Mr. Ramos Evolution Study Guide Students, here is a study guide for the Evolution Test. Read it and study it carefully in conjunction with your class & book notes. Remember the Evolution test is 50 Multiple Choice questions worth 50% of your total class grade. The test is curved. Study hard! Evolution is perhaps the most difficult biology test you will take all year. Also, take advantage of this generous study guide. I will NOT always do these nice things for you all. *Note: When you have a doubt, choose natural selection or common ancestor as the answer. Introduction to Evolution Charles Darwin and Alfred Russell Wallace are the fathers of evolution (but mainly Darwin). Biological evolution is a change in the population over time. Populations evolve, not individuals. Darwin used the term descent with modification to describe evolution. We (the descendents) are modified versions of our ancestors. Charles Darwin was a naturalist (someone who studies nature). He went on a 5 year voyage on a big British ship called the H.M.S. Beagle. On his journey around the world, he noticed that species vary globally, locally, and over time. Darwin’s greatest work came from studying the animals in the Galapagos Islands off the coast of Ecuador. Darwin realized that tortoises on one island had short necks while tortoises on the other island had long necks. Darwin realized that these differences in tortoise necks were not coincidences. The tortoises were built to live and dwell in the environment that they were in. For example, the tortoises with short necks were on an island with plenty of vegetation on the ground. Meanwhile, the tortoises with long necks were on an island where there was no vegetation on the ground. These tortoises needed long necks to reach for food up high. Species vary locally Darwin noticed three different types of birds as he travelled the world: the Rhea (found in S. America), the Ostrich (found in Africa) and the Emu (found in Australia). These birds look almost the same, but if you look carefully, they are all different. Species vary globally Darwin also noticed that species change over time. This concept was not acceptable back in the day, for it was thought that all species were created perfect and could not change. Darwin saw these changes in the fossil record. Take a look the picture of the armadillo shown below and its extinct ancestor the glyptodont. Species vary over time Ideas that Shaped Darwin’s Thinking Back in the old days people thought the Earth was 5,000 years old. This idea of Earth’s age was calculated by Archbishop James Usher. Now, thanks to carbon dating, fossils, and geology we know that the Earth is approximately 4.54 billion years old. Darwin did not believe the Earth was only 5,000 years old. He was highly influenced by the works of Hutton and Lyell, who concluded that the Earth is extremely old, and the processes that changed Earth in the past are the same processes that operate in the present. Since the Earth may be a lot older, then Darwin’s theory would make more sense, since it takes a really long time for new organisms to arise. Jean-Baptiste Lamarck was a French naturalist who highly influenced Charles Darwin. Lamarck was one of the first persons to say that species change. Lamarck’s ideas, however, were incorrect and thus ridiculed. His theory was called Inheritance of Acquired Characteristics. This theory involved a concept called use and disuses. Organism, such as giraffes, that use their necks to reach the leaves of trees will pass those characteristics to their offspring. The more you use something, the better it becomes, and it is passed on to the offspring. (Remember: Lamarck was wrong! Individuals do not evolve. Populations evolve). Lamarck thought that evolution led to perfection. However, we know that the process of evolution does NOT make you better or perfect. Another man who influenced Darwin was the economist, Thomas Malthus. Malthus said that war, famine, and disease, would force the human population to reach a carrying capacity during his time. Malthus, however, was wrong. We are in 2014 and there are about 7.2 billion people on Earth. Darwin realized that although Malthus’s work did not apply to humans (because of technological advancements); his work applied more to animals. Populations tend to stabilize and only those fit to their specific environments will survive. Nature is a dangerous place. Philosophical Dilemma with Evolution Back then, philosophers and scientists did not believe in “evolution” because of the following: ‘you cannot get order and complexity from random chaos alone’ Keep in mind that evolution was thought to occur because of random mutations. So how could these random mutations lead to such beautiful organisms on Earth with their complex structures? Charles Darwin realized that such order can occur in nature as a result of a process called natural selection. Natural selection states that nature will select those individuals that are better suited to their environments. These individuals will survive, reproduce, and pass on their genetic information to their offspring. In better terms: natural selection is the process by which random evolutionary changes are selected for by nature in a consistent, orderly, non-random way. But how does this work exactly? Notice the picture below with the light and dark moths. Think for a second, which moth is better? The answer is none because they are both moths. The only difference is that one is light and the other dark. Natural selection does not select the best organisms. Natural selection selects those organisms that are better suited to their environments to survive and reproduce. In the first example with the light tree, natural selection chooses the light moth to live and reproduce in that environment because of its ability to camouflage. In the second example with the dark tree, natural selection chooses the dark moth to live and reproduce in that environment because of its ability to camouflage. So you see, nature does not have a thinking mind, but it somehow selects the organisms best suited to their environments to survive and reproduce based on the organisms’ adaptations. *Natural selection goes side by side with adaptation and survival of the fittest. Nature selects those variations that are best adapted to the environments in which they are in, leading to the reproduction of the organisms, which is termed fitness. Evolution is like a “car,” and natural selection is like the “engine.” Natural selection drives evolution. Darwin’s Idea of Natural Selection came from Artificial Selection Darwin was curious as to what caused these changes in nature, so Darwin studied changes based on Artificial Selection. In artificial selection, nature provides the variations, and humans select those they find useful. Artificial selection is used to create different breeds of dogs, such as the Boxer, Rottweiler, and German shepherd. Humans choose the traits they like and thus create different breeds for different purposes. Artificial selection is also used to grow crops. Broccoli, Cauliflower, Kale, Brussle sprouts, and Cabbage are all just different breeds of a weed found in the English Channel. More on Natural Selection Natural selection is based on the idea that - nature selects who lives or dies - organisms struggle to exist - organisms have variations that allow adaptation - Fitness (survival of the fittest): those organisms that survive will reproduce & pass their adaptations to the next generation. Natural selection only acts on inherited traits because these are the only characteristics that parents can pass on to their offspring. Natural selection does NOT make organisms “better.” Evidence for Evolution The fossil record provides strong evidence to the theory of evolution. We have found the skulls of human-like ancestors that may show the gradual change in the human species. Fossil Record Embryology, or the study of embryos, provides clues as to how all organisms begin life in a very similar fashion. 4 different Embryos Comparative anatomy involves comparing the structures of various organisms to determine their similarities and differences. Notice on the picture below that man, cow, horse, whale, and bird all have similar structures but different functions. This must mean that they share a common ancestor. Homologous Structures: similar structures but different functions (they share a common ancestor). Ask yourselves “why do whales and birds have bones similar to the hands of man?” Could it be that whales, birds, and man all descended from a common ancestor with hand-like structures? Vestigial structures are homologous structures that serve no major function or have lost their function over time. Examples include the human tail-bone, the wisdom teeth, and the appendix. Ask yourselves “why do we have wisdom teeth if they serve no function and usually don’t fit in our mouth?” Could it be that our ancestors, the Neanderthals, had bigger mouths as a result of a different diet? Ask yourselves “why do we have an appendix if it serves no function?” Could it be that the appendix helped us digest plants in the past? Biogeography serves as evidence for evolution because we ask ourselves how is it possible for finches that live so close to each other in neighboring islands in the Galapagos to all be different species of finch. This may be due to the kinds of food present on each island of the Galapagos. In some islands there are plenty of hard seeds, so the finches in this island have grown large beaks to break the seed. In other islands the only food available is nectar found inside of flowers, so these finches need a long pointy beak to survive. Molecular Biology Ultimately, molecular evidence suggests that mutations, or changes in the DNA as a result of error, lead to variations among species that would add up over generations and result in all the diversity there is on Earth today. We see molecular evidence for evolution by comparing DNA from different organisms. Chimpanzees and humans for example have almost the same DNA. Notice how the chimpanzee has 0 differences in amino acids when compared to humans. Thus, the chimp is our closest relative, at least when it comes to cytochrome c. Analogous structures are structures that have a similar function but a different structure. *Note: Analogous structures do not indicate a recent common ancestor. Evolution in Genetics Terms In genetics terms, evolution is the change in allele frequency in a population over time. An allele is a variation of a gene, and a gene is a piece of a chromosome that codes for information. There are many genes (eye color gene, rolling tongue gene, widow’s peak gene, etc). The eye color gene may have variations, such as green eyes, brown eyes, blue eyes, etc. These variations in a gene are called alleles. If the population is 80% white and 20% black (allele frequency), and in a few years the alleles become different (let’s say 40 % white and 60% black), then the population has evolved. The allele frequencies have changed in the population over time. All the genes in a population make up the population’s gene pool. What causes genetic variations for natural selection to act on individuals? 1. Mutations, which are changes in the DNA as a result of a mistake, introduce new variations. 2. Genetic recombination during sexual reproduction occurs when the DNA from mommy and daddy combine and shuffle to produce many variations that result in differences between you and your siblings. This recombination of genes occurs during sexual reproduction (when mom and dad decide to make a baby). 3. Lateral gene transfer introduces new genes into the new population. This occurs when on organism, such as a bacterium, transfers its special DNA into another bacterium. When bacteria have “sex” and transfer information from one bacterium to the other, this is called conjugation. Natural selection acts upon phenotypes, not genotypes. A genotype is the genetic information of an organism (BB, Bb, bb). The phenotype is the physical expression of a genotype (BB = brown eyes, Bb = brown eyes, bb = blue eyes). Some traits, such as the widow’s peak or butt chin are single-gene traits. This means that the trait is controlled by one gene. Therefore, you either have the trait or not. Polygenic traits are controlled by more than one gene. Therefore, polygenic traits will have a range of variations. Skin color, weight, and height are examples of polygenic traits. Evolution may drive polygenic traits into various modes: stabilizing selection, directional selection, or disruptive selection. In stabilizing selection, the majority of the population will exhibit the trait that is in the middle of the bell curve distribution. In directional selection, the majority of the population will shift to the right or left to exhibit one of the two extreme forms of the trait in the bell curve distribution. In disruptive selection, the majority of the population will sway away from the center of the bell curve and exhibit traits in either extreme of the bell curve distribution. Genetic drift may cause populations to evolve by accident. Genetic drift affects small populations. Notice the picture below – the man did not intentionally mean to step on the beetles, but he “accidentally” stepped on a portion of the population of beetles that were green. The population drifted towards brown. The bottleneck effect is a type of genetic drift that occurs in a population when there is a natural disaster and only a few members of the population survive. The founder effect is another example of genetic drift. The founder effect occurs when small populations of individuals settle in a place, such as an island or country that is rather uninhabited. This small population of founders may carry bad genes that can spread to future generations, harming the population. Hardy and Weinberg indirectly proved that allele frequency in populations change, thus evolution takes place. They stated that 5 factors need to occur in order for a population not to evolve. When these 5 factors are present, the population does not evolve and is said to be in Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium. A population will NOT evolve if the following 5 principles are met: 1. Random mating 2. Extremely large population 3. No mutations 4. No natural selection 5. No gene flow (no immigration or emigration) However, we do not mate randomly, our population is not infinitely large, there are mutations, natural selection does take place, and gene flow is seen when individuals leave and enter countries. Therefore, because these 5 principles are NOT met, then the population is NOT in Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium and is therefore evolving. The Hardy-Weinberg Principle was expressed mathematically as p + q = 1 and p2 +2pq +q2 =1 (You don’t need to solve any math for the EOC exam) Speciation How do you know that a dog and a cat are different species? We use the definition below for biological species concept to address this question. Biological species concept: 1. The two species must be able to produce an offspring 2. If an offspring is produced, the offspring must be fertile (this means that it must be able to reproduce) The horse and the donkey are different species, but they can produce a mule! (Don’t worry guys; use the second part of the definition. Ask yourself, “Can the mule reproduce?” The mule is sterile and cannot reproduce; therefore, the horse and donkey are different species.) Brand new species may form through a process called speciation. Reproductive isolation leads to speciation. There are three forms of reproductive isolations: behavioral isolation, geographic isolation, and temporal isolation Isolation means to be left alone (If you behave bad in class, I will isolate you from your friends, muahaha). Anyway, some species of meadowlarks have developed as a result of behavioral isolation. They perform different behaviors, such as mating songs. Even though the meadowlarks’ habitats overlap, they will not mate with the other species of bird. Geographic isolation can be seen in two species of squirrels that were separated geographically by mountains and rivers (this is in your book). Temporal isolation happens when two or more species reproduce at different times. Your book uses the example of different species of orchids that produce leaves at different times and must be pollinated that same day. HIV Evolution HIV is a virus that destroys a person’s immune system. Viruses may contain a DNA or RNA genome, but not both at the same time. HIV is an RNA virus. Viruses are considered nonliving obligate intracellular parasite. They must get inside of a cell to reproduce. HIV is a perfect example of microevolution. The virus is error-prone. It makes a lot of mistakes when copies of the virus are being made. These mistakes, or mutations, cause new HIV to form. These mutations allow HIV to always be one step ahead of medications. Viruses contain a protein coat to protect their genome. HIV infects all cells that contain CD-4 Receptors. The majority of cells that contain CD-4 receptors are the Helper T-cells (aka Helper T-lymphocytes) The Fossil Record Relative dating allows paleontologists (scientists that study fossils) to determine whether a fossil is older or younger than other fossils. Notice that relative dating does not tell us the absolute age of the fossil. Relative dating can only compare fossils. The fossils found deeper in the ground are older than the fossils at the top. Index fossils are distinctive fossils used to establish and compare the relative ages of rock layers & the fossils they contain. In other words, we use index fossils to determine if another fossil is older or younger. On the side is a picture of a trilobite fossil. These fossils were present in the Paleozoic era. We can use this fossil as an index fossil to compare other fossil’s ages. Radiometric dating relies on radioactive isotopes, which decay, or break down, into stable isotopes at a steady rate. Carbon dating is an example of radiometric dating that uses the radioactive isotope called carbon-14 to determine the age of a fossil. Carbon-14 will decay by half every 5,730 years. In other words, if you start with a 100% sample of carbon-14 and wait 5,730 years, you will be left with 50% of carbon-14. If you wait another 5,730 years, then you will have 25% of carbon-14….and so on. This life expectancy of carbon-14, which is reduced by half every 5,730 years is called the half-life of carbon-14. A half-life is the time required for HALF of the radioactive atoms to decay. *Elements with long half-lives are used for dating older fossils. Potassium-40 has a half-life of 1.26 billion years Uranium-238 has a half-life of 4.5 billion years The Origin of Life All living things have cells. Cells are categorized as two types: prokaryotic cells and eukaryotic cells The prokaryotes are believed to be the first types of cells, which eventually evolved to the eukaryotes. Prokaryotes do not have a nucleus (pro – before; karyon – nucleus). Eukaryotes on the other hand do have a nucleus (Eu – true; karyon – nucleus). Bacteria and Archaea are prokaryotes (cells without a nucleus). Animals, plants, fungi, and protists are eukaryotes (cells with a nucleus). Eukaryotic cells contain organelles and are much larger cells than prokaryotes. However, some organelles appear to be independent cells. The mitochondria and the chloroplasts are two organelles different from all others. The mitochondria and chloroplast contain their own DNA and are very similar to bacteria cells. As a result, it is hypothesized that mitochondria and chloroplast were independent cells in the past, and it is believed that the mitochondria and chloroplast were swallowed by a larger cell. This resulted in a mutualistic relationship between these present-day organelles and eukaryotic cells. This is known as the endosymbiotic theory. Stanley Miller and Harold Urey were two scientists trying to replicate the conditions of early Earth. How could organic compounds (the key ingredients to life) be formed from inorganic compounds? They performed the experiment with inorganic gases that are believed to have been in Earth’s early atmosphere, such as water vapor, hydrogen gas, methane, carbon monoxide, and ammonia. Adding electricity to the experiment resulted in the formation of organic compounds. Taxonomy Taxonomy is the study of classification, and the father of taxonomy is Carolus Linnaeus. People all over the world speak many different languages, and scientists use one language, Latin, to communicate. Scientists classify organisms using two Latin names. The first name is called the genus name and the second name is the species name. Canis latrans (cayote) Canis lupus (wolf) Canis familiaris (dog) Notice that the first name is capitalized; it is called the genus name (Canis); and it is the same for the cayote, wolf, and dog. This indicates a relationship of common descent between the cayote, wolf, and dog. The species name (latrans, lupus, and familiaris) is lower-cased and is unique to each species. The classification system used in taxonomy is the following: Domain, Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species (Genus and Species name are in RED color so you remember those are the names used to name organisms) Human and Chimp common ancestor Phylogeny Phylogeny or phylogenetics a branch in biology concerned with evolutionary relationships between species. Scientists build Darwinian trees (aka phylogenetic trees or cladograms) based on DNA similarities common to each species. Look at the phylogenetic tree on the right and notice the human and the chimpanzee. Notice that evolution does not say that chimps turned into humans. Evolution says that humans and chimps share a common ancestor. A clade is a group of species that includes a single common ancestor and all descendents of that ancestor. Do you see the blue arrow pointing to the common ancestor for the human and the chimp? Well, that point, or node, forms a clade. Every point on the tree above that separates into many species represents a clade. There are many clades in the phylogenetic tree. This point, or node, represents a common ancestor that evolved over time into various groups that became its descendents: lizards, turtles, crocodiles, and birds. This point is one clade. Every point represents a clade, or a monophyletic group. From the picture above notice that birds and crocodiles are more closely related than birds and turtles because birds and crocodiles share a closer common ancestor. Who is closer related, mammals and lizards or birds and lizards? To answer this question you need to find the common ancestor point, or node. The birds and lizards are closer related because they share a closer common ancestor than mammals and lizards.