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Blackout Poetry Assignment Guide

What is blackout poetry? Blackout poetry is a form of found poetry, where you select words
that catch your interest from a newspaper, book, or printed text, along with a few additional
words to make it flow. This is often (but not always) done with a black marker, hence the
name “backout poetry.”
“I like to think of blackout poems like those old Word Search puzzles we used to do in
elementary school – a field of letters with hidden messages to find.”
– Austin Kleon, word artist
Steps and guidelines:
Step 1: Find a piece of text to use. Such as a copy of a page from a book you own or you can
also print a copy of a text (page) from your favorite novel, anime, comic etc.
Step 2: Loose up. This is meant to be fun. Be as creative as you want.
Step 3: DON’T read the text passage right away. Instead, scan and look for an “anchor” word –
a word that jumps out at you. That word will guide the direction of your poem. After you’ve
found your anchor word, then read the full text, looking for connecting words.
Step 4: Realize that some pages just won’t work. Don’t fret. Just move on to another slice of
Step 5: Remember, your poem will be read from left to right and top to bottom. Don’t
confuse your reader.
Step 6: If you want to get fancy, turn your poem into an illustration! (Doodles work great.)
Due date: To be annouced.
Now, it’s your turn.
Grab a paper.
Grab a marker.
Get inspired.
Source: LauraRandazzo.com
INGL 131- 1312
Prof. Clegg
Blackout poetry grading rubric (Value: 30 points)
Approaching Incomplete
expectations expectations expectations
10 pts
9-7 pts
6-4 pts
3-0 pts
Context: The lyric
poem is complete
and offers the
thoughts of a
speaking about a
single idea or
Sentence is easily
read from left to
right and top to
bottom. The words
are connected.
Word Choice:
Language was
creative and
Fluency: The ideas
flow and are easy
to read. There’s a
connection between
the ideas presented.
Final Presentation:
Visual appeal is
pleasing. An
appropriate type of
marker was used,
and the style was
Assignment was
turned in on time
and looks clean/
Source: LauraRandazzo.com
INGL 131- 1312
Prof. Clegg