industrial design

Resource Solutions Provider - Business Profile Information
Organizational Name:
Organizational Address:
150 Lucius Gordon Drive, Suite 115, West Henrietta, NY 14586
Web Address:
Business Phone:
Business Fax:
Business Mobile:
How many offices or organizational locations: 1
How many employees in your organization: 1 full-time employee + team of 16 creative contractors
Please describe your organization’s core competencies and purpose of business:
partner | co-create | deliver
Our design expertise is your strategic advantage.
At bzdesign, our team of industrial and graphic designers collaborate with your firm to create
uniquely engaging experiences. First, we get to know you and how you want to interact with
your customers. Then we use that knowledge to help co-create brands that will resonate in a
crowded marketplace and tailor innovative product solutions that work for your development,
marketing and business operations.
We are a diverse team of design consultants creatively serving our clients every day in order to
make positive change and connect the world through design principles. While we are currently
focused on the medical, industrial and biotech fields, we have experience working in a wide
range of industries, from consumer products to medical device manufacturing.
Please describe what your organization can offer to NYS manufacturing companies:
Bzdesign offers design solutions that work for your customers and your manufacturing team.
Our uniquely talented designers listen, explore, collaborate and create appropriate solutions in
your innovation system.
We have developed design solutions for small start-up as well as large multi-national
corporations. Our lean 3D driven system ensures that programs stay on track so that we can
develop and deliver the optimum design solutions.
Please describe/list the number and types of products and/or services your organization sells:
Our bzdesign 5-phase 3D model-driven industrial design process produces results that work for
your development team and your customers!
Exploration | Ideation | Development | Refinement | Production
An in-house design center allows us to create first round mockups and generate quick volume
studies to explore any design problem. We also have established partnerships to assist in
delivering our machined, 3D printed and hand sculpted ID models.
Because we believe in fostering an environment of creativity, passion, and forward-thinking,
bzdesign plans to offer company resources and weekly design sessions for employees to present
and collaborate on their own product concepts. We are committed to helping our talented
designers plan for their future and make time for projects with which they share a deep personal
connection. Our intent is to create an innovative line of bzdesign products with the potential to
spin out whole new product driven companies.
In addition to being an effective partner, bzdesign seeks to become a well-spring of positive
ideas that build and connect our communities.
Our award winning graphics team has found success in a wide variety of work. From
newsletters to corporate websites, we establish a cohesive brand identity from the ground up.
Our specialized teams create powerful design solutions on a wide range of branding, print and
digital media projects.
Please describe your organizational supply chains (describe the major supply chain or supplier types
that your organization serves/sells to, and buys from):
We outsource 3D Printing, Model Making, Engineering and some Web Programming Services in
serving our growing portfolio of Consumer, Medical, Industrial and Bio-Tech Device
Manufacturers. We purchase equipment and model making supplies from Arts and Craft Stores,
Plastics + Foam Board Suppliers, Woodworking Equipment Suppliers and Home Improvement
Industry (please describe your organization’s major industry sector(s)/sub-sector(s) classification) –
Design Consulting, Industrial Design, Product Development, Graphic Design and Marketing
Which organizations do you consider as the major organizational competitors? Please list
organizational names:
How many years has your organization been in business in New York:
9 years. BZDesign started delivering graphic design solutions in 2005 and launched our
industrial design division in 2013.
Please check all of the resource capabilities, services and/or expertise from the following list that your
organization can provide:
___Engineering: Contract Services
_x__Engineering Consulting Services
___Additive Manufacturing/Process Automation
_x___Commercialization/Scale Up
___Supply Chain Management/Supply Chain Development/Supplier Scouting
_x__Specialized Equipment/Instrumentation
_x__Specialized Facilities/Labs
___Sustainability/Waste Management/Energy Savings
_x___Marketing/Web/Social Media Services
___SBIR/Grant Application Assistance
____Funding/Capital & Finance Services/Grants/Investment
___Research/R & D
_x__Business Development/Partner Development/Market Development
___Professional Business Services: Legal/IP
___Professional Business Services: Sales/Sales Training
____Professional Business Services: Accounting/Finance
____Professional Business Services: Administrative/Conference Room/Facility leasing
____Professional Business Services: Executive Recruitment/Executive Advisory/Mentorship
___Start Up/Business Planning
__x_Other – Industrial Design
_x__Lean Prototyping + Ideation
Please provide any additional key words that represent the organization’s capabilities, expertise,
application domain and sector focus, target customers or markets, industry(s), etc.
Industrial Design, Innovation, Ideation, Prototyping, Product Development, Design Exploration,
Graphic Design, Logo Development, Packaging, Website Design
Specialized Equipment, Facilities, Lab and Technical Related Services - If
If applicable, please provide information about equipment, lab and facility resources or related
technical services your organization offers. Please describe each facility, equipment asset and related
services separately:
Organization Name: bzdesign
Geographic location of the equipment, facilities or lab: Rochester, NY
Terms of Use
What is the main purpose or application of the equipment or facility? Innovation, Industrial Design
Modeling, Lean Launch Prototyping, Design Exploration, Ideation Lab, Product Development,
Graphic Design, Logo Development, Website Design
Who are the main or target commercial or industrial customers/users? Consumer, Medical,
Industrial and Bio-tech Device Manufacturers
Provide any key words that represent this resource equipment or facility (no limit): Industrial design,
product development, lean startup, sketching, modeling, concept generation, additive
manufacturing, sketching, rendering, CAD, modeling, “looks like” models, clay modeling, foam
models, innovation, prototyping, testing, focus group, graphic design, marketing, advertising,
logo development, identity, website design, packaging, creative services
Individual Expertise/Profile Information Form – If Applicable
If applicable, please provide information about individual experts within your organization.
Individual Name: Benjamin Zombek, MBA
Organization: bzdesign
Title: Founder | Principal
Business Phone(s): 585.734.7469
Please provide an updated resume, CV, Bio:
Please describe your domain expertise, capabilities, and focus areas (customers, applications,
markets, industries, etc.) any key words that represent your…:
Ben is an industrial design professional, project manager and entrepreneur with over 15 years’
experience in executing award winning design solutions. With a proven track record of over 75
successful medical, consumer and commercial product launches, he expertly weaves a nuanced
understanding of engineering and marketing considerations within the design process.