My Food Lesson Plan

Backward Design Lesson Plan Template
Teacher: Mohamed Mehanny
Grade level 6-9
Lesson title My food
Step 1—Desired Results
Standard Outcomes for Learning (ACTFL Standard 1.1)—Answer’s the question, what should students know,
understand, and be able to do as a result of the lesson? By the end of the lesson students will be able to:1-Recognize some vegetables and fruit in Arabic language.
2-Express their feeling towards the food in Arabic language.
3-Say a complete sentence expressing their favorite food using (I like…. or I do not like..) in a dialogue form.
4-play a game in pairs in front of the class room using the flyswatter to consolidate the target language.
5-Draw one of their favorite fruit or vegetables then write the sentence (I like or I do not like) below it, then stick on the
group wall poster.
6- Go on completing the Arabic personal book (a project-based activity) by adding a new personal sentence.
Step 2—Assessment Evidence
Performance task—What will students do to show what they have learned?
1- Students will recognize the new fruit and vegetable items by repeating and using the flash cards.
2- Students will say a different item to his\her neighbor in sequence (the item should be different to let the
game or the sequence go on).
3- Students play a game on the board in front of the class in pairs using the fly swatter by saying the
number of the item and the other one says the item itself in Arabic.
4- Students will express their feeling towards each kind of fruit or vegetables using the (I like…… and I do
not like ……….) in pair work activity.
5- Students start drawing their favorite item on a piece of paper and write the sentence below it in Arabic.
6- I will call the item then the students who like it stand up and say the sentence in a calling game activity
or (that’s me) activity.
7- Students check the sentence with their partners then they go and stick it on the group poster on the
8- At the end students will add a new sentence to their Arabic Personal Book project (project-based
activity which lets students collect their personal information in a small colored book).
Step 3—Learning Plan
Learning activities - Answer’s the question, how do I teach it?
1-I will start my lesson by the usual warm up using the tossing ball to review the seasons of the year.
2-I will ask them about the weather condition in each season.
3-I will start talking about food such as vegetables and fruit and when we get some of them I mean in
which season this fruit is grown.
4- Students will share me their ideas and backgrounds about the vegetables and fruit.
5- I will introduce some fruit and vegetables using some small cards and flash cards on the board.
6-I will classify the fruit and vegetables in to two groups so it will be easy to recognize the new items.
7-I will start with some common or international familiar fruit and vegetables such as potatoes or
8-Students will repeat in chorus and then individually the new item.
9-Students will take turns to tell their partners a different new item in a sequence activity.
10-Students will come in pairs to the front of the classroom to play a game using the flyswatter one
will say the number the other will say the item in Arabic.
11- I will teach them how to say I like and how to say I do not like then the item in Arabic.
12-Students will repeat how to say I like and I do not like according to their favorite items.
13-Students will tell their partners about what they like and what they do not like in Arabic.
14-I will share a game with my students by calling a taught food item then if a student likes it he
should stand up and say the sentence in Arabic.
15-Students will start drawing their favorite item in a piece of paper then write the sentence in Arabic
below it, then they can stick it on the group poster.
16- Students will take the chance to add a new sentence to their Arabic personal book (a project-based
What happened during my lesson? What did my students learn? How do I know?
What did I learn? How will I improve my lesson next time?
In this lesson I tried to teach another cross-cultural topic. This time is the food.
1-I discussed with them the relation between the previous topic the weather and the food.
2- I introduced the new words for them starting with the common fruit and vegetables (potatoes,
tomatoes, mango….)
3-Students repeat the new words then they play more than one game to practice them.
4-I taught them how to say I like and I do not like then the item in Arabic.
5-Students played another game by saying a sentence for the item they like or do not like in Arabic.
6-Students drew their favorite item in a piece of paper with writing the sentence below it then stick it
on the group poster.
7- Students added another sentence for their Arabic personal book.
My students learnt:
1-Some items of fruit and some items of vegetables in Arabic.
2-How to say I like and I do not like in then the item in Arabic.
3-How to write the sentence for their favorite item under their drawing.
4-Anew sentence for their Arabic personal Book.
I know how my students learnt when
1-I found my students are encouraged to play the game.
2-I found them express the food they like and the food they do not like in Arabic.
3-I found them drew their favorite item and wrote the sentence below it.
I learnt from this lesson
1- It worked well when I share my students playing a game to practice on the target language.
2- Students like doing different activities in learning new issue.
3- Using colors and drawing helped a lot to get the outcomes of the lesson.
I will improve my lesson next time by
1-Focusing on the activities that draw student’s attention.
2-Coming up with new games to involve all students.
3-Students time should be longer than this time to give them a chance to practice the target language.
4-Internet search should be included to help interested students get more about the taught topic as a
further practice.
Adapted from Tomlinson and McTighe, Integrating Differentiated Instruction + Understanding by Design, ASCD,