Teacher: Miss Kati Fulkerson Date: Cooperating Teacher: Mrs. Fox Coop. Initials ___________ Group Size: 19 Students Allotted Time: 40 minutes Subject/ Topic: Animal Habitats Day 1 Grade Level: 1st Grade Section: Sychterz STANDARD: PA Standard: 7.2.3.A: Identify the physical characteristics of places and regions 1.1.K.D: Demonstrate listening comprehension/ understanding before, during, and after reading through strategies such as think aloud, retelling, summarizing, and connecting to prior knowledge 1.2.2.D: Make inferences from text when studying a topic (e.g., science, social studies) and draw conclusions, citing evidence from the text to support answers 4.1.3.D: Identify organisms that are dependent on one another in a given ecosystem Define habitat and explain how a change in habitat affects an organism. I. Performance Objectives A. The students will be able to identify at least 5 animals and 3 characteristics of the grassland habitat as a class. II. Instructional Materials A. Stuffed animals a. Giraffe b. Elephant c. Bear d. Bird B. KWL Chart - Grassland C. Book “Animal Homes” D. Animal picture cards E. Vocabulary picture cards F. Vocabulary word cards G. Big Book for science – Chapter 4 – Lesson 1 H. Animals/Adaptations chart III. Subject Matter A. Prerequisite Knowledge 1. Animals B. Instructed Knowledge 1. Vocabulary a. Habitat b. Land habitats c. Grassland d. Adaptation 2. Characteristics of grasslands- dry, windy, a lot of grass 3. Animals who live in the grasslands 4. Adaptations of animals who live in the grasslands IV. Implementation A. Introduction 1. Call students to the story corner by groups. 2. The teacher will have four stuffed animals sitting on the counter. 3. Ask students where animals live (discuss pets living in the home and where other animals live) 4. Explain that all animals live in their own special place where it fits in with its environment and other plants and animals. These homes are called their habitats. 5. Show stuffed animals to students. 6. Ask students if they can help these animals find their homes. (Land or water) 7. Place the animals under in the “Land Habitat Area” 8. Inform children that they will know which type of land habitats the animals live in at the end of the lesson; then we can put them in the correct place! B. Development 1. Show children page 124. 2. Hang up KWL chart 3. Discuss how to fill in a KWL chart 4. Ask children what animals live on land, water, and how plants and animals need each other. 5. Write answer on the “Know” section of the KWL chart. 6. Fill in the “Want to Know” section on the KWL chart. 7. Show children page 126 and discuss plants and animals living in the rainforest 8. Explain that we will be learning about another habitat called grassland. 9. Take a picture walk of pages 128-129 with the students discussing the pictures. 10. Read pages 128-129 with children, stopping and discussing details of the information. 11. Discuss vocabulary. Habitat- show the habitat word card. Review that habitat is a place where an animal lives. Grassland- show the grassland word card and ask students what two words they see. Ask the students how those two words help them figure out what a grassland is. Adaptation- show the adaptation word card and cover up -ation. Ask students if they know what the word adapt means. Explain that it means to “become used to” or “change.” 12. Discuss animals that live in the grasslands. 13. Show pictures of animals that live in the grasslands. 14. Make a list of animals in the grasslands and an adaptation of each and write it on the Animals/Adaptations chart. 15. Ask students if their pets could live in the grasslands and why. (it as adapted for a home) 16. Ask students if a giraffe could live in their house and why. (It is adapted for the grasslands) 17. Discuss what adaptations that animals from our class list might have. C. Closure 1. Read “Animal Homes” from the World Wildlife Fund. 2. Show students the basket of books relating to animal habitats. 3. Inform the students that they may look at the books when they are finished early with something or have free time. The books must be put right back in the basket when that time is over. 4. Ask students which stuffed animals (from introduction) belong in the grassland habitat. V. Accommodations A. The teacher will provide necessary accommodations to individual students or a group of students as issues arise. If more examples are needed, they will be provided. If the objectives are not met, the teacher will use different strategies to re-teach or review the content. VI. Evaluation of Students A. The class list of grassland animals and adaptations will be used to determine if the students were able to understand what kind of animals live in the grasslands. VII. Reflective Response A. Report of student’s performance in terms of stated objectives 1. In terms of the stated objectives, the lesson was a success. The class was able to make a list of 7 animals and their adaptations. Some students thought of adaptations that I had not even thought of which was great! B. Personal Reflection 1. I think the lesson went well, however I think it could have gone better. I went a little bit over time with the story at the end so packing up and dismissal was rushed. The students really enjoyed the stuffed animals at the beginning and it was also a good tool to keep them quiet! When they started chatting (about things on topic!) I told them the animals didn’t like a lot of noise and would have to go away if they were talking. The children began to lose some interest toward the end of the lesson. Possibly because it was the very end of the day. The rest of the lessons have more activity and interesting content so hopefully I can keep them energized.