Pine Run Church of Christ 11549 N. Saginaw Road Clio, MI 48420 (810) 686-9389 Volume 1 1 1 1 1 -4 -11 -18 -25 God at Work Temptation & Sin Higher Expectation Who do you Trust? SERMON SERIES: Sunday Morning: Building Lasting Relationships Present Series: God’s Revelation to YOU! 1 - 4 Path to Victory 1 – 11 There are Limits 1 – 18 True Greatness 1 - 25 Who to Trust Sunday Evening: Making a Positive Impact in our World 1 - 4 Paying the Price 1 – 11 Commitment Level 1 – 18 God’s Standard 1 – 25 Solid Foundation January 2015 Paul St. Louis, Minister (810) 441-4958 Number 3 God has blessed greatly as we finished out the year. We have focused on looking to Jesus to guide the church, praying for direction, working together and sharing God’s love. God has brought visitors, increased faithfulness, helped us meet needs, shine in the community, see 60+ gather for worship, increased our resources and transformed the attitude! Now we need to build on what He has done. As we enter 2015 we are challenging everyone to join us in our Daily Bible Reading program. Reading daily will strengthen you (help resist temptation, draw closer to God, understand His ways and His will, keep you growing, empower the Spirit to work more mightily in and through you). The Daily Bible Reading Plan will focus on Jesus all year long. We will be reading from the 4 Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John). This will enable all of us to see more clearly how Jesus wants us to live and provide a solid foundation for our future growth. To help us retain what we are reading, the messages each week will pull from the previous weeks reading. The sections each day are relatively small and will be great for beginners! If you happen to miss your reading, you will find it easy to get caught up and back into spending time with God each day. If you have questions about something that you read, write them down and let us know and we will do our best to answer. Get involved and see what God will do in YOUR life, and in the congregation in 2015! Behind the scenes “O Holy Night!” indeed! Thanks to the hard work of Ray Carlson, we have updated directories available in the foyer. These will enable you to send cards to our shut-ins, people that you miss, notes of encouragement and the means to contact them to build our relationships! If you have people you would like to be on our mailing list, please give the pertinent information to the church office. This is one more tool that God is providing to help us build up the body of Christ! Angel appears to Mary Gotta love those shepherds! Angels appear to shepherds Children’s Christmas Program leaves impression! Shepherds go to manger Any question these are angels? Wise Men go to house to see Jesus What a great night of celebration! Thanks goes to entire congregation who worked, invited and made the night so memorable! all we ask or imagine…” (Eph. 3:20) and you will want to be a part of His work! BE WATCHING! God is at work in the lives of the people at Pine Run. We have seen answer to prayers and growth in so many areas, but there is more to come. People are expressing excitement at what has been taking place. The new Bible Reading program is just one more means that God will be using to work mightily in and through us. Continued prayer, growth in faithfulness, and looking to Jesus for guidance, we KNOW that there are more exciting developments coming and you will want to be a part of it. Just wait to see how God uses us to: Build the body Reach others Meet Needs Impact the Kingdom Impact the Community Transform our lives and congregation He “is able to do immeasurable more than Fellowship Sunday January 4th is our monthly Fellowship Time. We invite you to join us for breakfast items and a chance for visiting from 9:30- 10:15 am. Remember our Shut-ins Larry French Jean Weir Faye Sargent Remember our Service Personnel Mathew Jennings Remember our Leaders Christmas celebrations may be over, but people who are struggling to survive, are still struggling. Let us continue to: Pray Look for opportunities Support We continue to be involved in helping people in our community throughout the course of the year. A portion of every offering goes to help these types of needs. When you become aware of a need, let: Percy Pendred or John Dougherty know and they will work with leadership, you, community agencies and the congregation to see what can be done. Date: SS MW Dec. 4 17 Dec. 11 Deacons: John Dougherty Percy Pendred Trustees: Steve Lepeak Dorlene Dougherty Loretta Malin Church Secretary/Clerk: Patricia Pendred Financial Secretary: Gladys Carlson Sunday School Superintendent: Charlene Anderson Treasurer: Eudora Shook Assistant Treasurer: Ray Carlson Board Meeting – Jan. 22 @ 6 PM EW WM 24 6 4 8 26 11 4 3 Dec. 18 7 26 61 Dec. 25 8 20 9 10 24 22 4 3 Dec. Avg. WN CHURCH HISTORY “from the records…” Seven different ministers filled the pulpit from 1869 until 1887. That year, William Underhill was ordained and hired as the minister on August 13. He would be paid “what the people were willing to donate.” At the same meeting, Sexton Eggleston hired to build the fires and ring the bell for $10 a year. Rose Eggleston was to be paid $5 a year for caring for the lamps and sweeping the floors. Members of the congregation organized “bees” to take care of other needs, such as building a shed to shelter the horses and to repair the front steps, “to make it easy to get in and out of buggies.” PUT PERSPECTIVE: IN 1869First transcontinental railroad was completed 1870- 15th Amendment was passed (African American men given the right to vote) 1870 The Standard Oil Company of Ohio is incorporated 1871- Great Chicago Fire 1872 Yellowstone National Park created 1873 The Panic of 1873 results in overtrading, overproduction, overspeculation and 5,000 businesses fail. 1874 Joseph Glidden invents barbed wire 1875 First Kentucky Derby 1876 National League of baseball founded 1876 Centennial Exposition in Philadelphia 1876 General Armstrong Custer is defeated at the Battle of Little Bighorn 1876 Colorado becomes a state 1878 Morgan silver dollars first minted 1879 Thomas Edison creates first functioning light bulb 1880 George Eastman patents a roll of film for cameras. 1880 University of Southern California is founded 1880 US Population exceeds 50 million 1880 Andrew Carnegie has a monopoly of the steel industry 1881 James Garfield assassinated 1881 Clara Barton creates Red Cross 1882 Thomas Edison Pearl Street steam powered central stations supplies New York with electricity. 1882 First Labor Day Parade is held in New York City 1883 Brooklyn Bridge opens (New Yorkers are convinced that it is the eighth wonder of the world!) 1884 First true “skyscraper” is completed with steel skeleton upon which floors and walls are hung 1885 Washington Monument is completed 1886 American Federation of Labor is founded in Columbus, Ohio