Japanese Unit 1 Plans--Wetzel Vocabulary Hajimemasite Watashi/watakushi/boku Wa Desu/deshita Doozo yoroshiku Kore/are/sore Hai/ee Jaa ne Ohayoo (gozaimasu) Konnichiwa Sayonara Sensee/san/kun Konbanwa Nan/nani Ka Moo ichido onegaishimasu Numbers 1-10 Uukkuri onegaishimasu Chotto matte kudasai (Doomo) arigatoo (gozaimasu) Doo itashimashite Sumimasen Iie Soo desu Soo dewa (ja) arimasen Atsui Samui Suzushii Genki desu Mushiatsui Tenki Ame Guau ga warui Nemui Tsukarete imasu Grammar Wa Desu/deshita Kore/sore/are Ka Nee Soo dewa (ja) arimasen Culture Issues of formality in language Bowing Map of Japan Weather as a culture conversation starter Origami activity Japan in the news activity meishi Writing Differences, uses, and origins of romaji, katakana, hiragana, kanji Hiragana and katakana vowels, k-sounds, and s-sounds Write name in katakana (use website) Assessments Find an article to summarize on Japan in the news Create own business card Write name Various worksheets, quizzes, tests, games, activities Classroom participation—speaking and listening Origami activity Map activity and travel brochure (for different islands or cities in Japan) Standards 9.1.1 greetings 9.1.6 basic questions 9.1.8 ask for clarification 9.4.1 basic practices of culture 9.4.3 geography, weather 9.6.1 use technology to build vocabulary 9.6.2 use technology to build culture Notes