TEXT Theme E

CEDR Call 2013: Roads and Wildlife
The aim of this research programme is to develop a better understand of the effectiveness of
different mitigating strategies in order to solve the conflict between wildlife and roads and
investigate more cost-efficient methods for building and maintaining road structures and
structures for reducing the impact on wild life such as fauna passages. This programme
focuses on the following issues:
Cost-efficient road management for the compliance with the demands from wildlife,
including compliance with EU legislation, procurement and maintenance
Cost-efficient mitigating strategies for roads and wildlife, including effects on
populations of mitigating strategies and strategies for safeguarding the effect of
mitigating actions.
This programme of research is funded by Austria, Denmark, Germany, Ireland, Netherlands,
Norway, Sweden and UK. The programme chair is Lars Nilsson, STA (Sweden). The total
budget provided by these road administrations is €1,350,000 over the three year life of the
programme. The following projects were selected for inclusion in the Programme:
Safe roads for wildlife and people - Cost-efficient mitigation strategies and
maintenance practices (SAFEROAD)
Consortium Leader: Edgar van der Grift, ALTERRA (Netherlands)
Partners: SLU (Sweden); Minuartia (Spain); CALLUNA (Spain); INR
(Germany); RODIS (Ireland); NINA (Norway)
1 May 2014
30 April 2016
Project Manager: Lars Nilsson, STA (Sweden)
Deputy Project Manager: Elke Hahn, BMVIT (Austria)
Procedures for the design of roads in harmony with wildlife (HARMONY)
Consortium Leader: Eugene O’Brien, RODIS (Ireland)
BuWa (Netherlands); MTA (Hungary); VTI (Sweden)
Start: 1 March 2014
1 March 2016
Project Manager: Vincent O’Malley, NRA (Ireland)
Deputy Project Manager: Hans Bekker, RWS (Netherlands)
Fumbling in the dark: Effectiveness of bat mitigation measures on roads
Consortium Leader: Morton Elmeros, Aarhus University (Denmark)
Partners: UPV (Spain); HJB (Denmark); Grontmij (Denmark); JD
Start: 1 September 2014
30 June 2016
Project Manager: Marianne Lund Ujvári, DRD (Denmark)