Building Code and Weather Risks Questionnaire for Jurisdictions

Building Code and Weather Risks Questionnaire for Jurisdictions
Requesting a Texas Leadership Toolkit
This form was created by the Texas State Collaborative to support Texas building officials and departments
who are interested in receiving a Texas Leadership Toolkit for their jurisdiction. The questionnaire below is
intended to identify information necessary to conduct the analysis and create a toolkit for the identified
jurisdiction. Please submit the completed form and any questions to
Please provide the following information:
City to be analyzed for toolkit
Click here to enter text.
County to be analyzed for toolkit
Click here to enter text.
City - Residential Building Code
3.1 What version of the International Residential Code (IRC) does the city have in effect?
Click here to enter text.
3.2 When did the current version of the International Residential Code go into effect?
Click here to enter a date.
3.3 How does the city adopt a residential building code?
Click here to enter text.
3.4 What is the role of the building official?
Click here to enter text.
3.5 Who serves as the building official in the city, and/or what city department administers the
residential building code?
Click here to enter text.
3.6 Does the city have a Board of Appeals for decisions of the building official? If so, briefly describe
its role.
Click here to enter text.
3.7 What is the design wind speed for residential construction?
Click here to enter text.
Building Code and Weather Risks Questionnaire for Jurisdictions
Requesting a Texas Leadership Toolkit
3.8 Does the city require a mandatory certificate of occupancy for residential construction?
Click here to enter text.
3.9 Any additional comments regarding the residential building code to help us better
understand any amendments to the city's residential building code as it relates to weather
perils in the area?
Click here to enter text.
City - Floodplain Regulations
4.1 Please provide a copy of the floodplain regulations for the city.
4.2 Does the city require elevation of residential structures above the base flood elevation? If yes,
provide elevation in inches:
Click here to enter text.
City - Weather Perils
Please list any weather perils or natural disasters that have adversely affected the city's built environment
in the past, and provide examples if available.
Click here to enter text.
County - Residential Building Code
6.1 Does the county require a residential building code? Please explain.
Click here to enter text.
6.2 If the county requires a residential building code, please provide the current version and the date it
went into effect, and if applicable, the county department that administers the residential building
Click here to enter text.
6.3 If the county does not require a residential building code, please describe any other regulations
regarding residential construction in effect (for example, permitting requirements).
Click here to enter text.
County - Floodplain Regulations
7.1 Please provide a copy of the floodplain regulations for the county.
7.2 Does the county require elevation of residential structures above the base flood elevation? If yes,
provide elevation in inches:
Click here to enter text.
Building Code and Weather Risks Questionnaire for Jurisdictions
Requesting a Texas Leadership Toolkit
County - Weather or Natural Perils
Please list any weather or natural perils that have adversely affected the county's built environment in the
past, and provide examples if available.
Click here to enter text.
Review Process
Would your department like to be involved in the review process of the development of your jurisdiction's
Texas Leadership Toolkit? If so, please provide a contact email address, and it will be added to the
Technical Advisory Committee for the Texas State Collaborative Texas Leadership Toolkit for this
jurisdiction's toolkit.
Click here to enter text.
10.1 Are there any additional resources that your building code department would benefit from to ensure
the safety of new residential construction?
Click here to enter text.
10.2 Please feel free to provide any additional information relevant to the safety of residential
construction or resilience against natural and man-made disasters in Texas.
Click here to enter text.