Document 6888476

Evergreen Reuse Coalition
Meeting Minutes for October 5th
 Frances Pennell (WA Access Fund) Low-interest loans for AT, serve all people in WA with any
 Gretchen Faulstich (ADSA) interested in reuse becoming a resource,
 Charles Brennick (Interconnection) computer reuse for non-profits, individuals, low-income
 Lisa Melvin (Catholic Community Family Services) partner with KCHELP to take referrals for
equipment and help families stay independent. Would like to see smaller lending closets in
smaller counties
 Mike McGlone (Knights of Community Hospital Equipment Lending Program (KC-HELP)) give out
DME free of charge, open-ended loans, Douglas and Chelan county, key to success id the
volunteer staff, Some print material with organizations in their area
 Sue Campbell (NW Lions Association) refurbished hearing aid bank – key area King and
Snohomish, eye glass program – glasses to developing nations, low-vision clinic operating in
Bellingham, Resource for glass VASH Millionaires club to help with low vision aids. – Would like
to see a good referral system in place
 Jack Staudt (Bridge Disability Ministries) DME reuse, helping people to live independently in the
community by transitioning out of institutions and providing guardianship. Wants to find
trucking company to deliver back and forth.
 Gerry Barney (Bridge Disability Ministries - Meyer Mobility Center) DME reuse at Bridge, take in
anything people want to donate short of power equipment in terrible condition, medical
supplies to donate including glassed, hearing aids, medications, soft goods, so take everything
and looking for how to then get it to people. CPAP machine, getting a lot in, learning that some
of them are outdated and can’t be refurbished – looking for resources for redistribution –
KCHELP has a relationship with a sleep center. In a year looking for more volunteers and sources
for equipment that Medicare and Medicaid doesn’t pay for and constantly out of stock. Space is
an issue – looking for satellite locations for collection, storage and redistribution. Better
demographic information. AT Work, supported employment agency with recycling center –
secure shredding, can arrange for someone to pick-up plastic parts and heavy metals. Contact
with someone who has contacts with businesses; scrap recycling to look into getting money
from end of life recycling.
o From Charles: Pacific Iron, Steel Companies will drop off “dumpster” for scrap metal.
 Tim Mallory (Timberland Regional Library System) Southwest WA, based in Olympia and serves 5
counties, gets donated CCTVs to libraries, have been sending them to state surplus, comes to
the friends of the library groups, Connections, Asset Building Coalitions in Olympia, Looking at
how library can make connections as a point of service and information to support these efforts.
Can move small items on a case by case basis but difficult to make a policy change issue to help
move equipment around within a library system.
Steve Hillson (HSDC) Work with the TED Program for adaptive phones, programs on speech and
audiology, the store has a more direct connection to community. Making connections for
families and family members not getting services from other programs. Being a point of contact
for holistic care, make sure the next steps can be taken in house without just sending people out
to connect services.
Where We Are Now
Coalition branded exchange site to centralize exchange activities in the state
o Talk to discharge planners at hospitals to look at complete care and how to organize
website for multi-user
o Stories/photos
o Data: collect output data from all members distributing equipment to people with
o Internal Communication: getting everyone signed up on forum
Low interest loans for reuse
o Access Fund modified the loan application to make it easier for reuse orgs time
o Access Fund instituted new policy so Program Manager will have right to make decision
on loans $500 or under
o People resistant to taking classes on financial literacy
What We Want Next
Barriers/solutions – voting activity
 Funding – 17 votes
 Donations of Equipment - 13 votes
 Transportation & Supply Chain - 12 votes
 Too Many “Hats” for Rousers – 6 votes
 Legal Issues – 5 votes
 Proper Training & Matching - 4 votes
 Lack of Knowledge about Reuse Resources – 3 votes
Getting There
Funding: looking at what we want to fund
Committee: Jack, Francie and Sam
First Meeting: Early November – Sam will set up meeting time
Working on:
 Survey
o For Access Fund: how many loans per year will reuse organizations conduct
 Coalition to go after Foundation Grants
Funding from State Legislature for reuse activities
o Get materials from Carolyn about funding from State Legislature
o Statistic/ white paper for CAVIAR
Supply Chain
Committee: Gerry, Charles, Steve, Mike, Gretchen, and Sam
First Meeting: Nov 5th 1:00 pm
Working on:
 Donations & Equipment
o Natural Drop off sites: Thriftstores (example: Sightconnections partners with Value
o Creating new Drop off sites
 Interconnection can take in CCTVs, DME
 Bridge can be a drop-off for computers, Hearing Aides
 Churches, synagogues: have space
 Have space
 Coalition would provide sign of what will accept
 Libraries
 Coalition gives recognition to libraries
o Pre-Paid mailing labels for small items
 Could be distributed at libraries
o (800) stickers on all equipment purchased by State
o State Surplus
o Work with State to pass bill to give State purchased equipment to Coalition
 Shipping/Transportation
o Contacting trucking companies
o – many shipping options
 Marketing
o Need to know what we’re doing before we know how to market it
Networking Outcomes
Reuse Conex: Portland October 18th-20th
San will send out meeting announcements/set up meetings
Set up Tour of Interconnection – Later in the day around 1:00
Get people signed up on the forum
o Post meeting minutes
o Contact information