40 marks in total (20 marks each)
15 MINUTES for each ‘person’
2 ‘essay style’ answers to be completed on the life or achievements of a person in history. Choose
1 out of 3 from A + 1 out of 3 from B. These can come from any section of the course but Part A is usually from before 1600 and Part B is usually after 1600
Read the question carefully. If it asks for ‘named’ - name them and be specific, otherwise write in the first person and be more general. Aim for a broad answer, with as much detail as possible.
Biographical details are not important. Focus on achievements and contributions e.g. Columbus’ year of birth is unimportant but the names of his ships and different voyages are.
Don’t overwrite, know your SRS count and go a couple spare over, but not too much. E.G. for 15 marks you should provide at least 7 significant relevant statements (SRS). Stick within parameters: e.g.
A mine or factory worker during the Industrial Revolution - don’t talk about transport or farming
A settler in a named plantation of Ireland - don’t talk about the politics or causes
Possible Section A Titles
An archaeologist working on an excavation
A person living in an Ancient Civilisation outside of Ireland (Rome, Greece, Egypt)
A person/farmer in Ireland during the Stone Age or Bronze Age or Iron Age
A monk in Early Christian Ireland
A monk in a Medieval Monastery
A craftsman/Lord or Lady of a Castle/Serf/Knight in the Middle Ages
A named painter/sculptor/writer during the Renaissance period
A named explorer who led a voyage of discovery
A named reformer
Possible Section B titles
A named religious reformer during the Reformation
A mine or factory worker during the Industrial Revolution
A settler who received land/a Gaelic landowner who lost land during a named plantation
A leader in a revolution in France/ America/ Ireland during the period, 1770-1803
A named leader in the struggle for Irish Independence, 1900-1923
A German/ British/ American soldier involved in WW11
A named leader involved in one of the crisis during the rise of the Superpowers (Berlin Blockade;
Korean War; Cuban Missile Crisis)
An old person describing the changes that have occurred in the role of women/ work/ rural & urban life/ transport & communication/ leisure, sport & entertainment/ in the 20 th century
A Young Person in Ancient Rome:
My name is Marcus. I am a thirteen-year-old boy living in Rome, which is the centre of the mighty Roman
Empire. My father is a wealthy senator, so we live in a beautiful domus. At the back of the house is a garden, or______________, which gives wonderful shade on hot summer days. The nicest room in the house in the _____________with its shallow pool, or impluvium.
From the age of seven I attended an elementary school called a ludus. This is situated near the____________, or main market place of Rome. We write in wax tablets using a pointed stick called a
This year I am to be sent to a grammar school, where I will study Greek and Roman literature. I will also have to practice the art of___________, or public speaking, if I am to have any hope of becoming a senator like my father.
Although school is a bore, there are plenty of pastimes in Rome. I often go to the public baths (children get in free) to chat and bathe with my friends. I have also been to the _______________
__________________to watch the chariot racing. I love to watch my favourite team, the Reds, race around the track to the cheers of up to a quarter-of-a-million people. Mother will not let me go to the Colosseum to see the __________________fight each other to the death. I think that maybe she is being influenced by this new religion called _________________which teaches that human life is sacred and killing is wrong.
A Young Person in pre Christian Ireland
I am Grainne. Like most people in Celtic Ireland, my family and I make our living from farming. Life is not easy for us. We commoners do not own our land. We rent it from Michu who is a warrior and a member of the_________ ___________, or the people in the Tuath with special skills. In return for our land we must give Michu a part of what we produce.
Cattle are our most important farm animals and provide us with fresh milk throughout the year. They are also used to______________ or trading. In the autumn we might slaughter an animal to provide us with some salted meat for the winter. We also rear a few sheep and pigs. We grow wheat and barley and oats.
______________ querns are used to grind the grain, which is then used to making bread and porridge – two of our most common foods.
Farming is very important in Celtic society. For example our goddess ________________is the patron of spring and lambs. We celebrate her feats day on the 1 st of February, the first day of Spring. Some of our other festivals include _________________and Samhain.
We live in a Ring fort, which we call a dun or______________. At night the ditch and circular wall around the fort help to protect us and our cattle from attacks by wolves or other tribes.
Within our ring fort we have shelter for the animals and our own round house is made from _________
_______ _____________and the roof is ______________with straw. Although we are poor, we are not as poor as Patrick, the slave who sometimes helps us with the harvest. He was captured when warriors raided his home and he is now considered to be Michu’s property.
A Monk in Early Christian Ireland
I am a monk in Clonmacnoise, on the banks of the river Shannon. Many of my fellow Irish monks live in tiny monasteries, but out monastery is a large one. It looks a bit like a large ring fort, with a big ditch and a wall surrounding it to protect us. Our main safety feature though is our ___________ ____________, the door of which is well above ground level.
Within the monastery is the _____________where all the monks eat together and a guesthouse for visitors. Another important building is the house of the ___________who is the elected head of the monastery.
Most of our day is spent praying and working in he fields. We get up before dawn and pray in the
__________several times a day. We are________-_________: we grown our own food and make our own furniture, clothes and buildings.
In the______________, our scribes use _____________ (calfskin) and ______________(sheepskin) to make handwritten manuscripts of the Gospels and the Lives of the Saints. The manuscripts are beautifully illuminated (illustrated)
Some of the monks are stonemasons and are making a__________ ____________. This will be inscribed with scenes from the bible, which will help to explain Christianity to the local people, many of whom cannot read or write.
We monks are also famous for metal work. We make chalices, crosiers and other religious objects out of bronze or silver, decorated with glass studs and gold___________.
We monks work for the glory of God and to save out souls. But we also help some local people by providing
___________ and medical assistance.
A Lord of the Manor
I am Sir Richard de Lacey, a Norman knight. My Lands area referred to as my Manor and on the Manor I have a strong Stone Castle protected by a __________________ and ________________. My main task in life is to fight for my King whenever called upon and to provide an agreed number of soldiers to assist him.
This system is called the ______________ _______________.
My family and I have private chambers high within the main building of the Castle, or the_____________. It is the safest part of the castle in times of attack. We often hold_______________, or feasts, in the Great
Hall of the Castle. My lady wife and sit at the top table, which is raised on a platform called a dais. During the feasts the___________, (musicians) and the _____________ entertain us. The guests are seated according to rank and status. We serve delicacies such as ____________and pheasant and the food is served on platters and_____________, or hollowed out stale bread.
I also take part in _____________or tournaments. This is a sport where two knights on horseback charge at one another and each tries to topples the other from his horse. We use blunt _______________for jousting but it is still quite dangerous.
My wife, the lady of the manor is much younger than me. Our marriage was ______________by her father and I demanded a large sum of money called a______________, in return for taking her as my wife. Wars are frequent in the Middle ages and when I am away she takes charge of the manor.
A Craftsman in the Middle Ages.
I, Peter Lombard, am a craftsman in the city of London during the twelfth century. I am a carpenter by trade and I am a proud member of the Carpenters’__________.
I like living in London despite the fact that crime is common at night in our unlit streets and there is a constant threat of ___________engulfing our thatched timber-framed houses.
There are many other types of craftsmen in London. There are for example,__________ , who make clothes, bakers, who make bread. We are all important and respected members of medieval society.
I began to learn my trade as an ____________at the age of 12. My master fed me poorly and did not pay me for my work. But he taught me my trade. After seven years, I became a___________. I could then go from place to place, hiring out my services to Master Craftsmen. I was then ___________for my work.
I was determined to become a master craftsman, so I decided to make a beautiful inlaid cabinet as my___________. The members of the Carpenters’ ___________ judged it to be good enough. I was admitted to the guild as a master craftsman.
As a master craftsman I own my own shop and sell the products made there at a good profit. I also train three young_____________. We Master Craftsmen have many responsibilities. We must make sure that anyone admitted to our guild is good at his trade. We must also make sure that sick or elderly members of the guild who have fallen on hard times receive financial help.
A Named Artist during the Renaissance – Michelangelo
Michelangelo Buonarrotti was born near Florence in 1475. As a young boy he showed great artistic talent and was apprenticed to the well-known artist Ghirlandaio.
When he finished his apprenticeship he got a job sculpting statues in the gardens of the great
______________family in Florence. Lorenzo de _____________a famous patron of the arts, recognised the young man’s talents and became his________________. When Lorenzo died in 1492, Michelangelo moved to Rome. There he sculpted the________________, a world famous status of the dead Christ in his mother’s arms.
Michelangelo later returned to Florence and sculpted the 5-metre-high state of the biblical character of____________. This beautiful statue is made of white_____________.
Back in Rome, Michelangelo was hired by the Pope Julius II to paint scenes from the Old Testament on the ceiling of the ___________Chapel. This painting took four years to complete. It is called a______________ because it is painted on fresh plaster. Later, Michelangelo painted another famous ___________called the
Last _______________on the wall behind the altar in the____________ Chapel.
Before his death in 1564, Michelangelo designed the great dome of St Peter’s ___________in Rome. This shows that he was also a great____________________.
A named Renaissance Writer outside Italy. Shakespeare
William Shakespeare was one of the greatest playwrights and poets of all-time. He wrote in the
________________that is in the spoken language of the people, which in his case was English. He was born in Strafford-Upon–Avon, England in 1564. When he was eighteen years old he married Ann Hathaway, who was eight years older than him.
While in his mid-twenties, Shakespeare went to_______________. There he became an actor and writer of plays with a theatre group called The Kings Men.
The King’s men performed in the _______________Theatre. Shakespeare soon became so famous as a playwright that his plays were performed before Queen Elizabeth I. His most famous play include tragedies such as Romeo and _________and ____________and comedies such as A Midsummer Night’s Dream and
Historical plays such as Antony and Cleopatra.
Shakespeare also wrote more than 150 ____________, which are fourteen line poems. Many of these were for a ‘Dark Lady’ whose identify remains unknown to this day.
Shakespeare returned to Stratford-Upon-Avon in 1613, where he died three years later at the age of 52. He is buried in the church in Stratford.
A Named Explorer during the Age of Exploration: Columbus
Christopher Columbus was born in 1451 in the busy Italian port of_____________. He was interested in ships and travel from an early age. He believed that the world was _____________and was convinced that by sailing west he could reach India. After the King of _____________ refused o sponsor the voyage,
Columbus approached King ___________and Queen ___________of Spain who gave him money and ships to carry out his exploration. In return they hoped for a new sea route to the _____________, silks and gold of Asia.
On 3 August___________, Columbus left the port of _______________in southern Spain with
____________men in 3________________, the Nina, the____________ and the Santa____________.
After a long and difficult journey, on 11 October, his expedition landed in an island called San
_____________ They had reached the Caribbean, but Columbus thought that he was in____________.
Therefore he referred to the local people as_______________. Columbus found no gold there so he went on to explore the neighbouring islands of
_________________as well as parts of _______________and__________________. He left some of his men on _________________Then they returned to Spain with six captured Indians and some parrots and a little gold.
In Spain Columbus was greeted as a hero and given money for further journeys. He made
_______________voyages in all and reached the northern cost of South America. But Columbus found no silks or spice and many people began to realise that he had not, in fact reached Asia at all. He was brought back in chains after the King and Queen learned that he had treated the people of __________________ with great cruelty. At the age of 55 he died in Valladolid in Spain, a __________________and bitter man.
A Named Religious Reformer during the Reformation: Martin Luther
Martin Luther (1483 -1546) was born in the German state of_______________. His father was a prosperous copper miner who reared his son very strictly. Luther became a student of____________ at the university of Erfurt. One day he was caught out in a frightening________________. He vowed that if his life was spared he would become a monk. Shortly afterwards he joined the Augustinian order. Luther became convinced that he, like almost everybody else, was a sinner and only Faith in God could save his soul. This idea was called__________________ _____ ______________ ____________.
While Luther was a professor at the University of Wittenburg, Friar John ______________came to the town offering i________________, which would allow the souls of one of their relatives to go straight from
_____________to heaven. Their contributions went to the rebuilding fund for St Peter’s Basilica in Rome.
Luther was so angry about this that he printed his _______ ___________Theses against this practice and he nailed them to the ______________door. Luther’s theses (arguments) contradicted several church teachings.
People Leo x issued a papal ____________condemning Luther and warning him to_______________, (take back what he wrote) Luther publically ______________the letter. Then Emperor ____________V called a meeting of princes, known as the ____________of Worms. In the Edict of____________, Luther was declared to be a ______________and an outlaw.
Luther was protected by his friend Frederick of S__________ in the prince’s castle in _______________.
While staying in the castle, Luther translated the Bible from ____________into the__________, (the
German language that the people spoke.)
Luther’s Protestant ideas were publicised in a book called the Confessions of Ausgsburg. Some of his ideas which were different to the teachings of the Catholic church included ______________________ which meant that the bread and wine did not transform into the body and blood of Christ at the mass. He also taught that priests should _______________ and that there should only be three ____________. His ideas
spread rapidly especially in Northern Germany and Scandinavia. Other religious reformed included King
Henry VIII, John Calvin and John Knox.
A Settler in a Named Plantation:
I am John Smyth, a settler who received land in the Ulster Plantation, organised by King ____________ _ in
1609. I received land in the county of Tyrone – one of the _________counties that were planted.
This plantation was made possible by the __________of Earls when Hugh O’Neill and his ally, Red
Hugh__________________, fled from Ireland. The lands of these traitors were then confiscated for the plantation.
The three groups of people who received land in the Ulster Plantation are ____________________,
_________________, and _______________ ______________ . I am an undertaker. An English gentleman who promises to hold my estate in loyalty to the king and to the _________________religion. I’m an
English Anglican, bit most of the Scots settlers seem to be I received 2,000 acres at the annual rent of £5.33 per 1,000 acres. This rent is very low. However, I am not allowed to rent land to___________
_______________, so I must bear the expense of bringing English settlers to Ulster. I must also build a stone castle enclosed by a walled area called a ________________.This is to protect us from the
______________,These are Irish clansmen who lost their land and now attack and terrorise us from the woods where they hide.
The government is building many plantation towns, including Omagh in Tyrone. Omagh will be welldefended by a wall and will be granted a charter by the king. This will allow the townspeople to elect a corporation to run the town. A charter might also allow the town to elect a member to the parliament in
London. Other features of the town include ____________________ and _____________________.
A Named Leader during the Revolutionary Period: Maximilien Robespierre
Robespierre was born in the town of Arras in Northern France in 1758. A small, neatly-dressed man, he trained and worked as a lawyer.
When King __________XVI called together the Estates ____________ in 1789, Robespierre was elected as a representative of the ______________Estate. He later founded the____________ Club, a group that had great influence during the revolution
Robespierre wanted France to become a republic can called for the execution of the King. The King was executed by _________________on 21 January 1793.
When France was threatened by invasion the Committee of _____________Safety was set up to protect the country. Robespierre was leader of this 12 member committee. The Committee commenced the
______________of _____________during which 40,000 French people were executed on the suspicion that they were enemies of the Revolution. One victim of the terror was Queen Marie ______________the former Queen of France.
Robespierre was greatly admired by the poor people of France who were known as he Sans
________________In the first place, he raised a large army and saved France from Invasion and secondly he kept down the price of bread at a time when many people were hungry.
Robespierre was called the ___________ because no amount of pressure or money could make him change is views. But he was also a rather cold person who had no close friends.
When Robespierre refused to end the terror, he was arrested and executed by___________ in 1794. He was only 36years old when he died.
A Monk in a medieval monastery (section A)
My name is Brendan. I am a Benedictine monk in a monastery in Ireland. We follow the rule of St.
_________________________in this monastery: We have to be obedient to the Abbot; We must dedicate our lives to the service of God. We must also give up all our__________________________. We are not allowed to marry.
I joined this monastery ten years ago as a____________________. I had to learn the scriptures and make sure that the life of a monk was what I wanted.
I had to take vows of____________________, chastity and______________. Then my head was shaved in a
_______________________I must wear a habit and leather sandals.
A monk’s life is organised around _________________and prayer. We pray seven times a day from morning through to night. This is called Divine Office.
Most monasteries are laid out in a similar plan. There is a church, in which we pray, and the cloisters, which are a covered walkway around the garden where we walk and pray.
The r___________________________ is where we eat our meals in silence and in the _________________________we give alms to the poor.
The Abbot, who is the head monk, lives in the Abbots House.
I am a________________________. I copy and illuminate manuscripts in the_________________________. The work on the farm, like planting crops and looking after our animals is done by monks who have had little education.
I hope you have enjoyed your quick visit to our monastery
A factory worker during the Industrial Revolution
Hello! My name is Mary Slattery and I work in a large ______________________factory. My working day starts at 5.30 am and I often have to work 16 hours. My mother used to work with me in the factory but two weeks ago she got very ill...her lungs are very bad because of the air we breathe in everyday at the factory. There is no sick pay so things are very tight at home at the moment.
We had no choice but to send my little six-year-old brother James to work in the factory. A lot of small children work in the factory. They are very useful for ____________________clogs in the machines. I just hope he doesn’t get injured...I have seen to many children lose their limbs and even witnessed on child dying because of her injuries.
Even though the factory is very warm. The ___________________have to be kept shut at all times to keep the thread moist and stop it from breaking this again results in a lot of people getting sick.
We are fined if we break any _______________in the factory. Whistling,______________________ , smoking and bad language were forbidden. We are also fined if we come to work late or if any of the equipment gets broken. Our _________________________is even allowed to beat us if they think we are not working hard enough.
We have to be very careful while operating the machines. If you get injured you are simply replaced by another worker.
Women are only paid ___________________of what men get. We get about 35p (44c) a day.
I live in a large _______________________building. My family of eight lives in one room. My building has recently had a bout of _____________________and a cholera outbreak...I just hope that nobody in my family catches it as we cannot afford to get sick.
A Mine Worker in the Industrial Revolution
I am Tommy Jones, a miner in a Yorkshire coal mine. My father was a miner before me, and I began work as a trapper at the age of five. My job was to open and close trapdoors that allowed miners to pass along though the mine tunnels.
At the age of eight I became a hurrier. My job was to drag large baskets of coal from the coalface to the bottom of the shaft that led to the surface.
Now that I am an adult, I am a hewer. I use my pickaxe to break (hew) the coal from the coalface. I am paid according to the amount of coal that I hew.
The roofs of the mines are held up with strong lengths of timber called pit props. But we sometimes hear of coal mine roofs collapsing and miners being buried alive. Explosions are another terrible danger. Some mine gasses can explode when they come into contact with the naked flame of a candle.
However a new lamp has been invented that reduces this risk; Its called the _________________lamp.
The worst thing about mining is the coal dust in the air. It covers out bodies and damages our
________________. I now have a cough that won’t go away. I fear it might be ‘miners’ cough’ or
‘_______________ ______________’that kills so many miners. In any case, the mines have seriously damaged my health. My _______________is deformed and bent from a lifetime of bending and crouching. My
__________________too is damaged from years of working in a dark environment.
A member of the Allied invasion of Normandy on ‘D-Day, 6 June 1944
This is D-Day or ‘Deliverance Day’ – the day we American and ________________________forces begin our invasion of France to free the country from Nazi control. The codename for our invasion is
Operation________________. Our supreme Commander is General______________________, an American who already fought successfully against the Germans in North Africa.
We chose the Normandy coast for our invasion because it is close to our bases in Southern England and because the beaches here are shallow and easy to land on.
We prepared carefully for his day. We gathered up to 5000 ships in the ports of Southern England.
Starting today these will carry one million men to Normandy. Our forces even built an underwater pipeline (nicknamed ‘________________’) to carry oil from southern England to Normandy. We also built floating _______________________called ‘Mulberries’ to help us land safely.
The Germans have built a strong defence called the “Atlantic ______________” along the French coast. But they did not know exactly where or when we would attack.
Our attack began early this morning when 1,000 of our aircraft bombarded the German positions.
Then our huge fleet headed for five beaches in Normandy. I was landed at a beach called ‘Utah’ (the other beaches were called Omaha,_______________ , __________________, and Sword)
It ahs been a terrifying day at ‘Utah’ where we have lost 1000 men. But we have now gained a small foothold in France. From here we hope to push eastwards to liberate __________________and eventually to invade Germany.
A named leader in the Struggle for Irish Independence
The following example is far too long and detailed for the 15 minutes you have to answer “People in History” in the exam BUT every sentence is earning you 2 marks so you can afford to leave out or shorten many points .
Michael Collins was born in __________________in 1890. He fought in the G.P.O in _________________ but he was not a leader so he was interned in __________________in Wales. In 1918 he was a leader of the revived
Sinn __________________party that now wanted complete independence (32 County Republic). When they won seats in Parliament in the 1918 General Election, they used ___________________this meant they would not take their seats at Westminster but instead set up a Parliament in Dublin. They set up the first _____________on January 21st 1919 at the Mansion House. Many S.F. T.D.’s were absent because they were in ______________or on the run but Collins was there and he became Minister for
__________________and collected money from the public to help run the country.
At the same time he was a member of the secret organisation IRB. And the military group the IRA who used violence to protect the Dáil and win independence. He knew the IRA could not beat the British
Army so he encouraged __________________War tactics - people would wear ordinary clothes, attack
British army and police and then run and hide among ordinary civilians. This was used by local IRA units called _____________Columns. The British army couldn’t cope with this. They brought in Black &
______________(ex-army soldiers) and A__________________ (ex- army officers) to deal with the IRA.
Collins was Head of Intelligence and had many spies in Dublin Castle and he set up the ______________– a group of 12 assassins, to kill British spies. On Bloody ________________1920, the Squad killed the Cairo
Gang (British spies). In reprisal [revenge] the Black & Tans drove tanks into ______________Park and fired on the crowd and killed 13 people.
In July 1921 both sides called a ______________to the War of Independence. Collins was sent to London to
negotiate a peace Treaty. He signed the Treaty on December ________ 1921 and believed it was a
____________- stone – the best we could get for now. In the Dáil, de Valera and others disagreed with the
Treaty because a) it gave us ________________Status which meant we had a some independence but we were still in British Commonwealth; b) T.D.’s had to take an ______________of Allegiance to the King of
England so we were not a Republic and c) this was a betrayal to those who died fighting for total freedom.
The Dáil split when it voted on the Treaty and accepted it ______________votes to 57. In January 1922
Collins accepted power from the British at Dublin Castle who left Ireland to be run by an Irish
Government. But the IRA split over the Treaty – those who accepted it & supported Collins were
Regulars and formed the Free State Army. Those who opposed it like _____________O’ Connor and Tom
Barry became the_________________. In April 1922 Rory O’ Connor and a group of I_______________ took over the ______________Courts. Collins tried to avoid Civil but was under pressure from the British. In June the
General Election showed the Public were happy with the Treaty as it ended the War of Independence and the much-hated British army was gone. O’Connor refused to leave the Four Courts and Collins then ordered the Free State Army to shell the Four Courts beginning the ___________War.
Collins was killed during the Civil War at an ambush in _______na mBláth, Co. Cork on August _____ 1922. His body was brought from Cork to Dublin by boat and over 1 million people lined the streets of Dublin to honour him. Even his old friends, who were now his enemies, were saddened by his death.