Minutes of the ninetieth meeting of the Board of the Northern Ireland Museums Council, 17th December 2013, held at the Down County Museum, Downpatrick Present: Mr Johnny Glendinning (Chair) Cllr Robert Burgess Mr Clifford Harkness Mr Roddy Hegarty Cllr Stephen Huggett Mr Mike King Mr Robin Morton Ms Carol Walker In attendance: Mr Chris Bailey, Director, NIMC Ms Karen Magowan, NIMC Apologies for absence 13/04/01 Apologies were received from Patrick Barr, Elizabeth Crooke, Olive Mercer and Roisin Doherty. Chairman’s Business and Declarations of Interest 13/04/02 Following the invitation to Members to declare any potential conflicts of interests concerning the business before the Board, Johnny Glendinning, Robin Morton and Carol Walker declared interests in respect of the recommendations of the Grant Committee. The Chairman stated that since the last meeting two museums had attained recognition under the Museum Accreditation Scheme for the first time. It was agreed that the Board’s congratulations be passed to all concerned at the Northern Ireland War Memorial and the Milford House Museum. Minutes of the Board meeting of 25th September 2013 13/04/03 The Board agreed and adopted the Minutes of the above meeting. Matters Arising 13/04/04 There were no matters arising from the Minutes of the last meeting of the Board. Director’s Report 13/04/05 The Board considered the content of the report provided by the Director on the progress made on the commitments within the 2013-14 Business Plan. The Director stated that of the 45 targets contained within the Plan, 20 had been completed, 20 were on target to be completed by the end of March 2014, with the remaining 5 targets still on-going. Members scrutinised the achievements and activity undertaken over the last three months, focusing particularly upon the projects that were listed as ‘on-going’. In response to questions, the Director indicated that these were designated as such as each required further action to be undertaken, or that changes had affected the rationality of the original target. He illustrated the latter point by referencing the museum sector’s view that it would be more merit in the Museum Forum meeting twice a year, rather than four times a year as originally envisaged. In agreeing the Director’s report, the Board asked that its appreciation of the quantity and quality of work undertaken since its last meeting be relayed to the staff. Financial Statements 13/04/06 With reference to the previously circulated report and tables on the Council’s balance sheet and the financial performance of the Heritage Lottery Funded Collections Skills Initiative and the Council’s general programme, Members examined the areas where actual expenditure varied from the projected budget. The Director answered various questions concerning overheads and particular projects. He informed the Board that following confirmation of further support from the Department of Culture, Arts and Leisure, the Museum Access Audit project had been commissioned, as had the Museum/Creative Industries Toolkit, which had been grant funding through the Arts Council of Northern Ireland. Both projects were due to be completed by the beginning of March 2014. The Board noted and agreed the Financial Statements. NIMC Business Plan 2014-15 13/04/07 Members undertook a prolonged discussion on the content of the draft NIMC Business Plan 2014-15, noting the guidance provided by the Department in a recent letter, together with the associated budget projection and timescales. Consideration was given to the proposed actions in light of the priority to stimulate further engagement with museums by people from deprived areas, the capacity within local museums to undertake such work, and the particular need to ensure that museum collections are preserved and conserved to allow for the enhanced engagement. The Board agreed that the Director should amend the draft Business Plan, bearing in mind the changes and corrections recommended by Members and that it be submitted to the Department by the end of January 2014. NIMC Membership 13/04/08 The associated report informed the Board that the various changes to the operation of the NIMC Membership scheme, agreed at the Board meeting of December 2012, had been implemented, but that in the intervening period further associated issues had been raised by the Department of Culture, Arts and Leisure and by the Council’s internal auditors. After examining various matters, the Board agreed that; In relation to a museum or individual becoming an NIMC member ‘in year’, the following ‘pro rata’ charges will be levied – members joining in the first quarter of the year, 100% of the appropriate membership fee; in the second quarter, 75% of the fee; in the third quarter, 50% of the fee; and in the final quarter, 25% of the fee. The information supplied by museums for Accreditation purposes would be consulted to provide assurance that each Museum Member is being charged the correct membership fee. NIMC membership is not incorporated as a qualifying criterion for the NIMC Accredited Museum Grant Programme for 2014-15. The Board noted that the Chairman had approved Cynthia Waddell, Ronald James Teirnan, Andrew Clements and Christopher Gallagher to be admitted as ‘Associate – Individual’ members, and that Lagan Legacy had chosen to remain an ‘Associate - Organisation Member’. NIMC Audit Committee 13/04/09 The Chairman reported that the meeting of the Audit Committee, scheduled for 9th December 2013, had not taken place as the beginning was inquorate. The Board agreed to undertake the business of the Committee, with reference to the papers previously circulated. The Board noted that in relation to external audit, action had been taken to address the single recommendation made by the Northern Ireland Audit Office in its Report to those Charged with Governance. Concerning the three recommendations made by the Council’s internal auditors, the Board noted the action taken on reviewing the operation of the NIMC Membership scheme, and the changes made to the Council’s procedures concerning procurement. It was agreed that the procurement policy and procedures would be formally reviewed by the Audit Committee at its next meeting. After review and scrutiny, during which the Director answered various questions on the actions taken to control perceived risks, the Board agreed the risk score and control rankings set out in the Corporate Risk Register. Members proceeded to review the Quarterly Assurance Statement, which is required by the Department of Culture, Arts and Leisure. After reviewing each of the eleven sections it was agreed that the statement be signed as required and submitted to the Department. Report and Minutes of Grant Committee 13/04/10 The Director stated that the Council’s Grant Committee had met on 3rd December to consider the applications received to the second round of the NIMC Accredited Museums Grant Programme and that a copy of the Minutes from that meeting had been circulated prior to the Board meeting. The Committee had recommended that the following applications should receive offers of grant assistance accordingly: Museum National Trust - Springhill Tower Museum Somme Heritage Centre FLAME: Gasworks Museum Inniskillings Museum Railway Preservation Society of Ireland Project Title Grant Recommended ‘An Old Ulster House’ £2,280 Mobile Museum £3,750 ‘It’s the way ahead’ £2,603.47 Documentation and Outreach laptop £700 History of the Inniskillings in 50 objects £2,000 Accession Accessibility to All £1,625 After due consideration and discussion the Board ratified the recommendations of the Committee accordingly. Safeguarding 13/04/12 Members noted that the Culture, Arts and Leisure Committee of the Northern Ireland Assembly had recently completed its report into Gaps in Child Protection and Safeguarding. The Department of Culture, Arts and Leisure had circulated the Committee’s associated recommendations and invited each of its arm’s length bodies to respond to the recommendations. The Board reiterated its view on the importance of local museums maintaining the highest standards regarding safeguarding and noted the recognition and acknowledgement of NIMC’s guidance document made by the CAL Committee during its investigation. Members discussed the merits, implementation issues and the potential costs associated with many of the recommendations being put forward. However, of particular concern was an absence of a cognisance of the varying responsibilities, focus and capacity within the various arm’s length bodies, and the preference for a ‘one size fits all’ approach. Also, that this standardised approach may open up responsibilities and liabilities for safeguarding where there is no legal requirement or control mechanisms exist, as is the case in NIMC’s relationship with local museums. Any Other Business 13/04/13 There was no other business. Date, Time and Venue 13/04/14 It was agreed that the next meeting of the Board would be held Tuesday 25th March 2014 at the NIMC offices, and that future meetings of the Board would take place on 24 th June, 23rd September and 16th December 2014. ______________________ Chairman