Revision Plan for the L6 Historians

Revision Plan for the L6 VM Historians
1. Revise the whole story - build yourself a clear timeline of events and a list of key characters
2. Build a mind map setting out the obstacles to Indian Independence 1900-39 - with these headings:
British Resistance, British Mistakes, Indian Divisions - you may wish to create sub-headings
3. Build a mind map setting out the reasons why Britain granted India independence in 1947 - with
these headings: British weakness, Impact of World War Two, Pressure from Indian Nationalists
4. Build a mind map setting out why progress was made towards Indian Independence to 1939 - with
these headings: actions of the British, pressure from Indian Nationalists, other factors
5. Build a mind map setting why Indian Nationalism grew between 1900 and 1919
6. Build a mind map setting out the problems between Muslims and Hindus from 1919 to 1947
7. Build a mind map of the key features of life under British rule in India in 1900
1. Revise the whole story - build yourself a clear timeline of events and key characters
2. Plan these 4 essays on part I of the course in detail:
a. How far were the failings of the Manchu elite the main reason for the successful
Revolution of 1911-12?
b. Why did effective central government breakdown in China in the years 1916-26?
c. How successful were the GMD's domestic policies in the years 1925-37?
d. How important a factor in 1946-9 was the leadership of Mao Zedong for the
Communist victory in the civil war in China?
3. Plan these 5 essays on Part II of the course:
a. Why was Mao's influence over Chinese government so extensive in the years 1949-65?
b. How accurate is it to say that Mao's economic policies met their aims?
c. Why was industrial development in China so slow and variable 1949-65?
d. Why did the Cultural Revolution of the late 1960s take place?
e. Why was there no effective challenge to Mao’s control of government in China 196676?
EB March 2012