TEACHER COMPETENCIES REQUIRED OF ALL TEACHING STAFF AT ST FRANCIS XAVIER’S COLLEGE 1. Subject Knowledge It is expected that teachers will have an understanding of the knowledge, concepts and skills of their specialist subjects and the place of these subjects in the school curriculum. They should know and understand the National Curriculum Attainment Targets and the Programmes of Study in these subjects, together with an understanding of the framework of the statutory requirements. Teachers should keep themselves informed of current developments within their specialist subject. Teachers should prepare themselves adequately to teach their nonspecialist subject supported by the Head of Department. 2 Subject Application The teacher should: Follow the Department’s Scheme of Work and keep lesson plans which show continuity and progression. Set appropriately demanding expectations for each pupil. Employ a range of teaching strategies appropriate to the age, ability and attainment level of the pupils. Select and use appropriate resources, including Information Technology. Present lessons using clear language and in a stimulating manner, utilising a variety of teaching styles where appropriate. Set and mark homework inline with Department and School policy. Contribute to the development of pupils’ language and communication skills. Create an attractive learning environment by displaying pupils’ work and other material in the classroom. Set suitable work in the event of foreseen absence and other instances if possible. 3. Classroom Management The teacher should endeavour to: Create and maintain a purposeful and orderly environment for the pupils. Use the grouping that is appropriate for particular learning purposes i.e. whole class, pairs, small groups, individual. Use appropriate sanctions and rewards in line with Department and Whole School Policy. Maintain pupils’ interest and motivation. Ensure that the classroom environment, including furniture, décor and equipment is respected by all pupils. 4. Assessment and Recording The teacher should endeavour to: Identify the current level of attainment of individual pupils using NC Ats, statements of attainment and end of Key State statements, where applicable. Be able to judge how well a pupil performs against the standard expected for a pupil of that age. Assess and record systematically the progress of individual pupils in line with Departmental and Whole School policy. Mark work and give feedback to pupils regularly on their progress. Use assessment as a fundamental part of their teaching. 5. Tutoring The tutor should endeavour to: Keep the register in line with school policies. Use designated tutor time to keep records up-to-date and record the use of that time as directed by the Head of Year. Ensure that tutorial time is used purposefully, for example: To ensure that pupils understand the aims, objectives and policies of the school and constantly reinforce them. To ensure effective two-way communication. To promote good behaviour, attendance and punctuality. To work with pupils causing concern. To undertake activities to develop a group identity. Delivering PSHE as directed by Head of Year Ensure that the tutor group takes part in an Act of Worship. 6. Safeguarding The Teacher must adhere to the College’s safeguarding procedures at all times as outlined in the College’s Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy and Dfe guidance “Keeping Children Safe in Education”.