Session 6: Making Classrooms Work: Grouping and Initial Placement Overarching Objectives of this July 2013 Network Team Institute 1. Participants will be able to accurately identify the instructional and support materials (e.g., cards, posters) required for Skills strand implementation and will demonstrate use of support materials in ways that coincide with instructional lessons/pacing. 2. Participants will be able to articulate the assessment procedures and tools available in the CKLA Skills strand and will apply this knowledge to case studies, demonstrating initial placements consistent with the guidance given in CKLA and use of CKLA ongoing assessments to support a flexible grouping approach. 3. Participants will be able to demonstrate how CKLA Skills strand materials can be used to support a differentiated approach to Tier 1 instruction and will be able to describe how CKLA Skills materials could be incorporated into a multi-tiered approach to K–2 ELA instruction. 4. Participants will be able to identify the student learning goals that will be covered grade-by-grade (K–2) in the first 60 days of instruction and the lesson types that will support this learning. High-Level Purpose of this Session Table groups will evaluate a sample classroom of data and consider three varied options for grouping. Using a structured protocol, participants will evaluate the benefits of each option, and the barriers of each option and the assumptions of each options (e.g., physical space, resources etc.). Table groups will make a decision for how to group students and will work to create a justification of that option, ensuring the decision adheres to recommended implementation ‘best practices’, as well as is a feasible solution given assumed resources. Whole group debrief will discuss findings from grade-level teams and key challenges/solutions that were noted across grade-levels. Related Learning Experiences 1. This training is the second in a series of trainings on the use of CKLA–NY. It provides background knowledge that will be relevant to upcoming trainings on implementing additional lessons from the Skills strand to occur at a future date. Session Outcomes What do we want participants to be able to do as a result of this session? How will we know that they are able to do this? In this session participants will: In-class case study and answers to structured protocol. 1. Participants will gain skill in examining classroom data and considering the varied needs of children in the classroom. 2. Participants will evaluate three options for grouping and note the benefits and barriers for the varied options before making a selection as a grade-level and administrator team. Session Overview Section Time Overview Prepared Resources Section 1: Review and Summarize the classroom data 15 min Participants will examine Materials used: their classroom data and 1. Session 6: Making Classrooms Work: Grouping and Placement – answer protocol questions PPT.ppt (Slides 1-9) to help summarize the class 2. Session 6: Making Classrooms Work: Grouping and Placement – composition. Handouts: 1. 2. 3. 4. Section 2: Evaluate the three Grouping Scenarios 45 min Grouping Scenarios Protocol (.pdf) Kindergarten_ClassroomData (.pdf) FirstGrade_ClassroomData (.pdf) SecondGrade_ClassroomData(.pdf) Participants will use a Materials used: structured protocol to 1. Session 6: Making Classrooms Work: Grouping and Placement – examine and evaluate the PPT.ppt (Slides 10-11) benefits and barriers within 2. Session 6: Making Classrooms Work: Grouping and Placement – varied grouping options/scenarios. Handouts: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Section 3: Make and Justify Decision 30 min Grouping Scenarios Protocol (.pdf) Grouping Scenarios Description (.pdf) Kindergarten_ClassroomData (.pdf) FirstGrade_ClassroomData (.pdf) SecondGrade_ClassroomData(.pdf) Participants will select and Materials used: justify a grouping option as 1. Session 6: Making Classrooms Work: Grouping and Placement – a small group and then PPT.ppt (Slides 12-13) discuss/share among grade 2. Session 6: Making Classrooms Work: Grouping and Placement – level tables. Facilitator Preparation Handouts: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Grouping Scenarios Protocol (.pdf) Grouping Scenarios Description (.pdf) Kindergarten_ClassroomData (.pdf) FirstGrade_ClassroomData (.pdf) SecondGrade_ClassroomData(.pdf) Session Roadmap Section 1: Review and Summarize the Classroom Data Time: 15 minutes [15 minutes] In this section, you will… Materials used: 1. Become familiar with a classroom summary sheet 1. Session 6: Making Classrooms Work: Grouping and Placement – PPT.ppt (Slides 1-9) of data and determine variation in a case study 2. Session 6: Making Classrooms Work: Grouping and Placement – classroom’s assessment performance. Handouts: 1. 2. 3. 4. Time Slide #/ Pic of Slide Grouping Scenarios Protocol (.pdf) Kindergarten_ClassroomData (.pdf) FirstGrade_ClassroomData (.pdf) SecondGrade_ClassroomData(.pdf) Script/ Activity directions: (Please Note: Here we provide key ideas per slide. A full script is provided within the power point slides in the “Notes” view). GROUP Slide 2 Key Points: W 1. ORIENT participants to the goals of the session. 2. The goals of the session are to consider three options for grouping students within a ‘case study’ scenario of classroom data. 3. The three options are ones we have seen in the field. None are ideal but rather each has strengths and challenges. 4. The three options are also not the only options as you may come up with a hybrid approach. 5. The goal of this case is to systematically support you in thinking about the trade-offs that occur when you approach grouping in various ways. And we are focusing your attention, primarily, on tradeoffs that may occur in terms of CKLA preparation, organization, and implementation. 6. In other words, the approach to grouping influences how implementation will ‘look’ and each grouping option requires you to be thoughtful about different things/manage different challenges in order to stay with a high quality/high-fidelity implementation. Slide 3 Key Points: 1. The focus of this session will be to work in small groups to consider a classroom’s data and consider varied options for grouping that may be applied to your ‘case.’ 2. We are going to follow a very structured protocol and process to guide you through this exercise. Your Case: A Three-Step Process • Review the data • Evaluate as a team (4 people, 1 administrator) three possibilities for grouping • Make a final selection for a grouping strategy ©2013 Core Knowledge Foundation. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. 3 W Slide 4 Key Points: W 1. 2. 3. 4. Step 1: Your Data The tests given across the top help you understand the child’s performance. ©2013 Core Knowledge Foundation. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. 5 Slide 5 Let’s orient to a few things in your handout. HANDOUT: “[Grade level] Classroom data” There are classroom summaries of data for each grade. Each is set up the same way so consider your own grade as I walk you through this example. 5. The children are down the first column and the varied tests are across the top. 6. There is guidance to remind you of what the scores mean. Key Points: W Key Points: W Key Points: W 1. In the last column you see we have made grouping designations for you. 2. The group numbers we use follow the definitions for these groups as discussed in the CKLA program. Your Data The last column shows you the grouping ©2013 Core Knowledge Foundation. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. 6 Slide 6 1. For grades 1 and 2, the groups are discussed in more detail in the pages you have (from Session 5) on interpreting the placement assessments. 2. In K, because there is no formal placement test, we have given you more detail on your summary sheet of data regarding the groups. Individual Child Designations • In first and second grade, there are formal charts to help use assessment data • In K, the ‘group’ designation is more qualitative and based on trends of unit assessments ©2013 Core Knowledge Foundation. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. 7 Slide 7 1. Overall, however, the group definitions adhere to these definitions. General Guidance • Group 1: Child is well prepared (outstanding, strong) for the next step (e.g., in K for Unit 6; for 1st and 2nd, assessment determines how prepared child is for grade-level material) • Group 2: Child is adequately prepared for the next step (but may have some vulnerability and/or need targeted practice/targeted reinforcement to manage the next step) • Group 3: Child has questionable preparation for the next step. This child may require significantly slowing pace and/or may not be prepared for the grade-level material without significant support ©2013 Core Knowledge Foundation. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. 8 Slide 8 Key Points: W 1. Although the focus in this session is on ways to manage and organize children, given their grouping designations, it is worth taking a little time to make sure these groupings make sense. 2. It is a good reinforcement to understanding and interpreting the data you will have at the time of making these grouping decisions. Slide 9 Key Points: Step 1: Review the Data ©2013 Core Knowledge Foundation. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. 10 1. Following your class data is a structured protocol sheet you will use throughout this session. 2. HANDOUT: “Grouping Scenarios Protocol” 3. The first page asks you to examine your data sheet and answer a few questions. 4. It is good to select a few children in each group and track their scores to make sure you understand their designation. 5. For first and second grade, verify the group designation against the placement assessment interpretation sheet (from Session 5). 6. Now is a time to get them into grade-level groups and have an administrator join the teachers. 7. Give them about 10 minutes and then invite questions only before moving them into the next section of this activity. S Section 2: Evaluate the three Grouping Scenarios Time: 45 minutes [45 minutes] In this section, you will… Materials used: 1. Use a structured protocol to examine and evaluate 1. Session 6: Making Classrooms Work: Grouping and Placement – PPT.ppt (Slides 10-11) the benefits and barriers within varied grouping 2. Session 6: Making Classrooms Work: Grouping and Placement – options/scenarios. Handouts: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Time Slide #/ Pic of Slide Script/ Activity directions: (Please Note: Here we provide key ideas per slide. A full script is provided within the power point slides in the “Notes” view). Slide 10 10 Key Points: Step 2: Evaluate the Options ©2013 Core Knowledge Foundation. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Grouping Scenarios Protocol (.pdf) Grouping Scenarios Description (.pdf) Kindergarten_ClassroomData (.pdf) FirstGrade_ClassroomData (.pdf) SecondGrade_ClassroomData(.pdf) 11 1. This next part of the case study will be the most in depth. 2. We have described three ways that you may approach/manage the groups you have. 3. HANDOUT “Grouping Scenarios Description” 4. These approaches were derived from our observations in the field. These approaches are based on the assumption that you will have 3 groups of children to consider and manage. 5. Before we discuss how to work through these scenarios, lets take a few minutes to read through all the scenarios. 6. Invite questions only about clarifications on the scenarios. An alternative option is that you read each and provide some context/clarification as you present. GROUP I 35 Slide 11 Key Points: Step 2: Evaluate the Options ©2013 Core Knowledge Foundation. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. 12 1. We want you to work in your small groups to evaluate each of the three options. 2. You have a series of questions we want you to answer/work through for every scenario. 3. Our recommendation is that you complete all the questions related to the first grouping scenario and then systematically work through the second and then third scenario. 4. You will be using this information to create a grouping suggestion and justification, which you will need to present to other groups in your grade, so be sure to take notes or designate one person in your group to record notes. 5. You will want to provide some time cues every 10-12 minutes to ensure they are working through all the scenarios. 6. You may want to walk them through the example here to make sure they understand the structure of the handout. 7. An adoption if time is tight is that you have groups only evaluate one of the grouping options and then present to each other. Section 3: Make and Justify A Grouping Decision Time: 35 minutes [35 minutes] In this section, you will… 1. Select and justify a grouping option as a small group and then discuss/share among grade level tables. Materials used: 1. Session 6: Making Classrooms Work: Grouping and Placement – PPT.ppt (Slides 12-13) 2. Session 6: Making Classrooms Work: Grouping and Placement – Handouts: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Time Slide #/ Pic of Slide S Grouping Scenarios Protocol (.pdf) Grouping Scenarios Description (.pdf) Kindergarten_ClassroomData (.pdf) FirstGrade_ClassroomData (.pdf) SecondGrade_ClassroomData(.pdf) Script/ Activity directions: GROUP Slide 12 20 Key Points: Step 3: Make a Decision As a Team Individual Reflection ©2013 Core Knowledge Foundation. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. 15 Slide 13 Debrief ©2013 Core Knowledge Foundation. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. 13 S 1. We now want you to consider which of the three grouping options make the most sense to you. 2. Select one option and justify it based on the specific benefits you noted through your evaluation. 3. Be prepared to address key barriers and how you are managing these. 4. Create a large chart where you say your selection, key benefits/reasons for this approach, and acknowledge key barriers and your plan to minimize these challenges. 5. This chart will be used in your presentation in the next section of this activity. 6. You may want to work to show them a sample summary ‘chart’ to provide a model of how to create a summary sheet. Key Points: 1. We are going to debrief as a grade level. 2. Each grade level should have a facilitator, ideally, who can facilitate the presentations of the small groups. 3. The facilitator should ask the groups to present their grouping choice and rationale. If the group does not address ‘trade-offs’ or barriers that need managing, the facilitator should encourage questions from the audience or ask them to discuss what the trade-offs were that they addressed through their decisionmaking discussions. Use the following icons in the script to indicate different learning modes. Video Reflect on a prompt Active learning Turnkey Materials Provided: See handouts for lesson type checklists (blank for use during activity; completed to be reflected on after the activity). S Turn and talk Additional Suggested Resources