File - Equine Profiling Stud Lines

Equine Profiling Application Form
Please fill the form in, using Word Document or using your smart phone and then send it back Equine Profiling
once completed.
Person Applying for Profiling:
*ID no:
*Phone no:
*Fax no:
*Home address:
*If owned by a Trust or Company, please state registration no:
*If owned in Partnership, please state full names and give all the information as
above for each partner or shareholder.
Equine is owned by:
Name of the equine: (Name cannot be longer than 20 characters)(NO prefixes, NO suffixes & NO
stud names allowed, unless the horse has already been registered at a horse breed society or horse
registration body) (If horse is registered please list full registration name)
(Please list 5 names in order of preference, only for unregistered horses)
Registration number:
(If horse is registered please list registration number)
Gender of the equine:
Please state if colt, stallion, filly, mare or gelding)
(Please state the breed if known, or if cross bred or unknown)
Date of birth:
(If not sure the correct date of birth please just state the year of birth)
Color of the equine:
Please state the color (and if turning grey) and all white marks)
Sire’s name:
*Registration no\Identification Card no:
*DNA No:
*Equine and breed:
*Microchip No:
*Owned by:
*If tested for any genetic diseases\disorders or color and results:
(Please fill in if known, otherwise skip)
Dam’s name:
*Registration no\Identification Card no:
*DNA no:
*Equine and breed:
*Microchip No:
*Owned by:
*If tested for any genetic diseases\disorders or color and results:
(Please fill in if know, otherwise skip)
Height of the equine:
(Only if is over 4 years of age) (Please measure in centimetres (cm), from the ground to the point of
the withers)
Equine’s country of birth:
Owner at time of birth:
*Phone no:
*ID no:
*Home address:
(Please list any information if known)
Microchip no:
(Only if equine has already been micro chipped please give the microchip number)
Brand Mark or Tattoo:
(Please state YES or NO and if Brand or Tattoo) (If YES please give the brand or tattoo number)
Any scars or old injuries are visible:
(Please state YES or NO) (Please give a short description and send in photo/s)
Only if, stallion or colt, is both testicles visible:
(Please state YES or NO) (If stated YES, please send in a photo\s showing both testicles clearly)
Genetic Tests: (Please state YES)
*DNA\Parent Verification:
(This test is a REQUIREMENT for all horses being profiled by Equine Profiling)
(If this horse has already been DNA\Parent Verified, please fill in DNA/Parent Verification number
and send a copy of the test result for proof and profiling)
Is the above mentioned horse\foal a A.I (Artificial Insemination) born foal:
(Horse Only)
(Please State YES or NO) (If YES please send us all certificates or permits or any legal documentation)
(For office use only)
Is the above mentioned horse\foal an embryo transfer foal:
(Horse Only)
(Please state YES or NO) (If YES please send us all certificates or permits or any legal documentation)
(For office use only)
Does this equine have any known health conditions:
(Please state YES or No) (If stated YES, please list the health conditions this horse suffers from)
Will this equine be used for breeding:
(Please state YES or No) (For office use only)
I hereby declare that the information and particulars above is truthful and correct, that I
have read the Terms, Condition and Policy of Equine Profiling and that I understand that the
above mentioned equine will not be registered with any specific horse breed society,
association or registering horse body, that the above mentioned horse will not be registered
or have a registration certificate, nor included into the South-African Stud Book and that the
horse\equine animal will not be able to compete in any horse breed society associated
horse shows. I hereby give permission to Equine Profiling to send away hair samples for
DNA\Parent Verification or Genetic Disease\Disorder testing or Color testing of the above
mentioned horse and for the information to be added into their system for safe keeping and
for future use and reference. I agree to observe and to be bound by these Terms, Conditions
and the Policy of Equine Profiling and that Equine Profiling or anyone employed by Equine
Profiling will not be held liable or responsible for any disputes or misunderstandings. I
undertake to pay the once off full payment fee for the above mentioned horse’s profiling
fee, before any hair sample are send away for testing or before any profiling is done.
I hereby state that I have read and understand the Terms, Conditions and Policy of Equine
Full Names:
ID No:
Date of Application:
Terms, Conditions and Policy: Please Read Carefully!
1) Equine Profiling is NOT a horse registration body, is NOT a horse breed society, is
NOT a horse breed association and any horse profiled by Equine Profiling will NOT be
include into the South African Stud Book, unless the horse is registered at a horse
breed society or registration horse body.
2) Equine Profiling does NOT promote any breeding of any horse or equine breed.
3) Equine Profiling does NOT have any breed standard or any breeding standard of any
4) All application fees for Equine Profiling are NON REFUNDABLE!
5) If the photos, information or DNA Sample are incorrect or untruthful the application
will be cancelled and the application fee is NON REFUNDABLE!
6) All horses that are to be profiled by Equine Profiling will be DNA tested at the
owner’s expense.
7) For an equine to be Parent Verified, both the sire and dam has to have DNA results
or their hair samples has to be send in at an additional cost.
8) All Genetic Disease, Genetic Disorder and Genetic Color testing will be done by the
owner’s request and expense. Please contact us for more information regarding this
9) Depending on the test that you have selected for this horse, 2 and more hair samples
of 40-50 hair strands, with hair follicles in place, will be required and must be send to
the office of Equine Profiling. Please contact us for more information regarding the
different test you require for this horse.
10) Each horse’s hair samples must be send separate from other horses hair samples as
we do not want any cross contamination between horse’s hairs.
11) Please send all hair samples, separate in new and clean envelopes or plastic bank
12) Hair must be pulled out of the horse’s (equines) mane or tail and must NOT be cut!
The hair follicles must be in place. This will not hurt your horse (equine).
13) NO stud name\s, NO prefixes and NO suffixes will be allowed or used. Equine
Profiling is NOT a registration body, society or association. Only when a horse is
already registered at a horse breed society or registration body Equine Profiling will
allow for the full registration name of the horse.
14) NO breeders or stud farms will be listed or allowed as we are not a horse breed
society of any sort whatsoever
15) Each equine will have a unique name and profiling number and no two equines will
have the same name or profiling number or microchip number.
16) We are not breed specified and any horse and horse breed is eligible to be profiled
by Equine Profiling.
17) NO registration certificated will be issued or given as we are not a registering horse
18) However all horses will have a unique identification card with a number, profile
number, microchip number and photos for identification.
19) There is NO membership fees involved as we do not have any members.
20) There are NO annual levies fees involved
21) Only a once off full payment fee for profiling.
22) Our clients and their personal information obtained will be kept highly confidential
and private.
23) Equine Profiling will have NO horse shows or any meetings whatsoever, as we are
NOT a horse breed society or association.
24) If the exact date of birth is unknown, please state so. Please fill in the year of birth.
25) Please notify us if the equine has died, for keeping information up to date.
26) Please notify us if the equine has a change of ownership, for keeping information up
to date.
27) Please notify us if this equine is a colt or stallion has been castrated (gelded), for
keeping information up to date.
28) Please notify us if this equine is a colt or stallion and only has one testicle visible.
29) Please keep documentation of this horse up to date by sending us regular updates
on this horse’s information and documentation.
30) Equine Profiling, the owner of Equine Profiling and anyone that is employed by
Equine Profiling will not accept any liability or responsibility for any disputes or
misunderstandings or misleading information given by any owner whatsoever.
31) The color of the equine or foal, all white marks and any scars or brands must be
clearly visible on photos send in.
32) The equine must clearly be identified and visible on all photos.
33) All photos send in must be color photos, NO black and white photos will be accepted
or allowed.
34) Photos of the equine must include, full body photos of both sides, front view of the
horse from the ears to the hooves must be visible, rear view from the croup to the
hooves must be visible, all white marks, scars and brand\tattoo must be clearly
visible on photos! No leg bandages or leg boots or a saddle or a blanket on the horse,
such photos will not be accepted!
35) Only good quality photos of an equine standing still is acceptable.
36) Camera photos and photos taken and send in by a phone are acceptable.
37) All equines that have been DNA tested and found that all information is correct will
be added into Equine Profiling’s system and will be given an Equine Profiling
Identification Bookie.
38) However if it’s found that the Parent Verification is incorrect or any of information
given is uncorrected or untruthful the equine will not be profiled and will not be
added to Equine Profiling’s data base and the application fee is NON REFUNDABLE!
In such a case a new application form has to be filled in, new hair samples must be
send in and a new application fee has to be paid in full before any new profiling on
this horse will to be done!
39) Equine Profiling will supply the Microchip if the equine has not been microchipped
40) Equines may be microchipped by the owner, a vet or any person that is responsible
or has knowledge.
41) If an equine has already been microchipped, please fill in the number on the
application form.
42) If an equine has already been DNA/Parent Verified, please fill in the number on the
application form and send a copy of the results as proof to Equine Profiling
43) Equine Profiling will not be held liable or responsible for any equine’s expenses. All
accounts and expenses the owner of the horse will be held liable and responsible for.
44) Please send in copies of any other information or documentation or permits or
certificates of this horse that you want to keep safe or will be of help for any future
reference or profiling. This information will be for office use only and will be kept
private and confidential at the owner’s request and use only.
45) Full payment must be made to Equine Profiling before any profiling of this equine
(horse) will be done.