ECON 2610 Measurement and Computation in Economics 8:30 – 9:45 am Tuesday/Thursday 202 Isbister January – April 2015 Instructor: Greg Mason - More information: Goal of the Course This course will introduce basic economic measures and computations such as index numbers, cost relationships, time-value of money, rates and growth, seasonal adjustment, and forecasting. Excel will form the basis for teaching students common measures from micro and macroeconomics. In addition to mastering the core measures of economics, students will gain proficiency in Excel, the most important analytical tool used in business and government. It is also a powerful method for supporting data analysis and economic modelling in more advanced economics and business courses. Approach Lectures and labs will present the measurements and computations used in micro, macro, and business economics. No prior knowledge of Excel is required – all concepts and methods will be taught in class with lab assignments offering extensive opportunity to learn and practice this important tool.The lectures will occur in the social science computer lab (202 Isbister) to ensure students acquire quick expertise in Excel. Students will also learn basic data management, data transformation, and graphing using the features of Excel. At the conclusion of this course students will have a library of Excel programs to support common economics and business measurements/calculations. Mark Allocation The final mark will be based on lab assignments, in-class term tests (best 2 out of 3), and a final examination. Component Lab assignments (Best 4 of 5) – 5 marks each Term Tests (Best 2 out of 3) – 20 marks each Final exam (2 hours) (In formal exam period) Total November 18, 2014 Marks 25 40 35 100 Course themes Weeks 1 - 3 Mastering the basics of Excel - Weeks 4 - 6 Indexes, rates, incidence and growth - Weeks 7 - 9 measures of central tendency measures of dispersion association regression forecasting and seasonal adjustment computing insurance relationships (fair premiums, certainty equivalents) Time value of money – basics of financial economics - Week 13 creating a price index computing Laspeyres, Paasche and Fisher indices changing base and splicing indexes computing rates of growth and measures of incidence application to demographic projections Basics of data analysis - Weeks 10 - 12 creating the data sheet(s) basic data entry and management qualitative (logical) and quantitative data data handling/sorting charts specifying demand/supply (micro) and LS/IM (macro) models simple and compound\t interest fractional and continuous compounding annual growth rates present value discounted present cash flow internal rates of return benefit-cost analysis Review Text 1. 2. 3. Whigham, David, Business Data Analysis using Excel, Oxford, Oxford University Press (2007) Students should hold on to their basic micro and macro texts Other material will be posted on the course website Fine Print 1. Missed term tests: Students will not be permitted to write make-up term tests, except for documented medical or compassionate reasons. If the necessary documentation is provided within two days of the missed test, the weight of the term exam will be added to the final exam weight. Otherwise the missed test will count for 0. 2. Academic integrity: Each student must read and understand university regulations regarding academic integrity as described in the General Calendar. Plagiarism and Cheating - Impersonation at an examination November 18, 2014