BA Primary Education Set high expectations which inspire, motivate


BA Primary Education


Set high expectations which inspire, motivate and challenge pupils


You create an interesting environment within your planned activities that stimulates pupils learning. You challenge pupils of different abilities and stretch their learning across a number of subjects. You consistently provide a strong and positive role model for children.

Standard 1


You are thoughtful in creating an environment within your planned activities that stimulates pupils learning.

You challenge pupils of different abilities to learn across a number of subjects. You provide a strong and positive role model for children.

Met standards

You create an environment within your planned activities that encourages pupils to learn. You begin to challenge pupils of different abilities to learn. You provide a positive role model for children.

Did not meet standards

You find it difficult to set up positive learning opportunities. Activities for learning do not stretch pupils. You fail to provide a positive role model for pupils in your behaviour.

Student’s Reflective Commentary ~ evidence from professional performance, discussions, files.

Set high expectations which inspire, motivate and challenge pupils

- establish a safe and stimulating environment for pupils, rooted in mutual respect

- set goals that stretch and challenge pupils of all backgrounds, abilities and dispositions

- demonstrate consistently the positive attitudes, values and behaviour which are expected of pupils.

Suggested targets for next placement

Standard 1

Set high expectations which inspire motivate and challenge pupils

Commentary by SET/TT/Link Tutor/other professionals ~ ~ evidence from professional performance , discussions, files, attributes


Areas for development ( how might these be addressed in the future)

Best fit descriptor for this stage Outstanding Good Met standards Did not meet standards

2. Promote good progress and outcomes by pupils


You make thoughtful contributions to the progress of the pupils you teach. You have begun to understand how pupils learn across a wider range of areas. You make thoughtful use of your knowledge of the pupils to plan appropriate activities.

Standard 2


You make sound contributions to the progress of the pupils you teach. You have begun to understand how pupils learn across a range of areas. You use your knowledge of the pupils to plan appropriate activities.

Met standards

You contribute to the progress of the pupils you teach. You have begun to understand how pupils learn. You use your knowledge of the pupils to plan activities.

Did not meet standards

You are unable to move pupils learning forward. You do not understand how children learn or realise why it is important to know the backgrounds of the pupils.

Student’s Reflective Commentary ~ evidence from professional performance, discussions, files.

Promote good progress and outcomes by pupils

- be accountable for attainment, progress and outcomes of the pupils

plan teaching to build on pupils’ capabilities and prior knowledge

- guide pupils to reflect on the progress they have made and their emerging needs

- demonstrate knowledge and understanding of how pupils learn and how this impacts on teaching

- encourage pupils to take a responsible and conscientious

attitude to their own work and study

Suggested targets for next placement

Standard 2

Promote good progress and outcomes by pupils

Commentary by SET/TT/Link Tutor/other professionals ~ ~ evidence from professional performance , discussions, files, attributes


Areas for development ( how might these be addressed in the future)

Best fit descriptor for this stage Outstanding Good Met standards Did not meet standards

3. Demonstrate good subject and curriculum knowledge


You are becoming increasingly confident in your ability to plan activities that interest and enthuse pupils. You are reflective about your own practice and actively seek advice.

In relation to early reading: you draw on very strong knowledge of terminology and how to articulate phonemes, and there is evidence of this in your planning and teaching.

Standard 3


You use feedback from mentors to focus your evaluations. You adapt and modify teaching to improve your practice. You plan effective learning opportunities for pupils.

In relation to early reading: you draw on secure knowledge of terminology and how to articulate phonemes, and there is evidence of this in your planning and teaching.

Met standards

You demonstrate enthusiasm for the different subjects. You can adapt teaching and resources based on guidance from others. You try to improve your practice you are able to create appropriate learning opportunities.

In relation to early reading: you draw on sufficient knowledge of terminology and how to articulate phonemes, and there is evidence of this in your planning and teaching.

Did not meet standards

Your subject knowledge is limited and you do not seek advice from subject leaders. You make limited use of resources to promote effective learning.

In relation to early reading you have difficulty in articulating phonemes and terminology. You are unable to apply understanding to your planning and teaching.

Student’s Reflective Commentary ~ evidence from professional performance, discussions, files.

Demonstrate good subject and curriculum knowledge

-have a secure knowledge of the relevant subjects

foster and maintain pupils’ interest in the subject -address misunderstandings

- demonstrate a critical understanding of developments and promote the value of scholarship

Suggested targets for next placement

Standard 3

Demonstrate good subject and curriculum knowledge

Commentary by SET/TT/Link Tutor/other professionals ~ ~ evidence from professional performance , discussions, files, attributes


Areas for development ( how might these be addressed in the future)

Demonstrates satisfactory/good/outstanding phonics knowledge and knowledge of early mathematics

Best fit descriptor for this stage Outstanding Good Met standards Did not meet standards


Plan and teach well-structured lessons


You are becoming increasingly confident in your ability to plan activities that interest and enthuse pupils. You are reflective of your own practice and actively seek advice.


You use feedback from mentors to focus your evaluations. You adapt and modify teaching to improve your practice. You plan effective learning opportunities for pupils.

Met standards

You demonstrate enthusiasm for the different subjects. You can adapt teaching and resources based on guidance from others. You try to improve your practice You are able to create appropriate learning opportunities.

Standard 4

Plan and teach well structured lessons

- impart knowledge and develop understanding through effective use of lesson time

-promote a love of learning and

Did not meet standards

Activities do not encourage learning.

You find it difficult to act upon advice or evaluate your learning. You do not recognise the need to modify your teaching to meet the needs of the children.

Student’s Reflective Commentary ~ evidence from professional performance, discussions, files.

children’s intellectual curiosity

-set homework and plan other out-ofclass activities to consolidate and extend the knowledge and understanding pupils have acquired

-reflect systematically on the effectiveness of lessons and approaches to teaching

-contribute to the design and provision of an engaging curriculum within the relevant subject area(s).

Suggested targets for next placement

Standard 4

Plan and teach well structured lessons

Commentary by SET/TT/Link Tutor/other professionals ~ ~ evidence from professional performance , discussions, files, attributes


Areas for development ( how might these be addressed in the future)

Best fit descriptor for this stage Outstanding Good Met standards Did not meet standards

5. Adapt teaching to respond to the strengths and needs of all pupils


You understand the links between planning, teaching and assessment. You identify pupils needing support and build this into your planning. You are aware of a range of learning needs and have begun to think how to support these. You are using increasingly effective strategies to assess pupils’ understanding.

Standard 5


You are beginning to understand how assessment informs planning. You are able to recognise those pupils needing support and have begun to think about how to provide this. You are able to focus your planning, teaching and resources to support different pupils.

Met standards

You identify assessment opportunities within your planning. You are beginning to identify individual needs within your teaching groups. With the guidance of class teachers you seek to support pupils who are struggling and need support.

Did not meet standards

You find it difficult to understand the purpose of assessment. You do not differentiate for the pupils within your teaching group. The feedback you give to learners is unstructured or inappropriate.

Student’s Reflective Commentary ~ evidence from professional performance, discussions, files.

Adapt teaching to respond to

the strengths and needs of all pupils

-know when and how to differentiate appropriately,

-have a secure understanding of how a range of factors can inhibit pupils’ ability to learn, and how best to overcome these

-demonstrate an awareness of the physical, social and intellectual development of children,

- know how to adapt teaching to suppor t pupils’ education at different stages of development

-have a clear understanding of the needs of all pupils

Suggested targets for next placement

Standard 5

Adapt teaching to respond to

the strengths and needs of all pupils

Commentary by SET/TT/Link Tutor/other professionals ~ ~ evidence from professional performance , discussions, files, attributes


Areas for development ( how might these be addressed in the future)

Best fit descriptor for this stage Outstanding Good Met standards Did not meet standards

6. Make accurate and productive use of assessment


You are beginning to encourage pupils to reflect on their own learning. You make thoughtful use of your records to move pupils’ learning forward. You use positive and appropriate feed back to move pupils’ learning forward.


You are beginning to increase the techniques you use to assess understanding. You use your records to focus your teaching and to move pupils’ learning forward. You give positive and useful feedback to pupils.

Met standards

You make use of a range of resources to support different learners. You use question and answer techniques to gauge pupils’ learning. You use observations to record how you might move pupils’ learning forward. You give timely feedback to learners.

Standard 6

Did not meet standards

You are unable to sustain any effective record keeping. Assessment fails to identify those pupils struggling to achieve or to suggest how they might be supported.

Student’s Reflective Commentary ~ evidence from professional performance, discussions, files.

Make accurate and productive use of assessment

know and understand how to assess the relevant subject and curriculum areas, including statutory assessment requirements

-make use of formative and summative assessment to secure pupils’ progress

-use relevant data to monitor progress, set targets, and plan subsequent lessons

-give pupils regular feedback, both orally and through accurate marking, and encourage pupils to respond to the feedback

Suggested targets for next


Standard 6

Make accurate and productive use of assessment

Commentary by SET/TT/Link Tutor/other professionals ~ ~ evidence from professional performance , discussions, files, attributes


Areas for development ( how might these be addressed in the future)

Best fit descriptor for this stage Outstanding Good Met standards Did not meet standards

7. Manage behaviour effectively to ensure a good and safe learning environment


You are beginning to adapt established classroom routines to create a safe and productive learning environment. You set high expectations and apply these consistently. You use an appropriate range of strategies to communicate


You make use of the established routines in the classroom to create a safe learning environment. You have clear expectations for behaviour and communicate these effectively to pupils.

You use a range of strategies to

Met standards

You use established rules and routines to sanction and reward pupils. You communicate your expectations of behaviour to the children. You use nonverbal communication to show pleasure and displeasure.

Did not meet standards

You find it difficult to maintain a safe learning environment. Children do not respond to your authority


You find it difficult to communicate with pupils or other adults in the room.

thoughtfully with pupils.

Standard 7

Manage behaviour effectively

to ensure a good and safe

learning environment have clear rules and routines for behaviour in classrooms

-have high expectations of behaviour, and establish a framework for discipline with a range of strategies, using praise, sanctions and rewards fairly

-manage classes effectively, using approaches which are appropriate to pupils’ needs in order to involve and motivate them

-maintain good relationships with pupils, exercise appropriate authority, and act decisively

Suggested targets for next placement

Standard 7 communicate effectively with pupils.

Student’s Reflective Commentary ~ evidence from professional performance, discussions, files,

Manage behaviour effectively to ensure a good and safe learning environment

Commentary by SET/TT/Link Tutor/other professionals ~ ~ evidence from professional performance , discussions, files, attributes


Best fit descriptor for this stage

Areas for development ( how might these be addressed in the future)


8. Fulfil wider professional responsibilities

Good Met standards Did not meet standards


You participate enthusiastically with the life of the class and sometimes the wider school. You have developed positive and mutually supportive relationships with staff and pupils. Pupils trust you and seek to work with you. You are professional in your preparation and actively seek advice to improve your practice.

Standard 8


You participate enthusiastically with the life of the class. You have developed sound working relationships with the other adults in the room. You have a good relationship with pupils and they are keen to work with you. You are professional in preparing for your teaching and act swiftly on advice.

Met standards

You develop sound relationships with the pupils. You participate in the life of the class. You interact with other adults in the classroom. You are prepared for your teaching ensuring resources are ready to be used. You act on advice.

Did not meet standards

Relationships with the children are not appropriate. You fail to involve yourself in the life of the class. You are not adequately prepared for teaching. You find it difficult to accept constructive criticism.

Student’s Reflective Commentary ~ evidence from professional performance, discussions, files.

Fulfil wider professional responsibilities

-make a positive contribution to the wider life and ethos of the school

-develop effective professional relationships with colleagues, knowing how and when to draw on advice and specialist support

-deploy support staff effectively

-take responsibility for improving teaching, responding to advice and feedback from colleagues

-communicate effectively with parents with regard to pupils’ achievements and well-being.

Suggested targets for next placement

Standard 8 Commentary by SET/TT/Link Tutor/other professionals ~ ~ evidence from professional performance , discussions, files, attributes

Fulfil wider professional responsibilities


Areas for development ( how might these be addressed in the future)

Best fit descriptor for this stage Outstanding Good Met standards Did not meet standards
