OASIS Scotland: Fifteenth six monthly report: 2 May 2014 OASIS was formally adopted for implementation by ALGAO (Scotland) from 1st April 2007. The statistics presented below represent usage in Scotland up to 2 May 2014 Date Work days Waiting for contractor to complete Waiting for contractor to send report Waiting for HER to validate Waiting for RCAHMS to validate Signed off & complete 2/05/14 151 189 (-20) 10 (+1) 4/10/13 124 482 (+10) 472 (+28) 540 (+81) 451 (+19) 24 (+24) 2098 (+190) 1908 (+187) 209 (+31) 9 (0) 16/04/13 131 444 (-38) 178 (27) 9(+4) 432 (51) 80 (-204) 1721 (+533) 2.13 16 (+16) 2880 (+287) 15/10/12 129 482 (+32) 151 (+25) 5 (-2) 284 (+97) 0 (-3) 126 (+29) 7 (-6) 1188 (+18) 1170 (-3) 1.98 450 (+51) 2.39 3(+1) 24/10/11 130 399 (+57) 97(-10) 13(+4) 483 (+86) 397 (+87) 310(-9) 35(-81) 1173(+276) 1.81 2(-1) 26/04/11 129 342 (-18) 107 (-2) 9 (+1) 319 (+102) 116 (+88) 897 (+147) 2593 (+253) 2340 (+311) 2029 (+236) 1793 (+316) 128 28/10/10 138 360 (+115) 109 (-5) 8 (+3) 28 (-122) 750 (+249) 20/04/10 136 245 (+37) 114 (+8) 5 (0) 208 (+58) 106 (+13) 5 (-1) 150 (+150) 0 (-40) 501 (+25) 13/10/09 125 21/04/09 108 150 (+12) 93 (+3) 6 (+1) 40 (-6) 336 (+103) 160 138 (+51) 90 (+69) 47 (+46) 233 (+123) 13/04/08 136 87 (+30) 21 (+5) - 1 (-2) 110 (+59) 22/10/07 121 57 (+41) 16 (+15) - 217 (+18) 199 (+16) 183 (+34) 149 (+10) 139 (+75) 64 (+34) 30 (+26) 3 (-4) 51 (+46) 23/04/07 16 16 18/04/12 3/12/08 Contractor to complete archive section 5 1 - 0 (-80) 4 187 (152) Misc. 1.9 0 1.43 6 (10) 476 (+140) 7 Number of new records in system per day 5 2.45 3 (2) (Adj. 1.65) 1.85 5 (-2) Total 3343 (+288) 3055 (+175) 1477 (+256) 1.74 7 1221 (+1) (+237) 1.65 6 984 (+6) (+210) 1.13 0 774 (+122) 2.24 0 (652 10) (+359) 1 10 293 (+10) (+136) 0.97 0 (-6) 157 (+118) 2.43 6 39 Table 1 Status of records within OASIS 1 2 May 2014 Waiting for contractor to complete Waiting for contractor to send report Contractor to complete archive section Waiting for HER to validate Waiting for RCAHMS to validate Signed off & complete Number of additional records in system per day Miscellaneous TOTAL 482 (+10) 189 (-20) 10 (+1) 540 (+81) 24(24) 2098 (+190) 1.9 0 (-6) 3433 (+288) Over the reporting period the steady growth in the number of new projects reported continue with a further 288 records added. There are now 3343 records in the system. The proportion of records at different stages in the work flow remains constant with slight fluctuations in the proportions of records at each stage of the process. The continued, albeit slight, increase in the proportion of signedoff records is encouraging. The proportion of records with the contractor has again reduced - to 20.37% of those in the system. It is unclear what this trend represents. It may reflect a combination of factors, such as changing work processes, quicker completion time for records or that there is proportionately less work being submitted through OASIS. 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Records with contractor Records with SMR/HER Records with NMRS Signed off Figure 1. Proportion of records at different stages of the flow line. 2 02-May-14 02-May-14 04-Oct-13 % signed off by HER No of records increase decrease in records to be validated % to be validated by HERs (October % to be 2011) validated by HERs (April 2013) Signed off by HER increase decrease in records signed-off % signed off by HER To be validated Signed off by HER No. of records Aberdeenshire, Angus and Moray 04-Oct-13 449 2 396 88.20 418 7 361 86.36 1.83 0.45 1.67 -1.23 202 0 190 94.06 193 1 184 95.34 -1.28 0.00 0.52 -0.52 18 0 15 83.33 16 0 12 75.00 8.33 0.00 0.00 0.00 417 116 203 48.68 366 116 161 43.99 4.69 27.82 31.69 -3.88 109 4 76 69.72 102 0 69 67.65 2.08 3.67 0.00 3.67 24 3 15 62.50 20 1 11 55.00 7.50 12.50 5.00 7.50 280 57 182 65.00 253 30 182 71.94 -6.94 20.36 11.86 8.50 31 13 12 38.71 28 8 11 39.29 -0.58 41.94 28.57 13.36 87 0 67 77.01 79 7 63 79.75 -2.74 0.00 8.86 -8.86 396 225 65 16.41 371 196 64 17.25 -0.84 56.82 52.83 3.99 21 16 1 4.76 20 14 1 5.00 -0.24 76.19 70.00 6.19 58 3 17 29.31 34 7 16 47.06 -17.75 5.17 20.59 -15.42 Aberdeen City Dundee Edinburgh Dumfries and Galloway E Dunbartonshire E Lothian, Midlothian Falkirk Fife Highland North Lanarkshire Orkney 3 Perth and Kinross 231 7 209 90.48 220 1 192 87.27 3.20 3.03 0.45 2.58 202 27 131 64.85 175 4 123 70.29 -5.43 13.37 2.29 11.08 16 3 1 6.25 15 3 0 0.00 6.25 18.75 20.00 -1.25 87 0 67 77.01 83 0 60 72.29 4.72 0.00 0.00 0.00 78 33 14 17.95 76 26 14 18.42 -0.47 42.31 34.21 8.10 637 27 460 72.21 586 37 384 65.53 6.68 4.24 6.31 -2.08 3343 536 2121 63.45 3055 458 1908 62.45 0.99 16.03 14.99 1.04 Scottish Borders Shetland Stirling Western Isles WoSAS Scotland Table 2: Percentage of records signed-off by HER Services and percentages of records awaiting validation By HER 4 250 200 150 100 17-Apr-13 15-Oct-13 02-May-14 50 0 Figure 2: Numbers of records awaiting validation by SMR 5 Grey literature submissions File transfers by OASIS 2nd May 2014 4th 16th October April 2013 2013 16th October 2012 18th April 2012 25th October 2011 26th April 2011 24th October 2010 20th April 2010 24th April 2009 6th December 2008 21th April 2008 22th October 2007 Reports not yet registered 574 587 538 555 519 346 390 412 297 193 193 96 70 Reports sent by other means 390 376 349 338 337 452 329 249 247 162 156 54 49 Reports attached to OASIS form 2379 2092 1984 1702 1480 1234 1074 816 677 425 307 151 57 Table 3: Number of Grey literature reports submitted via OASIS. The figures provided in table 3 include reports working their way through the system but have not necessarily been signed-off yet. Training and new users Including curators, there are 83 registered users for OASIS in Scotland. No training has taken place during this reporting period. However, three new users registered and have started using the form. Radiocarbon Form Historic Scotland is now actively using the Radiocarbon form to manage the workflow of Funding Applications for radiocarbon determinations. There are eight live applications and three completed project records in the system. There are still issues with the email system to be resolved before the documentation can be completed. The form has introduced the academic community in Scotland to submitting information online. 6 Appendix: Summary of incomplete records: Scotland The following table shows how many records are waiting to be completed by the contractor. The year column represents the year that the OASIS record was first created by the contractor. Year record initially created 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Total no of OASIS records created by year 11 234 423 419 500 531 534 Total no. of records ‘waiting for contractors to complete 2 7 10 53 95 65 76 2013 475 111 2014* 170 63 *to 2 May 2014(approx 33%) No. of records with status ‘Waiting for HER to validate’ or ‘Waiting for HER to validate (record 1 month old)’’ 0 6 45 22 47 103 131 127 43 The following section takes each year in turn and lists those units that have incomplete records. The number in brackets is the number of records with that status that the unit has from that year: Records initialised in 2006 Units with records 'Waiting for Contractor to complete' Rick Barton Archaeology (1), stirling (1), Units with records 'Waiting for Contractor to send report' Units with records 'Waiting for Contractor to complete archive section' Records initialised in 2007 Units with records 'Waiting for Contractor to complete' AOC Archaeology Group (2), East Lothian Council Archaeology Service (1), Headland Archaeology Ltd (1), Fife Council (1), Jacobs Engineering UK (1), Archaeological Heritage Services Limited (1), Units with records 'Waiting for Contractor to send report' Kirkdale Archaeology (3), AOC Archaeology Group (3), Units with records 'Waiting for Contractor to complete archive section' Records initialised in 2008 Units with records 'Waiting for Contractor to complete' AOC Archaeology Group (6), Aileen Maule (2), Rathmell Archaeology Limited (1), ARCUS (1), 7 Units with records 'Waiting for Contractor to send report' Aileen Maule (42), AOC Archaeology Group (3), Units with records 'Waiting for Contractor to complete archive section' Aileen Maule (2), Records initialised in 2009 Units with records 'Waiting for Contractor to complete' Aileen Maule (33), Jacobs Engineering UK (6), Kirkdale Archaeology (5), CFA Archaeology Ltd (2), FAS Heritage (2), Headland Archaeology Ltd (1), ARMET Divers Association (1), GUARD Archaeology Limited (1), McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, Univ. of Cambridge (1), ARCUS (1), Units with records 'Waiting for Contractor to send report' Kirkdale Archaeology (18), Aileen Maule (2), Mr Ian Mchardy (1), Units with records 'Waiting for Contractor to complete archive section' Records initialised in 2010 Units with records 'Waiting for Contractor to complete' SRP (39), CFA Archaeology Ltd (13), Headland Archaeology Ltd (6), UIST ARCHAEOLOGY (4), Aileen Maule (4), Stuart Farrell (3), catherine dagg (3), Rathmell Archaeology Limited (3), RCAHMS (3), Highland Heritage (3), Archaeology North Ltd (2), AOC Archaeology Group (2), Rampart Scotland (1), Argyll Archaeology (1), FAS Heritage (1), Jacobs Engineering UK (1), Dumfries and Galloway Council (1), Jennifer Robertson (1), ARMET Divers Association (1), Ventus Green Energy (1), Carol Knott (1), Archaeological Research Services Ltd (1), Units with records 'Waiting for Contractor to send report' SRP (1), Units with records 'Waiting for Contractor to complete archive section' Archaeology North Ltd (2), Headland Archaeology Ltd (2), Aileen Maule (1), Records initialised in 2011 Units with records 'Waiting for Contractor to complete' AOC Archaeology Group (9), Headland Archaeology Ltd (8), UIST ARCHAEOLOGY (8), Archaeology North Ltd (7), Alba Archaeology Ltd (6), SRP (6), Stuart Farrell (4), Addyman Archaeology (4), Rathmell Archaeology Limited (4), Headland Archaeology (2), Archaeological Research Services Ltd (2), Dumfries and Galloway Council (1), English Heritage MEDIN Project (1), Blairgowrie Geoscience (1), RCAHMS (1), Jacobs Engineering UK (1), 8 Units with records 'Waiting for Contractor to send report' AOC Archaeology Group (3), West Coast Archaeological Services (2), Stuart Farrell (2), Headland Archaeology Ltd (1), Units with records 'Waiting for Contractor to complete archive section' AOC Archaeology Group (3), Records initialised in 2012 Units with records 'Waiting for Contractor to complete' AOC Archaeology Group (31), Headland Archaeology Ltd (12), Orkney Research Centre for Archaeology (7), Rathmell Archaeology Limited (6), Addyman Archaeology (5), CFA Archaeology Ltd (4), Archaeological Research Services Ltd (1), catherine dagg (1), Northlight Heritage (1), Kilmartin House Museum (1), Archaeology, University of Glasgow (1), Lochbrow Landscape Project (1), Aileen Maule (1), RCAHMS (1), Stuart Farrell (1), Alder Archaeology Ltd (1), UIST ARCHAEOLOGY (1), Units with records 'Waiting for Contractor to send report' AOC Archaeology Group (10), Stuart Farrell (4), Orkney Research Centre for Archaeology (3), Aberdeen City Council Archaeological Unit (1), The Archaeological Practice (1), Wardell Armstrong Archaeology (1), Archaeological Research Services Ltd (1), Units with records 'Waiting for Contractor to complete archive section' Records initialised in 2013 Units with records 'Waiting for Contractor to complete' Headland Archaeology Ltd (23), AOC Archaeology Group (22), Orkney Research Centre for Archaeology (18), Rathmell Archaeology Limited (14), CFA Archaeology Ltd (9), Addyman Archaeology (8), Archaeology North Ltd (2), UIST ARCHAEOLOGY (2), Wessex Archaeology (2), ACCESS Archaeological Condition Services (1), Archaeological Research Services Ltd (1), Derek Hall (1), Andrew Dutton (1), catherine dagg (1), Connolly Heritage Consultancy (1), MacLeod Archaeology (1), Rubicon Heritage Services Ltd (1), Amey plc (1), WA Heritage (1), Argyll Archaeology (1), Units with records 'Waiting for Contractor to send report' AOC Archaeology Group (37), The Archaeological Practice (2), Archaeological Services University of Durham (2), catherine dagg (1), Archaeological Services WYAS (1), University of Liverpool (1), Records initialised in 2014 Units with records 'Waiting for Contractor to complete' CFA Archaeology Ltd (20), Orkney Research Centre for Archaeology (12), Addyman Archaeology (6), Headland Archaeology Ltd (6), GUARD Archaeology Limited (4), AOC Archaeology Group (4), ACCESS Archaeological Condition Services (3), Argyll Archaeology (2), Derek Hall (2), Rathmell Archaeology Limited (1), Kirkdale Archaeology (1), Alder Archaeology Ltd (1), TrenDarc (1), 9 Units with records 'Waiting for Contractor to send report' AOC Archaeology Group (29), Ross & Cromarty Archaeological Services (4), GUARD Archaeology Limited (3), CFA Archaeology Ltd (2), West Coast Archaeological Services (1), Addyman Archaeology (1), East Lothian Council Archaeology Service (1), Alder Archaeology Ltd (1), Kirkdale Archaeology (1), 10