CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, CHICO Department of Psychology Psychology 673B Section 1 Class No. 1690 Fall 2014 Tues 11-1:50 Modoc 211 Practicum in Group Counseling Instructor: Peter Lopez, Ph.D. Email: Office: Modoc 104 Office Phone: 898-5292 Office Hours: M 1:30 – 3; T 2:30 – 4 Website: (Note: Do NOT send email to; that is Dr. Paul Lopez in Sociology.) Required Texts: Donigan, J., & Malnati, R. (1996 or 2005). Systemic Group Therapy: A Triadic Model. Pacific Grove, CA: Wadsworth Publishing. A group exercises/technique book of the student’s choice. Other Recommended Resources: Chen, M., & Rybak, C. J. (2004). Group leadership skills: Interpersonal process in group counseling and therapy. Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole—Thompson Learning. Prerequisite: PSYC 670 (Group Counseling) is a pre-requisite for this course. Course Description: This is an advanced graduate course designed to provide the student with practical group counseling experience and close supervision. The purpose of this course is to focus and develop your group leadership skills and further develop your conceptual understanding of group processes. Each student will run three groups. The course will include supervision for your groups, related readings, and demonstrations/practice of various group techniques. The basic scheduled elements of the course are as follows: 1) Three-hour weekly meetings, including both discussion of assigned readings and group supervision; 2) Bi-weekly Instructor Supervision, 1-hour individual supervision every other week. 3) Bi-weekly peer session-video review, every other week, you will review a peer’s session-video recording and provide him or her with feedback (via a written Peer Review Form). 4) Written Session Notes (i.e., a Progress Note, and a Process Summary) will be completed each week. 5) Session-Video Submission Form (with accompanying digital file) prepared each week to be given to the instructor or a peer each week. 6) Your group sessions and preparation time. PSYC 673B Lopez; page 2 Course Objectives: 1) To provide a supportive learning environment that promotes self-study and education toward becoming a more effective group counselor. To advance and utilize knowledge of group theory, facilitation, and counseling. To increase each student’s understanding of group dynamics. To increase each student’s awareness of content and process issues. To practice group psychotherapy. To learn how to make mistakes without disrupting the flow of the therapy process. To learn new group interventions and leadership skills To develop self-trust and confidence To help students become aware of their strengths and weaknesses as a counselor and to personalize the agenda to meet each student’s specific needs. 10) To develop supervisory skills via a peer-review process. 11) To grow as a professional in the psychotherapeutic field. 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) Requirements: 1) Attendance and participation in weekly meetings and bi-weekly supervision. Prepare for class by (a) reading and coming to class with an important point or question to discuss, and (b) selecting useful portions of your session-videos to review in group and individual supervision. 2) Groups (at least three). a. In some cases, co-leader groups may be allowed. 3) Digitally record all sessions and submit at least one video weekly (to me or your peer-reviewer): a. Select a 15 minute section that you would like reviewed. b. Write a short description of what happened prior to this segment and a short description of what you think is happening during the 15 minute segment and why it is important. c. Mention anything that you think the reviewer should pay close attention to. d. Keep in mind that the reviewer may choose to view the complete session. 4) Weekly case notes. Write and submit weekly case notes to me. (For co-leader sessions, only one counselor needs to write and turn in the weekly Progress Note, but both must submit a Process Summary.) 5) Bi-weekly peer-review summary. Written summary report reviewing one of your peer’s sessionvideos, submitted on the form provided, turned in every other week. 6) Group exercise/technique demonstration. Each student will select one group exercise or technique to demonstrate in the group practicum meetings throughout the semester. Students will take the role of group leader and their peers will play the role of group member. Students will also lead a discussion about the technique, its goals, and the strengths and weaknesses of the technique. This activity is intended to provide the opportunity to experiment with new techniques and provide constructive feedback. Students also will provide a quick review of their selected group exercises/technique book. 7) Case presentation a. Each student will make a case presentation to the class during the last few weeks of the semester. b. Provide background information to help the class understand the video segment. c. Show a video clip that demonstrates a successful intervention. d. Explain why the intervention was successful (i.e., what did you do that made it successful). e. Explain what you have learned from the course and how you have used that information in your group work. 8) Written end-of-semester summary and evaluation of each group (due on class day during finals week). 9) Responsible, professional, and ethical behavior in your groups, and in supervision. PSYC 673B Lopez; page 3 Evaluation: Partial evaluation of your performance will be based on: 1) My evaluation of your actual level of competence in group leadership as observed in session videos, as well as feedback from field supervisors (if any) and group members; your competence will be evaluated in the areas of structuring, guiding, and challenging. a. Structuring group involvement and group member interaction to facilitate group cohesiveness. b. Guiding member involvement and member exploration to promote a therapeutic group environment. c. Challenging group members to explore personal, interpersonal, and family script dynamics via the group. 2) Conceptual understanding of group process and individual dynamics. 3) Preparation for group and supervision sessions through planning group sessions, reviewing your session videos, selecting useful segments and asking questions about your session, keeping up with reading assignments, and keeping up on session notes and forms. 4) Quality of written summaries, peer-reviews, and case notes. 5) Ability to evaluate your own sessions and performance, as well as explore countertransference issues evoked by the group process. 6) Openness to and use of feedback in the process of growth as a group leader. 7) Quality of leadership/participation during demonstrations and group supervision. 8) Provision of useful and honest feedback to others. 9) Self-awareness of your competence, strengths, and weaknesses in both the counseling and supervision process. 10) Response to and use of supervision. 11) Adherence to ethical and professional guidelines. Grading: 1) 2) 3) 4) Counseling Competency Supervisee Competency Presentations (Case & Intervention) Case management Total 70 points 10 points 10 points 10 points 100 points Note: To earn a "B" or better in this course, a student must attain at least 56 points for Counseling Competency and at least 8 points for Supervisee Competency. To pass this course, a student must adhere to ethical and professional guidelines. Attendance: Attendance is required for all classes, groups, and supervision sessions. More than one legitimately excused absence will result in a letter grade step reduction (e.g. A to A-, A- to B+, etc.). Final Grades Final letter grades will be distributed according to the following: A AB+ 93 – 100 90 – 92 87 – 89 B BC+ 83 – 86 80 - 82 77 – 79 C 73 – 76 C- 70 - 72 D+ 67 - 69 D F 60 - 66 below 60 PSYC 673B Lopez; page 4 Class Schedule Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Date Aug 26 Sept 2 Sept 9 Sept 16 Sept 23 Sept 30 Oct 7 Oct 14 Oct 21 Oct 28 Nov 4 Nov 11 Nov 18 Nov 25 Dec 2 Dec 9 Dec 16 Description Intro to class, scheduling, and overview Group counseling overview Group counseling overview (cont) Group counseling overview (cont) Group Technique Presentations Group Technique Presentations Group Technique Presentations Group Technique Presentations Group Technique Presentations Supervision of groups Supervision of groups Veteran’s Day – No Class Supervision of groups Thanksgiving Break – No Class Supervision of groups Case presentations Case presentations Note: SGT – Systemic Group Therapy text. Readings/Assignments SGT: Part I & II SGT: Part III & IV Students: Students: Students: Students: Students: