Agriculture Mechanics 1A * 1B - Corona

Norco High
Veterinary Science
Ms. Lindsey
Welcome to an exciting year with the Norco Agriculture Department! The following is the
course outline, a list of rules and consequences that will be enforced in order to maintain an orderly
and productive program and my grading policy. I hope that you have entered the Agriculture
Department determined to learn and that you will complete a course that will help you develop skills
that will be valuable to you in future endeavors.
Description: This course will cover anatomy and physiology of domestic animals, nutrition, parasites
and diseases. Vet Science will also provide a study of common diseases of both small and large animals
and the cause and means of prevention. Students will participate in hands-on labs including
dissections, animal behavior, and basic veterinary procedure. Guest lectures, veterinarians, vector
control officials, and animal heath technicians will also be provided to add knowledge of current
practices that are implemented in the animal heath fields. FFA and Supervised Agricultural Experience
Programs are required components of this class.
Course Outline:
I. Introduction to Veterinary Science
II. Cells of the Animal Body
The Cell
III. Tissues of the Animals Body
Muscle Tissue
Nerve Tissue
IV. Organs ands and System of the Animal Body
V. Skin Membranes and Intestinal Discharges
Skin and Coat
Abnormal Skin
Mucous Membranes
Food Ingestion and Intestinal Discharges
VI. Attitude and Behavior
Posture or Stance
Sexual Activity
VII. Body Temperature, Pulse and Respiration
Use of a Thermometer
Temperature Variations
Pulse and Heart Rate
Respiration Rate
VIII. Introduction to Careers in Veterinary Science
Veterinary Hospitals
Drug Companies
Federal Agencies
Wildlife and Wildlife in Captivity
IX. Introduction to Disease
Non-living Agents
Living Agents
The Spread of Disease
Protection from Disease
Body Defenses
Secondary Defense
Disease Control
X. Bacteria and Disease
General Characteristics
Bacteria Structure
Bacterial Spores
Conditions for Growth
Bacteria and Disease
XI. Viral Diseases
Veterinary Science
Classification of Viruses
Control of Viruses
XII. External Parasites
XIII. Internal Parasites
Internal Parasites Characteristics and Life
Internal Parasites Prevention and Control
XIV. Nutrition and Disease
Energy Nutrients
Tissue Building Nutrients
Treatment of Nutritional Deficiencies
Nutritional Disease Prevention
XV. Poison and Disease
Poison Exposure
Drugs and Medications
Dewormers or Antibiotics
XVI. Stress and Disease
Kinds of Stressors
Reducing Stressors
XVII. Heredity and Disease
Congenital Defects
XVII. Agriculture Issues in Veterinary Science
Genetic Engineering
Food Safety
Animal Rights vs. Animal Welfare
Classroom Rules:
1. All school and district rules and dress codes will be enforced.
2. Be in your assigned seat and ready to learn before the tardy bell.
3. Raise your hand to be recognized and before asking to leave your seat.
4. Show respect and courtesy to the teacher and fellow students.
5. No talking unless permission is given
6. No food, gum, or beverages (bottle water is ok) will be consumed in class. Any items
brought into class will be confiscated or discarded. I do not tolerate tobacco use and it will
be discarded if seen in possession of a student.
7. No personal grooming in class.
8. Notes and other non-class related items will be confiscated and returned at the end of the
day. If there is a second confiscation, a parent or guardian will be required to pick up the
Discipline Policy:
1. Verbal warning
2. Phone call to parent or guardian.
3. 30 minute detention in the agriculture department doing homework, cleaning, etc.
4. 60 minute detention in the agriculture department doing homework, cleaning, etc. Call
5. Referral to vice principal, ACP, or behavioral contract depending upon circumstances.
*Instructors reserve the right to expedite the discipline policy depending on the severity of the
Veterinary Science
1. Students will be expected to carry on some type of ownership or non-ownership program
(SOEP) dealing with agriculture or some related field, and an FFA record book will be
maintained for that SOEP.
2. All assignments are to be turned in on time (No late work) and completed in black or blue
ink or pencil. Typing is always appreciated.
3. Other factors that can affect grades include attitude, participation (both in and outside of
class) and ability depending upon the student and the assignment.
4. Students who have an excused absence will have one day, for each excused day to complete
and submit makeup work. It is the student’s responsibility to ask for makeup work after
being absent.
5. Students will carry out laboratory exercises with livestock, plants, or mechanics that are
related to the course. This could dirty the student’s clothes. Please plan accordingly,
coveralls are recommended.
1. Students shall have and maintain a 2.0 grade point average. Grade point averages will be
checked at the end of each grading period. Failure to meet these criteria will exclude the
member from attending/being a part of any conferences, teams, field days, offices, fairs, etc.
2. A student will be dismissed from participating in the FFA for the use of tobacco, alcohol, or
controlled substances.
3. FFA is an integral part of the Norco Ag Department. Students will be required to attend at
least 8 FFA activities per quarter. Failure to attend at least eight activities will result in a
reduced grade for all agriculture classes.
Grades for assignments will be determined as follows:
90-100% earns the grade
80-89% earns the grade
70-79% earns the grade
60-69% earns the grade
50% and below earns the grade F
Thank you for your cooperation and I look forward to meeting you in the future!
Veterinary Science
We have read and understand the above rules, consequences and grading procedures.
understand that this form was covered in detail in class by an agriculture teacher.
Student Name (Please Print):_________________________________________
Signature of Student:_________________________________ Date:_________
Signature of Parent/Guardian:__________________________ Date:_________
Home Phone Number_____________
Day Time Phone Number___________
Best Time To Be Reached____________________________________________
Please sign and have this paper returned. It is worth up to 25 points to your son/daughter.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at the school at (951) 736 – 3397 or
by email at
Veterinary Science
Norco High Ag Ed Department
Grading Policies and Procedures
•Grades for all agriculture classes are based on three areas: Class work, FFA and
SAE. The three areas are weighted as follows: Class work accounts for 60% of the
class grade, FFA participation figures 20%, and SAE is 20% of the overall grade.
•Tests - Quizzes and Tests are all calculated on a percentage basis with 100 points
(percent) possible for each Test or Quiz. Speech Presentations, Manuscript Final
Drafts, and Major Class Projects also fit into this area.
•Class work - Labs, Worksheets, Problems, Vocabulary, Agriculture Notebook, etc.
are all assignments that are considered class work. Points range from 10 points to
over 100 points depending on the size of the assignment.
•SAE (Supervised Agricultural Experience) - Each student is required to keep
some type of entrepreneurial or placement SAE program ranging from lawn
mowing, raising livestock or crops, or working at a local business. Each student
keeps a SAE record book of income and expenses, inventories, hours, and
personal development activities. A Computerized record book will be used to
track income, expenses, and cash flow. Records are closed out and graded on a
monthly basis as well as at the end of year and start of school. SAE programs and
records continue throughout school breaks and summer vacation. A student must
conduct a SAE to receive credit in the course. A SAE record book will be provided
for the student when they first enter the agriculture program and should be
maintained throughout high school (the same record book will be used each year
and the records compiled are ongoing).
• FFA is an integral part of the Norco Ag Department. Students will be required to
attend at least 8 FFA activities per quarter. Failure to attend at least eight
activities will result in a reduced grade for all agriculture classes.
• Students who have an excused absence will have one day, for each excused day
to complete and submit makeup work. It is the student’s responsibility to ask for
makeup work after being absent.
Test Retakes-
•When a student misses class (either excused or unexcused), it is the student's
responsibility to get the assignments and notes during seminar or before/after
school. The grade will count a zero into the class grade until the assignment or
test missed is made up. Generally, a one class period grace period is given in order
to receive full credit on the assignment or test unless special circumstances apply.