AP BIO Unit 6 Review Ch. 14,15,16,18,19 Westbrook Gene expression includes what processes? For transcription to occur, the DNA is read from what end? What is the 3-nucleotide sequence in an mRNA that codes for an amino acid? How does protein synthesis proceeds once the ribosome has attached to the mRNA strand? What is the site where the empty RNA molecules exit the ribosome? The Central Dogma of biology, as proposed by Francis Crick, is stated as … What is the most common form of regulation in bacteria and eukaryotes (when does the control occur)? The basic tool of genetic regulation is the ability of certain proteins to bind to specific ____________. What is the connection between the genes and functional proteins? What are the building blocks for a nucleic acid. In DNA, the bond that holds the phosphate group of one nucleotide together with the sugar of another nucleotide is a __________, and the bond that holds the complementary bases together is a ______________. What is the enzyme that is responsible for adding new DNA nucleotides after the primer during replication? Avery, MacLeod, and McCarty provided evidence from Streptococcus that _________ was the hereditary material. Hershey and Chase provided evidence that DNA was the genetic material from their work with _______. What are nucleic acids made up of? What information did Rosalind Franklin provide to Watson and Crick to conclude that DNA was a double stranded helix? How are the two strands of DNA oriented in relation to each other? What does semi-conservative DNA replication mean? What enzyme is responsible for adding an RNA primer during DNA replication? RNA Polymerase makes an mRNA strand in what process? Ribosomes are the site for what process? What enzyme initiates replication? Eukaryotic mRNA molecules are occasionally interspersed with non-coding sequences that must be removed before protein synthesis. What is this process called? Transcription for eukaryotes occurs in the ____, while translation occurs in the____. Why is a 5’ cap and poly A tail added to the mRNA strand? If the template sequence of bases in a section of DNA is TACGCTACT, what is the corresponding sequence of bases in mRNA? All regulatory proteins have DNA binding motifs, which allow them to interlock with the major groove of DNA. What are those binding motifs? What is the region on DNA where RNA polymerase binds called? What is the DNA binding motif that plays a role in development of an organism? In gene regulation, negative control is exerted by a __________. In gene regulation, a gene is "turned on" by an ____________. The lac regulatory system of E.Coli consists of three coding sequences plus a regulatory section; taken together these sequences make up an ____________. What must happen for transcription to be initiated? (many steps) Eukaryotes have regulatory proteins which have two distinct binding domains that allows for “control from a distance.” What are those binding domains called? What is the sequence of three tRNA nucleotides that is complementary to and base pairs with an mRNA codon called? A _______ occurs when a DNA gene is damaged or changed in such a way as to alter the genetic message carried by that gene. What kind of mutation results in a single base pair replacement? If a mutation occurs in these types of cells it will be passed on to the next generation. What is it called when a portion of one chromosome breaks off and reattaches to another chromosome? If a cell loses its ability to control its cell cycle and begins dividing uncontrollably it results in a _______. Small, circular auxiliary DNA molecules of bacteria which are commonly used in genetic engineering technology are referred to as __________. How does UV light cause a mutation? Lung cancers caused by smoking have been shown to be due to what kind of mutation? Cells that leave a tumor and spread throughout the body, forming new tumors at distant sites, are called what? DNA can be cleaved at a specific site, generating in most cases two fragments with short single-stranded ends. The chemical tool used to cleave the DNA called? List the steps involved in genetic engineering techniques. These enzymes are found in bacteria and archaea, and probably evolved to provide a defense mechanism against invading viruses. What are they called? The polymerase chain reaction, more popularly known as PCR, includes what steps? What is an example of a commercially significant human protein now produced in bacteria (talked about in your book)? When a cell encounters X-rays, any atoms that the radiation strikes absorb the energy of the radiation. This energy that is gained by the electrons of the atoms causes them to be energized and to leave the electron cloud of the atom. What are the ionized atoms that are left behind called? Mutations and recombinations are two ways in which DNA can be altered. How are they different? A patient goes to a physician and asks if the lump growing on his arm is carcinoma. The physician replies, "We will have to test the tissue, but it is not carcinoma." Why did the physician say this? Forensic analysis during criminal investigations uses what kind of genetic technology? Genes are sometimes inactivated by mutations but are retained within the genome. What are these DNA sequences called? Eukaryotic gene transcription involves a more complex system than prokaryotes. An extremely important advance in the evolution of eukaryotic gene transcription was the development of two distinct domains. What are these domains?