University of kufa Center for Development of teaching and training of university Lipid metabolism and Transport Preparation The Lecturer: Abeer Ghassan mahdi College of dentistry Email: 2014 A.D. 1435A.H Lecture content 1. Transporting lipids 2. Classes of lipoproteins particles 3. Apoproteins 4. Getting lipids off lipoproteins 5. Hyperlipoproteinaemias The aim of this lecture: : To give the student concept lipid metabolism and transport . After the end of this lecture should be the student able to: 1- Recognize how lipids are transported around the body in the blood stream. 2-Demonstrate how tissue get their lipid from lipoprotein. 3-Discuss the clinical problems associated with lipid transport . 4- lists the causes of Hyperlipoproteinaemias. Transporting lipids: 1-Need to coat small collections of lipid molecules with polar molecules. -Coated with proteins. -Lipoproteins. Protein Phospholipids Polar molecules triacylglycerol Hydrophobic molecules Fig (1) Classes of lipoprotein particle 1-Chylomicrons 2-Very low density lipoproteins (VLDL) 3-Low density lipoproteins (LDL) 4-High density lipoproteins (HDL Apoproteins 1-Each class of lipoprotein particle has its own set of specific apoproteins 2-Have hydrophilic and hydrophobic regions 3-Enabling them to coat lipid particles 4-Functional roles -Activation of enzymes -Recognition of cell surface receptors Chylomicrons 1-Formed by enterocytes lining the intestine 2-Combine triacylglycerols from food with specific apoproteins 3-Vary in size – up to 750nm 4-Less dense than water 5-Carry lipids from diet to tissues (Especially adipose tissue) 6-Only present in blood after a meal Very low density lipoproteins 1-Formed in liver for storage of energy 2-Rich in triacylglycerols 3-Combine triacylglycerols synthesised in liver with specific apoproteins (30-80nm, Density similar to water) 4-Carry lipid from liver to tissues (Mainly adipose tissue) Low density lipoproteins 1-Formed in liver 2-Cholesterol rich 3-Combine cholesterol synthesised in liver with a specific apoproteins (18-25nm, Slightly more dense than water) 4-Carry cholesterol to tissues from liver High density lipoproteins 1-Formed in tissues 2-Cholesterol from tissues combined with specific apoproteins (5-12nm ,Significantly more dense than water) 3-Carry excess cholesterol back from tissues to liver. Getting lipids off lipoproteins 1-Cells must bind circulating particles 2-And release the lipids 3-Different mechanisms for triacylglycerols and cholesterol. Getting triacylglycerols from chylomicrons and VLDL 1-Endothelial cells of capillaries have lipoprotein lipase on outside of membranes 2-Binds chylomicrons and VLDL 3-Cleaves triacylglycerols into: Glycerol – remains in circulation .Fatty acids – enter tissues for metabolism. 4-Leave VLDL remnants (Usually removed by liver or converted to other types of lipoprotein particles). Getting cholesterol from LDL 1-Cells have LDL receptors : -Complex proteins binds LDL at N-terminal domain. - Receptor/LDL complex taken into cell by endocytosis . -Cholesterol ester released, and cleaved into cholesterol and fatty acid. 2-LDL receptor synthesis controlled by cholesterol concentration in cell: -Uptake stimulated by need. Loading HDL 1-Some HDL synthesised as ‘shells’ in liver (Nascent HDL) 2-Other comes from VLDL remnants 3-Both types sequester cholesterol from capillaries 4-Mature into HDL particles 5-Carry cholesterol back to liver and other cells Disposal of Cholesterol 1-Some converted to hormones 2-Some excreted by conversion to bile acids -More polar molecules -Important for digestion of fats in gut Scavenger receptors 1-Macrophages pick up LDL damaged by oxidation via ‘scavenger receptors’ 2-Cytoplasm becomes loaded with lipid (Form ‘foam cells’). 3-Accumulate in intima of blood vessels(‘fatty streak’). 4-Eventually form Atheroma Fig (2) Hyperlipoproteinaemias 1-Raised levels of one or more lipoprotein classes -Variety of causes (Over-production, Under-removal). - Defective (Enzymes, Receptors, Apoproteins). 2-Complex classification depending on which lipid values are increased. Reference Martin A C. Clinical chemistry and metabolic medicine.2006. Marks’ Essentials of Medical Biochemistry, Chapter 30, Chapter 31, Chapter 20. جامعة الكوفة مركز تطوير التدريس والتدريب الجامعي ((التمثيل الغذائي للدهون ونقلها )) إعداد المحاضرة عبير غسان مهدي كلية طب األسنان 4102م0241ه محتوى المحاضرة -0 -4 -4 -2 -1 نقلالدهون أنواعالبروتيناتالدهنية االبوبروتين الحصولعلالهونمنالبروتيناتالدهنية فرطالدهون الهدف من المحاضرة:اكتسابالطالبمفهومالتمثيلالغذائيللدهونونقلها . بعد االنتهاء من هذه المحاضرة يجب أن يكون الطالب قادرا ً على : -0 -4 -4 -2 أنيميزكيفيتمنقلالدهونفيأنحاءالجسمخاللمجرىالدم أنيشرحكيفيتمحصولاألنسجةالدهنيةعلالدهونمنالبروتيناتالدهنية أنيناقشالمشاكلالسريريةالمرتبطةبقلالدهون أنيعددأسبابفرطالدهون ترتبطجزئياتالدهنمعجزئيةبروتيناثناءانتقالهافيمجرىالدملتكونالبروتيناتالدهنيةوالتيهي أربعةأنواع(الكايلومايكرون,الدهونالقليلةالكثافةجدا,الدهونالقليلةالكثافة,الدهونالحميدة)تستخدم الدهونفيتخليقالهرموناتوبعضهايحولإلىاألحماضالصفراوية.زيادةنسبةالدهونتؤديإلى بعضاإلمراضالخطرةمنها(اللويحةالصفراء,وتصلبالشرايين,وورمالوتروغيرها) . المصادر : -0مارتن.Cالكيمياءالسريريةواأليض . -4أساسياتعالمات'الكيمياءالحيويةالطبية،الفصل،41الفصل،40الفصل .41