8th Grade Social Studies Immigration Day Project Task: Your group is to develop a presentation about the life of different immigrants that arrived in the United States during the 1800s. Presentations should be in the form of a poster, presentation board, or tri-fold brochure. Group members should take on the persona of an immigrant coming to America for the first time. All of the information must be historically accurate. Immigrant characters should have: A name Period-accurate clothing A history for the character o Where they are from in the homeland o Why they came to America o How they got to America o Who they came to America with Presentations should include information about the immigrant’s culture. That should include but is not limited to: Traditional food Traditional music Customs/traditions Language Presentations should also have information about the homeland itself. That should include but is not limited to: Government of the country Major industry/economy Conditions in the country Why immigrants were leaving that country to come to America Some countries used in previous years include: Belgium, Mexico, China, Germany, Ireland, Scotland, England, France, Japan, Columbia, Italy, Ukraine, Poland, Russia, Hungary, and Greece. Culture of the homeland is appropriately described and presented. 50 points All aspects of the immigrant’s culture is presented in an organized and complete way. 30 points Some aspects of the immigrant’s culture are missing from the presentation. 20 points Some aspects of the immigrant’s culture are missing from the presentation and those that are present are not shown completely. 10 points Most of the aspects of the immigrant’s culture is missing from the presentation. Information about the homeland is appropriately described and presented. 50 points All required information about the homeland is presented in an organized and complete way. 40 points All aspects of the immigrant’s culture are present, but are not presented completely. 40 points All required information about the homeland are present, but are not presented completely. 30 points Some information about the homeland is missing from the presentation. 20 points Some of the information about the homeland is missing from the presentation and those that are present are not shown completely. 10 points Most of the required information about the homeland is missing from the presentation. The group members have developed their immigrant characters and are knowledgeable of them. 50 points Student is knowledgeable of their character and is able to appropriately present all of the information required. 40 points Student is knowledgeable of their character, but struggles to present it clearly and concisely. 30 points Some information about the character is missing from the presentation. 20 points Some of the information about the character is missing from the presentation and those that are present are not presented clearly. 10 points Most of the required information about the character is missing from the presentation. The presentation materials are eye-catching and present the information is an organized manner. 30 points Presentation materials are very well organized and visually appealing. 24 points Presentation materials are well organized but not distinctly eye-catching. 18 points Presentation materials are eye-catching, but not organized well. 12 points Presentation materials are very poorly organized and not eye-catching at all. 6 points Presentations materials are missing key pieces of information and are poorly construction. The presentation materials are neat and clean, with correct spelling and grammar. 20 points Presentation materials are very neat and there are no spelling/grammar mistakes. 16 points Presentation materials are very neat, but there are a few spelling/grammar mistakes. 12 points Presentation materials are not very neat, and there are a few spelling/grammar mistakes. 8 points Presentation materials are very sloppy and/or have many spelling/grammar mistakes 4 points Presentations materials are not neat at all and are made up of mostly poor spelling/grammar.