Gates Cambridge and Cambridge Trust application form 2016/17

Gates Cambridge Scholarship
Cambridge Trust Awards
Application for MBA and MFin 2016-17
Instructions & deadlines
If you are applying for admission to the MBA or MFin at Cambridge Judge Business School for entry in the 2016-17
academic year please use this form to apply for the following funding:
Gates Cambridge Scholarships - see
Cambridge Trust awards - see
Part 1 of the form should be completed by the applicant who should the pass the entire form to their personal referee.
Part 2 of the form should be completed by the personal referee and then sent to the MBA or MFin Office, Cambridge
Judge Business School, Trumpington Street, Cambridge CB2 1AG, United Kingdom. The completed form should not be
returned to the applicant. Late applications will not be accepted.
If you are a US citizen, based in the USA, you should complete and submit this form to Cambridge Judge Business
School by 14 October 2015.
If you are a citizen from any country other than the USA (except the UK) or a US citizen normally residing outside
the USA, you should complete and submit this form to Cambridge Judge Business School by 2 December 2015.
Applying for admission to the MBA/MFin: As well as submitting this form candidates must also submit a form to apply
for admission to the MBA ( or MFin
Part 1 - Applicant's details
Last/family name (as on passport): BLOCK CAPITALS
Any secondary nationality:
Other names (personal):
Title (e.g. Mr, Ms, Dr)
Country of permanent
Full address: for correspondence
Country of birth:
Address valid until:
Date of birth:
Month Year
If a PO Box address, you must provide a telephone
If you have a partner and/or children, will they
live with you in Cambridge (please give details or
write N/A)
Proposed course of study at Cambridge (MBA or MFin):
You must also complete and submit a form to apply for admission for
the MBA or MFin (see above). Please state the date when this form
was submitted to Cambridge Judge Business School.
Have you previously applied for, or received, a scholarship/bursary
from the Cambridge Trust?
Year (if yes)
Personal statement for Gates Cambridge Scholarships
In not more than 500 words please explain why you are applying for a Gates Cambridge Scholarship and how you meet the four main criteria ( for more information)
Personal statement for scholarships offered by the Cambridge Trust
Scholarships offered by the Cambridge Trust (except Cambridge International Scholarships, which are considered on
academic merit only) are dependent on demonstrated financial need and academic ability and potential. Please explain –
in not more than 500 words – why you believe you should be considered for a scholarship. When completing this section,
please indicate which scholarships you wish to be considered for and explain how you meet any specific requirements
listed on the Trust’s website ( Please also note that some scholarships require you, in addition,
to make separate applications. Full details are on the Trust’s website. The Trust may require evidence from you to support
statements about your financial circumstances.
Applicants who are not successful in winning a Gates Cambridge Scholarship or other substantial scholarship will be
considered for a means-tested, part-cost award by the Cambridge Trust.
Financial guarantee required by Cambridge Judge Business School for the MBA or MFin - see or your offer of admission if you have one:
Course fee £
Living costs £
Total £
Funds you are confident of raising annually to finance your course. Please give as much detail as possible of the
funds you are able to raise annually. Note: this information is only used by the relevant funding bodies.
£ a year
Scholarships and grants
Please give details of any scholarships and/or grants that you
have secured for your course at Cambridge
Personal funds
Please give the source(s) and amount(s) of any personal funds
you are able to contribute towards the cost of your course (e.g.
income, savings, capital, etc.)
Other sources
Please give the source(s) and amount(s) of any other funds
you are able to contribute towards the cost of your course
Total funds available annually towards the cost of your course
Annual shortfall, if any, between the total funds available and the cost of your course
Please give details of any scholarships tenable at Cambridge which you have applied for (or plan to apply for)
Awarding body
Date of Decision
Tenure (years)
Annual Value
Note: Applicants must keep the Cambridge Trust informed if there are any changes to the information given in the
questions above. In particular, they must inform the Trust if they win any award tenable at Cambridge for which they have
already applied or which they are awarded subsequent to this application.
I understand that my application will be considered for a Gates Cambridge Scholarship and for any awards offered by the
Cambridge Trust for which I am eligible. I have answered the questions contained in this application form as fully as
possible and undertake to keep both organisations informed of material changes in this information.
Name of applicant:
(in block capitals)
Signature of applicant:
Part 2 - Personal reference for a Gates Cambridge Scholarship
Your personal referee should be someone of appropriate standing who can comment on your suitability for a Gates Cambridge Scholarship (e.g.
an academic or employer who can comment on your academic ability, leadership capacity and commitment to improving the lives of others). For
full details see The personal referee should not be a family member, a friend, or yourself.
Full name of referee: (in block capitals)
Institute name:
Contact details
Full name of applicant for whom this reference is being provided: (in block capitals)
How long have you known the applicant?
In what context do you know him/her?
Please give below your assessment of the applicant’s suitability a Gates Cambridge Scholarship, which are awarded on the following
criteria: outstanding intellectual ability, leadership potential, a commitment to improving the lives of others, and a good fit with the
postgraduate programme at Cambridge for which they are applying. Before writing this reference, referees are advised to visit for full details.
How highly would you rate the applicant for a Gates Cambridge Scholarship, bearing in mind the intense global competition?
Tick as appropriate
Top 1% - Outstanding
Top 5% - Exceptional
Top 10% - Very Strong
Top 25% - Satisfactory
How are the applicant’s qualifications appropriate for the course of graduate study or research at Cambridge?
Please give below your assessment of the applicant’s leadership potential and commitment to improving the lives of others.
Please attach a separate letter if necessary.
DATA PROTECTION ACT (1998): Please indicate, by ticking the box below, whether you agree to this reference being released to the
person in respect of whom it is written, should that person make a request for disclosure. If you do not wish to give your permission at this
time, please note that there might be circumstances, as required by law, under which the University or Gates Cambridge would be required
to make a disclosure irrespective of your wishes. However, the University and Gates Cambridge will treat your reference in strict
confidence insofar as the law permits.
I agree to the release of this reference if the person concerned seeks disclosure
I confirm that the information given above and on the appended reference letter is accurate to the best of my knowledge and understand
that the University of Cambridge may refuse admission - and Gates Cambridge may refuse or withdraw a scholarship – if it discovers that
any information given has been falsified or is inaccurate.
Referee’s Signature:
Date: (DD/MM/YYYY)
Please note the entire form, both Parts I and 2, should be sent by the personal referee to MBA or MFin Admissions Office,
Cambridge Judge Business School, Trumpington Street, Cambridge, CB2 1AG, England. The form must arrive by the
relevant deadline (see page 1).