Healthy Coffee Mix - Jernigan Nutraceuticals

Doctor of Chiropractic, Bachelors of Nutrition, Bachelors of Physical Education, Mother of 4 Children,
and Owner and producer of Jernigan Nutraceuticals.
Our Products & Services
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I believe this product should be taken by anyone
who lives in America. It deals with stress, cancer,
bacterial infections, fungal attacks, anxiety, chronic
fatigue, upset stomachs, arthritis, edema, joint
pain, kidney problems, heart issues, hormone
issues, coughing, headaches, fatigue, and many
different types of digestion problems. I believe a
person should take one bottle a year or a little bit
every day, either in apple cider vinegar or in the
alcohol extract. It is the one of the best
preventative medicines to keep your body healing
itself and protecting you from all kinds of attacks.
Yeast-Ease™& Yeast-Ease
Plus™ 4oz $48.00
Pomifitrin™ 4oz $60.00
According to our tests, Yeast-Ease™ outperformed
all of the other yeast products. Our tests also
showed it to be very hypoallergenic and having
low toxicity. I will never forget the day when Great
Smokies Laboratory, an independent lab, ran the
tests of Yeast Ease™ against five of the most
common strains of Candida-type yeast. The lead
microbiologist confidently informed us that not
one product kills all five common strains… but
when the test results came in, sure enough, YeastEase™ even when they put it in diluted form was
very effective against every type of the five
common strains of Candida.
(Getting rid of toxins, histamines, inflammation,
and pain will help the body lower blood
Breaks down neuro-toxins
Asthma and bronchitis
Bladder complaints including frequent
urination and urinary tract infections.
Silphitrin™ 4oz $48.00
Gluten Free Diet
Gluten free diet really helps one keep
their blood sugar, high blood pressure
and yeast infections under control. I
honestly believe that many migraines
and intense abdominal pains are caused
by being gluten intolerant.
Suggestion: Go two weeks with not even a little teeny tiny bit of gluten
then eat a piece of bread and if you do not get a head ache or intense
abdominal pain or have to run to the bathroom, then you probably can
handle gluten. But even if you can handle gluten, cutting out wheat is an
easy way to stay healthy. FYI, gluten free breads and cupcakes have a
high glycemic index. If you are not gluten intolerant sour dough bread is
better. Candy bars, candy and sodas may not have gluten in them. This is
NOT the point of being gluten free. The point is to reduce your intake of
wheat products, to reduce the allergic reactions and reduce the
carbohydrates intake.
Sole' (Sol-Lay)
Because of its complex beneficial minerals and bio-electronic power Sole' offers countless
health benefits: Helps Hydration- The body naturally repairs itself during sleep, but in
doing so, it uses up a good amount of water. Sole helps the body re-hydrate. Most chronically
ill people are dehydrated. Helps the Body Detoxify- The body detoxifies itself while
sleeping. Sole’ helps in clearing mucus plugs and phlegm from your lungs – particularly
useful in asthma and cystic fibrosis. Acts as a strong natural antihistamine and helps clear up
congestion in your sinuses Plus it is naturally anti-bacterial and can help remove bad
bacteria in the body. Improves Digestion and is Alkalizing. It balances alkalinity/acidity
levels, restores good digestion, and improves absorption. Weight Loss- By improving
digestion and nourishing the body on a cellular level, Sole’ can help promote weight loss.
Improves blood sugar- Some people note
improvements in blood sugar levels after
using Sole’ and helps to reduce your aging
rate. Healthy Skin, Hair and Nails- Sole’s
high mineral content makes it great for
healthy skin (and acne problems), and for
hair and nail growth. Boosts Energy- The
minerals and stored energy in Sole’ help
boost energy throughout the day.
Prevention of muscle cramps.
Prevents muscle cramps. Makes the structure of your bones firm –
firm it
– from
osteoporosis can occur
body needs
and takes
your bones. Regulates
osteoporosis can occur when your body
libido- Stabilizes irregular heartbeats – in conjunction with water it is
actually essential for
the regulation
more saltofand
from your
How to make Sole’:
Regulating your sleep – it is a natural
 Take a pint of filtered water
 Put 1 TBSP of Celtic Sea Salt into good filtered water until absolutely no
Maintains your libido.
more salt can be dissolved. Make it super saturated. Then in the morning,
on an empty stomach,
take one
tsp. of this
salt veins
and put it in
and spider
8oz of filtered water. (You may have to take a tiny bit until you get use to
on your legs and thighs.
the taste of salt water)
Stabilizing irregular heartbeats – in
Natural Celtic sea salt is usually light moist grey crystals and is the gentlest
conjunction with water it is actually essential
alkaline-forming substance known. I worked with Thomas De Langre whose
for the regulation of your blood pressure
father brought sea salt into the USA for the first time. Thomas convinced me
Celtic was the best. I am partial to Celtic Sea Salt because I know how it is
produced. Himalayan Sea Salt is very popular. Either one is better than iodized
It improves the health of your adrenal system, it helps strengthen the body’s
response to stress and enhance its ability to cope with anxiety and fight fatigue. It
increases energy- Increases stamina- Boosting libido-Enhancing fertilityHair growth- Improves skin tone- helps clear acne. Balances hormones during
menopause. Prevents Osteoporosis- Supports Thyroid health- Enhances
mental focus and clarity- Reducing depression. Vitamins: Maca is rich in vitamin
B, C, and E. It provides plenty of calcium, zinc, iron, magnesium, phosphorous
and amino acids. It supplies iron and helps restore red blood cells, which aids
anemia and cardiovascular diseases.
 Lowers your bad cholesterol (or LDL)
 Lowers blood sugar levels
 Antifungal properties
 Anti-clotting effect on the blood
 Relieves arthritis pain
 Improves memory
 Headache relief
Organic Cocoa
 Power packed food with antioxidants, minerals
 Helps the hormones
 Has anti-inflammatory properties
 Helps decrease blood pressure
 Good source of magnesium, sulfur, calcium, iron, zinc, copper, potassium and
manganese, plus some B vitamins
Healthy Coffee Mix
The Recipe
 1 tsp of Organic 100% unsweetened Cocoa,
 ¼ tsp of Maca
 ½ tsp of coconut sugar
 ¼ tsp of cinnamon
 ½ tablespoon of coconut oil
 1/2 tablespoon of milk (or yogurt) or half and half
 1 to 2 cups of hot water or coffee
 Put all together and enjoy! Adjust according to taste
Start your morning with 1 to 4 cups of this Hot Chocolate
Drink or add it to your coffee. (Hopefully this will help you
drink less coffee or make it such where you rarely drink it)
Benefits of Coconut Oil, Maca,
Cinnamon, & Organic Cocoa Mix
Coconut Oil
Infections: Almost 50% of the fatty acids in coconut oil is the 12carbon Lauric Acid. When coconut oil is enzymatically digested, it
also forms a monoglyceride called monolaurin. Both lauric acid and
monolaurin can kill harmful pathogens like bacteria, viruses, and
According to the Coconut Research Center,
they also have research
which show that coconut oil kills the viruses that cause influenza,
measles, hepatitis, herpes, SARS, and other serious health risks. It
also kills bacteria that cause ulcers, throat infections, urinary tract
infections, pneumonia, and gonorrhea. Finally, coconut oil is also
effective in the elimination of fungi and yeast that cause
ringworm, athlete’s foot, thrush, and diaper rash.
Caprylic acid, caproic acid, myristic acid and lauric acid are all found in coconut
oil and have antimicrobial and antifungal properties which aid in the elimination of
candida albicans. Heart: If you are under treatment for hypertension (high blood
pressure), you should use coconut oil sparingly -- you may want to discuss it with
your doctor first. Take your blood pressure regularly so if you need to lower your
dosage you can alter it immediately. Coconut oil increases the good HDL cholesterol in
the blood to help improve cholesterol ratio levels. Coconut can help restore normal
thyroid function. When the thyroid does not function optimally, it can contribute to
higher levels of bad cholesterol. Coconut oil protects arteries from injury that causes
atherosclerosis and thus protects against heart disease. Liver: The presence of
medium chain triglycerides and fatty acids reduce the work load of the liver and also
prevent accumulation of fat. Kidney: Helps to dissolve kidney stones.
Diabetes: Coconut oil helps in controlling blood sugar, and improves the secretion of
insulin. It also promotes the effective utilization of blood glucose, thereby preventing
and treating diabetes. Bones: Coconut oil improves the ability of our body to absorb
important minerals. These include calcium and magnesium which are necessary for
the development of bones. Thus, coconut oil is very useful to women who are prone to
osteoporosis after middle age. Dental care: Calcium is an important component of our
teeth. Since coconut oil facilitates absorption of calcium by the body, it helps in
developing strong teeth. Coconut oil also stops tooth decay because of its ability to kill
bacteria. HIV and cancer: It is believed that coconut oil plays an instrumental role in
reducing a person’s viral susceptibility for HIV and cancer patients. Weight Loss:
Coconut oil consists primarily of medium-chain fatty acids, which are metabolized
very differently, so they're burned as fuel rather than stored as fat. And it will help
burn the “bad fat”. It is also easy to digest and it helps in healthy functioning of the
thyroid and endocrine system. Further, it increases the body’s metabolic rate by
removing stress on the pancreas, thereby burning more energy and helping obese and
overweight people lose the weight. Coconut oil and Alzheimer’s disease: The
research conducted by Dr. Newport states that coconut oil is useful for people with
Alzheimer’s disease.
Our Daily Decisions Define Our Health
I know my Lord and Savior can heal instantaneously. He healed me of stomach cancer. He healed
my daughter of West Nile Virus. He healed my son from internal bleeding/damage from a tractor
incident. And I have seen countless people healed miraculously from lyme disease. But the rest of
my life, I have to choose to not put poisonous foods into my body, so I do not keep creating health
problems. High blood pressure, yeast infections, weight problems, and diabetic tendencies can be
controlled without prescription medication (that cause side effects…more death and illness). Food
that causes death is cheap food. Easy to get. Easy to fix.
Change slowly; keep it simple.
Make one dietary change a month and in one year you will have established 12 ways to
keep your vessel healthy. In 2 years you would have 24 changes and in 3 years you would
have 36 new habits.
When you try to change dramatically, you get worn out, stressed out and overwhelmed so
you quit and go back to eating foods and drinks that cause illness and death.
This booklet has three simple steps to start a life long journey. I will leave more for later.
But start here.
Contact Us
Dr. Sara J Jernigan, BS, DC
Phone: 316-371-8485