (published by John Wiley and Company).
In the past, I was a member of the Advisory Board of Directors of the Society for
Reproductive and Infant Psychology and a reviewer for their official publication, the
Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology (published by John Wiley and Company).
School of Medicine
Institutional Review Board (Chairman since 2003)
Medical School Admissions 1987-1989 (Co-Chairman, 1988-89)
Faculty Affairs Council l99l
Research Council l992
Medical School Admissions l992-l995
Department of Psychiatry
Elected faculty representative to the Department of Psychiatry Coordinating
Committee 1988-91
Faculty Representative to the Department of Psychiatry Committee on Promotion and
Tenure, 1988-91
Chairman, Department of Psychiatry and Neurology, Promotion and Tenure
Committee, 1994-
Missouri Department of Mental Health
Chair, Committee for Research Involving Human Subjects, l99l-
Department of Psychology
Clinical Training Committee, 1980-1990
Campus Wide
Department of Intercollegiate Athletics Substance Abuse Committee, 1985-present
Research Committee, School of Nursing 1981-1983
Mid-Missouri Mental Health Center
Chairman, Quality Assurance Council, Mid-Missouri Mental Health Center, 1983-
Member, Research Committee, Mid-Missouri Mental Health Center, 1980-1986
Psychiatric Residents and Medical Students:
During the period of time that I worked on an acute inpatient service at Mid-Missouri
Mental Health Center, I provided residents with individual case supervision, as well as supervised medical students during their 8 week psychiatry rotation. I also served as a guest lecturer in the Medical School's Health and Human Behavior sequence.
At the current time, I supervise psychiatric residents who are completing research projects as a final requirement for completion of their 4 year residency program. I also provide residents with weekly psychotherapy supervision during their rotations at the
Department of Psychiatry's Outpatient Clinic.
Psychology Clerk Programs:
During the year 1983, I provided supervision to a psychology graduate student as part of an NIMH funded Behavioral Medicine training grant that I helped write through the
UMC Department of Psychology.
I also developed and served as the Director of a Clerkship Program that was established as part of a cooperative effort between the Mid-Missouri Mental Health Center and the
UMC Department of Psychology. This program includes seven 1/2 time clerks. I supervised 2 of these students directly through a placement at the Center's alcohol and drug abuse unit, and the other 5 clerks were supervised by other psychologists throughout the Center.
Psychology 418: Applied Research in Mental Health
This course is a 3-hour graduate level seminar that I taught between 1979-1981.
Graduate students in clinical and counseling psychology, social work and psychiatric nursing were eligible to enroll.
Psychology 445: Clinical Practicum
This is a 3 hour graduate level course that I have taught sporadically since 1986. It entails individual and group case supervision of 4-6 graduate students in Clinical
Psychology who are seeing patients at the Psychological Clinic.
I serve on 4-5 thesis/dissertation committees per year for students in graduate programs in clinical and counseling psychology and nursing.
During the period 1986-2006, I provided all counseling and psychotherapy services to
Department of Intercollegiate Athletics varsity athletes at the University of Missouri.
During 1999-2000, I also provided consultation to the St. Louis National Football
Franchise (the St. Louis Rams) League.