
Transition from Primary School to Cnoc Mhuire
In order to facilitate the smooth transition of pupils from primary to secondary school,
Cnoc Mhuire, aims
• To provide prospective students and their parents with accessible information
on the school.
• To maintain on going contact with feeder primary schools, especially in
relation to pupils’ achievements, learning strengths and materials covered at
primary level.
• To create a positive school climate that encourages good relationships between
students, and between students and teachers
• To establish from the outset a good relationship between school and home
• To carefully monitor students’ academic and personal progress in first year in
order to identify problems at an early stage
• To encourage students to participate in extracurricular activities with the aim
of helping them develop new friendships and maintain a positive attitude
towards the school.
Preparing for Secondary School
School Prospectus
The school prospectus is an important source of information for prospective students
and their parents. It describes the facilities available in the school; it outlines the
school curriculum; and describes the provision of extracurricular activities.
Open Day and Information Evening
An Open Day is organised each year for sixth classes from the feeder primary schools. This
provides the pupils with an opportunity to visit the school with their teachers and experience
at first hand the facilities available in the school. They also receive information on the
curriculum and learn about the school’s extracurricular activities. It is also an opportunity for
the pupils and their teachers to meet the staff of the secondary school and some currrent
An information evening is held for parents/guardians and students. At this meeting the
Principal addresses parents on the issues relating to the transition from primary to secondary
school. In the course of this talk she outlines some of the potential difficulties and challenges
facing pupils as they enter secondary school. She also highlights strategies used by the school
to facilitate the smooth transition of pupils. Parents are also given an opportunity to observe
the facilities available in the school and to talk to teachers and current pupils.
Procedures for Incoming Pupils
Along with their parents/guardians incoming pupils complete an enrolment form. There are
two designated days for this to accommodate everyone needs Cnoc Mhuire offers an evening
and day option for enrolment. This is a further opportunity to meet with the school principle,
deputy principle and teachers of Cnoc Mhuire.
The Assessment Test
An Assessment Test for incoming pupils is held in March of the year of entry.
This is organised by the Guidance Counsellor and Learning Support Teacher.
Its aim is to provide an academic profile of each cohort and to identify any
learning difficulties experienced by individual pupils. As pupils are divided in
First Year into Mixed Ability Classes, this test is also used to spread the
ability range evenly between all classes.
Contact with Primary School by Learning Support Teacher
The Learning Support Teacher contacts each feeder primary school with a
view to receiving all relevant information relating to pupils with learning
difficulites. The purpose of this is to ensure a continuum of support when the
pupils commences secondary level.
Organisation of Primary School/Secondary Activities
Additional activities are held in the secondary school which facilitate contact
between current first year pupils and incoming first year pupils. These include
sporting activities and science demonstrations.
Assignment of Class Groups
Before the commencement of the school year, the incoming first year pupils
are assigned to Mixed-Ability Class Groups.
Support Structures for First Year Pupils
Induction Day
New First Year Pupils attend an Induction Day on the first day of the term. They
receive their timetable and are brought on a tour of the school. They also meet the
Pastoral Care Coordinator and are introduced to the school’s Mentoring Programme.
Each student also purchases a copy of the School Journal which contains important
information on the school and is a vital link in the communication between school and
Class Teacher
A Class Teacher is assigned to each class. The role of the Class Teacher is to monitor the
personal progress of their students and report to the year head/guidance counsellor any
concerns they may have about any individual student.
Mentoring Programme
The aim of the Mentoring Programme is to involve senior students in assisting First
Year pupils to make a successful transition from primary to secondary school. The
mentors meet regularly with their assigned groups and play a vital role in helping to
resolve any problems experienced by the pupils in settling in to their new school.
Personal, Social and Health Education
As part of the school’s SPHE Programme, the transition from Primary to Secondary
School is discussed with the pupils. In particular, the area of bullying is explored
with the pupils.
Role of Guidance Counsellor
The Guidance Counsellor meets each First Year pupil on an individual basis in the
course of the year. The purpose of this meeting is to monitor individual progress and
to identify any problems which a pupil may in first year in secondary school.
Learning Support and Resource Teaching
The Learning Support and Resource teachers use the available information to identify
pupils with learning difficulties and put in place appropriate additional learning
supports for these pupils.