Latin Roots Vocabulary 5-6

Latin Roots and SAT Words 5
Roots and Derivatives
1. cent(i) (hundred): century, centipede, centennial, centigrade, centimeter, sesquicentennial
2. cide(e), cis(e) (to kill, to cut): homicide, incision, suicide, scissors, circumcise, excision
3. clam, claim (to cry out, to declare): clamor, explain, proclaim, disclaim, claimant, acclaim
4. cord, cour (heart): accord, courage, encouraged, cordiform, cordate, concordant
SAT Words:
1. centenarian: (n) a person who has lived to be one hundred years old
2. centurion: (n) a Roman officer commanding one hundred men; (a) related to the military mind, especially as it
favors military solutions for handling social problems
3. clamorous: (a) characterized by continuous loud and complaining voices; noisily complaining; insistent
4. concordance: (n) a condition of harmony or agreement; an alphabetical index indicating reference passages, as
from a writer’s works
5. discordant: (a) sounding harsh or inharmonious; clashing
6. incisive: (a) keenly penetrating; cutting into
Latin Roots and SAT Words 6
Roots and Derivatives
1. corp(or) (body): corpse, corporation, corps, corpuscle, corporeal, corpus, corset
2. cred (to believe, to trust): credo, credit, discredit, credence, credentials, accreditation
3. cur(r), curs, course (to run, to flow): current, excursion, discourse, concur, recourse, curriculum, recurrent
4. dic(t) (to speak, to say): diction, indication, edict, jurisdiction, dictionary, addict, interdiction
SAT Words:
1. benediction: (n) the invocation of a divine blessing, as at the close of a religious service; a blessing or state of
2. concourse: (n) a running or flowing together; a broad public walkway or hallway; a crowd or throng
3. corporal: (a) related to the physical body
4. credulity: (n) the naïve willingness to believe too easily without proof
5. cursory: (a) done in a superficial or hasty manner
6. dictum: (n) an authoritative saying or maxim