Navisworks Quantification: Building Takeoff Lab

Every Building Has Its Price: Finding It with
Autodesk® Navisworks® Manage 2014 Quantification
Jason Dodds, President, DFourInc
Session Description
Every building truly does have its price and one of the most time-consuming items during the
estimation process is to perform and complete a building takeoff. In this hands-on lab, we teach
you how to use Navisworks Manage 2014 Quantification workflows to help you minimize your
time doing takeoffs. We use 3D models (Autodesk® Revit® Architecture software) to complete
our tasks in this class. You learn to understand the Navisworks Manage 2014 Quantification
software interface and the tools in the software, and leave the class feeling ready to tackle the
coming takeoff challenges.
Learning Objectives
At the end of this class, you will be able to:
Learning Objective 1: Create formulas with the Resource tool
Learning Objective 2: Use new workflows that Navisworks Manage Quantification provides
Learning Objective 3: Explain the concepts and processes behind virtual and model takeoff
Learning Objective 4: Analyze, validate, and export data into XLS format
About the Speaker
Jason Dodds, coauthor of “Mastering Navisworks 2012 and 2013″, is President/Owner of
DFourInc located in Denver, CO. Jason has been actively involved in the construction and
technology community for over 15 years. During his career, Jason’s focus and experience has
been with construction, construction administration, MEP, architecture, structures, technology,
sales, marketing, and business development. He has been involved in all facets of construction
processes and understands what it takes to complete projects on time and under budget.
Jason has experience with estimating, coordination, fabrication, scheduling, and project
management. Jason is also considered the expert on Autodesk Quantity Takeoff (QTO) and
helped pioneer many advancements with the technology. Jason also used Navisworks for over
10 years on active construction projects around the world. Jason is also a recognized speaker
at national events such as the Associated General Contractors (AGC), American Society of
Professional Estimators (ASPE), Autodesk University and BIM Forum, among others.
Every Building Has Its Price: Finding It with Autodesk®
Navisworks® Manage 2014 Quantification
Quantification Process
Quantification Overview
Quantification supports integration of three-dimensional (3D) design data. You can combine
multiple sources of 3D source files and generate quantity takeoff. Takeoff an entire building
information model (BIM) and create synchronized project views that combine information from
BIM tools such as Revit® and AutoCAD® software together with geometry, images, and data
from other tools. You can also perform a virtual takeoff for items with no associated model
geometry or properties.
Your takeoff data can then be exported to Excel for analysis and shared with other project team
members in the cloud using Autodesk BIM 360® for optimized collaboration.
Quantification can count and measure item quantities associated with these disciplines:
• Civil (earth, road, drainage)
• Architecture (doors, walls, windows)
• Engineering (structural, mechanical, electrical, plumbing)
The available measurements (variables) are:
• Length
• Width
• Thickness
• Height
• Perimeter
• Area
• Volume
• Weight
• Count
Every Building Has Its Price: Finding It with Autodesk®
Navisworks® Manage 2014 Quantification
Quantification Workbook
The workbook is the key to Navisworks Quantification and where you will perform the majority of
your takeoff efforts.
Item Catalog
The Item Catalog is the organizational database for your takeoff. The Item Catalog and
Resource Catalog share the same structure, a selection tree, variables pane, and
general information. Items in the Item Catalog can be directly associated with a model
object, such as a wall or window. Items can exist alone or can contain resources.
Resource Catalog
The Resource catalog is a database of your resources for a project. Resources could be
related by function and type such as materials, equipment or tools, and may include
wallboard, coverings or structural components. Resources are attached to Items.
Model Takeoff
Model Takeoff allows you to quantify your models form properties or selections directly in the
model or Navisworks Canvas.
To carry out model takeoff, objects must be either a group, layer or model. If you try to takeoff a
model object that is an instance, or if the object does not contain a GUID or properties, an error
message is displayed. Ensure your workbook is in Item view before performing takeoff.
Every Building Has Its Price: Finding It with Autodesk®
Navisworks® Manage 2014 Quantification
Virtural Takeoff
Virtual takeoff can be carried out when you want to add takeoff objects that are not linked to a
model object or item, for example:
Where an object has geometry, but has no properties
Where an object does not have geometry, and has no properties
This could be the case if you did not save the properties from the original design application with
your file, or that the object you want to takeoff does not exist in the model. In both cases, you
can associate a viewpoint with the virtual takeoff object so you can navigate your way back to it
during the takeoff process. Once your virtual object is taken off, you can begin to add properties
by using formulas, which provides quantities for the object.
Quantification Appearances
o Select Model items that correspond to takeoff items
Hide Takeoff
o Hides all items that have been takeoff
Explore Takeoff
o Hides all model items that have not been takeoff and explore taken off items
Quantification Appearance
o Controls the appearance of the model
Importing and Exporting
Imports and exports catalogs and quantities
Every Building Has Its Price: Finding It with Autodesk®
Navisworks® Manage 2014 Quantification
Change Analysis
Change Analysis enables you to compare changes to properties between model versions. You
can then review the changes to decide whether to give approval. If you make changes to your
takeoff data in a project, you receive status notifications in Quantification that highlight what has
been changed and what type of change has been made.
Status Notification
When an item or group is changed, a warning flag appears in the Navigation pane and a
green or blue triangle appears in the cell. The overridden formula also appears in bold in
the Item Catalog. Once Change Analysis is carried out, the following notifications appear
in the Status column of the Quantification workbook.
Every Building Has Its Price: Finding It with Autodesk®
Navisworks® Manage 2014 Quantification
Getting Started
Below are the steps for executing the Quantification workflow components.
Exercise 1 – Managing Design Information
1. In Autodesk Revit or Autodesk Revit Architecture, open Autodesk_Hospital_Architecture.rvt
from the Quantification dataset folder
2. Activate the Demonstration Views > 3D views > 3D Architectural_3D Floor view
3. Scroll the view list, and expand the Schedules collection
4. Right Click on the Door Schedule Level 2 view, and select Duplicate View > Duplicate
5. In the view that opens, rename the schedule to be Door Schedule Level 3
6. From the properties pallet, select the Filter button to edit the schedule’s filter
7. Change the level filter to Level 3
8. From the properties pallet, select the Filter button to edit the schedule’s filter
9. Tile the views so you have the #D model next to the new door schedule
10. Select a line in the schedule, not the model elements highlighting in the model view.
11. Activate the Export > 3D Views > 3D Exterior Export view
12. Activate the Schedules > Panel Schedule view
13. Tile the two new views as to explore them
14. From the properties pallet, select the Fields button to edit the schedule’s Fields
15. Add the Area field to the list, then move it to the second from the bottom of the list
16. Switch to the Format tab, and select the Are Field
17. Check on the Calculate Total option and close the dialog
18. Note the area calculations now in the Schedule
Every Building Has Its Price: Finding It with Autodesk®
Navisworks® Manage 2014 Quantification
19. Select a line to highlight the Model elements in the model view
Exercise 2a – Item & Resource Management
Append in Autodesk_Hospital_Structural.nwc
Go through project setup (no catalog)
Open and pin Item Catalog
Open and pin Resource Catalog
Create new group – Structure
Create new item – Slab
Create a new resource group – Concrete
Create a new resource – Concrete 3000 PSI
a. Length Formula "=ModelLength" Units " Unspecified "
b. Width Formula "=ModelWidth" Units " Unspecified "
c. Thickness Formula "=ModelThickness" Units " Unspecified "
d. Height Formula " Unspecified " Units "Unspecified"
e. Perimeter Formula " Unspecified" Units "Unspecified"
f. Area Formula "=Length*Width" Units "SquareFeet"
g. Volume Formula "=(Length*Width*Thickness)*0.03704" Units "CubicYard"
h. Weight Formula="=Volume*4050" Units "Pound"
i. Count Formula "=1" Units "Each"
9. Create a second resource – Formwork
a. Length Formula "=ModelLength" Units "Feet"
b. Width Formula "=ModelWidth" Units "Feet"
c. Thickness Formula "=ModelThickness" Units "Feet"
d. Height Formula " Unspecified " Units "Unspecified"
e. Perimeter Formula " Unspecified " Units "Unspecified"
f. Area Formula "=((ModelWidth+ModelLength)*2)*ModelThickness” Units "Square
g. Volume Formula "=Area*0.333" Units "Cubic Feet"
h. Weight Formula "=Area*9" Units "Pound"
i. Count Formula "=1" Units "Each"
10. Attach resources to slab using Use Resource dropdown
11. Complete takeoff of the one of the Pile Caps
a. Select the Slab in the Quantificaiton workbook
b. Then select one of the pile caps, right-click and select Takeoff to: Slab
Exercise 2b – Item & Resource Management
1. Open Autodesk Navisworks Manage or Simulate 2014 and load the Autodesk
Hospital_Quantification.nwf file
2. Open the Item Catalog and pin it open
Every Building Has Its Price: Finding It with Autodesk®
Navisworks® Manage 2014 Quantification
3. Browse the item collections exploreing the items in the list, the folder structure, and the WBS
(work breakdown structure) numbering
4. Select an Item in the catalog and explore the information in the catalog
5. Select the Resource Catalog button to switch to the Resource view
6. Browse the resource collections exploreing the resources in the list, the folder structure, and
the RBS (resource breakdown structure) numbering
7. Select a Resource in the catalog, and explore the use of formulas to generate additional
information from the model elements, such as materials like paint and drywall
8. Close the Item and Resource catalogs or unpin them so they roll up
Exercise 3 – Model Based Quantification
Activate the Viewpoint Structure
Orbit the view so the pile foundations are in view
Open the Sets pallet and pin it open
Select the Quantification button from the Home Ribbon to open the Quantification
Workbook, if it isn’t open already
5. Pin it open
Every Building Has Its Price: Finding It with Autodesk®
Navisworks® Manage 2014 Quantification
6. Browse the Item collections: Substructure > Foundations > Wall Foundations > and select
the item Continuous Footing
7. Select the Set Continuous Footings from the Sets pallet, and Drag and Drop it to the
Continuous Footing collection in the items section of the Quantification Workbook
8. Note the quantification that has been done in the workbook
9. Browse the Item collections: Substructure > Foundations > Standard Foundations > and
select the item Pile Caps
10. In the model, select one of the Pile Caps, and from the Home Ribbon, use the Select Same
button to select all the Same Type
11. Right click on one of the Highlighted pile caps, and select Quantification > Takeoff to: Pile
12. Note the quantification that has been done in the workbook
Every Building Has Its Price: Finding It with Autodesk®
Navisworks® Manage 2014 Quantification
13. In the Quantification Workbook, under the detailed list of quantities for Pile Caps, select one
of the Object hyperlinks for a Pile Cap to highlight it in the model
14. Select the Hide Takeoff button on the toolbar in the Quantification Workbook to toggle off
the display of the model elements that have been taken off
15. Select the Explore Takeoff button on the toolbar in the Quantification Workbook to toggle the
display of just the model elements that have been taken off
Every Building Has Its Price: Finding It with Autodesk®
Navisworks® Manage 2014 Quantification
16. Activate the saved Viewpoint Missing Doors
17. Browse the Item collections: Interiors > Interior Construction > Interior Doors > Standard
Interior Doors > and select the Wood Door - Single item
18. Select the Virtual Takeoff Drop down button and select Create In Selected Catalog Item
19. Activate the Review Ribbon, and select Draw > Ellipse
20. Draw an Ellipse on the office wall to the left side of the view to denote where a door should
21. Select the Text button, and pick a point inside the Ellipse to write “Missing Door”
22. Walk or Zoom down the corridor and repeat for at least two more offices
23. In the Quantification Workbook, under the detailed list of quantities for Wood Door - Single,
select one of the Virtual Takeoffs you just created, and select the Viewport Camera icon to
jump back to its view
Every Building Has Its Price: Finding It with Autodesk®
Navisworks® Manage 2014 Quantification
Exercise 4 – Change Analysis & Reporting
1. In Autodesk Revit or Autodesk Revit Architecture, open Autodesk_Hospital_Architecture.rvt
from the Quantification dataset folder
2. Activate the Demonstration Views > 3D views > 3D Architectural_3D Floor view
3. Select one of the interiors wood doors, right-click and choose Select all instances > Visible
in view. From the properties pallet, change the type from the existing 3’-0” X 6’8” door to
the 3’-0” x 7’-0” door.
4. Zoom to an area of the model where the is a partition that can be easily deleted, and
delete it
5. Export the current view to NWC; make sure to overwrite the existing
Autodesk_Hospital_Architectural_Level_3.nwc file in the Quantification dataset folder.
6. Switch back to Autodesk Navisworks or Simulate.
7. Activate the saved viewpoint Level 3
8. Browse the Item collections: Interiors > Interior Construction > Interior Doors > Standard
Interior Doors > and select the Wood Door - Single item to explore the existing
9. Refresh the models loaded in Navisworks
10. When the refresh is complete, select the Change Analysis drop down button in the
Quantification Workbook, and choose Analyze Changes
11. When the analysis is complete, explore the different icons that appear for the items that
have changed
Every Building Has Its Price: Finding It with Autodesk®
Navisworks® Manage 2014 Quantification
12. Explore the Model Height parameter in the takeoff detail item list and display the tooltip
with the changes and differences
13. From the Item list window in the Quantification workbook, right-click on the Wood Door –
Single collection and choose Select all Takeoff Items
14. Select the Update drop down window, select Update Selected From Model
15. Display the new values that have changed for the takeoff items
16. Select the Export drop down button from the Quantification Workbook toolbar
17. Choose Export Quantities To Excel
18. Choose a save name and location and select Save when prompted
19. When prompted to open the file, select Yes
20. Browse the various tabs of the Excel file to explore Items, Resources and the raw data
Every Building Has Its Price: Finding It with Autodesk®
Navisworks® Manage 2014 Quantification
Tips, Tricks and Other Navisworks Quantification Information
Autodesk Navisworks Quantification Catalog Creation Template 2014
On you can find a template that can be used with Excel to speed the creation of
catalogs. This template can be imported into Navisworks
Navisworks File Reader - Revit
Ensure your Navisworks Export settings in Revit are set as shown below:
Customizing a Property Mapping File
When using Quantification, you can modify the XML file, which controls property mappings in
your projects. This means that you can customize and create new object, file and properties
definitions, which will be picked up automatically when you reopen Quantification in Navisworks.
The XML properties files are typically held in the Quantification folder in your Program Files for
Navisworks, for example, C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Navisworks Manage 2014\Quantification\
TakeoffPropertyMap.xml. You can either modify this file or create a new file to contain your
customized properties.
Within this file, there are three nodes in this file which we can show you how to modify:
1. <TakeoffPropertyMap>
2. <TakeoffFileMap>
3. <TakeoffObjectMap>
Every Building Has Its Price: Finding It with Autodesk®
Navisworks® Manage 2014 Quantification
In the context of the XML file, the <TakeoffObjectMap> (object node) may look something like
this: <TakeoffObjectMap Name="Wild Card Object Map">
<condition test="never" flags="32">
<name internal=""></name>
<name internal=""></name>
<data type="wstring"></data>
This guide will show you how to use the Find Items feature in Navisworks to export and modify
an XML property file, then either copy the customized nodes into the TakeoffPropertyMap.xml or
create a new properties file.
XML Basics
Since the mapping file is in XML format, you should have some basic knowledge of XML before
you begin. There are several websites that can provide an overview, see Wikipedia as a starting
point. Once you are up to speed on XML, you can use any XML tool to customize the property
map file.