Irony Worksheet - Pioneer Central Schools

Verbal and Dramatic Irony – Act III The Crucible
In verbal Irony, a character says one thing but means something quite different.
In dramatic irony, there is a contradiction between what a character thinks and what the audience knows to be true.
Find examples of both dramatic and verbal irony in Act III. If it’s dramatic irony, explain what the audience (reader)
knows that the characters do not; then explain the significance to the plot. If it’s verbal irony, explain the actual
meaning (verses the literal meaning) intended by the statement; then explain the significance to the plot.
Quotes of Verbal Irony
P. 1305 Proctor: “Mr. Parris
discovered them himself in the
dead of night! There’s the “child”
she is!”
Actual intended meaning
Proctor actually means that
Abigail is not a child and should
not be viewed as an innocent
young girl.
Significance to the plot
In this case, Proctor is desperately trying to
get the court to see Abigail’s true colors.
Because of Abigail’s assumed innocence, the
court is blinded by her lies.
Quotes of Dramatic Irony
p. 1298 – Danforth: “No, old
man, you have not hurt these
people if they are of good
What the audience knows that
the characters do not
The audience knows that people
of “good conscience” are the
people most hurt in these trials.
Significance to the plot
In trying to do what is right, to show the
innocence of those accused (Martha Corey
and Rebecca Nurse), Francis Nurse
inadvertently causes other innocent people
to come under scrutiny.
Logical fallacy – an idea or argument that appears logical though it is based on a completely faulty premise.
P. 1296
Danforth: I judge nothing…I tell you straight, Mister – I have seen marvels in this court. I have seen people
choked before my eyes by spirits; I have seen them stuck by pins and slashed by daggers. I have until this
moment not the slightest reason to suspect that the children may be deceiving me. Do you understand my
Explain how Danforth’s statement represents a logical fallacy.