Sentence Combining with Absolute Phrases (AbP)

Sentence Combining with Absolute Phrases (AbP)
Adapted from Crafting Expository Argument, by Michael Degen, Ph.D.
 Combine the following sentences by creating an absolute phrase out of one of the sentences in the
pair and joining that phrase to the other.
 Underline the absolute phrase in each sentence.
1. Remove the “be” verb from a sentence to create an absolute phrase.
Original: Dominic listened in stunned silence. His smile was vanishing from his face.
Revised: Dominic listened in stunned silence, his smile vanishing from his face.
2. Turn a regular active verb into a participle to create an absolute phrase.
Original: Jhordan looks up and smiles at her uncle. Long strands of hair fall limply on her face.
Revised: Long strands of hair falling limply on her face, Jhordan looks up and smiles at her uncle.
3. Sometimes wording must be changed or reordered to create an absolute phrase.
Original: Gabe knelt on the fifty yard line. He looked up at the tied score. He realized the team
only had ten seconds.
Revised: Knee on the fifty yard line, Gabe looked at the tied score and realized they only had ten
1. Dallas cheerfully punches the keys T-H-E-space-E-N-D and looks up with a proud crescent
spreading across her face. Her eyes gleam brightly as she reads over her masterpiece.
Trevor waited for the audition results. His fingers were tapping rapidly on the desk.
3. Justin’s dorm room was a disaster. He had dirty socks spread across the floor. He had fast food
wrappers crumpled on the desk.
4. Hannah’s heart races as she rushes away from the foreboding footsteps. The freezing wind chills
her to the bone.
5. The strains of the fight song were still hanging in the night air. The band hurried to readjust their
instruments as the football team scored yet again!
6. Mrs. Cross stared at the class. She had two research papers in hand. Her smile was gone.
7. The matches were gone. The boy and his father huddled under blankets and waited for dawn.
8. Mr. Griggers calls the winners’ names, and soon the students converge on his office. His voice
imbues excitement into the school’s far corners.
9. The aura of the green light fades into oblivion as soon as Gatsby reunites with Daisy. He keeps
telling himself, however, that she is the vision of perfection.
10. The boys basketball team has awards occupying one entire of the school’s gymnasium. Our
players undoubtedly represent the rock solid spirit Harrison High.