The new European Network of Mediterranean Ancient Theatres All over Europe Mediterranean Ancient Theatres represent one of the most significant cultural heritage remains of Mediterranean civilizations. Some of these ancient theaters are still being used for various activities. Such current uses of theaters create a continuous impact on theatre structures originally designed for needs very different from contemporary ones. Ancient theaters need to be linked to their urban and human environment and there must be the creation of a strong relationship between the theater and the local community especially those who live near these structures. This is to enliven the cultural role of these theaters that has taken place since thousands of years ago A co-operation of Mediterranean Ancient Theatres in Europe takes place only in a very limited scale. So far there is one existing network, thus there is certain vagueness about the offers for the user and lack of transparency for potential financing bodies. The main aim of ATHENE is to build up EU-wide network with all its benefits and to offer operators and citizens to achieve: - CULTURAL MOBILITY OF CULTURAL/ARTISTIC PRODUCTS: Definition and implementation of a joint international ATHENE festival in different disciplines so as to increase the value of both Greek and Roman culture and legacy in the making of the identity and values of the contemporary European citizenship and promote intercultural dialogue by showcasing the sharing of common roots, values and culture within the Mediterranean basin from East to West Southern Europe; - MOBILITY OF THE CULTURE PROFESSIONALS: Encouragement of mobility through stays and good practices exchange workshops of culture managers of Ancient theatres, with the aim of improving their skills on culture management and on heritage and the increase in value of tourism for Ancient Theatres; - INTERCULTURAL DIALOGUE: Identification, chracterization, selection and dissemination of performances of Arts and Culture for the promotion of intercultural dialogue among Mediterranean peoples, through the creation of a database and programming of joint festivals and the setup of the foundations for the creation of a Mediterranean Ancient Theatres Network. Mission statement All network partners recognize the importance of participation and involvement in order to create a network that will serve as a model within the partnership and Europe. All Mediterranean Ancient Theatres and their staff, within their respective capacities and resources, hold the key to confronting the challenge presented by both artistic mobility and culture. All network partners endeavour to encourage shifts and swaps by the use of stays and good practices exchange workshop among culture managers. All network partners commit themselves to serve the customers and users of the platform in the best way possible and to provide high quality, up-to-date information at any time. The core of the network is the ATHENE information platform: The information system will be available 24 hours 7 days a week. This information will be at disposal of the MAT´s staff, users, potential users, operators and all people concerned or interested in culture and will provide its information to the public. The language for communication with its users is English along with local languages (Spanish, Italian and Croatian). The software needed at the client's side is a common web browser (Internet Explorer or Mozilla). How to join the network Generally, the network is open to all Mediterranean Ancient Theatres which fulfil the minimal standards and the conditions of admission and which wish to join ATHENE NET. On these grounds, ATHENE Network is opened to Cultural Operators in charge of the management of an ancient theatre or amphitheatre which is still used to artistic issues and where performances take place in a regular way. MAT that want to join the network must make a written application to the board, which will decide its eligibility. If you are interested in joining the network of ATHENE please fill the following form in and send it back in a scanned version in advance and by regular mail contextually to: Ms. Beatriz Garcia Val ( for Spain, Ms. Emanuela Chiriacò ( for Italy and Mr. Darko Komso ( for Croatia and apply for membership according to the following simple procedure. We are looking forward to welcome you as a new member of the ATHENE! APPLICATION FORM MEDITERRANEAN ANCIENT THEATRES NETWORK I, the undersigned, ______________________________, authorised* to represent the Ancient Theatre ____________________________________________________________________________________________________, located in __________________________________, hereby request from the Steering Committee of the ATHENE project on the terms laid down in this application so as to join the ATHENE network of Mediterranean Ancient Theatres. TERMS OF THE PARTICIPATION IN THE NETWORK 1) The board will check the Theatre data, services and offers as well as the compliance with the overall network aims and objectives within 30 days after the application; 2) In case of admission the board will provide a username and password, together with the user-manual, asking the new member to enter all the data into the platform within the upcoming 14 days. 3) After finalisation of data-input the ATHENE symbol (printable file) and visibility guidelines will be submitted to the new network member by e-mail. 4) The new member has to apply the ATHENE symbol on visible points at the Theatre and provide evidence (photo) to the board within 30 days. 5) The board will inform all network partners about the new partner by e-mail. 6) The network - partnership is free of charge and is constituted without limits as to its duration. Place and date Signature and stamp oft he organisation ____________________ ___________________________ * please provide a copy of you ID card with a picture and the document that testify you are the manager or the legal representative of the Theatre.