Contra Costa Alumnae Chapter 2012 – 2013 Policies and Procedures DELTA SIGMA THETA, SORORITY, INC. CONTRA COSTA ALUMNAE CHAPTER #821 The attached document is an official record of the Policies and Procedures for the Contra Costa Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. This revision was last updated and accepted by the members of the chapter on Saturday, June 16, 2012. For future revision suggestions, please contact Redonha Means at, or you can send suggestions to our chapter mailbox at This is a confidential document and should only be viewed by members of the Contra Costa Alumnae Chapter, Farwest Region Leadership Team and the National Headquarters of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. and it’s designees. Delta Sigma Theta, Sorority, Inc. Chapter #821 Contra Costa Alumnae Table of Contents TABLE OF CONTENTS.............................................................................................................................................. 1 POLICIES AND PROCEDURES .................................................................................................................................. 3 SECTION I. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE ................................................................................................................... 3 A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. ELECTED OFFICERS................................................................................................................................................3 APPOINTED OFFICERS............................................................................................................................................3 REQUIREMENTS FOR ELECTED CHAPTER OFFICERS ......................................................................................................3 ELECTED OFFICERS OF THE CHAPTER ARE:..................................................................................................................3 I. CHAPTER PRESIDENT ........................................................................................................................................3 II. VICE PRESIDENT ..............................................................................................................................................4 III. RECORDING SECRETARY ....................................................................................................................................5 IV. TREASURER ....................................................................................................................................................5 V. FINANCIAL SECRETARY ......................................................................................................................................6 VI. ASSISTANT FINANCIAL SECRETARY .......................................................................................................................6 VII. CORRESPONDING SECRETARY .............................................................................................................................6 TERM OF OFFICE ..................................................................................................................................................7 NOMINATIONS.....................................................................................................................................................7 FILLING VACANCIES...............................................................................................................................................7 APPOINTED OFFICERS............................................................................................................................................7 i. Parliamentarian ..........................................................................................................................................7 ii. Sergeant-at-Arms .......................................................................................................................................7 iii. Chaplin ........................................................................................................................................................7 iv. Historian .....................................................................................................................................................7 v. Custodian ....................................................................................................................................................7 EXECUTIVE BOARD:...............................................................................................................................................8 SECTION II: FISCAL POLICIES AND PROCEDURES ................................................................................................ 8 A. B. C. D. E. CHAPTER FISCAL MANAGEMENT .............................................................................................................................8 DISBURSEMENTS .............................................................................................................................................9 FINANCIAL DUTIES DURING THE TRANSITION OF OFFICERS ............................................................................9 CASH/CHECK PAYMENTS .................................................................................................................................9 DUES ..............................................................................................................................................................10 SECTION III: CHAPTER FUNDRAISING ............................................................................................................... 10 A. B. C. COMMITTEE DUTIES AND AREAS OF RESPONSIBILITY ............................................................................................10 FINANCIAL REPORTING OF FUNDRAISING ACTIVITIES .............................................................................................11 ALLOCATION OF FUNDRAISING FUNDS ................................................................................................................. 11 SECTION IV: COMMITTEE DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES .............................................................................. 11 A. 1) 2) 3) 4. 5) 6) 7) 8) COMMITTEE DUTIES AND AREAS OF RESPONSIBILITY ..................................................................................................11 Arts & Letters ............................................................................................................................................11 Budget and Finance ..................................................................................................................................11 Courtesy & Hospitality ..............................................................................................................................12 Economic Development ............................................................................................................................12 Education & Scholarship ...........................................................................................................................12 Internal Audit Committee .........................................................................................................................12 Membership ..............................................................................................................................................13 Physical and Mental Health ......................................................................................................................13 Contra Costa Alumnae Chapter Policies & Procedures December, 2013 as reviewed by Regional Scholarship & Standards 1 Delta Sigma Theta, Sorority, Inc. Chapter #821 B. C. D. E. Contra Costa Alumnae 9) Policies and Procedures ............................................................................................................................13 10) Program Planning and Project Committee ...............................................................................................13 11) Social Action .............................................................................................................................................13 12) Step Team .................................................................................................................................................13 13) Technology Publicity/Public Relations ......................................................................................................14 14) Rituals and Ceremonies ............................................................................................................................14 15) Ways and Means ......................................................................................................................................14 CHAPTER PROGRAMS ..........................................................................................................................................14 1) Delta Academy Committee .......................................................................................................................14 2) Delta Gems Committee .............................................................................................................................14 3) EMBODI Committee ..................................................................................................................................14 COMMITTEE ESTABLISHMENT ...............................................................................................................................14 AD HOC COMMITTEES.........................................................................................................................................14 1) Pan Hellenic ..............................................................................................................................................14 2) Training and Development .......................................................................................................................15 3) Risk Management .....................................................................................................................................15 4) Emergency Preparedness..........................................................................................................................15 ELECTED COMMITTEES ........................................................................................................................................15 1) Nominating ...............................................................................................................................................15 2) Election .....................................................................................................................................................15 SECTION V: SPECIAL ELECTIONS / MEMBERSHIP INTAKE ................................................................................ 16 A. B. CHAPTER VOTING ...............................................................................................................................................16 CHAPTER ELECTIONS FOR MEMBERSHIP INTAKE ........................................................................................................16 SECTION VI: REPORT REQUIREMENTS .............................................................................................................. 17 A. COMMITTEE REPORTS .......................................................................................................................................... 17 SECTION VII: CHAPTER / COMMITTEE MEETING GUIDELINES ......................................................................... 17 A. B. C. D. EXECUTIVE BOARD MEETINGS...............................................................................................................................17 CHAPTER MEETINGS ...........................................................................................................................................17 COMMITTEE MEETINGS .......................................................................................................................................18 CALLED MEETINGS .............................................................................................................................................18 SECTION VIII: CHAPTER FISCAL YEAR ................................................................................................................ 18 SECTION IX: CHAPTER QUORUM ...................................................................................................................... 18 SECTION X: AMENDING POLICIES PROCEDURES .............................................................................................. 18 Contra Costa Alumnae Chapter Policies & Procedures December, 2013 as reviewed by Regional Scholarship & Standards 2 Delta Sigma Theta, Sorority, Inc. Chapter #821 Contra Costa Alumnae POLICIES AND PROCEDURES Name of Chapter: Address of Chapter: Contra Costa Alumnae P.O. Box 21811 El Sobrante, CA 94820-1811 East and West Contra Costa County Chapter Service Area: SECTION I. E XECUTIVE COMMITTEE Elected Officers, Appointed Officers and the Immediate Past President, comprise the Executive Committee. A. ELECTED OFFICERS President Vice President Recording Secretary Treasurer Financial Secretary Assistant Financial Secretary Corresponding Secretary B. APPOINTED OFFICERS Parliamentarian Sergeant at Arms Chaplain Historian/Journalist Custodian Chair of Finance C. REQUIREMENTS FOR ELECTED CHAPTER OFFICERS Must be a financial member at the time of nomination by the local chapter and throughout the term of office. Must attend Executive Committee and General Body Chapter Meetings or notify the Chapter President in advance if unable to attend. All fiscal officers shall be bonded. D. ELECTED OFFICERS OF THE CHAPTER ARE: i. CHAPTER PRESIDENT The duties of the Chapter President are as follows: Chapter Management o Serves as the official representative and the official speaker of the chapter, o Enforces observance of the Grand Chapter Constitution and Bylaws and Chapter Rules of Order and Policies and Procedures, o Responsible for taking all actions required by Grand Chapter and file all Compliance reports required by Grand Chapter, Contra Costa Alumnae Chapter Policies & Procedures December, 2013 as reviewed by Regional Scholarship & Standards 3 Delta Sigma Theta, Sorority, Inc. Chapter #821 Contra Costa Alumnae o o o ii. Communicates with Grand Chapter and National Headquarters, Oversee the operation of the chapter, Serves as Chair of the Executive Committee and prepares the Executive Committee agenda, o Appoints all committee chairpersons excluding the Nominating Chair and and the Minerva Circle, o Recommends to the Executive Committee the removal of an elected officer who fails to perform the duties of her office, o Serve as ex-officio member of all committees except the Nominating and Elections Committee, o Attends Northern California Coordinating Council meetings, o Serves as the chapter-voting delegate at Regional Conference and National Convention, o Serves as the only official representative to sign all binding documents and/or contracts, o Reviews all documents for distribution prior to publication and dissemination, o Receives, distributes and interprets materials for use of the chapter. Chapter Meetings: o Presides at all chapter and executive board meetings, o Leads ritualistic ceremonies, o Performs all duties as provided by the current edition of the Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly revised, o Calls and resides over special meetings. Fiscal Management: o Serves as “exchequer of finances”, o Authorize by signature, when necessary, all orders and proceedings of the chapter and acts as signatory on checks, o Ensure accurate account information is given to the chapter regarding the expenditure of funds. VICE PRESIDENT The duties of the Chapter Vice President are as follows: Perform all the duties of the office of Chapter President in her absence, incapacitation, or at the Chapter President’s request. Coordinates with committee chairs on progress of projects and committee reports, Coordinates with the responsible committees for DID Workshops and other duties upon request, Works directly with Membership Services Committee to: o Assist with the development and implementation of reclamation and retention activities, o Integrate former collegiate into the Chapter, Serves as Alternate Delegate at National Convention and Regional Conference, Will serve as leader of the Minerva Circle May serve as the Chair of Program Planning Contra Costa Alumnae Chapter Policies & Procedures December, 2013 as reviewed by Regional Scholarship & Standards 4 Delta Sigma Theta, Sorority, Inc. Chapter #821 iii. Contra Costa Alumnae RECORDING SECRETARY The duties of the Recording Secretary are as follows: Serves as the custodian of its records, except those specifically assigned to others, Accurately records the proceedings of the chapter and records minutes for: o Executive board meetings, o Chapter meetings, o Called and/or special meetings. Minutes should be received by the Chapter President for review, no later than two (2) weeks after chapter meeting. Provide copies of chapter and special meeting minutes for distribution, Makes the minutes and records available to members upon request, Records all votes and is keeper of the ballots cast, Records officers, committee members, and delegates election results or appointment, Furnishes committees with whatever documents are required for the performance of their duties, Maintains a book(s) of record in which the chapter minutes are entered, and will have the current record book(s) on hand at every meeting, In the absence of the Chapter’s President and Vice-President, to call the meeting to order and preside until the immediate election of a chairman pro term, Indicates when a quorum is present at chapter meeting. iv. TREASURER The duties of the Treasurer are as follows: Responsible for maintaining financial procedures provided by Grand Chapter, Considers financial needs of the chapter, plans, evaluates and recommends the annual operating budget to the body for consideration, Studies and develops financial plans to strengthen the chapter’s financial base, Oversee/monitors the fiscal controls of the chapter budget o Receive funds from the Financial Secretary; deposits all said funds within two (2) business days of receipt, o Disburse all funds for the chapter with proper authorization of the Chapter President. Mail Grand Chapter funds within 30 days of receipt. Provide an itemized, written report of all money received and disbursed monthly to all financial chapter members, Chairs Finance Committee and shall be restricted from chairing any other committee that has any form of financial responsibility including and specifically Ways and Means. However, the Treasurer may chair committees with non-financial responsibilities such as Elections. Prepares financial reports required by the chapter and Grand Chapter with the assistance of the finance committee. o Work closely with financial secretary to insure that all financial records are accurate. Prepare annual fiscal reports. Prepare chapter books and records for the auditor and for reporting to National Headquarters. Attend finance training at National Conventions and Regional Conferences Contra Costa Alumnae Chapter Policies & Procedures December, 2013 as reviewed by Regional Scholarship & Standards 5 Delta Sigma Theta, Sorority, Inc. Chapter #821 v. Contra Costa Alumnae FINANCIAL SECRETARY The duties of the Financial Secretary are as follows: Serves as fiscal officer of the chapter, Collect all financial transactions and keep updated and accurate records, Issues chapter members receipts for all money collected, Provide updates of new financial members to the elected officers, Takes attendance at executive committee and chapter meetings, Assists the Treasurer with the preparation of financial reports, Provides written reports of chapter receipts to the executive committee and general body, Attends all chapter functions involving the collection of money; collects money or make provisions to have it collected (by a bonded officer) and turned over to the Treasurer within two (2) business days, Keeps members informed of their financial status, The Financial Secretary will make an announcement as a reminder 15 minutes prior to the close of the financial table during chapter meeting, Attend finance training at National Conventions and Regional Conferences. vi. ASSISTANT FINANCIAL SECRETARY The duties of the Assistant Financial Secretary are as follows: Assists the Financial Secretary in all duties except: o Signing checks and depositing funds. Assists with recording income and issues receipts for the monies collected. Turns collected funds over to the Financial Secretary with a detail of what was collected to ensure that the two (2) business days requirement is met, May also assist in the distribution of membership stickers, Attend finance training at National Conventions and Regional Conferences. vii. CORRESPONDING SECRETARY The duties of the Corresponding Secretary are as follows: Receives chapter correspondence and reads correspondence to the chapter and to the executive committee/board, Sends out all correspondence which must be authorized by the Chapter President, Prepares and sends out chapter newsletter or other correspondence, via mail, or other forms of electronic distribution, at the direction of the Chapter President, Maintain files of correspondence received by the chapter, Notifies chapter members of monthly meetings and gives prior written notice of at least 10 days before elections of officers, Notifies chapter members in writing, via USPS mail, of the voting for acceptance of new members into the Sorority, Pick up mail from the Post Office Box on a regular basis, Maintains a confidential chapter email distribution list. Contra Costa Alumnae Chapter Policies & Procedures December, 2013 as reviewed by Regional Scholarship & Standards 6 Delta Sigma Theta, Sorority, Inc. Chapter #821 Contra Costa Alumnae E. TERM OF OFFICE Elected officers serve a two-year term. No elected officer shall serve more than two (2) consecutive terms in the same office. F. NOMINATIONS Criteria for the candidates per office are: Chapter members must be financial with both national and local dues in the current chapter year the election is to be held. G. FILLING VACANCIES The Chapter President appoints office vacancies. H. APPOINTED OFFICERS i. Parliamentarian a. Advises, upon request, the chapter President, other officers, committee chairs, and members on matters of parliamentary procedures according to Grand Chapter Constitution & Bylaws, the Chapter Rules of Order and Roberts Rules of Order. As all financial members of the chapter, the parliamentarian has the right to vote on chapter business. ii. Sergeant-at-Arms a. Fulfills the role outlined in the DST Grand Chapter Ritual and assists the chapter President in keeping order at all times. Supervise admittance of all members to chapter meetings. iii. Chaplin a. Fulfills the role outlined in the DST Grand Chapter Ritual and sets the spiritual tone for meetings when requested. Keep accurate record of deceased members and their obituaries, submitting same to chapter President to be reported to National Headquarters as requested prior to the Regional Conference and National Convention. iv. Historian a. Prepares an annual written narrative account of the chapter’s activities; submits to the President and the membership for approval before publication. This record becomes a permanent part of the chapter’s history. v. Custodian a. Maintains a safe and central repository for chapter properties (i.e. official documents, candles, robes, tablecloths, gavels, and other effects used to conduct chapter ceremonies/business). Written inventory is submitted annually to the chapter President and Recording Secretary. Maintain and archive all material which becomes the permanent record of the chapter, that is, which shall include but not limited to correspondence, newsletters, rosters, financial records, and chapter awards and recognitions. Contra Costa Alumnae Chapter Policies & Procedures December, 2013 as reviewed by Regional Scholarship & Standards 7 Delta Sigma Theta, Sorority, Inc. Chapter #821 I. Contra Costa Alumnae EXECUTIVE BOARD: All the above officers along with chairpersons of the following committees/programs listed below comprise the Contra Costa Alumnae Chapter Executive Board or other members as deemed appropriate by Chapter President. Arts & Letters Courtesy/Hospitality Delta Academy Delta Gems Economic Development Education & Scholarship EMBODI Membership Services Nominating Physical and Mental Health Policies and Procedures Program Planning (if a chair is appointed) Social Action Step Team Technology Publicity/Public Relations Ways & Means SECTION II: FISCAL POLICIES AND PROCEDURES A. CHAPTER FISCAL MANAGEMENT 1) All financial business for the chapter shall be conducted by the chapter’s bonded representatives. 2) All financial business and transactions are to be conducted during executive board, chapter meetings and special meetings (i.e. report night) deemed as appropriate by the Chapter President, 3) The Chapter President, Chapter Treasurer, Financial Secretary and Assistant Financial Secretary shall be bonded. a) The $20 per position bonding fee covers: up to $5,000 in losses; losses of money or other property by any person in the chapter while occupying and performing the duties of any of the positions; covers money stolen by the bonded Soror, not from the bonded Soror. 4) All contracts, account applications, or other legally binding documents must be signed by the Chapter President. 5) All bank statements, brokerage statements, contracts, invoices, or other financial correspondence shall be mailed to the official chapter mailing address. All statements for all accounts shall be reconciled monthly. Contra Costa Alumnae Chapter Policies & Procedures December, 2013 as reviewed by Regional Scholarship & Standards 8 Delta Sigma Theta, Sorority, Inc. Chapter #821 Contra Costa Alumnae 6) Chapter credit cards and debit cards shall not be obtained or issued to any member. 7) The chapter may obtain merchant accounts or secure online payment systems such as PayPal to accept credit and debit card charges for fundraisers and dues. a) The application to obtain a merchant account must be in the name of the chapter and be signed by the Chapter President. b) The chapter will assume the cost and fees associated with a merchant account. c) Associated fees cannot be passed on to the consumer/Soror. d) All funds received through merchant accounts must be credited to the applicable chapter account. e) All statements and correspondence regarding the merchant account must be mailed to the chapter’s PO Box. 8) All funds remitted to the chapter are non-refundable with the exception of chapter dues. B. DISBURSEMENTS 1) A voucher system is used for all cash disbursements or transfer of funds between the operating and community service accounts. 2) Requests for reimbursement must be made within thirty (30) days after the expenditure is incurred and within the current sorority year. 3) A voucher must be completed to transfer funds between the operating and community service account. 4) Documentation for advances must be submitted within 60 days of receipt, with the exception of documentation for expenses incurred by the delegates during National Convention or Regional Conference, which must be submitted no later than the September chapter meeting. 5) All disbursements must be supported by a payment voucher and a receipt, invoice, contract or other documentation that indicates when the expense was or will be incurred and how much was or will be expended. 6) Only the Chapter’s President, Treasurer, and the Financial Secretary are authorized to sign checks. 7) Receipts and/or return of unused funds when cash advances are issued should be submitted to the chapter within 30 days. C. FINANCIAL DUTIES DURING THE TRANSITION OF OFFICERS 1. After new financial officers are elected or appointed, there must be a transition meeting between the outgoing and incoming officers within 30 days of installation. 2. The outgoing officer and newly elected or appointed officers must complete the Corporate Accountability Form Checklist by August 31st to ensure communication with the outgoing member and continuity is maintained. D. CASH/CHECK PAYMENTS 1) All checks must be made payable to Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. 2) Members making a payment to the chapter may receive a receipt by the end of chapter meeting for which funds were paid. Contra Costa Alumnae Chapter Policies & Procedures December, 2013 as reviewed by Regional Scholarship & Standards 9 Delta Sigma Theta, Sorority, Inc. Chapter #821 Contra Costa Alumnae 3) The check return policy for chapter members is: a) The check return policy will remain in effect for one (1) year from the time the check is returned. b) After two (2) non-sufficient funds (NSF) checks, future payments to the chapter must be in the form of cash, money order, cashier’s check or travelers check. c) Returned checks written by a member will incur the return check fee charged by the chapter’s bank. 4) The check return policy for non-chapter members is: a) Returned checks by non-chapter members will incur the return check fee charged by the bank. b) The Soror associated with the non-member will be notified and all future payments from the non-member to the chapter must be in the form of cash, money order, cashier’s check or travelers check. E. DUES 1) Local and National dues are due and payable by the March chapter meeting. 2) Dues submitted after March chapter meeting and before June 30th should be in the form of two (2) money orders: a) One made payable to Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. for national dues and fees, and one made payable to Contra Costa Alumnae Chapter for local dues. 3) All funds collected from members and due to National Headquarters shall be remitted to National Headquarters within thirty (30) days of receipt. 4) Local dues for the Chapter President shall be waived for the term in office. 5) Collegiate Sorors who graduate and come directly to the chapter the following sorority year shall be charged one-half (50%) of the local dues for their first year. After the first year, such members will pay the full amount (100%) of the local dues then in effect. SECTION III: CHAPTER FUNDRAISING A. COMMITTEE DUTIES AND AREAS OF RESPONSIBILITY 1. Any committee wishing to conduct a fundraiser must present suggestions for fundraising activities to the Ways and Means committee. 2. The Ways and Means committee chair shall propose fundraising activities and coordinate the implementation of those activities as approved by the chapter. 3. The chair shall provide an itemized budget to the chapter for review. 4. The chair shall submit all contracts, forms etc. to Chapter President for review and approval. Contra Costa Alumnae Chapter Policies & Procedures December, 2013 as reviewed by Regional Scholarship & Standards 10 Delta Sigma Theta, Sorority, Inc. Chapter #821 Contra Costa Alumnae B. F INANCIAL REPORTING OF FUNDRAISING ACTIVITIES 1. The final fundraising report of each fundraising activity will be submitted to the chapter within 60 days after the event. C. ALLOCATION OF FUNDRAISING FUNDS 1. One hundred per cent (100%) of the total proceeds (profit) from one fundraiser, and twentyfive percent (25%) of the proceeds from all additional fundraisers shall be allocated toward scholarships. 2. At the beginning of the sorority year, the Executive Board will determine the allocation (toward scholarships) of the proceeds for each fundraising activity. SECTION IV: COMMITTEE DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES All committee reports are to be submitted to the Executive Board meeting before the report can be presented to the Chapter. A. COMMITTEE DUTIES AND AREAS OF RESPONSIBILITY 1) Arts & Letters a) Is responsible for promoting, fostering and cultivating Chapter members and members of the community’s awareness and participation in the arts and other cultural enrichment activities. 2) Budget and Finance a) Consists of the following chapter officers: President, Treasurer, Vice President, Financial Secretary and Assistant Financial Secretary. The Treasurer will serve as the chair of the committee. b) The committee is responsible for developing the chapter budget and presenting to the chapter for review and approval by May for the ensuing fiscal year. c) Thirty (30) days after the finance transitional meeting the current budget and finance committee members will meet with the newly formed budget and finance committee members to transfer all financial information, to prepare new committee for the National Audit and to assist with the training and development of the chapter budget by August 1st. d) Advise all committees on financial issues. e) Recommend the amount of local dues and make recommendations to the chapter for vote. f) Handles all monies generated from any chapter activities and assists/advises all committees on financial issues. Contra Costa Alumnae Chapter Policies & Procedures December, 2013 as reviewed by Regional Scholarship & Standards 11 Delta Sigma Theta, Sorority, Inc. Chapter #821 Contra Costa Alumnae 3) Courtesy & Hospitality a) The committee shall extend the meaning of courtesy to express concern, caring and consideration to our Sisterhood and their families. b) The committee shall extend courtesies to visiting National Officers, Grand Chapter representatives, members of the chapter for special occasion/situation and to other organizations deemed necessary by the chapter. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) Courtesies to National and Regional Officers will be given as outlined in Protocol and Traditions. Courtesies given to outgoing National and Regional Officers shall be voted on by financial members of the chapter. In the event the chapter is out of session, gift shall not exceed $100 for National President, $50 for Regional Director and Regional Representative. Any courtesy given to other Chapters, individuals, honorees or general donations is not to exceed $50.00. Upon death of a member in the Contra Costa Alumnae Chapter, if requested by the family the chapter will assist in preparation and serving of the meal. Upon notification of death of a Soror’s immediate family, spouse, children, parents or siblings a card will be sent. A gift not to exceed $30.00 may be purchased for: a) The birth of a member’s baby, b) A member’s wedding, c) A member’s retirement, d) A member who is relocating A card or message may be sent to an active or inactive member: a) To acknowledge a special recognition (i.e., birthday, graduation, promotion, retirement), b) Has been hospitalized, c) And other occasions as deemed appropriate by the Chair of the committee. During the holiday season, a poinsettia plant or small gift will be taken to members who are under long-term care or shut-in. c) The committee assigns hostess for chapter meetings. 4. Economic Development a) Serves the needs of the chapter and community to provide financial awareness through workshops and other financial events. 5) Education & Scholarship a) Sets standards and procedures for those applying for chapter scholarships. b) Committee will present and create bios of selected scholarship recipients no later than the May chapter meeting. 6) Internal Audit Committee a) Shall consist of at least (3) three members, who are not the current fiscal officers but who have some knowledge of the chapter’s fiscal operations. Duties include: Contra Costa Alumnae Chapter Policies & Procedures December, 2013 as reviewed by Regional Scholarship & Standards 12 Delta Sigma Theta, Sorority, Inc. Chapter #821 Contra Costa Alumnae 1. Meeting quarterly, (October, January, March, June) to prepare for chapters audit submission to National Headquarters. 2. Make a preliminary review of all financial records received from the Financial Secretary and Treasurer. 3. Verify receipts, expenditures and checkbook balances. 4. Ensure that all expenditures have proper documentation. 5. Make recommendation of Professional External Auditor to the Chapter. b) Report audit findings and recommendations to the chapter. 7) Membership a) Annually maintains a record and updates a directory of financial members for distribution. Develops programs to reclaim inactive members and conduct’s new member orientation and distributes chapter working documents. 8) Physical and Mental Health a) Brings awareness of common health issues facing African Americans throughout Contra Costa County. Supports national and local health education initiatives. 9) Policies and Procedures a) Review Chapter Rules of Order, Policies and Procedures and Code of Conduct annually. Recommend amendments or revisions to the chapter Rules of Order and Policies and Procedures to the Executive Committee when warranted. Review proposed changes in the National Constitution and Bylaws committee prior to the National Convention and presents to the chapter. Once policies and procedures have been approved by Scholarship and Standards, responsible for recording chapter approved policies and procedures for submission to Scholarship and Standards and into official chapter documentation. 10) Program Planning and Project Committee a) If the responsibilities of program planning and project coordination are deemed to be outside the scope of the Vice President, the committee will be responsible for coordinating programs including installation/rededication of officers, Founders Day and June Clinic (usually last chapter meeting of the year). Prepares and maintains chapter events calendar and distribution to chapter members. Prepare and conducts survey(s) to evaluate the needs of the community, analyze findings and makes recommendations to the chapter for future projects to be undertaken in keeping with our Five Point Program. (Social Action, Education and Scholarship, Economic Development, Physical and Mental Health) 11) Social Action a) Stimulates local/national social action, political awareness and informs the chapter of pertinent information regarding current social issues. Responsible for preparing a social action notebook or other social action reports as requested by Grand Chapter. 12) Step Team Contra Costa Alumnae Chapter Policies & Procedures December, 2013 as reviewed by Regional Scholarship & Standards 13 Delta Sigma Theta, Sorority, Inc. Chapter #821 Contra Costa Alumnae a) Coordinates and participates in approved step show competitions and/or other public events. 13) Technology Publicity/Public Relations a) Prepares news releases, updates information on approved social media websites, advises the chapter on all matters pertaining to public relations and maintains the chapter scrapbook. Responsible for ensuring chapter advertisement material(s) are approved, updated and reflects the chapter in the highest professional manner. 14) Rituals and Ceremonies a) Provides guidance and assists in planning of the chapter’s activities as outlined in the Ritual and Protocol and Traditions Manuals. 15) Ways and Means a) Responsible for coordination and implementation of chapter approved fund-raising projects. Makes recommendations for fundraising activities and presents an itemized budget to the chapter for approval. Submit all contracts, forms etc. to Chapter President for review and approval. B. CHAPTER PROGRAMS 1) Delta Academy Committee (a) Serves the need of the community to offer opportunities to young girls between the ages of 11 to 14, to gain access to leadership, math, science and technology skills. 2) Delta Gems Committee (a) Serves the need of the community to offer opportunities to Teenage girls between the ages of 14 to 17, to gain access to leadership, math, science and technology skills. 3) EMBODI Committee (a) Serves the need of the community to uplift African America males between the ages of 11 to 15, educationally, socially, and emotionally. offer opportunities to Teenage girls between the ages of 14 to 17, to gain access to leadership, math, science and technology skills. C. COMMITTEE ESTABLISHMENT 1. The Chapter President appoints committee chairs, except as noted above. Members volunteer for committee participation, acknowledging commitment to fulfill the duties of said committee. D. AD HOC COMMITTEES 1) Pan Hellenic a. Represent the Chapter at Pan Hellenic Council meetings. Inform the chapter of events, functions and any relevant information pertaining to the Pan Hellenic Council. Contra Costa Alumnae Chapter Policies & Procedures December, 2013 as reviewed by Regional Scholarship & Standards 14 Delta Sigma Theta, Sorority, Inc. Chapter #821 2) Contra Costa Alumnae Training and Development a. Assists in planning of the chapters internal development workshops. 3) Risk Management a. The Risk Manager is appointed by the Chapter President and ensures the Chapter’s compliance with Grand Chapter established guidelines to identify, prioritize, assess and mitigate risks for chapter youth initiative programs. 4) Emergency Preparedness a. Responsible for the integration of a chapter wide emergency plan. Assists in the development, management and monitoring of activities to ensure effective coordination with preparedness plans established at the Regional level or through Grand Chapter. E. ELECTED COMMITTEES 1) Nominating i) The committee is comprised of 3 elected members; one chair and 2 members. ii) The chapter elects the chair and its committee members during the May meeting. The person with the most votes is not automatically designated as the chair. All members including chair must be voted into the position. iii) The committee prepares a slate of currently financial members for offices from the eligible list of membership and presents said slate to the chapter. The slate is presented during the May meeting of an election year. iv) The nominating committee appoints one (1) judge and two (2) tellers to tally votes. Nominating Committee/Chair member is not eligible to be nominated for any elected position. F. APPOINTED COMMITTEES 1) Election i) The committee is comprised of 3 appointed members; one chair and 2 committee members. ii) The Chapter President appoints the chair and its committee members during March meeting. iii) The committee establishes the guidelines and rules to be used throughout the chapter election process. iv) Election rules will be presented at the April chapter meeting. v) Election of Officers will be held during the May chapter meeting in compliance with National Constitution and Bylaws. Election committee/ chair members are not eligible to be nominated for an elected officer position. Contra Costa Alumnae Chapter Policies & Procedures December, 2013 as reviewed by Regional Scholarship & Standards 15 Delta Sigma Theta, Sorority, Inc. Chapter #821 Contra Costa Alumnae vi) Installation of officers will take place during the June chapter meeting. vii) A transitional meeting is required to be held 30 days from the date of installation. SECTION V: SPECIAL ELECTIONS / MEMBERSHIP INTAKE A. CHAPTER VOTING 1) The chapter shall vote no later than October to have Membership Intake during the current sorority year. In accordance with the Constitution and Bylaws of the Grand Chapter, a 10 (ten)day written (via United States Postal Service) notification must be sent to financial chapter members notifying them of the intent to conduct a chapter vote on whether to proceed or not to proceed with Membership Intake during the current sorority year. 2) Before the vote occurs, chapter members must see the Membership Intake DVD – “Preparing for Membership Intake – Ready to Vote”. Immediately following the viewing of the DVD, the chapter shall vote. 3) The motion to conduct membership intake must pass by a Two-Thirds (2/3) vote of those chapter members present and voting in order for the chapter to proceed with conducting membership intake. 4) If the chapter votes to proceed with membership intake, results of the vote must be submitted to the Regional Director using the Certification of the Chapter Vote to Proceed with Membership Intake Form. B. CHAPTER ELECTIONS FOR MEMBERSHIP INTAKE 1) The chapter shall elect members of the Minerva Circle at the next regularly scheduled chapter meeting following the vote. 2) The Minerva Circle is elected by position: a) b) c) d) e) f) 3) Leader of the Minerva Circle Nine (9) Jewels Keeper of the Muses and Graces Convener of the Odyssey Experience Chapter President* Financial Secretary* *The President and Financial Secretary are members of the Minerva Circle by virtue of their elected position. 4) The process for electing the Minerva Circle is as follows: Contra Costa Alumnae Chapter Policies & Procedures December, 2013 as reviewed by Regional Scholarship & Standards 16 Delta Sigma Theta, Sorority, Inc. Chapter #821 Contra Costa Alumnae 5) Nominations for the Minerva Circle must be conducted by the chapter’s elected nominating committee 6) The slate shall be presented to the chapter by the nominating committee and voted on by secret ballot. 7) Two-thirds of the Members must be present and financial in order to vote and be elected. The President shall appoint election committee chair and members. 8) Results must be submitted to the Regional Director, using the Minerva Circle Election Certification form. 9) For Minerva Circle membership qualifications please see Administrative Procedures for Membership Intake. 10) If a vacancy arises on the Minerva Circle then the President shall appoint a qualified member to that position. 11) If an applicant is a relative of a member of the Minerva Circle, then the Minerva Circle member will not be allowed to participate in the evaluation of the applicant’s packet. The member may attend the interview but cannot ask any questions. The member may vote on all candidates presented to the chapter. SECTION VI: REPORT REQUIREMENTS A. COMMITTEE REPORTS 1) Committee reports are to include progress and significant activity. 2) Minimum copies are to be provided to the chapter President and Recording Secretary. 3) It is the responsibility of the committee’s chair to ensure that the committees report is presented at the executive board and chapter meeting. 4) Any revisions to the report presented to the executive board should be forwarded to the Chapter‘s President, Vice President and Recording Secretary within 72 (seventy-two) hours before the chapter meeting. SECTION VII: CHAPTER / COMMITTEE MEETING GUIDELINES A. EXECUTIVE BOARD MEETINGS 1) Executive Board meetings are to be held prior to the next scheduled chapter meeting. 2) The meeting can be called for and held any day during the week provided there is a majority consensus among Chapter President and committee members. 3) A quorum is established when 20% of committee members are present. B. CHAPTER MEETINGS Contra Costa Alumnae Chapter Policies & Procedures December, 2013 as reviewed by Regional Scholarship & Standards 17 Delta Sigma Theta, Sorority, Inc. Chapter #821 Contra Costa Alumnae 1) Chapter meetings are to be held on the 3rd Saturday of each month during the chapter year (September– June). 2) If there is a scheduling conflict for the regular scheduled chapter meeting date, the executive board has the authority to review, approve and notify chapter members of changes in a timely manner. C. COMMITTEE MEETINGS 1) Committees are expected to meet once per month and/or as needed. D. CALLED MEETINGS 1) Forty percent (40%) of the chapter’s financial members can call for a meeting. SECTION VIII: CHAPTER FISCAL YEAR A. The chapter’s fiscal year is from July 1 until June 30. SECTION IX: CHAPTER QUORUM A. A quorum is established when 30% of the chapter’s financial members are present. SECTION X: AMENDING POLICIES PROCEDURES A. These Policies and Procedures may be amended at any regular meeting of the chapter by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the financial members present and eligible to vote. B. Notice must be provided of the proposed amendment to the Policies and Procedures at the previous chapter meeting. Contra Costa Alumnae Chapter Policies & Procedures December, 2013 as reviewed by Regional Scholarship & Standards 18