Paper 1 Topic 3 Hitler’s Foreign Policy and The Origins of the Second World War 2010 Describe how Hitler achieved the remilitarisation of Rhineland Jan 2011 Describe how signing of Nazi Soviet Pact led to outbreak of war June 2011 Describe main features of Anglo German naval agreement 1935 and Germany’s agreement with Poland 1934 Jan 2012 Describe Hitler’s main aims on foreign policy June 2012 Describe how Hitler was able to take control of Austria in 1938 Jan 2013 Describe what happened in Saar in 35 and importance for Hitler June 2013 Describe how Hitler remilitarised the Rhineland in 1936 6 What were Hitler’s aims in Foreign Policy Main results of signing of Munich agreement Why did Britain not oppose Germany’s remilitarisation of Rhineland Main aim of signing of Nazi Soviet pact Was Munich agreement a victory for peace Why was there no opposition to reoccupation of Rhineland 10 What was the most reason for outbreak of Second World War Greater success for Hitler’s Foreign Policy Most important cause of Second World War Which was the greater danger to world peace Which was more important cause of Second World War Which was greater threat to world peace Reasons why Chamberlain pursued a policy of appeasement Which of Hitler’s polices more likely to lead to war Remilitarisation of Rhineland 1936 Hitler’s aims in Foreign policy Anschluss March 38 Remilitarisation of Rhineland Sudeten Crisis 38 Anschluss with Austria 1938 Chamberlains policy of appeasement Sudeten Crisis Sept 38 Nazi Soviet Pact Nazi Soviet pact 39 4 Occupation of Czechoslovakia 1939 Nazi Soviet Pact 1939 2014 Describe what Hitler did in Foreign Policy before Germany remilitarised Rhineland Main reasons for success of Anschluss Towards Austria Most important reason for outbreak of Second World War Towards USSR Appeasement Hitler’s occupation of Czechoslovakia 1939 4 6 10 Specimen Describe how Hitler took control of Austria in 1938 Why did chamberlain and Daladier sign the Munich agreement Which was the bigger threat to world peace in the 1930s The remilitarisation of the Rhineland The Nazi Soviet pact of 1939 Paper 1 Topic 4 4 6 10 The Origins of the Cold War 1945 -1960 2010 Describe membership & aims of Nato and Warsaw Pact Jan 2011 Describe part played by General Macarthur in Korean War June 2011 Describe what was decided at Yalta about future of Germany Was the expansion of communism the main reason for start of cold war ? Greater effect on development of Cold War Causes and consequences of Berlin blockade Why did US take part in Korean War? Most important cause of Cold War Which was more important in causing of Cold war Potsdam Conference Berlin Blockade and Airlift 48-49 Truman Doctrine Jan 2012 Describe how Marshall plan aimed to help countries remain free from communism Why did Stalin call off Berlin blockade in 1949 June 2012 Describe Berlin airlift Jan 13 Describe part played by USA in Korean War June 2013 Describe Khrushchev’s policy of peaceful coexistence June 2014 Describe effects of dropping of Atomic Bomb on Hiroshima Main aims behind Truman Doctrine and Marshall Aid Main aims of Marshall Plan Main reasons for Soviet expansion of Eastern Europe 45-47 Which was the greater threat to world peace between 49 and 55 Greater threat to world peace Which event caused more in tension Potsdam conference Berlin blockade 48-49 Most important reason for development of Cold War Truman Doctrine and Marshall Plan Berlin blockade and airlift 48-49 Main reasons for expansion of Soviet Union in Eastern Europe Most important cause of development of Cold war after 1945 Soviet Expansion in Eastern Europe 45-48 Korean War 53-55 Truman Doctrine and Marshall plan 47 Formation of Nato and Warsaw pact Development of nuclear weapons Korean war Korean War 50-53 Berlin blockade and airlift Formation of Nato and Warsaw Pact 4 6 10 Specimen Describe how Europe became divided by the Iron curtain in the years 19451946 Why did the Americans introduce the Marshall Plan Which was the more important cause fo the development of the Cold War Berlin Blockade 48-49 Korean War 50 -53 Paper 1 Topic 5 Crises of the Cold War and Détente 1960-1980 2010 Describe how Kennedy prevented Soviet missiles being placed on Cuba Jan 2011 Describe events in Hungary when Nagy was Prime Minister June 2011 Jan 2012 June 2012 Jan 2013 June 2013 2014 Describe how Brezhnev and USSR responded to Prague Spring Describe U2 crisis which followed shooting down of spy plane Describe how USSR responded to Nagy’s reforms in Hungary Describe what happened at bay of Pigs in Cuba in 1961 Describe main features of arms race and space race 57-69 6 Reasons for building of Berlin Wall What were the main effects of the U2 Crisis? Importance of launching of Sputnik by USSR Why did Kadar and USSR oppose reforms of Nagy What were main reasons for invasion of Prague by USSR in 1968 10 Greater challenge to Khrushchev’s policy of peaceful coexistence? Which event had the greater effect on world peace in the 1960s Building of Berlin wall Prague Spring in Czechoslovakia Which event was greater threat to world peace U2 crisis 1960 Cuban Missile Crisis 1962 Which event was greater threat to world peace in 60s Building of Berlin Wall Cuban missile Crisis Which side gained more from the Cuban Crisis Kennedy and USA Khrushchev and USSR What were the main reasons for the Soviet invasion of Hungary in 1956 Which was the greater success for Khrushchev and USSR U2 crisis Building of Berlin wall How did Kennedy and Khrushchev work together to prevent nuclear war during and immediately after Cuban Missile Crisis Greater threat to world peace Describe what happened during U2 crisis after Gary Powers plane shot down Was building of Berlin Wall a threat to peace? 4 Hungarian Uprising U2 crisis 4 6 10 2015 Specimen Describe how USA and USSR almost went to war over Cuba in 1962 Why was Berlin wall built Which event was a greater threat to Détente Prague Spring in Czechoslovakia Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan Building of Berlin wall 1961 Which leader did more to prevent Cuban Missile Crisis developing into nuclear war Prague Spring in Czechoslovakia 68 Kennedy or Khrushchev