Writers’ Festival Lesson Plan Name of session: Newspaper Poetry Materials needed: Class set of newspapers, black markers, A3 white paper – one per student, classroom with projector (to show samples) STAGE OF LESSON I M INTRODUCE LESSON GOAL PLAN: What is your plan? What are your learning intentions and success criteria, in student friendly language? 1-2 minutes Students will learn to identify key vocabulary and transform it into poetry. MOTIVATE with How will you “HOOK” the students into the lesson? How will you activate prior knowledge and review relevant prior learning? Warm up game: Using jumbled cut outs of newspaper headline words, students need to create a sentence that makes sense. a HOOK Read sentences aloud. P PRIME with PRIOR KNOWLEDGE -activate it Jumble words and try again. Look at great vocabulary choices. Strong words that evoke meaning. Discuss the power of language. 3-5 minutes ADD NEW TEACHER INPUT – Explicitly teach the CONCEPT. 10-15 minutes A How will you teach the concept? Show examples of blackout newspaper poetry (https://www.google.com.au/search?q=blackout+poetry&espv=2&tbm=isch&tbo =u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=HvMGVNWYONCgugSFroKICw&ved=0CCUQsAQ&biw= 1231&bih=683 (Google images). Explain that the task is to create their own blackout poem. Everyone gets the same handout, and is asked to try it. Share responses, and different approaches. ADD NEW TEACHER INPUT – Explicitly teach How will you teach the skill? What are the steps? and model the SKILL. Model how to choose words first, then decide, then black out (otherwise mistakes happen!) CHALLENGE with APPLICATION & DEVELOPMENT What activities or tasks will you get students to undertake? Students complete the practice individually. They can do one or more poems. 10-15 minutes CHECK FOR UNDERSTANDING, FEEDBACK & Which students do you anticipate will need extra support & how will you provide this? One on one support can be provided for those who are struggling. Extension work C INDIVIDUAL SUPPORT can be provided by adding an artistic element to their poem blackouts – create shapes with the words. (Throughout the lesson) 3-5 minutes CULTIVATE INDEPENDENT PRACTICE What independent practice will students undertake? Students work on their poetry. Submit their work for photocopying and scanning. 5 minutes T TIME for GOAL REVIEW 3-5 minutes How will you review the lesson? Students share their poetry with one another. Emphasis on performing the language. Ask students to display their work on CYW website or at Festival evening.